In case you didn't notice the title this is the old version of Vitra te Ikran. Since writing this I've rewritten the story, which can be found in the series or in my works. Any and all work I do on Vitra te Ikran from now on will be on the new version, meaning that the old version can be considered ABANDONED. Please don't ask for updates for this story. If you like it so much then please go see the new version which is still a work in progress.

A warning to new readers: This is SLASH. You have been warned. Please don't send any messages complaining about it. If you don't like it don't read it. Any other response is childish, petty, and will be met with utter indifference. I honestly, seriously, do not care if you don't like slash or have some other deep personal problem with my writing. Suck it up and read something else.

As always if there's anything that stands out that you particularly liked, or any areas you think could use work please don't hesitate to leave a comment. In fact I encourage you to. There's nothing better as a writer than hearing people like your work, even more so when you say which bit you liked. Don't be shy! I love to hear from you guys.

"Ok, lets run through them again," Dr. Augustine insisted, shoving hologram pad infront of his face. Shown on the pad a was a image of one of the Na'vi. They were entering the pod room, where the devices that let you enter your avatar body were held and operated, and Grace was quizing him on the names and faces of the Na'vi he needed to know.

"Mo'at. The dragon lady."

The pad disapperaed from view for a moment before reappearing infront of him, this time with a differet image, this one of the chief guy.

"Atucan" He answered after a moment's hesitation.

"Eytukan. Hes the clan leader, but shes the spritual leader. Like a shaman."

"Got it."

The pad disappeared off to the side again, and Jake took the opportunity to shift himself into the foamy inside of the pod, but before he could pull his legs in it appeared again. Tsu'tey's glaring face stared out athim from the surface of the pad. That one was easy, the guy hated his guts.


" Tsu'tey." Grace corrected with a scowl.

" Tsu'tey." Jake parroted obediantly.

"He'll be the next clan leader."

The pad beeped as Grace switched to the next picture, this one of Neytiri, her luminous golden eyes staring out at him from the glassy surface of the pad. He took the pad from Dr. Augustine and held it in front of him, staring into it.


Grace made an affirming noise before continuing. "She'll be the next Tsahik. They would've become a mated pair if it hadn't been for Isonali te Hufwe."

"Iso te what?" Jake asked, sending Grace a questioning look as he hoisted his legs into the pod. Norm was standing at the end of the pod, leaning with one arm against it and he huffed a scarcastic laugh at Jake's question.

"Isonali te Hufwe, or Isonali of Wind. He's the clan's top flyer and aerial hunter. The best they've ever had, apparently. The Omaticaya say he has the soul of an Ikran that was misplaced and put into the body of one of the Na'vi, thats how good he is. You'd know this if you'd had any training what so ever." Norm scoffed.

"Who's got a date with the chief daughter?" Jake asked in reply before turning away from Norm and towards Dr. Augustine. "Anyway what'd he do? Mate with Neytiri?"

Grace gave him a look that told him how much of an idiot she thought he was, though it was a bit softer than when they had first met. Those glares were so intense they could have melted ice.

"No, he didn't mate with Neytiri"

Jake was worried that he felt somewhat relieved when he heard this, it really wasn't a good sign.

"Then what did he do?"

"Ask him your self." Was Dr. Augustine's reply. "Lets go, village life starts early."

He took the hint and lay down, letting her bring down the light frame-like device that lay over him and monitored his body while he was in the avatar. Just before the lid came down Grace came over, putting her hands on the side of the pod and leaning over him.

"Don't do anything unusually stupid."

Jake just smiled and reached up a hand, using it to give the lid the small pull it needed to slide closed above him with a small click, enclosing him in a world of green foam for the few second it took the technicians to activate the pod and send his mind into the spectrum of colour that was his link with his avatar.