A/N: I'm so sorry it's been over a month since I last updated! I lost inspiration to finish this story, I still don't really have it back as it took a month of writing this chapter, literally I spent a month writing a little bit here and there and changing things up and trying to get it to be right. It's not my best and I couldn't quite get this chapter...right. Hopefully I'll be back to my weekly updates soon. Thanks for sticking with me!

Blonde Beauty: Since we all won't be together, for the first time in forever, for New Years' I just want to wish everyone a safe, happy New Year.

Sword Maniac: You'll have me!

Princess Warrior: Yay…

Bob the Builder: LMFAO

Princess Warrior: I'll miss you, though, Bell!

Bob the Builder: Likewise. But ya know. Rae wants to watch the ball drop. In person.

Wrench Monkey: Of course I do!

Blonde Beauty: Happy New Years, Uncle Bell!

Blonde Beauty: It's Hailee! Emmy says hi!

Blonde Beauty: Jojo says hi too!

Princess Warrior: Looks like the munchkins got Mama's phone.

Sword Maniac: Yep. Hope & Aug are wrestling Link for his phone so…

Monty: Kids are rough

Still Eleven: Yeah. Jordyn is just 1 kid and she's a handful. Like, I couldn't image 3 of them!

Fucking Miller: We have just Ava and she's, just, well…B's driving but he says Happy New Year to you guys too

Mama Woods: Lex—Gus wanted me to ask if it'd be fine to go to your house tonight. He's too much of a baby to ask himself.

Big 'ol Gustus: I'm not a baby!

Mama Woods: Ask Lexa then

Big 'ol Gustus: No

Princess Warrior: Lmao yeah it's fine!

Big 'ol Gustus: Who's gonna be there? Need us to bring anything?

Mama Woods: Now it speaks!

Princess Warrior: You can, if you want. Anything is fine. Just no peanuts, Emmy's allergic. For people, just me and Clarke with our kiddos, O and Link with their kiddos, Jake and Aurora. And I assume you're bringing Kaleb?

Mama Woods: Of course. Unless you don't want us to?

Princess Warrior: I love my little brother, of course its fine.

I sighed in content and put my phone down.

Clarke had the kids at her small art gallery, and I had a few hours until she returned. And a half hour until Jake came. Aurora was spending the day with just Octavia and Lincoln and the kids and coming here for dinner. Why Jake was coming early, with knowledge that his daughter was gone until early evening, was beyond me.

But he was.

"Anyone home?"

Jake's voice came through the house. I quickly put the pie in the oven before calling out "in the kitchen!"

"Hey, kid," he appeared with a smile.

He instantly reached for a hug and I was quick at moving into his arms. I was getting better at accepting hugs. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"Clarke won't be back for a few hours."

"I know. You told me yesterday."

I shrugged. Even after years of being in this world, even after raising kids, I was still not the greatest person at human emotions.

"Need help with anything?" he asked after a long moment of comfortable silence.

"I just have to clean up the place and order the Chinese for tonight. O's got the rest of the food and snacks covered."

He reached for the Chinese list. I gave him a grateful smile and started picking up toys and clothes from the floor. Really, Hailee and Emilia are old enough to pick up after themselves. Even Jonah picked up when he was prompted. But if I waited for them to get back to clean, there'd be no time. Within just under an hours, the downstairs was picked up, swept, and either washed or vacuumed, counters were cleaned, dishes in the dishwasher, table cloth on the table, and the food ordered.

I let out a breathy laugh. Without Jake's help it'd take me a lot longer than it did with his aid. "Thank you, Jake."

"Anytime, Lexa. I mean it."

I couldn't help but smile. Yes, times were good.

Clarke arrived a few hours after, just like she said she would be. The girls ran inside, Clarke following with a sleeping Jonah.

"Oh, Jojo," I laughed at the sight and reached for the toddler who was getting heavier as he grew.

"Thanks," she sighed. "Hi, Dad!"

They embraced. I lightly bounced the sleepy toddler in my arms. He was waking up and he wasn't thrilled about it. Guests would be arriving in just an hour so he had time for me to put him in his crib for a bit more sleep. So I excused myself and carried him upstairs to him bedroom, lying him in his crib. He almost immediately drifted off. I found Clarke and Jake sitting at the counter island talking over steaming cups of coffee.

"There's hot chocolate on the counter for you," Clarke pointed to the extra mug. I smiled at her gratefully.

"Mommy! Hailee took the remote from me!"

"I'll get them," I told Clarke. She nodded with a chuckle.



"Okay, gang, load up!"

Lincoln walked over to the doorway, hauling both kids, my mother following with an amused look on her face.

"Shoes and coats on, Hope, Auggie."

Hope pulled on her boots and puffy purple coat, but Augustus was not as easy. I had to wrestle the four year old into his boots and coat. "You want to see Emmy?"

"No!" he screamed. "Emmy's mean!"

"Well, then," Lincoln said, taking Hope's hand. "Let's get going anyways. Augustus, we're going."

He growled but let me carry him out to the car and had minimum issues with being strapped to his booster seat. "Kids," I huffed. Hope just gave me a toothy grin.

The drive was short and quick to Lexa's house. When we got to the house, all I saw was Jake's van. Anya, Gustus, and Kaleb weren't there yet. I unloaded the kids and let them race each other to the door. Mom followed them to play referee if need be. Lincoln helped me haul the desserts out of our minivan and into the house. We were greeted by Lexa's German Shepard, Commander, who barked happily as he leaped and danced. Although he was an almost nine year old dog, he still had quite some energy.

"Commander, down!" I ordered when he tried to jump up. I'd kill him if he made me or Lincoln drop the food. Not really, but I'd be pretty pissed. He obeyed and trotted away after Hope and Auggie. Lincoln and I made our way to the kitchen. "Where do you want this?"

"Counters fine," Clarke answered.

I nodded and set the food on the counter. "Hey, where's Lex?"

"Upstairs, getting Jojo. He was taking a nap."


A few seconds later, Lexa appeared with the sleepy toddler. He was running his eyes, his little lips in a pout.

"Jojo!" I reached for him. he perked up at my voice.

"Auntie O!"

I held him in a big hug and reached for Lexa for a hug from her as well.

"Hey, what about me?" Clarke scoffed in mock-hurt. I laughed.

"Fine. Come here."



"Holy crap. How much Chinese do you need?" Anya looked absolutely mortified at the amount of food the delivery man brought. "Holy fucking shot. That's a lot of food."

Clarke shrugged. "There's still…two hours until midnight. We'll be eating until the ball drops no doubt. And plus, Lincoln and Gustus are big guys. Plus, O is saving some for Bell and Rae. Plus the kids, you never know if they're gonna be picky as hell or eat like pigs."

"Truer than true," Octavia added. "Little shits never know what they want to do."

"Did you just call me a little shit?" Hope looked up at her mother, brown eyes wide.

"Oh, shit. Dammit. No. bad word, bad words!" we all burst out laughing. "Lincoln, help me!"

He was laughing too much to help. "Don't ever repeat you mommy," I told Hope, trying so hard to keep a straight face. "Everything she says is a bad word."

"Fuck you, Lexa."


"Dammit! Ah! Why does this parenting thing have to be so hard?"

"Okay," Anya interrupted. "Before this gets more awkward and your kid starts swearing like a trucker, I'm gonna start on some food cause I actually am hungry now after all that laughing."

I burst out laughing at Octavia's face. "It's okay, sweetie," I laughed. "No one's judging too harshly."

She hit me, but I could see the sides of her mouth twitching. She wasn't really angry.

"Grownups are really weird."

I looked to see that Hailee had joined Hope and they were staring at us.

"Really weird," Hope agreed.


"Twenty minutes, my love."

I shivered as familiar arms snaked around my waist. I was standing out on the porch, staring at the stars.

"What's your New Year's Resolution?"

I shrugged. "I don't exactly have one. I just want things to continue like this, us together and happy, all our children happy and healthy."

"I want the same."

I turned to face her and our lips connected. The same electric feeling that I first felt when we had kissed in my war tent years and years ago was still there, just as strong. Maybe even stronger.

"Ai hod yu in."

"I love you, too."











"Happy New Year's!"

Fireworks sounded in the distance.

I didn't care that our children and parents were in the room.

I turned around and kissed the love of my life.