Medley of Misery

By: Libitina

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, nor do I claim to.

Warnings: For future chapters; Probably a bit of everything bad.

Notes: Alternate Universe. Things are quite separate from the real show. The only thing that remains remotely the same is the characters. Please keep this in mind. Things are set in a universe very similar to Gundam Wing. My other favorite series. No GW characters will be appearing, however, so don't hold your breath (or run in fear, depending on your taste). For the most part I've made a few characters Gundam pilots, and put the rest on colonies and just sat back to see how it took shape. I have taken some liberties with character descriptions. Sometimes because I wasn't sure of eye color, or height, age, etc. Other times simply because I felt like it.

Also, certain characters (who shall remain nameless) have no last names so I have taken the liberty of giving them one... as well as some middle names as well.