
"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Let me get this fucking straight… You're telling me that the Kid's only heir left that can be the next Don of the Clam Family or fucking whatever-"

"Vongola," Reborn replied, lips pursued and eyes narrowed.

"-and that he's a direct descendant of the goddamned Mafia Jesus or something that unified the fucking Mafia under one rule under God-"

"Incorrect, the Vongola Primo didn't 'unite' them more so made alliances with them and-"

"-and there's this weird bloodline limit, kekkei genkai or something that allows certain members of the Clam Family to essentially read fucking minds-"

[Naruto reference, nice.]

"If you were paying attention then you would know that the Vongola Intuition is not an omnipotent ability, as you are mistakenly believing it to be, and that there have been documented cases where-"

"-but you said earlier that there haven't been any records of this Vongola Mind Reading ability having a personality that's as awesome and amazing as the incredible me! Also-"

A bullet shot past Zero's face, barely nicking the skin, and embedding itself into the far wall of kitchen.

Reborn didn't say anything, merely glared at an unrepentant, preening, grinning Zero.

"Oh?" Zero asked with a low drawl, tilting his head with mock-innocence, orange eyes shining with glee and triumph. "Am I… annoying you? I am so sorry! I didn't think that my innocent questions would be infuriating you, wonderful Hitman -san."

Reborn glowered at the brunet for a moment longer, before wiping his expression clean and standing up. "… I must thank you, Zero," he said, walking towards Zero.

"… For what," Zero asked warily, eyes narrowing as he scooted back in his chair.

Reborn stopped in front of Zero. "Thanks to you, I can move forward with the second phase of Tsunayoshi's training."

"… What are you planning, you Bas-URRKK?!" Zero's question was abruptly ended as Reborn's foot made contact with his stomach, sending him tumbling backwards and out of his chair, all the wind knocked out of him. "Gu-Ugh… What the fuc-"

Reborn connected another kick to the brunet's abdomen, which sent the teen flying out the sliding, glass doors that led to the Sawada household's backyard.

"Training," Reborn began ominously, Leon-gun in hand, "has begun… try not to die, Zero."

He began shooting.






"Well, if you actually learned how to properly dodge said bullets, then I would stop shooting you," Reborn replied smoothly from his seat, still managing to shoot at Zero even though the Hitman wasn't even looking at him. It had been roughly over three hours since they had began the second phase of 'training'.


"Thought of it. Ignored it."


"If you have enough breath to complain so raucously and vigorously, then that must mean that you have enough breath to continue this training exercise." Reborn took a sip of the cold juice that Nana had prepared for him a few minutes ago.


"It's training for your body and motor skills."


"Compared to Tsunayoshi, your ability to even function properly – much less dodge these… slow bullets-"


"-is so pathetic, it makes the information I received on Tsunayoshi when he was considered Dame-Tsuna, look extraordinary in comparison."


"Now, if we could only get you to the same level."

[… I think Reborn-san has a point, Zero] Tsuna spoke up from within Zero's mind. [Since it appears that we're going to be dragged into this whole Mafia affair, with or without our consent, wouldn't it be better to go into… all this with an open-mind and willingness to learn and grow?]


[True, but, it is my body and once we switch back, I'll be the one that has to deal with the pain and fatigue… but…]

"… Hold on a fucking minute… that…"

[Doesn't make a lot of sense, right? You're basically moving my body which has been trained in dance and martial arts for the past years. I'm thinking that Reborn-san's… training is just a way for you to focus on bettering your reaction time and reflexes when in control of my body because, since you haven't had a body of your own, some things are not going to be automatic or second nature for you like it is for me.]

"Like goddamn breathing…" Zero grumbled mentally.

[And also, you aren't used to having a body which means that you're going to feel heavy and sluggish because you aren't used to having arms and legs. But, if you learn how to move my body to the same extent that I can then things will be much easier in the future, right?]

"... So… by shooting at me and not giving me any time to think or react, I'm actually getting a fucking crash course in the ability to move your body properly!"

Tsuna nodded… then remembered that he didn't have a currently which was strange no mattered how you looked at it. [Exactly, what better way to improve your reflexes than to train your reflexes?]

"Oh my fucking God… That's fucking insane on so many goddamn levels but it makes so much fucking sense…"

"Oh?" Reborn murmured, turning to look at an out-of-breath Zero. "Have you and Tsunayoshi figured it out?"

"Ahahaha! Of course we did! We're both onto you and your fucking agenda you fucking, shitty Hitman!"

Reborn hummed and, mercifully, stopped shooting at Zero, who collapsed with a grateful curse. Reborn leapt from the veranda and landed in front of a panting brunet. "Tsunayoshi's mobility, flexibility, and combat skills are all above civilian level which is good, considering his age; however, if you were to take over while in the midst of a battle or conflict, your lack of control over the human body is something that could end in the deaths of both you and Tsunayoshi." Reborn tilted his head, eyes shadowed by the brim of his fedora. "That is something neither of you want."

It was a statement.

"Of… fucking… course not…," Zero panted, gulping in large amounts of air with every breath. Goddamn…! He didn't realize just what a fucking chore it was to simply breath!

[… Sorry, Zero… because of me, you're in this state…]

"Don't you dare fucking apologize for things you could not – cannot – control, Tsunayoshi," Zero growled mentally, scowling. "Besides, as much as it fucking pains me to admit it, the fucking Demon baby is right… if something happens to you mentally and I'm your last line of defense – as I am right now – we're both royally Fucked, with a capital F. No fucking way am I letting even the possibility of that happening to you, Kid."


Zero sprang to his feet with a maniacal laugh. "Hehe… AHAHAHA! You know what?! This is actually pretty fucking great! Now that I have control of your body, Kid that means…" He trailed off, orange-colored eyes glinting devilishly, "I CAN FINALLY GET MY REVENGE ON THE BASTARDS THAT BULLIED YOU ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL!"

[WHAT?! Zero! No!]

Zero continued laughing like a madman.

[Zero?! Zero! G-Goddamnit, Zero we talked about this!]

"There's no stopping me now, Kid! I have the memory of like an elephant! I remember everything! All those idiots that took advantage of you when you were a fucking child are going to face some goddamn divine retribution from my two-"

Zero's body did something strange; his arm lifted up, as if it had a mind of its' own, and… smacked him in the face, downing him in one strike.

"… Pathetic." Reborn said, eyeing the unconscious form of the brunet. "Note to self: improve Zero's endurance, agility, reflexes, and pain tolerance." A smirk, bloomed slowly on his face. "… While I may not have to put in as much work with Tsunayoshi, with you, Zero, I'll have a fun time tortur- tutoring you…"





Despite Zero's penchant for swearing and complaining whenever he had "training" with Reborn, he always participated and never gave up and, within a couple of months, his inability to walk more than five feet without stumbling improved drastically, as did his reaction time and fine motor skills.

"Hahaha! Look at that! I can write amazingly now!"

[Great job, Zero!]

"… No good, it looks like it was written by a third-grader…"


"I already did."

He could write now.

"Behold my exquisite masterpiece!"

[It looks delicious, Zero!]

"… Looks aren't everything. The important thing is how it tastes."

"I'm sure it'll taste fucking amazing just like the amazing me!"

"… Perhaps I should teach you how to make poisons."

He could cook.

"Hey look what I found in the attic! A fucking archery set! I'm gonna try it!"

[… Wow…! That's incredible, Zero! All bulls-eyes!]

"Hmm… looks like we found a good weapon of choice for Zero… we shall see if your unexpected skill translates into other ranged weapons."

He even discovered an unforeseen aptitude for the bow and arrow.

"Heh… I've become even more fucking awesome than I already was!"





It was two hours past the ending of school. There were only a few weeks left before the first term ended and the grades were announced. Tsuna was taking off his indoor shoes, ready to go home for a rare day of relaxation.

"Hey, Kid." Zero spoke up from within Tsuna's mind.

"Yes? Is everything alright, Zero?"

"You need to get up to the school roof. Now."

There was an urgency in Zero's voice that had Tsuna jogging down the empty hallways and pass unoccupied classrooms before the voice even finished speaking. He wouldn't be caught by the Disciplinary Committee, not when Zero acted as a warning radar for him. Tsuna reached the stairs leading up and to the school roof, and climbed, opening the metal door once he reached the top, and stepping into the restricted area.

Restricted only because it was the napping grounds for one Hibari Kyoya, and everyone knew not to bother the prefect when he was napping – lest they be sent to the infirmary via twin tonfa.

At the moment, however, there was no prefect to be found, only the large, empty rooftop and someone standing on the other side of the ten foot chain-link fence that ran the perimeter of the rooftop.

"Yamamoto… Takeshi?" Tsuna asked, not believing what he was seeing for a moment.

Takeshi turned at hearing his name, and smiled – empty and vacant. "Oh… it's just you, Sawada."

Tsuna's heart was hammering in his chest; his palms suddenly became clammy with sweat. He had a gut wrenching feeling that he knew what was going to happen next if he wasn't incredibly careful. "What… What are you doing, Yamamoto-san…?" He asked. "Y-You need to be careful! How did you even climb over the safety fence?!"

Takeshi shrugged despondently and turned back to look out and across Namimori. A gentle breeze ruffled his dark hair and untucked shirt. "… Does it matter?" He asked after an eternity of silence.

"O-Of course it matters!" Tsuna answered, a bolt of indignation and fear racing up his spine as he took a step forward. His hands wavered uncertainly in front of his body, unsure if they should reach out towards the baseball player or clench together in panic.

Takeshi shook his head, long and slow. "… No… nothing really matters… not anymore…"

Tsuna took another step forward. There was only a few more feet to go. Tsuna gulped, his throat growing tight with fear. "What… what makes you say that, Yamamoto-san…?"

Takeshi took a deep, shuddering breath that made his whole body tremble. "My… my old man is… is… dead." The last word was whispered so softly, that, had Tsuna not been straining his ears, he wouldn't have heard it.

"… Oh."

"Yeah. Oh." Takeshi laughed – it was bitter and hollow. "I don't have any family left. My grades aren't good. I might be kicked off the baseball team soon. I have no fucking idea what's going to happen to me or my- the sushi shop… Everything… everything's gone so… so wrong so fast! And I don't know-!" He doubled-over, causing Tsuna to wheeze in terror, clutching at his chest. "I…!"

"Z-Zero?!" Tsuna thought hysterically.'I-I don't know what to o-or… Oh my god…! Wh-What do I do?!"

"Breathe, Tsunayoshi, breathe," Zero said in a soothing murmur. "Let me… Let me take over, Tsunayoshi. I… think I know what to do…"

Tsuna exhaled, long and shaky, and closed his eyes. "… Okay…"

Zero inhaled, long and determined, and opened his eyes.

"… Yamamoto Takeshi." Dead, empty amber met burning, resolute orange. "Losing someone that is family or you consider family is the absolute, fucking worst feeling you will ever feel in your entire life."

"… How would you know how I feel, Sawada? Y-You've never lost anyone in your entire life!" In a show of anger, Takeshi turned around and gripped the chain-link fence. "You have people that still care about you! You aren't about to get kicked out of school because of your grades or from a sport you've put your entire body and soul into! You don't have to worry about where you're going to live or what's going to happen to your home!"

"You're right," Zero agreed easily, surprising Takeshi for a moment, "but w- I was, once upon time, a no-good, nobody… Remember my old nickname? Dame-Tsuna? At that point in my life, I was nothing. An outcast. Failing grades. No friends. Bullied day in and day out… Hell, my own mother said that she wished she had a different son! It's a goddamn miracle that I didn't find myself in that same spot a long, long time ago."


"And…," Zero continued, solemn, "I do know what it's like to lose someone you love."


"I was… incredibly close to a group of people; a long, long time ago… they took me in when I had nothing and no one. They gave me a home. A purpose in life. A family." Zero's eyes slid shut. "We were all so… happy together…"

Takeshi swallowed once. Twice. Humbled by the sudden melancholy, tender tone that Tsuna had taken. "What… what happened?"

Zero opened his eyes, pinning Takeshi with a hard stare. "They died," he revealed. "They died and I-" He trailed off abruptly and shook his head, pressing two fingers to his temple, brow furrowed in concentration and pain.



"I-" Zero shook his head once more."You gotta have some people that care about you, Takeshi. Death is permanent. It's the end. Once you die, there's no coming back from it… Aren't there people that'll miss you and mourn for you if you go through with this?"

"No." Takeshi shook his head quickly. "No one would care if I died."

"… What about your teammates? Wouldn't they care if you did this?"

Takeshi laughed – a bitter sounding sound – and bowed his head. "No. Those guys would be happy if I just disappeared…"


Takeshi's grip on the chain-link fence tightened. "They… Those bastards only became… friends with me because of my abilities and… popularity… I learned that they actually hate me and were jealous of my skills. They don't care about me… They were only nice to me because I was the Ace… no one cares about me…"

"… What about the customers of your father's sushi shop? Who would make their orders the way they want it if you aren't around?" The baseball player stiffened at the brunet's words. "What about your supporters and baseball fans? The little kids who look up to you and want to be just like you when they grow up? What about your classmates? The ones that admire you from afar because they're too scared to approach you? What about your coach? Hasn't he supported you and believe in you throughout your baseball career? Wouldn't he be devastated if you were gone? …What about us?"

Takeshi's head snapped up, his amber-colored eyes wide with shock and guilt and disbelief. "Wh-What…?" He breathed.

"I know we don't exactly know each other that well, but, we care about you, Takeshi. We'd be sad if we had to go to your funeral. Besides," here Zero grinned, dangerous and vengeful, "if you die here then how will you get revenge on those bastards who you thought were your teammates?"


Zero crossed the remaining space between them in four long strides and peered deeply into Takeshi's eyes. "Live, Yamamoto Takeshi." He said, grinning widely. Fiercely. Brilliantly. "Live for the people that look up to you, that are counting on you, that care about you. And once you've become the successful motherfucker that I know you will be, turn the tables on the people that wanted to use you to further their own goals. Make them regret that they ever took advantage of you like that." He reached out his right hand and placed it over Takeshi's left. "Live so that way you can have the satisfaction of them realizing just how far you went without them dragging you down."


Several things happened at once.

Zero's head swiftly jerked to the left, eyes wide and furious-

There was a distant popping sound.

Takeshi suddenly lost his footing-

He looked surprised for a heartbeat, eyes wondering why his foot was sinking, before gravity began pulling him down, down, down, down-

Zero let out a shout, falling to his knees as if he could somehow, magically, reach through the chain-link fence and grab Takeshi before it was too late-

Tsuna screamed in his head – shrill and devastated.

There was a second, distant popping sound.

Tsuna felt an abrupt wave of calming, assurance overcome him-

He closed his eyes-

A Flame burst to life on his forehead-

He opened his sunset eyes and blurred into action. His hands were coated in bright, orange Flames and when he grabbed hold of the chain-link fence, the metal melted away, leaving an opening large enough for him to squeeze through-

Zero had a mere second to panic before he felt something take hold of him and then he was-

Drifting away, away, away then-


Gokudera was supposed to appear in this chapter but then Yamamoto came barreling in. Also wasn't planning on killing off Tsuyoshi but…


We'll see where my muse takes this unexpected development.

Any guesses as to what the heck Zero was talking about? He's lost people? Isn't he just a disembodied voice? Hehe…

And any guesses as to what caused Takeshi to fall so suddenly?

As always, please let me know what you all thought via Review or PM!