OCTOBER 4th, 1986
Rokkenjima Island


I welcome you to Rokkenjima in the name of Ushiromiya Kinzo. I am his chosen representative, Beatrice.

Many years ago, I granted Kinzo-sama great wealth, and since that day I have acted as he willed. But the time has long passed for me to step down and leave this island. I have been formally released from service by Kinzo-sama, and he has returned all I have given him, including the seal of the One Winged Eagle used to seal this letter.

By the original contract, my last task should be to test those gathered here today. If you had failed, none would have been left alive, but if one had managed to solve the Goldsmith's riddle, I would have gifted you all of the gold I granted him, along with my congratulations.

Alas, though no one has come forward to claim their prize, the riddle has already been solved, and the gold has been scattered to the winds.

By all rights, your lives are mine.

But it does not soundly fulfill my contract with the Goldsmith to leave things at this. As such, I have taken the liberty to change the rules- for your benefit.

I have a new trial for you, descendants of gold. A trial not of the mind, but of the heart.

Many of you present hold a darkness inside of you, secrets you leave to fester in your heart. Secrets that will blacken your souls, yet that seems the better choice when the alternative is letting the world see you for what you are.

I will take those secrets in payment for gold.

Thirteen of you will be chosen, and when you have been selected you must assemble everyone before my portrait and confess your sin. Confess, and repent. Everyone present, in turn, must find it in their hearts to forgive you.

If you can offer me your thirteen confessions before the stroke of midnight tomorrow, you will all share in the riches that follow.

If you cannot, then all you shall share is a grave.

I pray this exercise brings the Ushiromiya family happiness and peace.

- The Golden Witch Beatrice