A Bird in the Hand:

Jack Drake was four things for certain. A millionaire. A psychotic criminal. An actor. And, supposed to be dead. Jack may seem scatter brained and low-key bipolar, but he's more cunning than meets the eye. It's up in the air whether the abuse of his son was part of the plan. No one really knows why the sudden incline in Drake In. And lately, the new villain on the street is shaking up more trouble than anyone Batman's ever faced. Jack Drake may just be the worst thing to ever hit Gotham's streets.

A Keyless Birdcage:

Arkham Asylum was bad. Very bad. But they say Pennhurst is Arkham's mean older brother. After convincing Bruce to let him go, Tim and his older brothers infiltrate the prison in hopes of getting answers and clearing their own names. But Pennhurst isn't just a prison. And the men who run it aren't just men. Tim will find that he's signed up for a mission he may not be able to walk out of.

All the Same to Me:

The bat-family was so dangerous because even without powers, they could do the impossible. Over and over again have they saved the planet and the Justice League. An accident though makes the improbable, a reality, and the family gets powers. Now, they must learn to navigate them while trying to keep it from the world.

Got Your Back:

Tim wakes after a fight with the Riddler with no memory of how he'd gotten into the dark alleyway he found himself in. His brothers have no idea either, but they're determined to make their way home despite the black hole eating all of Gotham. The nightmares never cease as one by one, Tim's brothers fall, and ultimately he finds that despite how different he is from them all, they've always got his back.

In the Name of Justice:

When Jason goes missing, there is sudden unrest in the criminal underworld. All clues say the lowlifes and scumbags of the city know what happened to him, but no one's talking, afraid of some higher power with deep pockets and even deeper roots in the city. Dick and Tim are assigned to go undercover, build themselves a name in the underworld, and find Jason. But as time goes on, they may be too good at being bad…

Tricks of the Trade:

Becoming Robin was a tireless journey that never ended. Full of blood, bruises, scratches, scrapes, and scars, Tim's second thinking his gung-ho involvement in the bat-family. After all, he's got several very serious phobias. When Batman leaves Gotham on a mission, Dick decides it's time to show his brother the tricks of the trade.

Whatever You Say:

When the Justice League get into an argument over who has the best sidekicks, a bet is made and the gloves are removed. Batman's always been above such childish games, but this time, he can't help but be roped in, and in order to settle the score, he bets his children's competence. But, he overlooked one thing: they're his children. And how often does his children follow his rules?

Off Season:

Candid shots of the bat-family and Wayne's told from the perspective of civilians.

Gotta Love Me Anyway:

Everyone knew the famous power couple Nightwing and Starfire. They were both literally beautiful, but they also were beautiful on the inside. That is, when they weren't being total control freaks. Their fame made living in the shadows that much easier for Tim and Starfire's new-found brother, Ryan. Being grounded and housebound on Saturday was literal torture, not that Tim had somewhere to go. And usually, he'd abide by those rules. But, every now and then, younger brothers come out from the shadows and cause a little mayhem.

A Loss of Control

He had been young when Bruce Wayne had taken him in, which was why he didn't remember those six months that he had gone missing. Six months of unaccounted for memory loss. But one thing was clear, those nightmares didn't start until Slade showed up. He had never been more determined to catch a villain before. He was obsessed with catching that man. But he was also afraid. More afraid than he ever remembered being. And somehow, he knew that masked man knew more than he let on.

Birds of a Feather:

Dick is a ruthless, strong, and fearless leader. He is brave and never thinks twice about getting done what needs to be done. Sacrificing his friends for a distraction or allowing them to get a few bumps and bruises is part of the job. But when Batman goes missing, his younger brother Tim must come and stay with him, revealing a loving and caring side of dick the team has never seen. But now that Tim's left Gotham, it seems Gotham has followed him. Its beginning to make more and more sense that the reason Batman went missing was to protect Tim, but somehow got caught himself. Now, Dick must lead his team and younger brother on a mission to find the Dark Knight and free his brother from whatever cage he's gotten himself trapped in.

Broken Realities:

Starfire changed the past, and now she's desperately trying to fix it so that her future will still hold true. And if being lost in time wasn't enough, meeting Robin in multiple realities is enough to make her head spin. She'll need the help of all of her friends though, in every reality, if she's going to make it back to the home she remembered.


It was wrong from the start, but he couldn't deny the exhilaration. He couldn't deny that it felt good to be chased after. To be longed for. Small flirts here and there to keep her going. Keep her interested. But he was getting careless, fell into routine, and one could only chase for so long.

Hard to Come By:

When Robin gets a call saying his brother may be in danger, he goes back to Gotham immediately. The Titans follow him without a second thought. But Gotham is very different than Jump City, and when weird things start to happen that even Batman can't figure out, Robin may find that his friends would rather leave him and go back to the city.

Shielded Hearts:

Tamaranians have a shielded heart. It takes a lot for them to let another in. But once they do, that person literally becomes a part of them. The more they love the person, the deeper that person becomes a part of their well being. Dick Grayson reached deeper into Kori's than could ever be possible, which is why the moment he broke up with her, her world changed. Her memory gone, heart cold, and instincts dimmed, she searches the galaxy, looking for her home, brother, and sister. Dick realizes too late that he's made an enormous mistake letting the girl he loves go, so he enlisted the Titans to find her. When he does, he's met with a woman he doesn't know and must convince her, not only to return to earth, but to stay with him as well.

Just Roll with It:

Beast Boy is transported to another dimension where he must attend school in order to reunite with his friends and return home.