Sorry for the long wait. Had other stuff going on and I'm an idiot. Anyways, here's the bonus chapter.

Chapter X

With the conclusion of the Summoner Test Wars, things went back to "normal". Coincidentally, summer had just begun the week after the duel between Yoshii and Shouko, and what better way to celebrate the beginning of summer than with a trip to the beach? Yoshii's sister Akira had offered to drive all of his friends as well as some others from class A. just for this trip, it seemed that everybody had procured a new swimsuit, and they would be revealing so that same day.

The van was just big enough for everybody. While the towels, umbrellas, and consumables lied in the trunk, Yoshii, Yuuji, and Nagisa sat in the very back. Himeji, Minami, and Hideyoshi sat in front of them. Third row, right behind the driver's seat and passenger's seats, Kudou, Yuuko, and Shouko sat. finally, Kouta sat in the Passenger's seat while Akira drove.

"The weather's nice, isn't it Yuuji?" Yoshii asked simply enjoying the ride.

"Yeah, and everyone was able to come too." Yuuji replied with his hands behind his head.

"I was looking forward to this day so much that I could barely sleep" Himeji said smiling.

"C'mon Mizuki, you're not an elementary school student anymore." Minami reminded her friend.

"I bought a new swimsuit just for today too!"

"Huh? Didn't you just buy a new swimsuit recently?" Minami asked.

"That's… umm… the size was…" Himeji was reluctant to explain. Unfortunately for her, Minami, and everyone else listening, figured it out already.

"Hmm, Could it be, you gained weight?" Minami deduced.

Her words hit Himeji like an arrow to the head, aka, right on the mark. Himeji had forgotten not to overeat since the first thing they all were going to do when summer started was the beach trip. Himeji may have been smart, but she was still clumsy

"Yaa! O-only a little bit! Really, just a little bit!" Himeji protested vainly before quickly giving up. "Hmph, I gained weight because my hair got longer."

"Aw come on, it's because you weren't being careful enough" Minami said trying to calm the pouting princess. "I actually slimmed down because of the summer heat." it would be hard to notice if Minami had actually lost or gained any weight, considering how slim Minami looked normally, so what was she talking about that lost weight?. At Minami's declaration, Himeji looked both shocked and betrayed.

"Eh!?" she cried out. "That's unfair, Minami-chan!"

"Yeah, I got slimmer… starting with my breasts..." she said before looking depressed in her own right.

Hideyoshi to the side, attempted to calm the two down, but was called a girl once more. For reasons left unspoken, the two girls had been upset because of the driver, Yoshii's sister, herself. Most likely based on her figure.

Yuuko sighed while listening to the chatter behind her. "So this is what vacations are like around them" she said to herself.

"Aw cheer up vice-rep," Aiko said smiling. "The journey's half the fun!" she then said something to Kouta in the passenger's seat, causing him to have a nose bleed.

"Oh, Kouta-kun, what's wrong?" Akira asked the bleeding ninja pervert.

"Just car sickness" Kouta said as an excuse.

"Nagisa-chan, can you get some car sickness medicine from the bag in the back? The red bag."

"Yeah" Nagisa replied.

Nagisa picked up a red carrier bag behind him and started opening it, before it got stuck on some blue fabric.

"Huh? Something's stuck. Alright, one… two..."

putting a little force into his hands, the forced the zipper to release whatever it was clinging to, also taking out that blue colored garment. Said garment was, an old school swimsuit. To make things better or worse, the swimsuit had an "S" tag on it.

"...what the hell…?" he thought. "Um, Yoshii-kun" He whispered to Yoshii, who sat next to him.

"What's u- NOO!" he shouted, waking up Yuuji and surprising Nagisa.

"What's going on, AKihisa?" Yuuji asked before looking at the swimsuit. "...Akihisa, Hideyoshi and Nagisa aren't small enough to fit those…" he said in a blank tone.

"That's not it, what do I do? I just discovered there's a hopeless freak in my family!" Yoshii replied holding the small swimsuit in both of hands.

"You like a freak holding that thin."

"No, this is my sister's"

"I see, so you're interested in your sister's swimsuit, huh?" Yuuji spoke again in a detective-esque voice. "You're right, you are hopeless."

"This is a misunderstanding, I won't accept it!" Yoshii shouted.

"...I'm going to stay silent." Nagisa decided. As with most assassins, silence was golden.

"Aki-kun, you asked me to wear a swimsuit that doesn't show much skin so that you wouldn't be embarrassed."

"I'm sorry!" Yoshii apologized, nearly shaking the entire vehicle just by bowing his head quickly. "Compared to walking with someone your age wearing a school swimsuit, you showing a bit of skin is nothing! Change it! Change the swimsuit! As your little brother, I can't let you wear this!"

"So that swimsuit isn't revealing enough?" Akira, with her brother complex, concluded out of all of Yoshii's rambling.

Exhausted, Yoshii let out just two words. "Yeah, whatever…"

"Akihisa, don't be a pervert."

"Aaah! The King of All Perverts, just called me a pervert!" Yoshii wailed.

Nagisa, still remaining silent as if he wasn't even there, cherished the fact that despite everything going on within the car, nothing bad like an accident happened. That moment of of bliss was rudely interrupted by the car practically filling up with blood from Kouta's nose after Akira mentioned just how tight the swimsuit was on her. It was some miracle that they didn't drown in the blood, or get into an accident.

Beach Cliffside

"Wow, the view's incredible" Yoshii commented.

"The wind feels great" Yuuji said.

"Let's get changed quickly and go for a swim!" Minami said.

"Yeah!" everyone replied

Unbeknownst to the group, Hideyoshi had something in mind.

"Today, I shall make them realize that I am a boy once and for all!.this time I'm not mistaken, I definitely bought a pair of men's trunks, no one can complain about it" Hideyoshi thought smirking.

"Yahoo! I changed in the car" Aiko said while putting on a sun-cap. Aiko chose not to wear anything flashy, just a yellow tube top and yellow swim shorts. Though it seemed enough to draw the attention of the ninja pervert.

Despite his protesting that her swimwear did not excite him, after moving within four meters of the boy, his nose suddenly erupted, blood flooding out like upside down geysers

"The heat… too strong.." Kouta spoke as he fell the floor, only to be caught by his very own murderer…

"Seriously, your friend is a moron. To die just by seeing a girl near him." Yuuko said to the bluenette next to her

"Eheh, Kouta-kun is a very dedicated person." Nagisa said, trying not to forsake his pervert friend. "Not even Okajima-kun was or is this far gone. Whatever, greater challenges, greater outcomes."

Now at the beach, everyone went straight to changing their clothes. Aside from Aiko and Kouta, the former fanning the body of the latter, Yuuji and Yoshii sat under the blanket waiting for the rest to finish putting on their swimwear. In pairs, everyone had arrived onto the beachside, where the water rushed in and left just as fast. That is, except for two people: Nagisa, and Hideyoshi.

Changing rooms

Normally, there were only two changing rooms; one for males, and one for females. Yet,

"Why is there a hideyoshi changing room?" Nagisa thought confused while he stared at the black sign with "Hideyoshi" written in gold letters above a third entrance. "Uh, Hideyoshi-kun, everyone is there now.

Hideyoshi wanted to wait until everyone else had finished changing and met up at the beach before revealing his true form. He wanted everybody to recognize him for being a guy. Finally, he came out of the third changing room dressed only in the blue swim shorts he brought. Nagisa wore the same thing, but with a dark blue swim shirt as well. Unlike the natural pool in the mountains, there wasn't anything blocking sunlight, so he'd be in more danger of sunburn if he didn't wear a shirt.

"Alright, let's get out there."

So the two "boys" walked down to where their friends were.

"Hey! Everyone! Sorry to keep you waiting." Hideyoshi sang before suddenly being stopped by a lifeguard

"Hey! What are you doing?" the lifeguard asked the individual in front of him.

"What do you mean?" Hideyoshi asked.

"Why aren't you wearing a top?"

"That's normal for a boy's swimsuit"

"A girl shouldn't be wearing a boy's swimsuit."

"But, I'm not a girl, and…"

"Anyways, come with me!" the lifeguard proceeded to pick Hideyoshi up, and then carry them off of the beach, presumably to the changing room he had just recently emerged from. Subsequently, Nagisa walked alone smiling sheepishly.

"Hang in there, Hideyoshi-kun…"


Everyone but Akira and Hideyoshi, the latter being forced away, had watched from under the umbrellas Nagisa arrive alone.

"Wow, what happened to Hideyoshi?" Yuuki asked slightly confused.

"He… he'll be back soon, Yuuji-kun" Nagisa replied, and then looked at Yoshii, who for some reason was lying face down into the towel with his rear sticking into the air. "Eh?" Nagisa thought.

"Oh, Minami-san, did my little brother do something wrong again?" Akira finally appearing.

As opposed to the small blue school swimsuit, Akira chose to wear a dark green bikini with a towel tied around her waist covering her right leg. As stunning as she looked, Minami couldn't help but fall to the sand below onto her hands and knees. Similarly, Himeji looked just as saddened, holding her head down in what seemed to be shame as Shouko "inspected" the near-perfectly built woman in front of her. Kouta would have died on the spot, if he was not already in dreamland thanks to Aiko, who was monitoring his health more or less.

"What's wrong, Minami-san?" Akira asked innocently, not understanding why Minami was on all fours.

"Nevermind… I know I'll never win!" she muttered to herself.

"My… Korosensei would love to be here right now" Nagisa thought to himself remembering his teachers, preferences.

"Akira-san, please excuse me" Shouko said quietly before coming from behind and clutching Akira's large breasts within her hands. Such an action and the sudden occurrence caused the resident boys to practically scream


"Aaah!" Yuuji and Nagisa, being the only males still present and awake, exclaimed simultaneously.

Almost following on cue like the whole thing was planned, Himeji lept and pressed both of her hands against Akira's slim waist, causing another scream from the boys. Luckily for Yuuji, Shouko's deadly hands were occupied, so his eyes were safe from being blinded.

"Sorry! Please excuse me as well!" Himeji shouted, followed by her planting herself to the sand like her best friend did, tears building in her eyes. "The beach is so cruel!" Himeji declared through her tears

"The one who's cruel is god!" Minami corrected.

"Korosensei REALLY would have loved to be here"

It was at this point, where two ladies and two men had fallen, that Hideyoshi had finally re-joined his friends.

"Sorry, everyone. I'm late…" Hideyoshi said walking sluggishly.

"What's wrong, Hideyoshi? You look depressed" Akira asked, hands still in the air thanks to Shouko.

"Mmm… just leave me alone." Hideyoshi's plan to prove his masculinity against his femininity had failed once more. He returned wearing a yellow and red lifeguard swim shirt on his chest.

"What the heck? Why're you wearing that shirt?" Yuuko asked her little brother.

"I don't know Sis… I'm gonna hang out with Ninja pervert and Kudou-san" Hideyoshi said below his breath.

Now that everyone had finally assembled, it was time to truly begin their vacation; watermelon smashing. For whatever reason, Akira had brought not only a perfectly ripe watermelon, but also an aluminum baseball bat. One at a time, each person would be blindfolded and given the bat, and the others would give them true or false directions on where the watermelon was. The goal, of course, was to smash the watermelon to bits. Of course, with each turn the watermelon was moved to a different spot to keep things difficult.

With it being Yoshii's turn, everyone pulled no stops with their directions. The watermelon itself was placed in front of and to the left of Yoshii. Himeji directed Yoshii to the right, Minami to the left, Aiko commanding him to march forward, Yuuko saying it was right behind him, Akira directing Yoshii 32 degrees forward and to the left as well as the location of the watermelon being 4.7 meters, and the now conscious Kouta telling the reverse. Nagisa said that the watermelon was right next to one of them.

"They're all giving me different directions, what should I do?" Yoshii asked himself. "What about Yuuji?"

Using his hearing alone, Yoshii heard the conversation Yuuji was having with Shouko.

"Yuuji, how's this swimsuit?" she asked.

"It's okay, I guess. I saw it last time, remember?"

"I asked because you probably weren't paying attention. You should take a closer look now." Shouko claimed as she inched her way closer.

"Wait, hey, don't just grab me!" Yuuji exclaimed.

Yoshii locked on to the source of the voices and darted towards Yuuji with the bat wound. He was clearly intending to hit someone. Unfortunately for Yuuji, he was being distracted and immobilized thanks to Shouko.

"Watch out!" Nagisa said pulling Yuuji and Shouko out of harm's way

The bat came down into the sand sending countless particles into the air with Yoshii shouting "Die!" for whatever reason.

"That was close." Yuuji said sitting on the sand.

"...sorry, Yuuji! I thought you were the watermelon." Despite his clear intent to attack Yuuji, Yoshii turned his head and apologized as if it was truly an accident. Unfortunately for him, Yuuji wasn't buying any of it. The two soon got into a battle over who's turn it was to hold the bat, which also allowed the shallow waves of the ocean to wash away the watermelon.

"I'm not surprised at all for some reason" Nagisa said deadpanning.

Not much longer after that, the girls left to grab snacks from the nearby stores, leaving the boys under the umbrella. While Nagisa and Hideyoshi sat up beneath the umbrella, Yuuji, Kouta, and Yoshii lied down, allowing the sun to stain their legs. That was probably not the best idea, but they didn't care.

"Ugh, I'm tired" Yoshii whined.

"I didn't even swim, so why do I feel so tired?" Yuuji asked oblivious to the obvious.

"You brought it on yourself" Hideyoshi scolded. "You two spent ten minutes having a game of tug-of-war. You burnt yourselves out premature"

Eventually, the girls returned, Himeji and Yuuko held a number of boxes containing what looked like food. That raised red flags in all of the boys' minds, as Himeji was holding boxes of food. Whether or not she even made "food", the idea of her somehow contaminating other food wasn't thrown out thanks to an incident with supposed "store-bought" cake.

"Thanks for waiting!" Aiko said announcing their arrival.

"We brought lunch" Shouko said.

"Sorry we're late." Minami apologized.

"Was the store crowded?"YOshii asked.

"Well, it would have been faster, but some guys tried to hit on us." Aiko explained.

"I really hate things like that"
"So do I" Minami and Shouko complained.

"Are you all okay?" Nagisa asked, gaining a collective nod from the girls.

"Oh, sounds like a hassle" Yoshii commented.

"Why don't you just ignore them?" Yuuji said sarcastically.

Yuuji was first to reach out for one of the boxes of food, but his hand was slapped away. The two boys blind to romance or deep feelings were then scolded by Aiko for whatever reason on how they should be reacting differently. Of course, the duo didn't understand a thing. How would they? After all, they spent more than a single year knowing these girls and a year alone was more than enough to know that they wouldn't be affected by any amount of flirting. The two boys thought about things overall as compared to that moment alone. They weren't concerned because they felt confident in the girls and therefore no reason to be worried. Unfortunately for them, the girls still scolded them. Scolded: meaning Shouko attacked Yuuji while Minami and Himeji had their own plan for Yoshii.

"Those types of guys are a bother no matter where they are" Minami stated out of the blue.

"I know! It's always such a pain to deal with!" Himeji continued. After which, the two glanced at Yoshii to check for any reaction, but were met by the blankest of stares.

"Oh? Do you two get hit on a lot?" Yoshii asked.

"Yes! All the time!" Himeji replied nearly shouting.

"Yeah! It practically happens everywhere we go!" Minami said as well.

"But, you don't seem like you're used to it." Yoshii fired again.

Not a lot after that, Yoshii said something he really should not have. "I hit on girls all the-" and he stopped when he noticed the overwhelming lusts for his blood emanating from the two girls he was speaking with. Just to add insult to injury, Minami, Himeji, Shouko, and Akira all lined up next to each other giving their opinions on Yoshii's and Yuuji's ability to hit on women.

"This is not a safe area anymore." a few of the people uninvolved thought.

"C'mon Nagisa, let's leave this to them for a while." Yuuko suggested.

"I think it'd be best to stay near though, just in case anything dangerous starts up."

"Hn, true. Though what will we do if things get to that point?"

"I'll try to stop them, with whatever I can."

Soon, the confrontation ended without any blood being spilled. Yuuji and Yoshii stormed off feeling irritated, insulted, and challenged. For boys like those two, pride is one of the more delicate things.

"We should follow them, Kinoshita-san, to make sure they don't get into trouble."

"Heh, you're sounding kinda like a parent or chaperone." Yuuko commented.

"Really? Well, that's good then, let's go."

"Hm, I guess it can't be helped. I'll stay with these ones, I don't need to experience any more with those two than I need to. I'll message you if things go south." Yuuko warned. "I don't care about those idiots, but…" she abruptly stopped


"Nothing! Just go on and get out of here, make sure those two don't cause trouble for anyone."

"Right, thanks."


Nearby the beach, was a cliffside next to the ocean. The ground was smoothened, intending for the area to be used for scenic views and picture taking. A large number of rocky spires pointed out ahead, making it a horrible diving place. Although, it did look like a place perfect for a martial arts montage. Yoshii, Yuuji, and Nagisa walked along the trail, both Yoshii and Yuuji looked irritated. Yuuji's back was arched forward, hands in the pockets of his swimming trunks, Yoshii's hands thrown behind his head.

"What the hell's with them saying we're not popular!?" Yuuji asked.

"I agree!" Yoshii exclaimed, "if I got serious about it, hitting on a girl is...huh?" Yoshii looked forward, and suddenly fell to the floor with blood leaking out of his nose.

"What's wrong, Yoshii-kun?" Nagisa asked crouching down to keep his head from banging on the stone floor.

"An… unbelievable scene…" Yoshii murmured, pointing his right handed index finger forward.

Yuuji turned his head to see what caused this attack on his friend, and was struck with the same attack, causing him to fall to the ground with a nosebleed.

"What… was that…?" Yuuji muttered confusing Nagisa.

"What is happening?" Nagisa asked not understanding why the two were on the ground.

"Ninja pervert… is getting hit on." Yoshii replied

In front of the three boys, an unbelievable sight was caught. Numerous girls in swimsuits surrounded the "Emperor of perverts", and they weren't being influenced by anything. They loved his pictures he took of them. Considering his profession though, it wasn't surprising that he took rather impressive shots. However there was one thing that surprised the three more than anything else. It wasn't that he was being surrounded by beautiful women, but that he wasn't on the floor dead from blood loss. In fact, not a single drop of blood had exited his nostrils, making Nagisa to wonder if it really was Kouta.

"Yuuji…" Yoshii called out.


"Do you think it's possible that you and I are the only ones not popular?"

There was a brief silence, as nobody wanted to say anything, let alone the truth. That silence was followed by Yuuji shooting up screaming blasphemy. Yoshii rose from the grave energetic as well, aligning with Yuuji's claims. The two soon pulled Nagisa along with them as they began their first attempt at flirting.

The first attempt involved the two randomly complimenting a girl, which unfortunately led to them accidentally saying she looked like a pornstar, which led to large red marks on the sides of their faces. The second was them offering sunblock, which almost ended with a beatdown from the girl's boyfriend. Lastly, their third and final attempt started with somewhat of a plan. One would offer to take a picture, the other, or others, would strike up a conversation, and go from there. Problem was, they had no idea who would be the cameraman and who would talk, which lead to a race. Both Yoshii and Yuuji sprinted at a young girl in a pink bikini with a camera. What that poor girl was forced to witness, were to sweaty panting boys pushing against each other offering to take her picture. Things were about to get rather messy. Before the girl could call the authorities, which scared the two, Nagisa felt the need to resolve the issue.

"Um, excuse me miss,." Nagisa said approaching the girl with the other two fighting one another. "I apologize for those to. They are horrible at first impressions." he started.

"Oh, you don't have to apologize, but those seem like they are trying WAY to hard for something."

"They felt challenged, and weren't ready to surrender. Do not worry, they won't be any more trouble to you, so please do not call the police. It would lead to a lot of trouble." Nagisa asked with a slight pleading in his voice. Of course, he knew that the two wouldn't be arrested or anything, since they'd never done anything illegal and had no warrants, and his pleading was just a front, but he'd like to keep problems with their friends and family from happening.

"I see, then I won't. Hey, what's your name?" she asked interested

"Me? My name is Nagisa Shiota." he replied.

"Oh my, what a nice name" she complimented. "Almost as pretty as you are."

"It's not really that pretty, nor am I."

Yuuji and Yoshii, who finished their feud and looked to see what was going on, were baffled to see what was happening. Eventually, their chat ended, the girl left giving Nagisa some piece of paper, and all that was left were three boys on the beachside, and two hanging jaws.

"Hm? What's wrong Yoshii-kun, Yuuji-kun?" Nagisa asked.

"You just…" Yoshii started.

"Got a girl's number…" Yuuji finished.

"HOW!?" the two shouted.

"What?" Nagisa asked.

"You just got that girl's number, and stopped her from calling the police."

"Yes, what about it?"

"How did you get her number? Did you use some kind of technique?"

"Not just that, she started flirting with you." the two asked.

Nagisa sighed, putting the piece of paper in his trunks right pocket. He then looked at the two directly into their eyes.

"I didn't use any techniques. Yoshii-kun, Yuuji-kun, do you know what you did wrong?"

"What?" the two said simultaneously.

"Yoshii-kun, when you met me, did you have any technique or plan when you first talked with me?"

"No." he answered.

"Yuuji-kun, Did you have a plan?"


"But even though neither of you two tried to do anything, we became good friends. The trick of communication, including flirting, isn't to have it planned out, but instead to be yourself, that way, you can determine which would actually be interested into getting to know you. Being who you are is important, in any situation. Neither of you are the type to prepare a set up when conversing, and you shouldn't pretend to be who you aren't. You are both capable of making friends and even capturing hearts with time. Hitting on girls you've never met wouldn't work for either of you. Be yourselves, or you'll regret acting like who you're not." he stated.

Yuuji and Yoshii nodded in understanding. He was right; neither of them had ever tried flirting and for good reason. Even looking back, Kouta did not flirt, he simply was being himself, taking pictures of pretty girls as he always had. Why did they think imitating others would have worked when the person they were imitating was so different from them?

"Now, I think we should go back, before the girls start asking questions." He suggested, before getting a sudden vibration in his left pocket. His phone buzzed.

"Nagisa-kun, you have a message." Ritsu announced. "Would you like me to read it out for you?"

"No…" Nagisa said looking at the message.

"Nagisa, stuff's about to happen, the others have seen something and I'm sensing a dark feeling from all of them. It's time to get back, now." it read. Apparently, the girls must have seen the two try to flirt.

"Oh no."


I may or may not make a second chapter, though if I do I think I'll take this and make a second story, based on season 2 and put the two in that story. If I make the second story I'll make a mention of it. Anyways, if you like the story, please favorite and follow, and/or review. See y'all later.