They did wake Roadhog, and he had been sure to let them know it.

It was late into the night; Pilar wasn't sure if it was late evening or early morning, but regardless, the towns in Gibraltar had been long since asleep as they cavorted through. Quiet as they were, Roadhog would often make a remark that they should stay separate for fear of waking the masses, and though she knew it as all in jest, she didn't think it was quite the best of times to do so. Still, they had deserved it.

Thankfully, however, she'd regained her strength since then. After a quick nap–after which they were rudely awakened by a canteen of freezing water poured entirely over them–they'd wasted no more time in their resting spot. Quickly dressing, they immediately headed south, over the border between Spain and Gibraltar, keeping hidden as best as a woman and her two enormous companions could be.

Strapped across her chest was a pack with her destroyed arm, within which held the contents of Trueno's whereabouts and Talon's hideout. As far as she could tell, it was only one of several locations throughout Europe, and likely, the world. Still, it would be at that location where Trueno's body was held, and it was imperative that Pilar get the information to Overwatch to save him, and stick a thorn in the organization's side.

"We've gotta be gettin' close, eh?" Junkrat hissed, frag launcher gripped tightly within his fist, yellow eyes narrowed as they continued to climb. They were at the Rock of Gibraltar, a large rock face that made up most of the area, and where the once-abandoned Watchpoint would be. Pilar only knew its location because she and her family were often stationed, she and her father more so than her mother, but memory served her well as she managed to find the path upward in the near-darkness.

"Yes, and be careful," she replied, slowing her pace. She led their party with confidence, despite the unrest in the pit of her stomach. There was only so much room for doubt, and in this situation, even the most minor of slip ups could have them regretting their decisions.

"Careful's me middle name, Caterpillar," he replied with a chuckle, and yet through it, Pilar could hear that even he was uncertain to where this journey would lead them. He hovered just behind Pilar, protectively, and every so often she would hear a low growl slip from his lips at the slightest of noises. Roadhog brought up the rear, for now; it had been agreed upon that the moment there was a sign of trouble, he would be barrelling to the front of their small brigade, taking down who he could as quickly as possible.

Pilar's hand was clenched tightly around Relampago, happy to have full use of her arm once again. Even still, no amount of confidence could overshadow the looming threat of who they might meet, and Pilar was in no rush to see who'd be answering when they came knocking.

"It shouldn't be much longer," she mumbled, slowing her pace slightly to fall in line with the junkers. The base was in sight, not fifty feet away from them, and she could feel her heart beginning to race, the closer they drew. Her eyes were narrowed, watching for any suspicious activity, any unrest that might signal that they were not alone. Behind her, Roadhog growled, chains rattling as he repositioned his hook, gripping it tightly in his hand. Whatever happened, she was certain that whoever decided to take him on would likely be injured, and badly, which would have not normally bothered her, but the fact that these were people she knew, and her own mother at that…well, her apprehension and fear were enough to distract her from the task at hand.

Her foot hit cement as they drew their first steps onto the Watchpoint; from their position, she could hear the mechanics whirring about, and the dull glow of the lightning above was just enough to illuminate their path forward. Beside her, Junkrat hunched, his features twitching as he shoved frags into the launcher, lip curled in an angered growl at the sight of the area. It looked abandoned for the most part, but there was still a certain air of authority about it–an authority who would take in men like he and Roadhog to rid the world of one more criminal. Lucky for them, if they tried any such thing, they'd be in just as much trouble as the junkers, if not more.

Pilar's steps were silent upon the ground, and yet any sort of cover from the noise there might have been was lost, as Roadhog's heavy, jarring footsteps crashed upon the ground, and Junkrat's anxious muttering filled the air between them. Pilar bit her lip, brows furrowing; there was still no sign of the former agents, nor Maria, but that didn't mean they weren't there. Rounding a corner, she caught sight of the entrance to the warehouse area, which beyond that, would lead to where she was certain Talon had tried hacking into their systems. Maria would likely be there, but that also meant that so would the rest…

"Hold on!"

Junkrat grabbed her by the shoulder before she could move on, forcing her back to his side, yellow eyes blazing as they darted around the perimeter. "Ya hear that?"

Pilar kept absolutely silent, straining her ears for what it was that he heard. For a moment, she thought it might have been the wind, knocking something about, but the closer she listened, the more she realized that what she heard was actually quick, quiet footsteps, darting about above them…

And then it all came flooding back to her…

"Shit," she hissed, but it was too late. Before them, seemingly out of thin air, a woman appeared, tossing out in front of them what Pilar knew to be a bomb. Memories from her youth, from when she had been a part of the organization, seemed to punch her in the face, and she remembered those abilities. She remembered who it was that harnessed the bombs, and who it was who rushed about faster than anyone she'd ever known.

With a hiss, Pilar shoved her full weight against Junkrat, forcing him out of the way, as Roadhog realized what was happening, just in time to shield them better against the explosion. Even still, they were knocked off their feet, and Pilar and Junkrat fell in a tangle of limbs and weapons as Roadhog remained upright, sliding back, shoes screeching against the ground.

Their cover was blown, that was for sure, and there was little time to regain their ground, now that she knew. Untangling herself from Junkrat, she sprung upward, grabbing him by the hands as she heaved him up, growling angrily while motioning for them to follow her, pausing only to scoop up Relampago from the ground.

"They know we're here now!" she yelled, and soon after, she could hear the woman behind them, easily gaining on the junkers as Pilar led them where she knew she needed to be. She turned a corner sharply, shooting out her hand, which wrapped around Junkrat's forearm as he seemed to miss his exit, swinging him in, to crash against the wall beside her. She could hear Roadhog taking the woman head on, and his cackling laughter filled the air as his weapon fired round after round at her. The rattling of chains met her ears as he launched it, missing, but that didn't mean he would get away from her so easily.

She poked her head around the corner to watch; Roadhog would fire with a deadly precision, only for his adversary to disappear a moment later, going back into her own timeline, uninjured and gaining the upper hand. Roadhog was furious. Smashing a can to his mask, inhaling its contents to reinvigorate him, he watched carefully as he charged forward, losing his hook toward the woman. Pilar was stunned to see how he purposely missed, but not seconds later, she understood why he had done so. He'd registered her position seconds before, and predicting she might go back to it when he swung it, he threw it out where she'd been seconds before, finally successful in catching his prey. A deep, throaty laugh escaped him when the woman was suddenly hooked around the waist–Pilar squinting, knowing well what that felt like–and was jolted forward, fear flashing across her face as he caught her easily.

"No! Don't!" Pilar launched herself forward, toward Roadhog and the woman, stunning them both when she jumped, wrapping herself around his enormous arm. "Don't hurt her!"

Thoroughly confused, it gave the woman just enough time to get the hell out of there, and Roadhog, infuriated by the loss of his prey, growled angrily, as though to ask Pilar why the fuck she did that. She understood his anger, but as she tugged on his arm, doing all she could to drag him with, she did not have time to explain. She just needed to get through the warehouse as soon as they possibly could.

He relented, if begrudgingly, and scooped Pilar up in his arms, grabbing Junkrat by the arm as he charged as fast as he could toward the enormous doors barring their way. It would take a miracle, or more explosives than Junkrat had, to blow it open, but luckily for Pilar, she knew all the ways through without having to go the desperate route.

"To the left!" she hissed from Roadhog's shoulder, pointing to a small door that opened into the warehouse. "It looks like it's open!" She needn't say more; with a grunt, and a shove of Junkrat forward, Roadhog rushed them in through the door, putting more distance between them and the woman who followed.

Pilar had since strapped Relampago to her back, and though it proved difficult to sit on his shoulder as he ran, she remained firmly seated on Roadhog while Junkrat hobbled along beside them. Really, neither of them were runners, but it was all they could do to get to their destination without getting caught. Still, Pilar's heart raced, knowing well that more would be along soon, but she had to have faith that they'd be able to pass on the information without getting caught. She just had to. She would put up one hell of a fight if her mother managed to separate her from Junkrat and Roadhog; she just only hoped that her old allies wouldn't be along for the show…

Luckily for them, the warehouse was empty, proving to be the easiest part of their journey, so far. The command center of the Watchpoint wasn't far now; they'd be able to get there in minutes, if even that, but the trick was getting out again without getting caught. Now, it was looking like their chances were slim, but Pilar knew better than anyone that her companions would fight, tooth and claw, to keep their freedom.

There was a downward slope, and up again, that showed them the last leg of their journey. At the top of the hill, they'd have to take one more turn, which led to an open area, surrounded by buildings, as well as the base's area of operation, built directly into the cliff wall, and heavily guarded. It wasn't until they were at the top of the hill that Pilar jumped off of Roadhog's shoulder, landing lightly on her feet as her arm twisted around to pull Relampago from her back, twirling the polearm about her in an impressive display, wasted on those around her. They stood at the dead center of the area, chests heaving, and Junkrat had drawn nearer to Pilar, hunched over, while she unconsciously wrapped her hand around his forearm, squeezing tightly.

"This is it," she croaked, not at all confident that she'd make it out. A hopeless sigh fell from her lips and her eyes flickered closed when she rested her brow against his shoulder. She could feel him vibrating, likely in both anger and anticipation, and his fingers of that hand twitched incessantly. Really, Pilar couldn't blame him; it took all she had not to burst into stressed tears in that moment, and if she hadn't needed to keep all focus on the situation at hand, she would very likely be a puddle of herself on the ground. Still, taking a deep breath, she drew back, eyes fixing on Junkrat's, and he met her gaze steadily, nodding as though he already knew what she was going to say.

"No matter what happens, you two need to get the fuck out of here as soon as you can. I'll be safe. Pissed, but safe."

Roadhog nodded, but Junkrat had something else in mind. Wrenching his arm from Pilar's hand, shoving his weapon into its holster as both his hands fell heavily onto her shoulders. His brow was knitted together, in anger of course, but worry, concern that she might not make it out with them. A snarl curled his lip as a fire blazed in his yellow eyes, and he shoved his brow against hers–a bit roughly, though he didn't mean it–shaking her slightly, as though unable to believe what he had heard.

"Like hell we're gonna let ya get taken away from us, Pilar!" he exclaimed, nose pressed against hers. "Yer one of us, we're not leavin' ya. I can't leave ya."

Her stomach churned uncomfortably at his words, and her hands reached for his face, drawing it away gently as she tried to impress the seriousness of the situation upon him.

"Jamison, these people are highly trained, ex-military. You'll only get so far–I can't let you put your freedom on the line for it. Besides–" She paused, chuckling weakly. "I can break out."

He did not seem impressed by her words, but shook his head, regardless. There was no getting around it with her, and as he glanced at Roadhog, whose imposing figure seemed to agree with Pilar, he sighed, realizing that there was no other way around it.

"Fine," he grumbled, turning his gaze back to Pilar, nose wrinkled in distaste. "But ya know I'll be breakin' ya out if I need ta."

She laughed again, a little more easily before standing on her toes pressing a kiss to his brow. "I wouldn't expect it any other–"

She found her words cut off as a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, and the odd, disorienting sensation that suddenly enveloped all her senses as well as her entire body in a bluish light, caused her stomach to lurch as she was propelled away from the junkers, her back slammed against the wall as two pistols were held before her, keeping her in place. It took a moment to realize where she was, what was happening. Her eyes slid back into focus after a few moments, and she fought off the vertigo as her hands wrapped tightly around Relampago, positioning it across her chest like a shield.

"The hell–" She could barely speak as her gaze fixed on a pair of bright, brown eyes behind a set of vibrant glasses, and a mess of freckles splattered across the woman's face. Pilar had known who it was the moment the bomb went off when they arrived; there was little else that could have made it more obvious as to who had ambushed them, not minutes after they arrived.

"Long time, no see, Lena," Pilar mused, and recognition suddenly flashed into the woman's eyes when she realized with whom she was talking. She lowered her weapons, if only for a moment, before aiming them at Pilar again, glancing over her shoulder at the junkers–who seemed to be working out what had happened just seconds ago.

"Wait a minute," she muttered, her eyes flashing about Pilar's face, down to her arm, and to the weapon she currently held tightly to her chest. "Pilar? Pilar Fierro? The hell ya doing here, love?"

"If you'd just let me go, I'd be able to show you," she replied as Oxton fidgeted, the chronal accelerator on her chest glowing brightly, illuminating their faces from below.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that," Oxton replied, almost guiltily. "Your mum's been waiting for you; she should be on her way."

Shit. Well, her plan was quickly going downhill, but as she thumbed the switch that would ignite Relampago's lightning energy, she remained focused on Oxton–a woman better known as Tracer–who, honestly, was probably the one person she'd rather see above all of Overwatch's old agents.

"Figures," Pilar sighed, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, though."

She made a face. "Sorry for what? And after what Maria told us about your, uh…" She paused, glancing over her shoulder as Junkrat and Roadhog suddenly realized what the hell was going on. "Company, I wasn't expecting you."

A mischievous grin spread clear across Pilar's features. "Nobody suspects the Spanish Inquisition!"

Lightning flashed about her as she triggered her weapon, and surprising Oxton, she swept the polearm in an arch around her, forcing her to jump back to elude the lightning strikes. With a grin, Pilar managed to jump from the platform she'd been taken to, and catching the eyes of the junkers, Junkrat's massive grin had her heart racing in excitement as she launched herself toward him. Closer and closer she drew, legs propelling her as fast as she could, and as his hand outstretched to grab hers the moment she got into reach. She threw out hers, watching as he prepared his frag launcher for the attack, and her lips curved into a wide grin as she nearly touched her hand to his.


She crashed against a dome-like barrier, feeling herself get thrown backward onto the cement, landing in a crumpled heap at the center of the dome. Shaking her head, pushing her dark hair out of her face, horror crossed her features as she realized she was trapped within. Using her weapons would likely get herself electrocuted, and as she jumped to her feet, throwing herself against the barrier separating her from the junkers, she used her mech arm to slam heavily against it, in attempt to break it enough to get through.

Junkrat looked horrified as Pilar was separated, doing all she could to force her way to freedom, and he snarled, tossing a concussion mine at the barrier, and Pilar, realizing what was about to happen, dove to the back of the dome, shielding her head from the impending explosion.

It was fruitless, however. Suddenly crashing to the ground, surrounded by electrical bolts from his weapon, an enormous gorilla forced his way between she and her companions, pushing them back and away from Pilar in her prison. She smashed her fist against the barrier even harder now, screaming at the top of her lungs in a panic.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" she roared, tears streaming down her cheeks as her attempts to freedom became more and more futile. "GO, NOW!"

They heard her through the commotion, even as they fought back Winston and his bolts of energy. Roadhog was impassive, as ever, but Junkrat seemed to be slowly losing himself as Pilar was driven further away from them. Try as he might to break his way to her, Roadhog's level mind took charge of the situation, grabbing the spindly man roughly by the upper arm as he screamed countless obscenities at the gorilla, who snarled, defending his post.

Minutes later, the dome dissipated, and Pilar rose to her feet, preparing to sprint toward Junkrat, but the moment she found her footing, an enormous arm wrapped around her waist, forcing her to drop her weapon as she was heaved off the ground and forced backwards. Struggle as she might, the arm was nearly bigger than she was, and all she could do was continue to scream at her friends, her family, to get the fuck out of there before it was too late. Thank god for Roadhog, who seemed to be taking her words to heart as he heaved Junkrat clear off the ground, retreating to safety as the numbers against them seemed to grow in strength.

Pilar struggled, reaching out, as though to grab Junkrat's hand like before, but as she watched them get smaller and smaller as they retreated–and she was brought back into Gibraltar's base–a choked sob escaped her lips while tears streamed down her face. The doors slammed tightly in front of her, and she was suddenly whirled around to face the inside of the base, where a congregation of people had gathered, their eyes focused on Pilar's countenance as she was dropped to the floor in the midst of them.

"You stupid girl!"

God, she would recognize that angry voice anywhere. From between Winston and Oxton, a diminutive Spanish woman angrily pushed herself through, dark brown eyes blazing in anger, her finger shaking toward Pilar as she stomped forward. Maria was not usually this frightening, but even Reinhardt Wilhelm, the man who had carried Pilar within, shied away from her angry glare.

"What the hell did you think you were doing, running around with those madmen?!" Her voice, thick with anger, jabbed her finger into Pilar's chest, gazing angrily at her daughter. The woman had the same complexion as Pilar, with the same, dark brown hair, wavy and cut short, nearly standing on end in anger. Feeling embarrassment color her cheeks, Pilar held her ground, her expression matching her mother's anger as she prepared to fire back.

"Trying to get back to you!" she roared back, her face inches from Maria's. A murmur seemed to travel throughout the crowd as mother and daughter yelled, and it wasn't long before a woman stepped forward, touching Winston's arm, to break up the fight that would likely escalate to ridiculous levels if she did not intervene.

"Maria, Pilar, please calm yourselves," said Angela Ziegler, glancing from one woman to the other, her expression calm, radiating a sort of peace that Pilar couldn't truly ignore. As much as she'd like to scream a bit more at her mother, she bowed her head, turning reluctant eyes to the doctor.

"Fine," she mumbled with a sigh. "What do you want with me?"

"An examination, first," Ziegler replied, casting a glance to Pilar's new arm. "Winston, if you could join me, we can get things worked out."

The gorilla nodded his massive head, taking a few steps forward, before resting his hand on Maria's shoulder comfortingly. "Perhaps you should sit this one out, Maria. We'll take care of her as best we can."

Maria seemed unwilling to relent, however as she looked up at Winston, she too sighed–nearly identically to Pilar–her shoulders slouching.

"Por supuesto, amigo," she murmured, running a hand through her hair. She looked utterly exhausted, strained, and in need of a drink or two. From the doorway, Reinhardt stomped his way forward, offering to take a walk with Maria, while Winston and Angela led Pilar away, who refused to meet a single gaze that fixed on her.

They turned down a hall, empty and quiet, and Angela could not help but to notice the sniffles that continued to fall from Pilar. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she rested a hand gently on her shoulder, gesturing to enter a door to their right, and obliging her, the three of them were soon cut off from the rest of the recalled agents, and Pilar found herself with her back facing Angela and Winston, arms folded across her arms in irritation, nose wrinkled unhappily.

"You don't need to patronize me," she murmured before they could utter a word. "I knew what I was getting into." She glanced over her shoulder, eyes flashing about the room quickly, readying herself for an examination.

"Your arm," Winston remarked, having noticed that it was not the same as her old. "What happened to it?"

Shrugging the bag wrapped around her torso, she held it out for the gorilla to take. He eyed it apprehensively, glancing back at Pilar, who rolled her eyes, a sigh escaping her.

"It's not an explosive," she grumbled, a hand resting on her hip. "It tried to kill me about a week back."

Both Winston and Angela looked aghast, and the former immediately took the bag from Pilar's hand. "What happened?" Angela asked, taking a step forward to begin her medical examination. Pilar wasn't bothered as she began to poke and prod, examining the arm rather closely, as well as the area where it attached to her body. Brushing Pilar's hair back and pulling down the shoulder of her shirt, she noticed dark purple splotches against her skin, and she raised a brow, lips pursed as she prodded the area, causing Pilar to hiss. "And this?"

It was Pilar's turn to raise a brow when she cast her gaze to Angela, covering her neck with her free hand, though a slight, mischievous grin lifted her lips. "That doesn't matter, doctor, but I'm sure you can guess what that is," she replied cooly. "I'm here because a week ago, we were ambushed by Talon…my father."

There was a heavy silence between the three of them, and Angela glanced at Winston, whose expression had hardened the moment Talon was mentioned. Pilar knew why; Gibraltar had nearly been compromised not long ago, and it was likely still a very raw wound. Still, as the silence continued, Winston sighed heavily, sitting down heavily as he readjusted his glasses, running his hand over his head.

"This is…not good. Why target you, though? Specifically?"

"The hell if I know," Pilar replied, crossing her arms. "Probably because I'm his daughter, but…" she paused, lips pursing. "He had a woman with him. She managed to hack into that arm and nearly kill me. Not only that…she hacked into Trueno, and he's now in Talon's hands. We have to get him back, and that arm has the details to get to him, and strike a heavy blow on Talon's forces."

Winston and Angela glanced at each other, both looking rather somber. "We will take that into account, Pilar," Angela murmured reassuringly. "But now, we must make sure you're okay, and fix that arm of–"

"No," Pilar growled, cutting her off. "This arm stays."

She was forceful in her statement, though she didn't really have any leeway to be, but they accepted it as it was. Pilar was still visibly shaken, her hand tracing over the smiley face engraving in the forearm, and Winston nodded at Angela, who bowed her head, before leaving the pair to their own devices.

"Pilar," Winston said quietly, approaching her slowly. "These junkers…why did you join forces with them?"

She was silent for a moment, contemplating her answer. "They saved me. Twice. And you know, spend enough time with someone makes you–" She paused, feeling her face grow warm in a slight blush. "They're not as bad as the news makes them out to be. They're dangerous as hell, but they're human."

Winston grunted, nodding his head. "You do know that they won't let you out so willingly because of this, right?" He did not seem angry, or even disappointed. It was more a concern that he held for Pilar than anything else. He could see the sadness in her eyes, the way her hand held tightly onto her arm, which was so obviously of junker make. She truly did care for them.

"I know," she sighed, shaking her head sadly. "Just…just don't be surprised when they come knocking at your door. Because if I know them…if I know Junkrat…it'll be a perfect day for mayhem."

Well there it is, folks! The final chapter of Nobody Suspects the Spanish Inquisition! Thank you so much for sticking with me until the end, and this certainly isn't the last you'll see of Pilar and her Junker boys. I'm going to take a bit of a break before I start working on the sequel to work on my Pokemon fic, but if you want to keep up with Pilar related shenanigans, you can visit her tumblr (on my front page) and look around or shoot me an ask about her & her relationships with the other Overwatch heroes! Much love to all of you and see you soon! 3