The video began with a close-up of a blonde girl in her late teens. She awkwardly raised one hand and gave a small wave. "Hey, it's Momo. So, uh… first of all, thanks for watching my new video! I know you guys are probably excited to hear the new song, but I want to talk about it a little first. This one's… pretty personal for me.
"It was written by my brother, actually. He's always been a pretty smart guy, and I think he's made a good song. And, well… he's part of what I wanted to talk about. See, growing up the two of us didn't have much in common. The two of us never got along. He didn't get along with anyone, really, until high school. He made a few friends there, but after he lost them, he…
"I didn't do any better, though. I always wanted people's attention, but I never really knew how to connect with them. That all changed last summer. We weren't really looking for anything, but we ended up getting involved in a really weird… incident. We met a lot of people who were like us. It was one of the first times I really had friends. That sounds really sappy, doesn't it? But it's kind of true.
"And then, as fast as it all came, it was just gone. We split up. It was like we all just forgot about everything that happened. Except my brother. I think he's been trying to get everyone back together. He wasn't sure how to tell them. Most of them, we don't even know how to contact. So, when he said he had a message for them? I told him he should just send the message everywhere, and then you're sure to reach them.
"And, if there's one thing I'm good at, it's getting people to listen. That's what this whole song is. What you guys meant to the two of us. We're getting back together tomorrow. You remember our old place, right? We'll be waiting there.
Drumsticks tapped together, the guitars came in, and Momo began to sing.
Author's Note: I'm following up on some ideas for how to improve your creativity. I figured this one would be short and sweet. It's a little shorter than I thought it would be, but oh well. Merry Christmas!