(C) Harry Potter Junior Level Year Three

Summary of Part 1 and 2:

This is the last installment in the series of Harry Potter: A Child Prodigy In Wizardry. The story began with Harry at the age of eight having lost his parents in a battle with Voldemort, moves to live with Sirius. Sirius is the Astronomy professor for Hogwarts so the two live at the school during the school year but at Black Manor during the summer. Sirius adopts him as his son in a blood ceremony with Harry's name changing to Harrison James Potter-Black.

Harry has shown exceptional magical ability from the time he was a baby. When Hogwarts offers an experimental three year Junior Level program beginning with children at the age of nine and continuing with those children until they are twelve, Sirius has Harry take the entrance exam. With Harry's magic scoring exceptionally high for his age, he's now in the program. He meets and befriends, Neville, Ron and Hermione. Draco Malfoy eventually becomes the ward and then adopted son of Severus Snape as the latter discovers his godson being abused by Lucius. Harry and Draco are now raised as cousins and are friends. Draco's father was stripped of parental rights and disappeared. His mother left England and after two years has just established contact with her cousin Sirius.

Chapter 1:

One month into the summer holiday finds Draco tired of being without someone his age. The first four weeks have been exciting as he traveled with his Dad to gather fresh potion's ingredients. Being allowed to go along on the trip to Ireland this year, while Severus sought out specific mushrooms, made the first three weeks speed by quickly. Now back at Snape Manor with his Dad busy preparing ingredients, Draco has become lonely.

Carefully entering the Potion's Lab as to not disturb his Dad, Draco sits and watches while Severus works with the bright mushrooms.

Seeing his son slumped on a stool, Severus pulls his gloves off, placing them in the covered box. In order to keep from contaminating other ingredients, he has begun using different gloves for preparation of each item.

"Hello son, why the long face? I thought you were out flying. You've been looking forward to coming home to do just that."

"I did fly Dad, for two whole hours and now I'm tired of that. I've also read all my new books you bought and finished the rest of my summer assignments."

"Are you positive all of your assigned reading and essays are complete? When did you finish the Herbology essay? I remember you were to rewrite it after my corrections. I hope you reread the text before you wrote the new essay. The first one was complete nonsense and I could tell you didn't know the material you were writing about."

"Yes sir, I read the assignment and studied your comments. I finished it yesterday. Dad? Could Harry come stay over for a night or two? Please? I haven't seen him all holiday!"

"After you let me read over this essay and I approve of it then we'll see." Severus replies trying for a teasing tone.

"Yes sir. I did a good job this time, honest I did. I remembered you told me if I didn't get an essay done by this weekend, I'd be grounded to my room for the time it took to get one done. I'm sorry I didn't do an essay up to my usual standards the first time. I suppose I was just rushing to get the summer homework finished and didn't try. I promise I followed the comments and suggestions you put on the first one and I read two extra sections in the books to help with this essay. I don't want to go back and have the new professor mark me down for a horrible essay. She seems very strict. Why do you suppose Professor Sprout left?" Draco answers, taking his Dad seriously.

"I don't know that Draco and it's not our business to know why she left. I'm sure the new essay is up to your excellent standards so relax. As to Harry, we can arrange a two night stay, I'm sure. How about helping me by dicing some ingredients. I need what is on the list here. As you can see I've written what is to be diced, chopped, dewinged, etc. Would you be up to helping me? You do an excellent job of dicing."

"Sure I will help but Dad? We haven't eaten since breakfast and it's two o'clock now. Could we eat something and then come back to work?"

"Time gets away from me, son. I'm sorry I didn't order lunch. Yes, let's go eat. I'll wash up and meet you upstairs. You may order something delivered as we won't want to wait for me to cook. I'll cook something for a late meal tonight. Order pudding for us to have tonight also. Your choice but refrain from figgy pudding please. I detest figgy pudding."

"Yes sir." Draco giggles at the expression on his Dad's face as he leaves the lab. "I'll get something we both like. How would blackberry pie be?"

"Anything will be fine as long as it doesn't contain figs, son. It's your choice as to what to order for us to enjoy. I trust your judgement."

As they finish the meal of pepperoni, Italian sausage, onion, anchovies and extra cheese pizza, Severus says "Well son, it's not often I have pizza. I enjoyed it in case you were wondering. Next time though let's leave off the anchovies. I am aware you don't like them since you picked off every one from your slices and I don't find them necessary with the other meats. I've decide this weekend would be a good one for Harry to visit. Sirius did mention he had plans for this coming weekend, so we'll ask if Harry may come then. We'll floo call Black Manor as soon as we finish cleaning up."

Standing by the fireplace in the main room, Severus calls "Black Manor, Sirius and Harry please."

"Severus! Hello to you and Draco." Sirius says moments later as he stoops down to talk into his own fireplace. "What may I do for you two gentlemen? Harry is in the bath at the moment but I'll tell him you called."

"Uncle Sirius? May Harry come stay the weekend with us, please? We haven't been together since we left Hogwarts a month ago. Please?"

"No need to beg, Draco. As a matter of fact, I was going to floo you later this week as I need to be out of town. Harry would love to come if you can handle two of the munchkins, Sev. He's been complaining of being lonely for two weeks now. If you don't mind, I can send him through the floo at two on Friday. I will be home Sunday by five if not earlier."

"That's funny Uncle Sirius. "Send him through the floo at two." You ought to say something else that rhymes. I know "Harry will be in blue coming at two through the floo !" Draco says before collapsing with giggles.

"Sev? What've you done to my nephew? He's turning into a poet and he's always balked at poetry."

"I think it's a serious case of boredom and only Harry can cure it. We'll look for him on Friday and enjoy your business trip."

"Oh it's going to be an interesting trip, that's true. Draco, try to hold out two more days. Good evening, gentlemen." Sirius tells them before closing the floo connection.

Friday afternoon at 1:50, Draco is anxiously watching the floo as he sits in Severus's favorite chair. As the floo bell sounds and Harry appears, he jumps up to hug his cousin.

"Harry, it's so good to see you again! It's been forever and it's been lonely here all alone. Did you get my owl? Did you bring it? Did you bring anything to play with? i'm tired of all my games and things. We'll have such fun this weekend. We can fly, use the racetrack, whatever else you want to do."

Laughing and hugging Draco back, Harry answers " Take a breath, Draco! I did bring what you requested but it wasn't easy. Dad checked my bag last night before he went to bed so I had to sneak it in later. I will enjoy doing whatever you want and I've been lonely too. Ron came over one day but it was two weeks ago. We need to go put up my bag before your ... Hi, Uncle Sev! Thank you for allowing me to stay. I would've had to stay with Dobby and Missy. Dad wouldn't let me go to France too. I don't know why as I like France and could have gone along! France has delectable things to eat. Croissants, pastries, ah so much to choose. I wish I could go."

"I see you haven't learned the art of restraint yet, chatterbox. It's good to see you too and you are welcome. You two go on up and let Harry unpack. Harry, did you eat before you came?"

"Yes sir. I had a sandwich, soup and crisps for lunch."

"Good. Well you two enjoy yourselves but remember the rules. No going into my potions cabinet or lab without permission, do not leave sight of the house and play safely. I'll call you when it's time for tea."

"Yes, Dad." Draco answers, motioning for Harry to follow him.

"What did you bring other than what I asked you to?" Draco asks as Harry puts his clothes in the drawer."

"The Quidditch set you mentioned with the two Mini Quidditch players and the stadium they play in. We'll have to get your Dad to unshrink it though. Why did you want me to bring the other thing that I won't name in case someone is listening? We're not supposed to be using those right now."

"We'll talk about it tonight. Right now, let's go play outside. I've been practicing new moves on my broom wanna see? I probably can catch the snitch faster than you can."

"Well I don't know about that, Draco. I've been practicing too and I'm fast!" Harry replies, slamming the bedroom door and running after Draco.

"You boys stop right there!" The boys hear as they run for the front door.

"Yes sir?" Draco asks stopping and turning to face his Dad with an innocent look as Harry waits by the door.

"What rule did you two already break?" Severus asks, arms crossed and waiting.

"Merlin Dad! We haven't even had time to break any rules, yet." Draco answers teasingly as Harry continues to face the door, the forbidden object in his shirt feeling as if it's burning.

"This is not a teasing matter, Draco! Are you to go around slamming doors, run in the house or on the stairs? Harry, look at me when I speak to you. You have been taught better!"

"We were just excited. We won't do it anymore, Dad. Alright? May we go play please?" Draco asks as Harry turns to face his uncle.

"I'm sorry Uncle Sev. Please forgive me." Harry apologizes, having forgotten Severus is more of a stickler for proper manners than his own Dad.

"Go on but next time I hear you two running through this house like a herd of elephants you will find a corner to stare into for half an hour each!"

"Yes sir. Sorry sir." Harry answers biting his lip to keep from giggling. The fact that he and Draco were called elephants strikes him as funny. Laughing at Uncle Sev's scolding would not do.

"Stay within calling range and sight of the house boys." Severus reminds as he opens the door.

"Merlin, Draco! I thought I was going to sick up when he called us to stop that way. I tell you, I just knew he could see through my clothes."

"He's a Potion's Master not a superhero like Superman. What're you hiding anyway?"

"Not yet, he can see us through the window. Wait until we get to the Pitch. Do you still keep the brooms in a broom cupboard out here?"

"Of course. I do have my Firebolt I got on Christmas in my room but the other brooms are good too."

"I should have brought my broom but Dad said I didn't need it as you had plenty I could use. If I knew a shrinking charm, I'd have shrunk it and put it in my pocket to bring."

"Yes and when Uncle Sirius found out, you wouldn't sit on that broom for a loooong time for disobeying! What's he going to do in France? He's been going there quite often in the last few months."

"I don't know really. He won't talk about it. Maybe some school business that Grandpa sends him on."

"It could be he has a lady friend and he's visiting her, Harry. What if you get a Mum?"

"I would like to have a new mum, Draco. I miss my Mum and I think having another would be just brilliant."

"I miss my Mum too, Harry. She wasn't the one who hurt me and she tried to stop Lucius from hurting me all that time. I don't know where she went or why but I'd like her to come back."

"Would you go live with her if she did?"

"No, I live with my Dad but I would visit her and she could come visit us too. She and Dad used to get along with each other. He was always very kind to her and I remember him telling her not to listen to Lucius. She did though. Maybe she was afraid of him and had to listen to him."

"Could be, Drake. You would know more about the upper crust society than I do. Let's fly!"

While Harry is safely tucked away at Snape Manor, Sirius floos to Paris.

"Hightower Estate, please." Sirius informs the driver.

"Here you are, sir. The fee is on the ticker."

"Very expensive ticker. It wasn't that far from the city to the home." Sirius comments which earn him a scowl.

"Very well, here's your fee. I won't be needing your services any longer."

One swift knock on the front door and the door is opened.

"Thank you for coming. Have you news?"

"May I come in first or do you wish to discuss this with me standing on the stoop?"

"Do come in. Would you like some tea?"

"I would. Floo travel leaves one parched at times. You look some better than last I saw you."

"I'm improving. Thank you again, for coming. Let me get that tea and we'll talk."

"That tea tastes amazingly the same as what we have at Hogwarts. I was expecting some French style or coffee."

"It is from Hogsmeade actually. I order it and have it sent.

"Still the lady of the manor, I see. Things didn't change for you. The house looks very elegant as I would expect from a home of yours. Hightower Estate doesn't sound like a French name. I would expect it to be called a Villa or Chateau."

"The family preferred the name estate. They aren't wealthy enough to have a Chateau. May I ask something?"

"You are the lady of the house not me. Why ask my permission?" Sirius replies with his familiar teasing glint in his eyes.

"How are Severus and Draco doing? Has Draco been able to break down the barrier Severus has placed on himself?"

"They are very close. You would think they have been Father and son forever to see them interact. Severus is not "Professor Snape" with Draco. It took some time but the boy has recovered from his treatment at the hands of Lucius. You may not recognize the child as he is much different. What exactly do you have in mind? We've been having this same conversation several times over the last few months so you knew my response before I said it."

"I know I shouldn't ask but ... Do you think I could see Draco?"

"I need to see him, talk to him, assure myself he's well. Would Severus allow me that courtesy, do you think?"

"I don't know, Narcissa. After all, you practically abandoned the child. You left without a word and now nearly two years later have decided you want to see him again. How do you reconcile those actions?"

"I have no excuse other than needing to flee my former life. I knew Severus would care for my son and raise him well. I need to see my child again, Sirius."

"I will see what I can do, Narcissa. I don't have much hope to give you but I will attempt to help you. Let's take a tour of the home, shall we? I need a place to stay for the weekend."

"You are welcome here. There are many available rooms, just pick which ones you wish to use."

"How are you and Harry doing?"

"We're very close. He's my son now just as Draco is Severus'. The two boys are good friends. Harry has overcome his parent's deaths but it has left many emotional scars. He is no longer acting younger than his age as he did for the first year. Children seem to adapt to tragedy better than adults."

"Some do, that is true. Come, I have something to show you before you pick your rooms. I should have told you but I couldn't." Narcissa says stopping at a cream colored door.

Opening it she ushers Sirius into the room saying "Walk quietly please. We don't want to wake her just yet."


"Yes. Sirius, this is Alexandra Elizabeth Hightower, my daughter."

"Daughter? You have a daughter? But you've only been away two years ... how?"

"She's David's child but is now mine. I was appointed her guardian at his death. She's four years old and in need of a mother's love as well as a father. She's confused as to where her Papa has gone. I've explained but she doesn't seem able to grasp it."

"Another child suffering from losing a parent. There are too many of them, I say. She's gorgeous. Just look at those burgundy curls. What color are her eyes?"

"Deep brown with gold flicks when she's upset. She's going to be a beautiful woman someday. She's a spirited one but sweet at times. She's come to regard me as Mum."

"Poor little mite, losing a Papa so young. What about her Mum? Birth Mum?"

"Alison Hightower died when Alexandra was eighteen months of age so she doesn't remember her."

"You're a woman of mystery, Narcissa. Now if you'll show me the rooms I may use, I'd like to rest until dinner. Floo travel takes the energy out of me, lately."

A/N. Merry or Happy Christmas. This is short but it's a beginning. I promised to have something up in December so ... :-) Any ideas on what Harry may have hidden in his shirt? Hmmm? Enjoy your holidays and have a safe New Year's.