Contains language and malexmale. You have been warned. Don't like? Don't read. A request for Allthingsmagical

Chapter One

Twenty-three year old Merlin sighed as he sat on the edge of the bay window, looking out at the outside. The snow had been falling hard all morning, creating a winter wonderland theme. White flakes slid down the window, leaving a cold wet trail behind them.

"Due to severe weather conditions, all flights have been delayed until further notice. Sorry for any inconvenience."

Merlin looked to his right at the telly and scoffed. "Predictable or what?"

He closed his eyes and shook his head sadly as a tear fell down his cheek. He rested his chin on his knees which were up to his chest with his arms wrapped round them. "Every year this happens, but the planes had to be delayed when I'm hosting."

For the past four months, Merlin has been planning the perfect Christmas. Each year he and his friends vote on who is hosting Christmas. Last year was Lance and Gwen. Merlin laughed to himself at the memory. He remembered the tree falling over, nobody watched the Queen's speech, expect Percival who moaned because no one was silent enough for him to hear it.

Merlin reckons he's got a crush on her. God! If they get married, imagine the honeymoon. He will get going and she'll be gone. Flat out in a chair, snoring and that's just a snog.

Gwaine phoned 999 cos the booze ran out and Secret Santa was a cock up. The presents got mixed up, no one got what they wanted and the evening finished with everybody conked out on the sofa, the floor and one in the bath (guess who?).

But this year was Merlin's go and his hopes of it going well were wearing thin. It was the twenty fourth of December, Christmas Eve and everything was ready. The turkey was in the freezer, presents were wrapped and under the tree, which he decorated himself, but one thing was missing: people. Waiting for one of them planes that are delayed.

His little bungalow felt empty and lonely.

He hopped off the edge and shivered. He switched the telly off, before walking over to the fireplace to warm himself. He smiled at the pictures on top of the mantelpiece. His mother, Hunith and father, Balinor, on their wedding day, sharing a kiss. They were in Rio for a holiday, so they couldn't make Merlin's party, even if they wanted to. The next stood a special photo, himself and his friends, just finished uni a year and a half ago. He remembers it like it was yesterday. Cameras flashing, bottle popping and clubbing like forever.

He bent down, picked up the poker and stoked the fire a little, adding more warmth to the bungalow.

Placing the poker back, he stood and looked at the clock hanging above the mantelpiece: nearly two in the afternoon. They should of been there half an hour ago.

He wandered around the place, just passing the time. He glanced at the tree, bringing yesterday's events back when he decorated it. He had his mother on Skype via his laptop helping him. He smiled when he remembered teaching her how to use it. The tree was white, with blue lights around it. Silver tinsel draped the branches and gold and red baubles were scattered around it. No star was adorning the top as someone special always placed it there.

He was about to burst into a 'walk down memory lane', when the doorbell rang, dragging him back to reality.

Hurrying over, he opened it and was greeted by hugs, kisses and a lot of Merry Christmases.

After his group of friends broke, Merlin welcomed everybody in before closing the door on the cold.

He looked round at them hanging their coats up, placing their stuff down and warming themselves by the fire. He smiled.

Gwaine with snow flakes decorating his hair or 'mane' which he calls it, Percival wearing a hideous bright yellow scarf, probably knitted by his nan which she does every year, Lance and Gwen loved up and ridiculous as ever, sweet Freya who Gwaine was trying to ask on a date but failing each time and Leon with his fiancé, Morgana who looked a little disheartened, come to think of it, everybody did. He thought nothing of it.

"Sorry we're late, hun." Gwen apologised "The airport is in chaos. We were lucky to get a plane, weren't we?"

Everybody hummed and murmured in agreement.

Merlin missed the wince on her face as she turned around.

He suddenly felt his heart clench and his stomach drop. There was something he was missing. Or maybe someone. He couldn't help but ask.

"Where's Arthur?" his smile never leaving his face.

They all stopped what they were doing and shared sad smiles and shifty glances.

Morgana, who was also Arthur's sister spoke up "Sweetie, I'm sorry but Arthur won't be coming."

His smile faded. "What?" he squeaked. Blushing a little at the noise, he cleared his throat and tried again "What? Why not?"

"He...he had..." Morgana frowned, thinking of a way to say it gently as she fiddled with he engagement ring, which was silver with a green stone in the centre. Leon commented that he was thinking about her eyes when he brought it. It flashed in the light as she kept twisting it round her finger. She breathed out a breath as tears leaked from her eyes. She couldn't bring herself to say it.

She blinked repeatedly as she bit her lips, trying to keep the tears away. In for a penny, in for a pound.

"He was in a car accident, driving to the airport. Some wanker didn't stop at the red light and smashed into him. A witness saw everything and dialled 999."

Merlin stopped listening at 'car accident.'

He felt cold as he walked away with unblinking, watery eyes, oblivious to his friends calls. He made it to his bedroom, when he felt a wave of dizziness hit him. Next thing he knew, he was hitting the ground and drowning into unconsciousness. He missed the part where Morgana said 'He's still alive.'

Opening his eyes, he found he was lying on his and Arthur's bed.


He gasped as it hit him.

'Car accident.' Morgana said. Him fainting, everyone calling his name.

Tears leaked again from his eyes at the thought of his boyfriend being in hospital for Christmas. Was he alive? In a coma?

His thoughts were haltered by the door creaking open. A brown haired Lancelot popped his head round the corner, probably come to check on him. He smiled a little when he saw Merlin awake and sitting up

"You alright, mate?"

Merlin shrugged a shoulder before looking away.

Lance cursed "Shit. Stupid question, of course your not."

He came over and sat next to his friend.

"I-I'm sorry Merls. Arthur was really looking forward to it, but...theses things happen."

Merlin snapped his head up and looked at him, fearfully "Was?!" he whimpered.

Lance frowned, before realising what he said "No! No, no, mate. Sorry no. He's alright. We got a phone call just before we took off, that's why we're late."

It was Merlin turn to frown "But, Gwen said the airport was in chaos?"

Lance felt bad. Merlin's face was in utter confusion. He couldn't lie to him.

"Gwen lied. Arthur was meeting us at the airport." he explained "But as everybody was getting ready at mine and Gwen's, we got a phone call, well Morgana did. It was the hospital and because Morgana is his next of kin, they phoned her."

"But, I'm his of next of kin. He officially name me that after Uther disowned when he told his father about me and him dating. I was there when he signed."

Lance shrugged "Uther must of named Morgana that, but I guess they forgot to tell the hospital."

Wait a minute. Next of kin? Uther? Why were they talking about him when his boyfriend is lying in a hospital, probably drugged up and only wanting to see one person, but instead seeing a load of doctors and nurses, he's never seen before.

He shook his head "Fuck the kin. What happened to Arthur?"

"Okay, okay I'm getting to it. They called her and explained that Arthur was on his way to mine, when some drunk dickhead missed a red light and smashed into him. Some old woman walking by saw the whole thing and called an ambulance."


"Arthur's door got the worst. It crushed his legs."

Merlin felt a sob coming, but managed to swallow it away so he could speak, but it came out in a choked whisper "Did-did they get the guy?"

Lance nodded "They're questioning him now as we speak. Apparently, he crashed into a tree a little up the road." He laughed little at the last part, but Merlin wasn't finding it funny, in fact he became angry and stood up.

"You think it's funny?"

Lance wiped his eyes and looked up "What?"

"Some wanker. Some drunk low life shit! Smashed into my Arthur and now he's in a sick bed, probably worrying like hell and you think it's funny?"

The other became serious "No! Not at all, it's just... he crashed into Arthur, then a tree, I mean that's karma for ya!"

Merlin's breaths came out low and slow as he tried to get his anger under control "I don't fucking care if it's karma. My boyfriend will be spending Christmas on crutches a wheelchair. He might even being in a coma till his birthday..."

Merlin stopped. His birthday. That's October. He can't.

He started to breath in short gasps.


"I-I need some air."

Ignoring Lance, he rushed to his bedroom door, pulled it open and ran through the living room and outside.

He sat down on the bench under the bay window, brought his knees up to his chin and cried, not caring that it was damp from the snow.

Christmas without Arthur? That's like Frodo without Sam or Harry without Ron. This shouldn't be happening!


He flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking to his right, his mouth twitched a little when he saw Morgana "Sweetie, come inside you'll freeze."

He looked round and found the sky had changed from white to dark grey and the snow on he ground had gotten deeper. How long has he been out here?

He flinched again when Morgana wiped a tear off his cheek "He's in the best place, darling. Come inside, have something eat, then get some sleep. When you wake in the morning, things will be better."

Merlin sniffed and wiped his nose with the back of left hand "Promise?" He knew he felt and sounded like a child, but he was feeling so down and vulnerable, he didn't care.

Morgana smiled fondly and nodded "On my shoes, and that is a BIG promise."

The brunet laughed a little "Now I know that's one you'll never break." he answered, wiping his eyes, as they stood up.

Her hand moved across his shoulder so her arm was wrapped round it as they walked back inside.

"How're you and Leon? Arthur said you were having problems?" Merlin asked after they closed the door and sat down.

Morgana scoffed "The word 'problem' don't cut it. He treats me like a slave. 'Can you cook my dinner for me, love? Could you wash my underpants for me, darling?' Ha! I'm not his mama."

A twinkle appeared in her eye "Mmmmm."

"What?" Merlin asked.

"I have an idea. Come on."

She grabbed his wrist, got up and ran to her bag.

After digging through it, she found her iPod and gave it to Gwaine

"Plug this in the stereo." She caught Leon's eyes "Play 'Love' playlist." She made speech marks with her fingers in the air at the word 'Love'.

"Babe?" Leon asked "What you doing?"

She strutted over to him with a smirk "Singing you a song, sweetheart. Gwaine?"

He pressed play and the first song played.

A drumbeat was heard followed by J-Lo's voice coming out. Morgana sang along

"I ain't gon' be cooking all day, I ain't your mama. I ain't gon' do your laundry, I ain't your mama."

Leon stood still as Morgana danced around him while everybody was whopping.

"I ain't your mama, boy, I ain't your mama. When you're gon' get your act together? I ain't your mama."

She started twerking and swinging her hips and in the end, all the girls joined in.

As the guys just stood and stared at their performance, Merlin just lingered by the front door, deciding whether or not to run outside. He decided to walk back over to the sofa and sit down.

Near the end of the song, Morgana was wrapped around Leon, singing against his lips

"No, I ain't your mama. NO!" Morgana shouted as the song ended and whispered "I ain't your mama."

Leon leant down and kissed her passionately.

Merlin smiled when Morgana sat down next to him and placed her arm back round his shoulder

"That should get the message to his brain, if he has one."

Merlin laughed as she observed her nails. An Adele song played in the background.

Merlin was about to speak, when Gwen and Freya came over and sat next to them, Gwen next to Morgana and Freya next Merlin.

"Wat-hic-ya two doing on yer' lonesome?" Freya slurred, holding a cup of bright pink liquid.

Morgana eyed the cup before frowning at her "You pissed?"

Freya gave her a lop sided grin "Nah, girl. Just-hic-a little tipsy. It's Christmas, lighten up!"

Merlin laughed again while Morgana looked at Gwen "What did she drink?"

Gwen looked guilty "Gwaine's bottom clenching Christmas punch."

The dark haired girl groaned and smacked her forehead on her hand, twice.

"You're-hic- you're gonna give yourself headache." she started to laugh and snort, before she jumped off the sofa and started to shout


She started bouncing, before jumping up and down, pink liquid sloshing everywhere "Yeah! Jump! Jump around! Jump up, jump up and get down! Gwaine hit it!"

"God I love her!" he whispered before pressing play on the stereo. In seconds, Jump Around by House of Pain started to play.

Merlin and Morgana looked at each other "Gwaine?!" Morgana shouted over the music.

"What?!" he yelled back.



Morgana rolled her eyes "FAIR ENOUGH!"

She sighed before looking at Merlin. He looked like he was about to cry. She groaned again "Right! I've had enough. Come on, droopy drawers!"

The brunet looked confused for a moment as Morgana forced him up, but when he realised what she was doing, he smiled.

Soon, everybody was jumping and dancing, they didn't notice the door opening and someone coming in.

Hope You Enjoyed It.

Don't own any of the songs.

Chapter Two up soon.

Merry Christmas.