So, I was just thinking, and I made a character named Vixen (That's a female fox) She's part of an SAS test group to see if Women can live up to their standards. And she's Wolf's boyfriend. I just wanted to write this story about when she and K-Unit, plus Cub, get thrown into RTI. Hope you enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: Screw disclaimers. Why am I using them when I don't own them either?

I was not happy to be rudely awoken in the middle of the night, hands grabbed the covers, yanking them off, the same hands grabbed me by the back of the shirt, wrenching me out of bed. I heard indignant cries from my unit members as they were awoken also. I jerked my hands in the hold they were in, but it didn't work. I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could, I was jerked out of the barracks and into the night.

It was cold out, the air was thick with moisture from yesterday's rain, which had made warm up oh so wonderful. I couldn't see my unit members anywhere. My bare feet stumbled as I was forced to walk across the wet gravel. What was going on? Had the camp been taken over while I was asleep? I never heard an alarm. Who were these people?

I strained my neck to see the man who was holding me, but before I saw them, we stopped. I had been being lead to one of the vehicles parked in the lot. The back doors were opened and I was thrown in, landing on my stomach. I twisted around to look behind me, and right before the doors were closed, I caught an emblem on the jackets of the men outside.

Oh no. This was not good.

Damn Sergeant Winters! RTI. Of course it was RTI. This came around every other year, a time every soldier dreaded. The men were Green Jackets. That could only mean RTI. Resistance to interrogation.

I tried to keep track of the movements of the vehicle. They were turning... in circles? They were trying to disorient us, make us think they were taking us farther than they were. Likely they were taking us right back to the training camp. They drove me around for about ten minutes, before the van came to a halt, and a minute later, the doors were thrown open.

I was prepared. I threw myself at the first man, throwing a punch at his jaw. A punch to the jaw was all I needed to get away. But he was prepared, too. He ducked my punch and grabbed me by the bicep, yanking me off balance, my foot slipped over the edge of the doors.

The men caught me, one grabbing each arm and dragging me towards a low building. I fought them the whole way, jerking, biting, kicking, cursing and shouting. This earned me a swift punch to the stomach. I doubled over with a gasp, forcing them to carry me the rest of the way.

They threw me through a door before slamming it shut. I sat on my hands and knees there for a second, catching my breath. But when I looked up, I was struck by surprise.

K-unit? Why was I here? Where was my unit? My girls? J-unit? Were they splitting us up, trying to make us weaker? I felt a dread settle in my stomach. Cobra, Cheetah, Raven, what would happen to them without me?

Fox looked up from where he sat, slouched in despair on a wooden bench. "Vixen?" He gaped, then grimaced.

I nodded, picking myself up. I scanned over the room as I came to sit down. Eagle, Fox, and Snake were all there, including Cub. I sat next to him, frowning. He looked worried. Then a thought hit me.

I looked up at the rest of them. "Where's Wolf?"

Snake's head rose to meet my eye. "They took him about an hour ago."

"An hour ago?" I repeated. "How long have you guys been here?"

"Not too long." Snake replied. "Damn bastards stormed the barracks at midnight."

"Same here." I muttered.

A second later, the door opened again and Wolf was thrown in. He landed flat on his stomach; he looked awful! I immediately stood up, coming to his aid. I knelt down next to him, he hadn't moved yet, just panted heavily. His entire upper body was soaked, and there was a bruise on the side of his cheek.

"Wolf!" I put my hands on his shoulders, trying to bring him to reality. "Wolf, what happened?" I asked, rolling him over.

He coughed for a second before his eyes focused on me. "The pigs!" He rasped as I wiped some of the water from his hair. "The lousy, stinking..." I put a hand on his back, slowly helping him to a sitting position. He twisted around to look at his unit. "They laid into me!" I could hear the surprise in his voice. "They were really enjoying themselves!"

I pat his back lightly a couple times. They must have half-drowned him.

"Did you tell them anything?" Eagle asked as I helped him to his feet.

"Of course not." He rolled his eyes, which a moment later settled on Cub. "What about you, Cub? I bet you told them. I bet you blabbed."

"No, I didn't." Cub snapped angrily, scowling at Wolf.

"But you will..." He said, as I took him to sit down on one of the benches, planting myself between him and Cub. Wolf continued, "And you might as well know now. If you blow it, we all blow it. Because we're a unit. It only takes one of us to talk and we'll all be out of here."

"Cut the kid some slack." I said, patting Cub on the shoulder. "He's tough." I turned to smile at Cub, but the smile faded and my grip on his shoulder tightened. "You better be tough." I said in a quiet voice. "Don't you dare talk, understand?"

He nodded meekly, swallowing. I nodded back, releasing my grip on his shoulder. A few seconds of silence passed, before Cub broke it. "So what happens now?" What a good question.

"They let us sweat it out," Fox said. "It might be an hour. It might be a few minutes. But one thing you can be sure about. They'll come for us again..."

Cub nodded, accepting this as his cue to stop talking. In fact, so did everyone else. The silence itself was torture on its own. I looked over to Wolf, pursing my lips. He was my boyfriend. I didn't like seeing him worried.

"We're gonna be fine." I said to him in a quiet voice. "We only have to last twenty-four hours."

He shook his head. "Forty-eight."


"They changed it." He said, never meeting my eyes. "Two days. If we can hold out two days, the SAS battle plan changes enough to make us useless. One day is no longer enough."

I shook my head in disbelief. "Dammit..." I couldn't believe it. I sighed allowing myself to lean against him, I remembered his shirt was wet. I looked over at him. "What did they do to you?"

He shook his head. "The bastards tried to drown me."

So I was right. I thought.

"One of the Green Jackets landed a good punch to my face." He muttered. "I hate RTI."

I frowned, "Hey, look at me." He did. "We're gonna make it through this. No one's gonna talk, no one's gonna screw us up. We'll be fine." I slipped a hand around his waist.

His forehead creased. "I hope you're right."

I wrapped my other arm around him, "Of course I'm right." I pulled him into a kiss.

From the other side of the cell, Eagle groaned. "Ugh, get a room!"

I didn't care. I rested my head on Wolf's shoulder, sighing to myself. We'd be fine.

Okaysies! Hope you liked Chapter one. Next chapter is where the torture begins, of cource, it won't be as graphic as you'd expect. This is, after all, just training. But anyway, hope you liked Vixen. I love her~ And Cub. Cub is amazing. Of course, he's not mine. I based this loosely on the RTI bonus chapter. This also may or may not take place between Eagle Strike and Scorpia. Not after, because Alex doesn't have the bullet scar. But whatever! Please review, long reviews are greatly appreciated. I want to know your reactions to every part of the story. Thank's for reading!~

Sola Haze