The next morning Maggie woke to an empty bed. She got up and made her way to the kitchen and found Alex pouring herself a cup of coffee. When she saw Maggie, she poured her a cup as well. Taking Maggie's hand, she led her to the porch. They both sat in silence taking in the sunrise. Maggie was the first to break the silence. "I had forgotten how beautiful it was up here."

Alex couldn't agree more. Watching the sunrise over the plain was absolutely breath taking. She wondered how the star gazing was on a good, moonless night. "Yeah it is."

Maggie took a few more sips of her coffee. She watched Alex taking in the incredible Nebraska sunrise. She knew she and Alex weren't ready for marriage yet but Maggie knew Alex was the last woman she would ever be with. She was going to marry Alex Danvers one day.

"It too me 2 years to start dating again. I started thinking about all those relationships last night and ours. I never trusted any of those women. I still don't know what it was about you initially that I trusted. But I did and I slowly started to reveal parts of myself that I hadn't given to anyone in years. Last night before I got to the affair everything I felt that day came flooding back. All the pain that Natalie and Kate had caused was almost too much to bear, but then I thought of how I almost lost you."

Tears started forming in Maggie's eyes. Whenever she thought of those excruciating days of not knowing if her girlfriend would wake up and remember her or wake up at all tears came whether she wanted them to or not.

Alex laid her hand on Maggie's knee and rubbed it gently. Almost losing Alex had been a lot for Maggie and she was still dealing with that emotional trauma. Add reliving her past to that and she was emotionally overwhelmed.

"I can't even begin to imagine what that must have been like. To walk in on your girlfriend with your best friend. I get why you came out the other side the way you did. Especially after your mom disowned you and treating you the way she did. I know I infuriated my mom many times growing up but she would never have done something like that. You said you called your dad a coward when you walked out of the house that day. Is it true or where you just being an angsty, hurt teenager?"

Maggie let out a laugh. She had been your typical teenager but in that situation, she definitely wasn't. "No, it's true. I've always been a natural at observing people. My parents never behaved like the other married couples. I overheard a conversation between them one night that confirmed my suspicions that my mom wore the pants in the family, so to speak. It wasn't until he sat on the sidelines and just let my mother tear into me about being gay that I knew he was a coward. Or at least when it came to standing up to my mother. My dad and I hadn't been as close as you and Jeremiah but I still thought of him as my hero. When he didn't fight back that day my perspective of him completely changed."

"I take it that you were closer to your mom?"

"Yes. If my dad had been my hero growing up my mom had been my idol. We started drifting apart when I was 10. I think my shenanigans started wearing on her. She was an amazing woman. She was a lawyer and quite a good one. I never did find out why she left her big fancy law firm in Lincoln to settle down with my dad in Blue Springs."

"Ever thought about going back to Blue Springs and trying to talk to them or at the very least your dad?"

"Honestly no. At least not until last night. While you were holding me in the chair I thought about maybe trying to talk to my dad. Steph has said he seemed different but she never got to confirm her suspicions."

"Did you ever find out what happened when CADMUS took over the facility she was working at?"

"No. With everything that was going on with you we just gave each other space. When she first came back to the DEO she looked nothing like herself. Then you woke up and I never got around to asking her. When we get back I do need to talk to her about that and everything that happened the night our parents kicked me out."

"You've never talked about that night?"

Maggie took a deep breath, ran a hand through her hair, "No, not that we've had much of an opportunity to these last couple of years. Even when she would visit me in Metropolis we just avoided the conversation. Honestly it may not have been a bad thing. We wouldn't have been ready to face those details of our lives."

"Once you were able to talk to her again did she ever talk about living with your parents after they kicked you out?"

"Not much but she did say that they had started to keep her on a tighter leash. At the time, she was 11 so she didn't go out with friends by herself but Mom was more paranoid about the families of the kids she was friends with. When she turned 13 she wasn't allowed to go over to anyone's for sleepovers and no one was allowed into my sister's room. Even if someone was home."

Alex felt bad for both of the sawyer sisters. Maggie had been open and honest with her parents about who she was and she was kicked out of the house. But Steph also felt the effects of that and maybe, payed for it. "I think you should make talking to your sister a top priority when we get back. Might help bring you both some closure."

"I know you're right. It's going to be a tough conversation though one I don't think either of us will be ready for."

Alex looked at Maggie and noticed how relaxed she was. For as long as she has known her, Maggie has always carried the weight of her past. Alex never noticed it before or maybe she did but it never registered. Alex couldn't help but smile because for the first time she was seeing the real Maggie shine through. "I'm proud of you Maggie."

Maggie was taking a sip of her coffee when she heard those 5 words escape Alex's lips. She hadn't heard anyone she loved to say those words in a very long time. She wasn't sure why Alex was saying them to her now. But she was happy to have someone be proud of her again. "Thanks Alex that means a lot. You know I was thinking tonight I would take you to this great spot to star gaze. Think you would be up for that Danvers?"

"Star gazing with my favorite woman in the universe? I couldn't think of anything else I would rather do."

1 year later

Maggie often wondered how she had been lucky enough to meet Alex Danvers and have her fall madly in love with her. Even after all this time she would lay awake in their bed next to the woman she loved and wonder. Alex had taken Maggie and her terrible past in stride. How she could love someone as broken as her. But she wasn't broken anymore. Alex had made sure of that. She had helped her heal. But she still wondered and would spend the rest of her life wondering.

But for now, she laid there in the quiet hours of the early morning and looked at her wife. The sun streaming through the windows that made her skin glow. That made her look so radiant. Not that she didn't always look radiant. The early morning sunlight just added to it.

Alex started to stir next to her. Her eyes fluttering open. Seeing Maggie gazing at her.

"Watching me sleep again Sawyer?" Alex said her voice husky with sleep.

Maggie gently swept a strand of hair that had fallen in Alex's eyes before resting her hand on Alex's cheek. "Always Danvers, Always."


Thank you so much for reading. Sorry it took so long to get this last chapter out but life got in the way. Thank you for all the reviews and follows. Let me know if you want me to continue this story but exploring Maggie and Stephs relationship going forward. You can always read my other story A Life with Alex Danvers to see the continuation of their lives together. I never intended that one to become what it has so if you want Sanvers in the future with kids check that out.