Prompt for OQonHoliday. Robin takes Regina camping and she hates it (4)

Robin knew this was the last thing she wanted to do, she'd told him time and time again how much she hated camping, but he loved it and in the time they had been together he hadn't had the chance to do it once.

She'd chosen the vacation last year and he only wanted them to go camping for a few days. They would be alone together in the woods, they'd dropped Summer and Lola off with her parents.

"I really hope you're not planning to kill me," she joked, rolling her eyes, "luring me out into the woods for me to meet my maker."

"I hadn't planned it, but now you mention it that would be a good way to bump you off."

"Shut up," she chuckled as he pulled the car up and turned off the engine. "This is it? This is where we're camping?"

"Ah, no. First, we hike," he grinned, hopping out of the car and moving to the trunk to take out their bags. He hauled his backpack into place and watched Regina as she stared at hers in what he could only describe as disbelief.

"You expect me to carry that thing and go for a hike at the same time?" She scoffed, making out as though she were going to kick it. It was only then that he spotted her footwear, flimsy flip flops weren't going to get her very far hiking in the woods, especially when he decided to take her to the most beautiful spot in Maine.

"It's not even all that heavy, I put most of the heavy things in mine, all you're carrying is a couple of blankets and clean clothes. Oh and the snacks."

"What about you, what are you carrying?"

He grinned and shook his head as he pulled out an old pair of walking boots she'd begrudgingly bought when he forced her to go on a hike with him. It was safe to say Regina wasn't really a hiking person, he knew she would much prefer a spa day, or a holiday where she had to do absolutely nothing. That was why he wasn't putting her through this "torture" for too long. "Put these on, you'll break an ankle in those flimsy sandals. As for what I'm carrying, I have the tent, the stove, the crockery, the actual food, first aid kit and pretty much every single other thing you can think of related to camping and hiking."

"Really? You brought those disgusting things?" She scoffed, perching on the edge of his trunk as she kicked off the flip flops and pulled on some walking socks, followed by the boots she claimed to hate so much.

"Yes, forgive me if I don't want to be treating you for a broken ankle in the middle of nowhere."

"At least you'd be qualified," she grumbled, standing up and moving to pick up the rucksack that he had for her to carry, "how am I even supposed to get this thing on?"

Robin watched her struggle with the bag for a couple of seconds before lifting it up and depositing it on her back, making her slump a little from the weight. He knew she was being melodramatic, yeah, she was small but it really wasn't all that heavy, not to mention how strong she was for someone her size. "Right, now clip it at the front and we're all set."

She did as she was told before looking to the car and then back to the woods, "are you sure that the car is safe there?"

"Yes, come on, let's go, no more excuses, we need l get to the site before it gets dark."

"Dark?! Are you serious? It's only ten in the morning, how long is it going to take us to walk there?"

He spotted the murderous look in her eyes and opted to put her out of her misery and stop the teasing, preferably before she either tried to hurt him or called a cab home. "Joking, it's not that far, just a little hike, unless you want to pitch your tent next to someone else?"

"No thank you, let's go then. Make sure you lock the car, the last thing we need is it getting stolen from this dirty parking lot, if you can even call it a parking lot."

"Aww come on Gina, you're going to love this trip. It's also an opportunity for us to have some alone time," he winked, locking the car before sliding the keys into the pocket of his coat. It wasn't often that they had time just the two of them without Summer, not that he was complaining. His daughter was his pride and joy, it was just nice to have time just the two of them sometimes.

Regina just gave him a slight smile as they headed off into the woods. Robin on the other hand was worried that he'd made a mistake in bringing her on the trip.

They'd been walking for almost half an hour when Regina simply stopped walking and turned to look at him, her eyes narrowing pensively. "Haven't we passed that already?" She asked, looking at a tree with suspicion, "are we walking around in circles? Do you even know where we are supposed to be going?"

"Yes, I know where we are going and no, we're not walking around in circles. It's a tree Regina, some trees can look pretty similar especially if they are from the same family." She was just trying another excuse for them to turn back, but unluckily for her, he knew exactly where he was going.

"Hardy har, very funny, but I swear I saw that tree, it had the same kind of bumps."

"I can promise you that we are going the right way, I know exactly how to get there. Trust me, I wouldn't be leading us into the middle of the woods if I didn't."

"Hmm," she huffed, going quite for a moment before speaking up once again, "so, how much further is it until we can set up the tent?"

"About an hour or so," he shrugged, he already knew exactly where he was going to prop up the tent and he had a feeling that no one else had discovered the spot which meant that they would have all the privacy in the world to do as they pleased. Robin tangled his fingers with hers, pulling her closer to his side and offering her a mischievous smirk.

"What's that look about?" Regina asked, clearly fighting the smile that wanted to make its way onto her face.

"Well, think about it, the further we go away from the car, the further away from everyone else we are."

He watched as her eyes widened and her mouth fell open in surprise, "really? You want to… in the…" she grinned, biting down on her bottom lip and glancing down at her feet, "you want to do it in the middle of the woods?"

"We won't be disturbed by crying babies and phone calls from the hospital, that annoying crying neighbourhood tom cat who stalks Lola…"

"That's true," she nodded. He saw the bored look she had been sporting before his comment disappear only to be replaced with the same mischief he could only assume was written on his own face. "Maybe I underestimated how exciting this trip could be."

"I think that you definitely did."

Just as he'd said, an hour later they arrived at a clearing in the woods which opened up to reveal the base of a beautiful waterfall. He watched as Regina's eyes widened in surprise, "this is surprisingly lovely," she admitted, dropping her back pack off and nearly falling backwards with the weight of it. He stifled a laugh and took it from her, lying it against a rock as he took his own off.

"What did I tell you?" he winked, taking the tent out of his bag and preparing the area that he was going to set it up in. It wouldn't take him too long to do, but he'd thought that he'd surprise her by bringing an inflatable mattress, that way at least she wasn't actually sleeping on the forest floor as she thought she would be.

"Do you need help with that?" she asked from where she'd found a seat by the pool of clear water.

"No, you just keep your feet up and sit there your majesty, I'll see to the erection of our nightly dwellings."

"Really?" Regina snickered, "are you really bringing that game with you into the forest?"

"I don't know what you're talking about my Queen," he grinned, looking back at the tent that he was beginning to assemble. It had been a while since they'd done a bit of role play and he had to admit that he certainly enjoyed it when they did.

"Robin," she laughed, standing up and taking the other end of the tent in her hands, "so how do we… erect… this tent?"

"With little difficulty," he groaned, her tone was driving him crazy and he knew she had done it on purpose, she was wanting a reaction out of him and she was certainly going to get one by talking to him like that. "We need to shove these long poles into the holes and make sure that they are all the way in… why are you looking at me like that?"

"Who knew putting up a tent was so dirty," Regina smirked wickedly, taking hold of one of the poles and running it through her hands before starting to feed it through one of the holes as he had instructed her to do. It seemed that the mention of potential sex had completely changed her mood and he certainly wasn't complaining, not in the slightest.

"Obviously not you considering this is the first time you have ever put up a tent."

"And probably the last."

"Oh, I dunno, if this trip goes well you might be wanting a repeat performance, especially after tonight," he grinned, threading one of the poles through to her, he was so focused on the expression on her face that he nearly ended up poking her in the eye, "shit, Regina, did that actually scratch you?" He dropped his side of the tent and hurried around to her, noticing a small pink gash on the side of her cheek, "I'm sorry."

"You nearly blinded me."

"Well, you shouldn't be so damn sexy should you," he scoffed, pouring some of his water onto a tissue before holding it against the reddish mark. "Its not too serious, just a small scratch luckily."

"Good job I'm up to date with my tetanus isn't it," she scoffed, batting his hand away as she reached out for the pole that had hit her and secured it in place. "Now, finish putting the tent up."

"Right yeah." He needed to remember in future to concentrate more on what he was doing and less on Regina distracting him with her hotness. The way she was acting somewhat reminded him of before they got together and it was a goddamn turn on because it just made him want her even more. The difference now though was that he knew that she actually wanted him, that she was in love with him, compared to back then when he'd thought for a long time that his feelings were unrequited.

It didn't take him much longer to assemble the tent and once he had done he moved over to his bag and took out the air bed and the foot pump, "what's that?"

"That is what I'm going to use to blow up your bed."

Her expression softened as she smiled and shook her head, "don't you just think about everything."

"I do try."

"You do very well and your thoughtfulness is extremely attractive."

Robin grinned at her as he began blowing up the bed, that part took longer than it had taken to put the tent up, but it was worth it because he knew it would most likely make her happy, his back also wouldn't protest to the distance between it and the hard forest floor. He placed the airbed inside the tent and left Regina to sort it from there as he moved onto assembling other things such as what they were going to be eating.

He emptied a few of their things out into the tent before putting everything else they would need back in his rucksack, he knew that she probably wasn't going to like having to walk yet again, but it was all part of his plan. However, all plans slipped from his mind when she emerged from the tent without a shred of clothing on her body. He swallowed heavily, his mouth going dry as his gaze swept up and down her form. "Fuck me," he groaned.

"That was the plan," she replied, biting down on her bottom lip as she moved towards him, resting her hand against his chest and playing with the buttons on his shirt, "I thought maybe we could go for a swim," Regina smiled seductively as she gestured towards the clear pool at the bottom of the waterfall.

"That sounds like an amazing idea," screw everything else, he was going skinny-dipping with his fiancée, there was time for walks later, right now she was stood naked in front of him and that was too good of an offer to pass up on. Before he even knew it, with her assistance, he'd stripped himself of all his clothes and had Regina's bare skin pressed up against his own, "ever been skinny dipping before?"

"This would be the first time," she whispered, her breath washing over his lips and urging him to wrap his arms around her, picking her up under her ass so she had her legs wrapped around his hips as he carried her towards the water, "and I think I'm going to thoroughly enjoy it."

"That makes two of us," Robin agreed, stopping by the side of the pool and reluctantly lowering her back to the ground. He watched her as she dipped her toes in the water and shuddered, "cold?"

"Just a little, but nothing I can't deal with."

She sat down on the rocky bank and slipped into the water, swimming further out. He closed his eyes and shook his head; the water was so clean and clear that he could clearly see her body as she moved. He needed to hold her and feel her wet skin all over him. Without a second thought he dove into the pool and hurried towards her, coming up and wrapping his arms around her as he stood up and resumed the position they had been in before they reached the side of the water.

Her skin was so silky and smooth under his fingers and she was just completely mesmerising, the way she looked at him had him in a trance. He reached out to tuck her soaked hair behind her ear and shook his head, his eyes not moving from hers, "you're so bloody beautiful," he breathed, brushing his thumb over the area underneath her eye, grazing over the slight scratch that was still there.

They just stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity before Regina made the first move, claiming his lips with her own, kissing him with a fire that represented the passion they both felt.

After an extremely satisfying session in the pool, they both dried off and changed into fresh clothes. Regina sat on a rock watching him as she rubbed her hair with a towel, he could feel her eyes on him as he double checked that they had everything they needed in his backpack. "You're staring," he stated without even looking up at her.

"I was just thinking how hot and sexy you looked all covered in water, your chest was just…" she moaned as if finishing her sentence.

Robin laughed and shook his head at her as he stood up and pulled on his backpack, "well, you were just as hot and sexy, but right now I need to concentrate on something other than that if I want to get us to where we need to go."

"What? We're going somewhere else? Why? You set the tent up here, I thought we were just staying put now."

"We're leaving the tent here, but I have a surprise for you and I need you to come with me on this mini hike. I promise its not too far away and its totally worth it," he grinned, holding his hand out to her, "you don't even have to carry anything."

"Fine," she rolled her eyes, taking his hand as she stood up from the rock she'd been perched upon.

Robin knew that the impromptu pool session had disrupted the plan for the evening and they were going to have to walk a little faster than he intended if they wanted to get to the place in good time. He picked up the pace a little, tugging gently on her arm to encourage her to do the same.

"Are we nearly there yet?" Regina asked, about an hour later.

"Yes, I promise, we're so close to being there." He wrapped his arm around her as they came up over the top of a hill and the land suddenly opened out to reveal the whole valley below them.

Regina's eyes widened as she took in the view, "wow," she gasped.

"Told you it would be worth it."

"Yes, you did," she nodded as Robin laid down a picnic rug for them both to sit down on as he took food out of the bag and passed some to her. "Seems as though we're just in time for the sunset, you planned that didn't you?"

"Of course," Robin grinned, resting his chin on his shoulder as he took a bite of his sandwich. They ate in a comfortable silence as they watched the beautiful colours fill the sky. When the sun had gone down and the sky was beginning to turn dark they quickly packed up and headed back to the place where they'd left the tent, making their way through the forest by torch light.

Robin felt Regina cling onto him extra tight and he could sense nervousness flooding from her, she was scared and to be honest he could see why. It was almost pitch black in the forest and the night time animals would be beginning to surface. They caught sight of the trail of little solar lights he'd left outside the tent and he heard Regina's sigh of relief at being back.

She unzipped the tent and moved inside with him hot on her heels, he closed it behind her and turned on an electric lantern in the corner of the room to relieve them of some of the darkness. He watched as Regina removed her clothes and slipped into a silky night dress she'd brought with her before climbing into bed, "hurry up and get in Robin, my ass is touching the ground and I need you to balance out the mattress."

Robin chuckled to himself before ridding himself of everything except his boxers and climbing in next to Regina, working to push her up like a seesaw as his own ass now touched the ground whilst her lighter body was suspended. "Comfy?"

"Yes actually," she grinned, rolling over and curling up against him, her lips grazing over his jaw before moving down to his neck and suddenly straddling his lap, "extremely comfortable." She licked a line up his clavicle, pressing kisses across his shoulders before heading down his chest, her fingertips running over his abs, sucking and kissing his skin as he closed his eyes and moved his hand down to brush through her hair.

"I need your lips."

"Where?" Regina breathed.

"On mine." Now was not the time for foreplay, they had been teasing each other ever since they arrived at the spot to watch the sunset and now he felt as though he might explode if he didn't have her. She moved back up, not missing an inch of skin as she went before coming to his lips, her eyes still staring into his, dark chocolate pools sparkling with lust in the dim light.

She ravaged his lips, her tongue slipping between them to explore his mouth as her hands brushed over his chest, making their way down to where he was hard and throbbing for her. He needed her so much. His own hands found the hem of her chemise and he quickly pulled it up over her head, revealing her body to him. She looked down at him, her expression one filled with desire. "I need you inside me," she groaned, her fingers linking around his boxers so she could push them down.

As soon as he was bare she rubbed herself over his cock, allowing him to feel her wetness, he thrust up at the sensation, she was warm and dripping, totally ready to take him. He was about to push inside her when they heard a noise outside the tent and she froze still, staring at him in the near darkness, "what was that?" she whispered, her eyes wide and her hands pushing against his chest.

"I don't know," he breathed, remaining silent, he'd definitely heard something, but he wasn't entirely sure what it was, "it was probably nothing," he shook his head, finding her lips once again, wanting to continue what they'd begun.

She moaned against his lips, her fingers wrapping around his erection, but as soon as they'd started up again she froze, "did you hear that?"

"I didn't hear anything," he shrugged but was cut off by a howling sound, "oh, that."

"What is it? A wolf?"

"There aren't wolves in Maine anymore, its probably a coyote or something, don't worry it won't bother us."

"Are you sure? What if it smells something?"

He had to hold back his laughter, but he knew that coyotes weren't likely to attack humans, it was an extremely rare occurrence. There was no way it would happen with them inside the tent, "babe, don't worry about it, come on. Please I need…"

"Okay," she nodded, resuming their kissing, he could tell that the animals outside were getting further away and that was something he was severely thankful for, he really didn't need them cock blocking him, he already had blue balls as it was. She was being rougher than usual and he certainly wasn't complaining. At home they couldn't really just let lose anymore, not when the house was so small and their daughter's bedroom was right next door to theirs. Their wild sex life had been put somewhat on hold by Summer's birth, but seemingly Regina was eager for them to get back there.

His ass was touching the ground due to the weight on the air bed, but that was the last of his concerns, he was more caught up in his gorgeous lover. Regina's hand was back on his cock, sliding him through her folds and whimpering as he bumped against her clit. She was becoming more desperate, her lips sucking on his neck in a way that he knew was going to leave a deep purple mark come morning. "Fuck I love you," he groaned, hearing her sexy laugh as she positioned the tip of his cock at her entrance and lowered onto him.

"Oh my god, you feel so good," she hummed, her eyes closing as she rocked against him. He'd been inside her only a couple of hours ago, yet he completely missed the feel of her tight sex around his dick. Her hands went to his shoulders as she picked up the pace, fucking him into the mattress, rolling her hips and lifting up to take him inside her harder. "Fuck, Robin."

At the sound of his name he was gone, he lifted her and flipped them around, pressing her against the bed as he picked up the pace, almost slamming into her as she cried out in pleasure, her legs wrapping around his back to let him enter her deeper. He buried his head in her neck, kissing her as he made his way to her lips, still fucking her at a crazy pace that had them bother tittering on the edge.

He was getting close and could feel that she was as well, her walls were fluttering around him in a teasing manner, squeezing his cock as he was almost throbbing with pleasure, working towards both their releases. He carried on thrusting, his hands moving to the space either side of her face so that he could hold himself up and put more power behind his strokes. Regina wrapped her arms around him as well as her legs and he felt her bite down on his shoulder. That was it, one last hard thrust later and he was coming inside her as she came around him. At the exact same time there was a loud popping sound, but he couldn't give a damn, he simply buried his face against her neck, trying to catch his breath back.

Her fingers were trailing up and down his spine as she let out a hum of satisfaction, "what was that noise?" she asked, her voice taking on a tone which suggested that she didn't really care what it was because she was still coming down from her mind shattering orgasm.

"I don't know and I don't really care," he chuckled, rolling from on top of her and hearing a hissing sound come from the mattress. They both remained silent and just listened to the sound of air escaping as they began to sink.

"No," she shook her head, a giggle escaping her lips, "did we pop the bed?"

"I think that is a distinct possibility," he nodded, laughing as he pulled her into his arms as she surrendered to fits of laughter, her head resting against his shoulder.

"I can't believe we actually did that."

"I can, it was amazing."

"It was amazing," she agreed, humming contentedly against him as her eyes flickered closed, "and tiring."

"I take it you won't be wanting a second round," he joked.

"Maybe later," she whispered sleepily, moving in to place a soft kiss on his lips, "I love you."

"I love you too."

The next morning Robin awoke to what felt like a smack to the chest, he groaned and rubbed his eyes. Sitting up he looked at Regina who was staring at him with a furious expression on her face, she was soaked the skin and he realised that she wasn't the only one, what the actual hell was going on? "Okay what was that for?"

"I'm drenched!" she yelled splashing him with the muddy water that had spilled into their tent, "why am I wet Robin?"

"You're turned on?"

"Shut up, please be serious for once in your life. Why is everything soaked?"

"I'm as clueless as you are," Robin groaned, feeling an ache in his back from sleeping on the soggy deflated mattress. He stretched out hearing his back crack as he moved to see why they were currently lying in three inches of water. He unzipped the flap and peered outside, noticing that water was flooding over the rocky boundary of the waterfall pool as rain fell from the sky. "The waterfall has flooded," he stated, coming back inside and looking to Regina who was sat cross legged on the remnants of their bed.

Regina was scratching her arms fiercely, "I'm being bitten," she spat, he fought back the laugh that was threatening to spill from his lips, she looked so funny and angry. She was completely drenched and her arms were red and blotchy, the expression on her face was murderous, "Robin don't you dare!"

"What did I do?"

"Don't you dare laugh! I can see it on your face, you're laughing!" she pointed at him.

His mouth was literally trembling as he sucked his lips inside his mouth and shook his head, "I'm not," he snickered.

"I hate you!" she yelled, tossing a soggy blanket at him before taking her shirt off and finding a dry jumper from her backpack. Once she was changed into dry clothes she pulled her boots on and stormed out of the tent, tripping over one of the poles in the process and landing face down in that mud.

Robin's laughter stopped when he noticed she was actually crying as she sat up and wiped the mud from her face, "are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" she asked, her voice way too calm for his liking.

"Okay, well. Why don't you go clean up, I'll take the tent down and we can head home?"

"That sounds like the first good idea you've had in the past two days."

Once they reached the car Regina got in and slammed the door behind her as she fastened her seat belt. Robin got in as well and sighed, turning to look at her, "well, this went badly on so many levels," he stated. Now not only had Regina been bitten, but he had been too and he hated to admit it but his arms were on fire.

Regina was staring out of the windshield, her nails scratching the red bites on her arms. He knew she was ignoring him and sighed as he reached out and tucked her muddy hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry it was such a failure."

"It was hardly your fault," she huffed, "you just wanted us to have a good time, how were you supposed to know it would rain and that there would be mosquitoes? Although, just to be clear, the next time you want us to have some alone time, book a hotel, not a flood risk area in the middle of nowhere with a tiny tent and flimsy air bed that pops with the slightest action."

Robin chuckled and shook his head, "I'll remember that, the sex was still good though."

He saw a smirk smile tug at the corner of her lips as she rested back in her seat, "hmm, it was."

"Check the glove box," he quipped, gesturing towards the compartment.

She did as she was told and took out the piece of paper he'd left in there, "are you serious?!" she asked, a massive smile lighting up her entire face, "a spa and hotel?!"

"Thought you might like that," Robin laughed. He'd known that at the end of a camping trip she would want nothing more than to relax and chill out. That was why he'd organised with her mother to have Summer for a little longer so they could head straight there after their time in the woods, "it looks like we'll be needing it more than I thought."

"Thank you," she grinned leaning over and kissing him tenderly.

"Am I forgiven for the disastrous camping trip?"

"Just about," she nodded, "but we are still never going camping again, if you want to go, you're going alone."

"I think I can deal with that."