Third Person P.O.V.

Jackson sat in his car for a minute, windows down, catching the soft scent of forest, honey, and surprisingly fries. As soon as he caught scent of it, he nearly went crazy getting out of his car to look for the scent. The only thing holding him back was when Danny saw him breezing by, and grabbed his bicep to stop him.

Jackson spun, glaring at who had stopped him from finding the source of the scent. "Jackson, dude, are you okay? You look conflicted."

"Huh, uh yeah. I'm fine, nothing's wrong. Uh, I was just a little distracted." Danny didn't look convinced, but couldn't say anything when the bell rang right after.

"Alright, let's go, I don't want to be late for Harris' class." Jackson nodded numbly, cursing the Hawaiian for stopping him from finding the scent that was driving him insane.

He sat in class unable to concentrate and nearly jerked up in surprise when the scent he had found in the parking lot was back and a lot stronger now. Jackson looked up to see a pair of sneakers and followed up to see who the feet belonged to, to find no other than Stiles Stilinski. He held his breath, his control slowly crumbling as claws started to appear, gripping the desk harshly.

Scott turned back, hearing the sounds of claws, only to see Jackson losing control and sighed, kicking into the other teen's desk. Jackson flinched ever so slightly and glared at the boy, but Scott only glared back at him and gestured to his claws.

Jackson closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, realizing that was not a good idea when he inhaled the strong scent again, body almost leaning towards the direction of Stiles. He felt Danny's eyes on him; eyes still closed, but did nothing to reassure him as he was still panicking.

"Jackson," Danny whispered, nudging him gently. "You don't look well."

He didn't say anything in response, still gripping the desk but this time without claws, and turned to Danny looking pale.

Danny watch him for a couple moments until Jackson began teetering and that was when he alerted Harris of his friend's condition.

"What is it Danny?"

Danny nodded in Jackson's direction, "He's not feeling well, can I take him to the nurse."

Harris looked about ready to argue until he spared a glance at the Jackson and realized the teen was actually looking sick. He agreed and watched the Hawaiian struggle to pull Jackson out of his seat, lurching forward at the other teen's weight on him.

"Can I help Danny with Jackson?" Harris sighed but motioned for them to be quick as they balanced Jackson's weight between them walking out into the halls.

Jackson felt woozy as the other two teens dragged him over to sit at a bench when he fought them against going to the nurses and rested his face against the cool table.

"Jackson, you okay buddy?" Jackson mumbled something things that were probably meant to be reassuring, but was actually more concerning.

"I've got this, you can go back to class, Danny. I know how much that grade means to you." Danny looked unsure and glanced at Jackson, who only waved his arm at him as if saying he'll be fine.

Danny left after much reluctance and Jackson lied there, groaning in frustration.

"So, you want to tell what happened back there?"

"I don't even know McCall. I caught a scent before class started and I went crazy and was going to look for it if it weren't for Danny. And then I don't know, the scent was back in class and I look up and see Stilinski, so I don't know what to think okay. I don't fucking know anything anymore. Especially this stupid supernatural shit."

Scott watched him after his rant and sighed after coming to a conclusion. "Want to go see Derek right now? That way we only miss Harris' class and next period."

"Derek? Are you here?" Scott called out into the burnt house, Jackson standing next to him.

Derek jumped down from the staircase, dramatically landing and stood up after dusting his pants off, "Don't you two have class?"

"Yeah, but I think we have a bigger issue." Derek raised an eyebrow at both the issue and the fact that Jackson was as quiet as ever.

The three talked after Scott managed to pull Jackson out of his catatonic state, Derek listening and furrowing his eyebrows every now and then.

"So, do you know what's happening to me?" Jackson looked as desperate as ever to find the cause of this relentless feeling inside of him.

"Yeah, uh I remember my family talking about this, but it was brief because it was a rare occurrence even at that time. My mom said that it was like finding a mate, but a true mate. With werewolves, you have the ability to find mates that meet up to standards, they're called potential mates. But true mates are literally the translation of soul mates, but in werewolves."

Jackson stood gaping, jaw slack, mind racing at the thought of Stilinski being his true mate.

"She said it was going to be an itch you just couldn't scratch away if you find your true matbv ubce, and it can only be abstained with a lot of physical contact." That was when Jackson paled, he had spent the better part of his life tormenting the teen and now he had to live with the consequences.

"Shit, I'm so fucked." Derek raised an eyebrow ever so slightly looking amused.

Scott only agreed with him, shaking his head, "So what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I spent most of our school life bullying him, he's not just going t decide that it's okay if I tell him we're true mates."

Scott snickered, "He'll probably take his revenge first and then make you beg for forgiveness."

Jackson groaned loudly knowing that was the truth. That was when Derek chose to speak up again, "My mom told me this was really important, but if there's no connection or physical contact, that it could potentially kill you. Your wolf will slowly get weaker and weaker the more you deny it its mate and eventually the pain will be too much for both your wolf and body to handle. So have to be smart about this. I know you don't think I care about you, but this is serious Jackson, don't brush it off as a problem you can solve later. This will break you."

"Okay, thanks Derek." Jackson bid the older wolf goodbye and stumbled after Scott, quiet as his mind was all over the place about Stiles.

Stiles. Stiles is his mate. His true mate. But the teen hated him. He groaned, slamming his head against the steering wheel of his Porsche.

Scott sat in the passenger seat as they both decided it was easier to carpool. Jackson jumped, feeling a strong hand on his shoulder, the aura of calm and ease surrounded the two of them.

"Scott, what do I do? He hates me, he fucking hates me, how am I supposed to tell him, let alone get him to even speak to me in the first place?"

Scott didn't say anything at first, filling silence filling the tension, "I'll talk to him, I guess. Slip in mates and true mates I think. Then, I don't know, I know Stiles, and he isn't gonna be happy about it. But… he won't let himself do that to you, knowing he's the cause of your weakness. You're on your own then though, I can't tell him, that has to be you, Jackson." The teen in response nodded.

"Okay, but, I don't know how to even approach him. It's not like I can slam his against a wall and spit all that out." Scott let out a laugh as Jackson began the drive back to school.

"Not the best, he'd probably throw some blows and leave you furious." Jackson smiled at the antics of his mate, sighing before realizing how gone he was already for the other boy. "Hey, you'll think of something, but I think the best thing to do first is to break up with Lydia."

The mood suddenly dampened at the thought of his girlfriend. "Yeah, guess I gotta do that."

Scott watched the other teen in concern but didn't make a move to say anything.

They both got out of my car, checking the time to see we had made it back a little before second period ended, and leaned against Jackson's Porsche. The bell rang as the two teens stood in complete silence.

Scott pushed himself upright and patted Jackson on the back, "Good luck man, I'll try to talk some sense into Stiles for you even though you don't deserve it, but Stiles comes first, so."

Jackson nodded, grateful for what the other wolf was doing for him and the two walked back inside the school, separating to find their next classes.

A/N: I know I have a story to update, but... things happen. I don't even know if I'm going to continue this considering I have no time anymore. School hurts, drop out kids, jk don't drop out, your parents will kill you. I hope you liked it, I've been meaning to start of TW fic, but I just never had the time, so, yeah. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it and happy holidays to the others! I hope you guys have a good time with your families!

Review! Till Next Time! :)

Uploaded: 12.24.16

Word Count: 1,513

UnEdited: 12.24.16