AN: Last chapter, everyone! I'd like to say a huge thanks to everyone who's read, liked, faved and reviewed this story! I have other stories in the works, so watch out for them in the near future.

At the back of the cabin there was a porch which overlooked the back yard. It was covered, so was mostly dry and protected from the snow, and it had a nice view of the surrounding landscape along with the sky.

It was where Lucifer was stood, cigarette in his mouth and no coat on. He hadn't taken it back from the child, instead choosing to raise his body temperature to keep himself warm. It wasn't high enough that he'd have to change form.

He'd needed to get away from everyone. All the questions that had been thrown at him – entirely from Dan and mostly yelled – had been too much, so he'd instead left them for Maze and Amenadiel to answer.

Which they had. Lucifer had heard all the yelling – from Dan again; Penelope had remained quiet – and Maze's various growls to keep him in line. When Dan had finally calmed down thanks to Linda and Ella, his brother and friend had finally explained that no, Lucifer wasn't evil and no, he wasn't there to hurt anyone. It had taken some convincing, but eventually they'd gotten through to Dan, and then Penelope had started asking questions.

And that had led to her realizing that she had, in fact, met Amenadiel before. So of course, his brother had been forced to explain why, telling everyone what he'd told Lucifer the day before (which was apparently news to Maze, too), which of course set Dan off again about why the Devil was in love with his ex-wife and current friend, and why did she have to be chosen to be the Devil's lover.

The Devil's lover. It was a thought that made him giddy and terrified him at the same time.

The explanation was still going, and he tuned it out. Instead he wondered what would happen when Chloe finally emerged from Trixie's room.

She hadn't been afraid of his true face. Hadn't even reacted. He couldn't even begin to understand why, but he had theories.

His first was that her immunity to his powers prevented her from seeing his true face. His powers couldn't work on her, and she made him mortal. So, would that mean she only saw his mortal form? But then his powers still worked around her, and she'd obviously seen his true form in a reflection at the warehouse all those months ago…

But it was a theory he preferred over his second: that she was entirely aware of who he was, and had been ever since he met her. That she'd only been playing along; that she knew of her heritage and his Father's plan for him. He'd suspected that before; when they first met, but only briefly (Did my Father send you? Oh Dad), and then when he discovered that he could be hurt around her.

The very thought of that theory proving to be true… It would mean that she'd been lying to him the whole time. And his heart would shatter into a million pieces.

"Don't worry yourself. It's not the second one. Not the first one, either."

Lucifer froze, and the cigarette dropped from his mouth. It missed the edge of the porch and fell into the snow, but Lucifer wasn't paying attention.

His attention was entirely on the man stood next to him – a man who should've been dead. A man who had died in his arms months ago.

A man who had been his second human friend behind the Detective.


Father Frank smiled at him. "Good to see you again, Lucifer. You should really think about quitting." He nodded down at the cigarette lying in the snow.

"It's not like I'm going to get cancer," Lucifer said automatically, the shock fading as he fell into banter effortlessly. "Devil, remember."

"With increasing bouts of mortality."

That got his attention. "You know something. Like you knew who I really am. How did you know?"

"I can't tell you that," Frank replied, smirking. "It's a trade secret."

Somehow, Lucifer knew that would be his answer. "Are all priests this bloody annoying?"

"Only the annoying ones. You've met Sarah?"

"Yes. The two of you should meet. Maybe you can share living space once she finally joins you in the Silver City." Which reminded him… "Speaking of which, why are you not up there? Did it get too boring for you? I did try to warn you."

"Heaven's fine," he said. "I was actually sent down here. By your Father." His smile was warm and assuring. "I was right when I said that his plan for you isn't finished."

Lucifer looked at his feet. "The whole point of my rebellion was wanting freedom. I wanted to make my own choices. And now I've learned that he planned for me to leave Hell, and even planted a little temptation payback in my path."

"You made your own choices, Lucifer," said Frank. "Your Father just foresaw those choices, which conveniently went along with his plan."

"And what plan is that?"

"For you to be happy."

The Devil scoffed. "Dad's never wanted me to be happy. Or is sending me to Hell his idea of what makes me happy?"

Frank's eyebrow rose. "Would I lie to you?"

"You lied to me when you were alive. Twice, I believe."

"I told those lies because I was serving a higher authority," Frank explained. "I didn't say that Conner was already involved in the drug ring because I wanted to protect him from getting arrested, and then I didn't say it was him who rang me because I knew I needed to talk him down myself. Having cops there would have gotten Conner, well, arrested."

"Yes, but had we been there as well, you would still be alive."

"Things happen," said Frank. "We don't always get what we deserve – until we die, as you would know. And yes, I lied both those times – but I'm not lying to you now. I wouldn't do that, not even if God asked me to."

Lucifer turned back to his friend, and knew he was telling the truth. Frank was a good man; would probably make a better God than his Father. He wouldn't lie unless he thought it was for a higher cause – and he wouldn't consider manipulation to be "a higher cause".

"So Dad wants me to be happy."

"That's why He created Chloe. She's His gift to you. He knows that it'll never make up for what happened, or for all those years you spent down in Hell, but He's not asking for forgiveness. He doesn't care if you never forgive Him. He just wants you to be happy – and with Chloe, you can be. If you want to. The choice is entirely yours."

"Not entirely," said Lucifer. "He knows I can't turn my back on her. Not now. Not after everything we've been through. Not after I've…"

"Taken another Fall?"

"You could say that."

"But it's still your choice," he explained. "And when she dies and goes to Heaven, that's where you'll go, too."

He scoffed, turning away once more. "Heaven was Hell for me."

"Would it be if she was there?"

There was only a moment of thought before he had his answer. "No. Chloe is…my first home. Heaven is wherever she is." He sighed. "I still feel…manipulated."

"Do you regret your Father creating her?"

"Never." He didn't even need a moment for that answer.

"He didn't mean to make you feel that way," Frank continued. "And even though you do…remember that Chloe has no idea. This isn't her fault."

"I know. I don't blame her."

"Then talk to her. Be honest with her. I think you already know that she won't run."

Lucifer turned back around, but Frank was gone. It was as if he was never there. But Lucifer knew better; his spirit had come back down to Earth, just for a minute. The Devil felt a little empty at the departure of his friend…

…which soon faded when he heard footsteps, and Chloe stepped out onto the porch.

"Hey," she greeted him. Lucifer only nodded in response. "Trixie's asleep. I had to read How the Grinch Stole Christmas three times. She loves the part where his heart grows three sizes. I love that part, too." She winked at him.

The Devil gulped and blushed a little. "Is she well?"

"She's a little shaken, but otherwise OK. No hyperthermia, no pneumonia, not even a cold coming on." Chloe flung her arms around him and hugged him tight. "You saved her life today. Thank you."

Lucifer could only return the hug. "You're welcome, Detective."

She pulled back and looked up at him, smiling. "Why so glum? And why are you out here in the cold, avoiding everyone?"

"It's a little…intense in there."

"I guess. I heard Dan's yelling." Chloe shrugged. "Probably figures that he wouldn't take it well, you being the actual Devil."

That he couldn't ignore. "Why are you not afraid of me, Detective? Why are you not shutting me out of our room, packing your bags, grabbing your mother and daughter, and hightailing it down the mountains? You've just discovered that I haven't been lying all this time, and you…you saw my face. But you looked at my like it was normal!"

Chloe took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. It reminded him of that night in his penthouse, when they were eating dinner and had come so close to kissing…

"Lucifer, you're my friend. My best friend. And I care about you so much," she told him. "What or who you are would never make a difference for me. And…I sort of already know. At least…I knew who you are before now."

Lucifer stared at her. "You…knew?" She nodded. "How? Your…daughter knew, and she said it was because I never lied, and since I always said I'm the Devil-"

"I know. She told me," said Chloe. "And to answer your question, it's been slow coming. I probably should've figured it out long before now, but after I shot you in the leg and saw you bleed… I was horrified that I actually shot someone who didn't deserve it, so I didn't dare touch the subject for a long time. Until you were shot again."

"By Malcolm."

She nodded. "I saw you die. And then you were…there and alive, and part of me whispered 'He's telling the truth' but the rational part of me didn't want to believe it. So, I collected the blood and planned to test it."

"But you didn't."

Chloe nodded again. "I said it was about having faith in you, and yeah, it was. But after your brother gave me that story and shot himself in front of me with the vest and the blood packs… I realized two things. One: He was trying way too hard to convince me that you weren't the Devil. Two: I really didn't react well before he revealed the vest and blood pacts. It made me realize that…there was actually a chance you might be telling the truth. But I didn't think I could handle that truth; I didn't want to react badly and ruin our friendship, so I stepped back and threw out the blood sample."

"What changed your mind?"

"It was gradual, with things building up," she admitted. "You were obviously hiding something from me, you said your mom was in town but refused to let me meet her, and then there was that huge freak out about cosmic forces trying to kill me. But I didn't face the truth until your brother died."

"Uriel." He sighed. "How did you know?"

"Maze told me," she explained. "She was also the one who finally gave me the well-needed wakeup call. It was the day after Halloween, Trixie wanted to see Maze's "mask" again, and I turned to look at them just as Maze was revealing her true face. She let me take Trixie to school, then when I got back, we sat down and she explained everything."

"You took it better than the Doctor."

"Maze said the same thing later," said Chloe. "I think it's because I was already halfway to believing it. Regardless, it was a lot to wrap my head around, but when I realized that you were still the same old Lucifer – you were always the Devil, nothing had changed – I came to terms with it. I…I meant to tell you that I knew, but at first there was never a right time, what with the case with my dad, and everything. And then after that I wanted you to tell me yourself; open up and learn that I'm your friend, and I'll always be there for you. I was hoping you'd do it when that blade was being used to kill people-"

"So you knew that was a cosmic blade all along?"

"Not until Maze called me about it. Why do you think I was so lenient with you?" He shrugged in agreement. "And then I kept dropping hints. When I told everyone in the court room that you weren't a liar, and I looked right at you…"

"Missed that hint. More amazed that you gave up punishment against your father's murderer just for me."

"He got his punishment anyway, so Maze tells me."

Lucifer looked surprised for a moment that she knew about Perry. "Oh. So…you're really OK with all this? Me being the Devil, your roommate being a demon…"

"Maze swore on her life that she'd never hurt me or Trixie. Nor Linda and Ella," Chloe stated. "She didn't mention if Dan is safe from her, but I'm sure he is."

"From death? Yes. Other forms of bodily harm? Debatable."

She laughed a little. "But I believe her. And I believe the same about you. You're not evil, Lucifer. That's not what you are, no matter what you tell yourself. You're not a monster. That face I saw today… That's not the face of a monster. That's the face of a broken soul who's been through so much pain he doesn't know how to heal – but is trying to anyway, for himself and those he cares about." She adjusted her hand so she was gripping the ring on his finger; the talisman she had given to him. "This was a hint, too. You have the heart of a wolf, Lucifer. And that's something you should be proud of."

Lucifer was left speechless, and could do nothing but stare at her as his eyes began to water and tears spilled onto his cheek.

It was all he ever wanted; for someone to understand him, to care about him, to enjoy his company, to like him for him and not anything he could offer them.

He had wanted to find home when he left Hell – but in that moment, he realized that he had always wanted to find it in a person. A companion. He'd been lonely for so long, with no one but Maze to keep him company (he didn't count the other demons and tortured souls in Hell), and that need to find someone who understood him… That was why he left Hell. That was what he was looking for.

And thanks to his Father, the right someone had been waiting for him.

Thanks, Dad. For once, you did something right. But not just for himself. Chloe's creation had brought so much good to so many people. Her parents, who had been unable to have children…all the innocents who had been saved…all the justice she had brought…heck, she'd even made Dan happy for a time…

And she had given birth to Trixie. Without her, the only child in the world he actually liked wouldn't have existed.

She was a wonder of Creation. His Father's magnum opus.

"Detective…" Yet he trailed off, unable to put into words just how amazing she was, because there were no words in any language that could do her justice.

Her smile lit up her entire face, and for a brief moment she looked above them. But then she did a double-take and sighed. "Maze…"


"Maze has been putting that stuff everywhere. More specifically: she's been putting it everywhere she thinks we might stand."

Lucifer looked up – and noticed some mistletoe hanging directly above them. He frowned. "Funny. That wasn't hanging there a few minutes ago-"

Chloe's lips cut him off. And he was in Heaven.

All thoughts left him and he couldn't think, couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything at all as all his focus was on Chloe and her amazing lips and just how she poured everything into the kiss. And he did the same; kissing her like he'd never kissed anyone before.

No kiss had ever felt like kissing Chloe. They were nothing compared to one shared with her. He was never, ever, kissing anyone else, ever again.

They had to pull back for air, and they both stared at one another as they panted for breath.

"About time." Both turned to find Maze stood in the doorway, watching them with her arms crossed and a huge grin on her face. "Seriously, I was on the verge of locking you two in a bedroom with my toys, and not letting you out again until you fucked."

Lucifer gestured to the mistletoe. "Getting that above our heads without either of us noticing? That has to be your crowning achievement, Maze."

"Thanks. You two gonna fuck, or what?"

"Not while you're watching," was Chloe's reply.

"Yes," said Lucifer, surprised that Chloe was actually considering sex at all. "And these walls aren't thick enough to muffle her screaming my name as I give her multiple orgasms." She playfully slapped his chest. "Everyone will hear us – which wouldn't be so bad if the Detective's mother and spawn weren't here." That earned him another slap. "So since no one will be leaving this cabin anytime soon, we'll have to wait until we get home."

"You want the cabin empty? I can do that." She was gone again before either of them could protest.

Lucifer wasn't even surprised the next morning when the women (and Trixie) decided to leave to explore the nearby town, and Dan and Amenadiel decided to go on a hike up the mountains. And since Lucifer wouldn't get along with the douche or his brother, he of course had to stay at the cabin, and of course Maze volunteered Chloe to watch him since he couldn't be trusted alone.

And it wasn't a coincidence when he found the "toy" Maze had given him for Christmas lying on his bed.

After staring at it for a few moments, Lucifer and Chloe exchanged glances.

"Up for taking advantage of the situation, Detective?"

"Sure. Why not? It's still Christmas."

It most definitely was, and she was the greatest gift he could have ever received.

And Lucifer decided that yes, he liked Christmas a lot. Especially if it always ended with Chloe naked in his bed.