Contentment Chapter One



Lovino wasn't sure why he even tried for that stupid, tomato loving bastard anymore. It's not like he actually wanted to see that jerk before classes started. Why else would he sleep until the last minute? Antonio woke up at 6:30 sharp, and rooming with him at this God-awful academy was not Lovino's spitting image of ideal. That stupid Spaniard would wake up, and being the clumsy oaf he is, would make tons of noise too.

Lovino learned to adapt to it though, having already known Antonio several years prior, it really wasn't that difficult. But because of the fact that Lovino doesn't officially wake up for school until 7:05 when school starts at 7:20, Antonio had to beg Lovino at the beginning of the year to start meeting him somewhere on campus before classes started, claiming he had to see 'his little tomato' in the start of the day.

To both their surprises, Lovino actually agreed to it. Reluctantly, he would always argue. But that was beside the point. The real matter at hand was, Lovino always showed up in their meeting place. But today, that stupid Antonio had the nerve to not make an appearance.

The Italian knew he couldn't have been sick-he would have still been in the dorm room. So the question at hand, where was that stupid bastard?

Lovino sucked in his breath and pocketed his phone, realizing that waiting was a waste of his time. It was already 7:17 and he was obviously going to be late for class. The sixteen year old Italian loosened his scarf around his neck and started to the doors of the school while glancing around the grounds for any familiar Spanish faces.

Few kids were out and about, but most were likely already situated in first period. Lovino scoffed when he thought of his younger twin brother, Feliciano. He knew that he shared the first hour of the day with that stupid German kid, and how they were probably conversing in that class right now. The thought made Lovino wanna punch a bag of kittens.

Lovino checked the time again and saw that it was still 7:17- thank God. He still had a ways to go before he was at the school doors and he had no motivation to run in this weather. He muttered a few profanities under his breath-that kind of warmed him up- when his eyes caught hold of the figure running out the school doors.

Of course it was the one and only Tomato Bastard! If it was anyone else, Lovino would have just shoved passed him, gave him the finger, and been on his jolly way. Which isn't something he wouldn't do to Antonio on a daily basis-he was just a little too shocked to do it.

Antonio never went to class without meeting up with Lovino first, let alone entered the school without him. Lovino couldn't even count on his fingers how many times he had to pry Toni off from around his waist on a regular school day.

So why said bastard changed the routine was still a mystery to him. He stared wide eyed at his roommate who didn't seem to notice his presence and was content squinting at his phone screen. Lovino scowled and was about ready to blow up at the older boy ten feet away from him when the sound of rubber on pavement pierced the air.

It wasn't a pleasant sound, but Toni's face lit up like a Christmas tree. The older half of the Vargas twins' scowl deepened when he saw the fancy Chevrolet Malibu pull up on the curb and Antonio skipping up to the passenger window to greet them.

Popping out of the seat came Emma, the Belgian girl whose family lives a couple blocks from the academy. Though they didn't like people leaving campus, she somehow always managed to sneak out and visit them, having her older brother drive her back to school in the mornings.

Lovino wasn't quite sure what he thought of her. Sure, she was cute. Maybe he had tried to act impressive once or twice in her presence, but for the most part, he didn't think much of her. She seemed kind of ditzy and was on the wealthy side, something he couldn't particularly relate to.

He also didn't particularly care for the smile that stupid Spaniard was giving her right now either. She looked like she was holding something behind her back tucked underneath her purse, with a stupid grin on her face.

She whipped it out and handed a brown paper bag to the boy in front of her. Lovino watched closely as Antonio peaked into it and broke into an even wider smile, if that was humanly possible.

All at once, Lovino began brainstorming all the possible things that could be in that bag…. In a bag like that, it looked like she could be dealing drugs- but Lovino instantly disregarded that thought. For one thing, Antonio's family was constantly in debt (how that idiot even afforded to attend this school was beyond him) so there was no way he would be able to pay for it. Another thing, for as stupid as those two are, Lovino was pretty sure they wouldn't exchange stashes in the middle of plain sight.

He continued pondering, but was completely halted of his thoughts when Antonio wrapped the Belgian girl into a quick hug and she placed a kiss on his cheek. The two of them smiled at each other again, waved goodbye to Emma's already retreating brother, and scurried into the school.

For a few seconds, Lovino stood glaring. Glaring at the spot where the bastard was previously standing. He wished he was still there so he could glare a hole right through his damn head!

With the crack of both his knuckles and one side of his neck, Lovino stormed up up the steps of the academy right as the first period bell rang.


Upon entering first hour, Antonio could already tell this was somewhat of an off day. First, he was tardy to class, which wasn't something uncommon to him but it didn't help his situation. Now, he was standing in his second hour class, and he noticed Lovino was sitting all alone in the back.

This was completely unusual for the Italian- Antonio was used to having to usher all the girls away from Lovi (something he found somewhat obnoxious and he couldn't help but feel a little satisfied those grabby girls were staying away from his Lovi). The only problem with this setup was though- it meant something was wrong with Lovino.

And as Tonio had learned the hard way, If Lovino Vargas ain't happy, nobody's happy.

And although Lovino put on a whole tough guy facade, Antonio knew he was just a sensitive cinnamon roll on the inside.

As Antonio ventured into the classroom he came in contact with a few familiar faces, those that looked worried. Tino stood on tippy-toes with his hands on his cheeks, "Oh Toni! I think something is wrong with Lovi! He didn't tell me to go screw myself today!"

Toris, the brunette boy with long wavy hair fiddled with the edge of his sweater. "Yeah, I agree. He didn't give me the finger as he walked past me today either."

Antonio tried for a smile. Yeah, so this meant something was wrong, but how bad could it be right? "Don't worry amigos! I will talk with the lil' tomato. We all know Antonio makes things better!" The spanish boy declared and headed for the back of the class.

"Yeah, only if you're Lovino Vargas though.." Arthur Kirkland, another classmate, whispered just barely loud enough for anyone to hear. Once coming to realization that Antonio didn't hear that last comment, the Finnish boy let out a playful chuckle.

The wavy haired Spaniard was just about to place his palms on the younger teens desk when Lovino quickly snapped, "Don't you dare, bastard."

Antonio grinned but obeyed the command, instead holding his hands behind his back and leaning over his shoulder. Lovino was writing something so furiously, it looked as if smoke was coming out of the eraser. "Lovviiiiii~! What are you doing my little tomato?''

Said little tomato slapped his hand on top of his paper and quickly slid it under his book. His face turned a crimson red and he averted his glare toward the seventeen year old. "None of your business you bastard!''

Antonio giggled at the new coloring of his friend's face, and a desire to grab Lovi's cheek washed over him. He was considering actually doing it, but ultimately decided against it. Not because Toni wouldn't do it. Like, he was literally the definition of invading personal space. But Tonio had to stay focused on the problem at hand. He had to figure out the reason why Lovino was acting so different.

"So Lovi-!"

"Don't call me that!"

"Are you okay? You seem a little trastornado." Antonio squatted down in front of Lovi's desk, laying his arms across the top and placing his chin on his hands. Lovi's scowl hardened and his fist tightened around his pencil nearly snapping it in half.

"What's that suppose to mean jerk?!"

Antonio shrugged but a smile tugged at his lips. "I dunno Lovi. The chicas aren't flocking to you like they normally do."

Lovino visibly rolled his eyes and dropped his pencil, leaning back in his chair. "And I bet that makes you so happy, huh jerk? Considering how you always scare them off with your stupid face."

Antonio slapped his right hand on his heart and faked a gasp. After Lovino rolled his eyes again, the Spaniard jumped up to his feet and leaned forward so he was a couple inches apart from Lovino's face.

Lovino flushed and his eyes widened while Antonio just smiled brightly. "Get away from me you fucking bastard…" The Italian growled glancing around with his eyes. He didn't like the attention they were receiving right now.

Antonio smiled brighter, and Lovino tried to manage the assortments of red presented on his face. Antonio was so close to him that he could smell his strong cologne, and he could fully examine the swirls of different shades of green in the Spaniard's eyes.

"No." Toni finally giggled.

"I swear Antonio, if you don't get away from me, I'm going to punch your fucking stupid face in." Lovino spat.

"Nope. Not until you tell me what's wro-!" And before Tonio could even finish his sentence, a little Italian fist of rage went flying into his stomach and he was curled up on the floor in under three seconds.

For a minute Antonio was shocked. Sure, Lovi got violent sometimes, but never to the point where he would sock someone in the gut. But most of all, Antonio's stomach just hurt really bad! "Lovvviiii!" He whined from the floor. "Why did you do that!?"

Lovino stood behind his desk still red in the face and seething, not looking even a bit remorseful while the rest of the class roared with laughter at Toni's expense.

It was at that instant when the bell ring, and the teacher staggered into the room. He was mid laugh- probably some great joke told by the science teacher- when he noticed the Spaniard clutching his stomach on the floor. "What is going on in here?!'' He exclaimed. He looked somewhat angry, but mostly confused. As to why Toni- one of the class clowns and nearly failing student was on the floor- while Lovino- the biggest smart ass he ever had the pleasure of teaching- was cursing at him. Now, Tonio and Lovino's childish behavior? That he was used to. But before class even started? This was getting too much for even him to handle.

When nobody seemed to hear him, he made his way to the middle of the classroom and asked the question again.

Arthur Kirkland fiddled with the pencil in his hand and organized the papers on his desk. ''Isn't it obvious? The hotheaded git punched the bloody wanker in the gut."

Lovino instantly glared in the direction of the Brit and thrusted a finger at him. "Who asked you asshole?"

Arthur rolled his eyes while the teacher shook his head. "Antonio, are you alright?" He sighed.

Antonio nodded his head and sat up. He managed a thumbs up and a weak grin. ". I'm good."

The teacher sighed and massaged his temples. "Lovino, I don't know what your deal is, but I won't tolerate this in my classroom. Get out."

Hushed whispers and small burst of laughter crossed the classroom. This wasn't new either, Lovino often got scolded. Lovino just glared at the other students and started for the door when Antonio finally got up on his own two feet. He planted himself in front of Lovino and held both his hands up. His stomach still ached a little bit, but for the most part the pain had dispersed. "No I don't want Lovino to get in trouble! I'm honestly okay!"

Lovino crossed his arms and looked away. "I don't need your stupid help." He muttered, steam practically coming out of his ears.

"Yes you do Lovi." He whispered back.

The teacher, still standing in the middle of the room, sighed again and walked to the front of the class. "Just sit down, both of you. I'm marking you both tardy."

The Italian and Spaniard glanced at each other while the class chuckled again. "Good job, fucker," Lovi snapped slumping down in his chair.

Antonio nervously laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, walking back toward his seat in the front of the room, right by the teachers desk.


As the day went on, Lovino just got weirder and weirder. After the incident in second period, Lovino began giving Antonio the silent treatment. For the rest of the class he wouldn't talk to him, wouldn't look at him, he didn't even curse Antonio out again. It was so un-Lovi like it was unsettling.

When lunch finally rolled around, Antonio was excited. He naturally sat with Lovi, along with Feliciano, Ludwig, Kiku, Matthew, and his buddy Francis. Sure, he was excited to hang with them, but he was mostly excited to see Lovi back to normal.

Lovi adored lunch. He would stuff his face nonstop with tomatoes, pasta, anything (Well, anything beside potatoes). If Lovi had food in his mouth, he was happy, and that means Antonio is happy.

So when the Spaniard was left sitting across from Feliciano with an empty seat next to him, he was more than disappointed. "Hey Feli," he addressed the pasta-faced Italian. "Have you seen your brother around?"

Feliciano nodded his head matter-of-factly while Ludwig pulled out a napkin for the twin to wipe his face. "Si I did! I saw him in third period! Did you do something to make him mad?"

Antonio blinked at the accusation and shook his head. "No! Well- not that I know of. I would never try to hurt Lovi! Why, did he say something?"

Feli fiddled with the kitten stickers on his binder. "Well, in art class he painted a picture of a guy with tomatoes being thrown at him and he said it was you."

At the sound of that, Antonio let out a sigh of relief and leaned back. "Oh that?" he grinned. "Lovino paints that all the time and gives them to me. I have like ten in my drawer. Isn't he so cute~?"

Feli smiled and shrugged. "I guess that is normal! But I can't remember, does he usually paint 'I hate Antonio Fernandez Carriedo I hope he dies in a hole' all over the picture?"

As Feliciano sipped his lemonade while Kiku and Ludwig exchange concerned glances, Toni stared wide eyed at Feli to see if he was joking. When Feli turned toward Ludwig and commented on how his shirt fit him rather nicely today, he considered the conversation over.

But there was one thing he knew: all the paintings he had in his drawer did not have death threats written all over them. So he must have managed to really piss off Lovi this time.

He popped his head up and down over the crowd of people like a prairie dog, waiting for Feli's older doppleganger to appear. He felt an arm drape around him and he jumped at the touch. "Lo-! Francis!"

Francis flipped his hair and grinned. All he needed was a piano to draped himself over and a rose in between his teeth and the scene would be perfect. "Oui, Antonio. I can see you're worrying your stupid little head over Lovino again," he laughed his signature laugh and placed an elbow on the table.

Antonio puffed out his cheeks and ran his fingers through his hair. "Si! I don't know why my little tomato hasn't shown up yet!"

Francis rolled his eyes good naturedly. "Oh mon ami sans éducation. You can't leave a boy like Lovino waiting. What have I taught you?"

Antonio stared at the Frenchmen and cocked his head to the right. He then chose his words carefully. "Yeah amigo, you taught me… to flirt with anyone I find even a little attractive..Girl or boy... Until.. They agree to sleep with me?" When Francis smirked, Antonio was sure he said the right thing.

"Oui," Francis nodded crossing his arms matter of factly. "Now go find Lovino and do just that!"

Antonio almost gasped at the thought, but couldn't hold back a grin. His cheeks tinted red as he tapped his hands on the table. "I'm not just trying to do that with Lovi!"

Francis chuckled and intertwined his fingers. "Well, that's a relief. You're flirting needs major improvement mon ami."

"No fair!" Antonio whined. "Smacking me in the back of the head is just how he shows his affection!"

The blonde raised a brow and stifled a laugh. "Have you been practicing what I've told you?"

The Spaniard's placed a chin on his hand. "You mean my sexy faces? Yeah I have!" Francis nodded his head as if telling him to took a deep breath while crossing his arm, then arched his back, making his best pouty face. When he saw the cringy look on his older friend's face, he muffled a chuckle.

Francis forced a smile and patted his friend's back. "You look like a éléphant constipé but we'll work on it." Antonio obviously had no idea what Francis compared him to, but he broke out laughing nonethelss. A smile tugged at the blonde's lips. So maybe Toni did suck at trying to look sexy. His smile was the real thing that stood out. And Francis knew that if he could notice that, then the obviously handsome Lovino Vargas could notice it too.

"But don't worry about it too much Toni," He assured. "We both speak Romance Languages, so you should be okay."

The brunette stared at him for a second before saying, "I don't get it."

Francis almost facepalmed- until he remembered that Toni failed the language chapter in 9th grade geography. "Nothin-!" Francis began, but a glimpse of dark hair on a dashing male caught his attention. "Toni! Un beau cadeau de Dieu! Two o'clock!"

Antonio only looked over quick enough in time to see the missing Italian tossing his whole lunch into the trash and storming out of the lunchroom. The Spaniard didn't think he would live to see the day. Lovi loved food more than anyone, only Feli and of course, Alfred F. Jones, rivaling him in that department.

"LOVINO!'' Antonio jumped up and only glanced back when he heard Francis yell, "Tell me what happens lover boy!" then giving him a flirtatious wink.

Antonio barely managed a nod before he was out of the cafeteria and grabbing Lovino's shoulder. "Lovi?" He could feel the younger teen stiffen in his grip and he withdrew his hand a little bit. The Italian mumbled something under his breath but kept his head down and his back toward him.

"What was that Lovi?"

Suddenly Lovino was facing him, his hands in fist and scowling sharply. "I said don't call me that!" He raised his voice.

Knowing him this long, Antonio was used to the shouting. But knowing that Lovi had a reason to be mad at him made it that much worse. "Tell me what's wrong Lovi," he pleaded.

When Lovino smiled, Toni thought he would be happy. But the smile Lovi wore on his face right now was unsettling. The smile was a little crazed and the laugh that escaped his lips had no humor. "Why would I tell you? Why? When you're the reason for all my problems!""

Toni tensed a little at that, but did his best to keep a positive aura. He took a step forward and placed a hand on the young Italian's cheek, before it got slapped away a brief second later. "I won't know how to help you if you don't tell me the reason, little tomato."

Now, Lovino looked like he was holding his breath. He exhaled deeply and shouted while holding up the magic finger, "If you don't stop pestering me, if you even talk to me for the rest of the day, I will once again request a new room. And I will make sure they listen this time you asshole."

And with that, a furious Lovino turned on his heel, leaving behind a very confused Spaniard.


For Antonio, the rest of the day was a blur. After the incident, he only had one class with Lovino left. That was the most miserable part.

By that time of the day, Lovino seemed a little more normal. Instead of isolating himself from most people, he was back to swearing and cursing at them, somewhat flirting with girls, and disrupting the class with his unnecessarily rude comments.

But the one person he ignored, who he never ignores, was Antonio. Toni always got a reaction out of the flustered Italian. But even as Toni tried flagging and staring him down in class-that technically wasn't talking, right?-the only person who reacted was the teacher. And Toni didn't need anymore threats to be kicked out of the classroom.

After the final bell marked the end of the day, Antonio headed back to the dorm. Usually after school you could find the teen hanging out and plotting things with his friends Gilbert and Francis. Other than the two of them, he was always found with Lovino. As much as he denied it, Antonio knew he loved the conversations they would have when one of them couldn't sleep at night.

Antonio figured Lovi would still be out- he was always out longer- but let himself hope a little that the younger teen just might be back in their shared room already. With the amount of energy still left in him, Toni adjusted his backpack and shot down the hallway. He made good distance not crashing into anyone, and just hoped for the best when he turned the corner.

Luck was obviously not on his side because he torpedoed right into another human being. Before he could catch his balance he fell backwards, falling square on his butt. And through the papers flying through the air, he could see that his victim did too.

She blew a dark strand of hair off her face and adjusted her flower headband. "Sorry Elizabeta!" Antonio awkwardly chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

"No, it's okay!'' She shook her head and began gathering up her papers. "Just help me pick these up, yeah?"

"Of course!" he scrambled onto his knees and picked up the scattered papers organizing them into a pile."Sorry about almost killing you! I feel muy mal!''

Elizabeta chuckled a little bit and waved him off. "But if I can ask, where are you off to so quickly?"

At the thought of Lovi, Antonio wanted to grin and cry at the same time. "I was off to my dorm actually. Wanted to see if Lovino was there."

Elizabeta smiled knowingly, like she had some information that she didn't want to share with Antonio. "I see.." She smirked and stood up. She tidied up the papers as Antonio rose to his feet as well. "I didn't see you with him much today actually, what's up with that?"

Antonio didn't even try to censor the disappointment in his voice by this point. "My little tomate is upset with me for some reason. And he said that if I talk to him he will request to switch rooms again! Sometimes I have to make sacrifices, I guess. Even if they are really difficult-like staying away from my Lovi~."

At the sight of the dopey smile on the younger teen's face in front of her, Elizabeta giggled a little bit. But then she instantly furrowed his eyebrows and held her hands in the time out sign, still gripping her papers. "Wait. Lovino never requested to change rooms."

Antonio blinked at her and clicked his tongue. "What?"

She shook her head and crossed her arms. "Yeah, to request something like that you need to talk to student council first before you can even bring it up to the counselor." She gestured to herself and shrugged.

Antonio fought the smile that tugged at his lips. "But Lovi said-!"

"Nope." Elizabeta interjected, popping the 'p'. "Lovino has been lying to you. He has never once tried to switch rooms from you, no matter how many times he said he has." She grinned as Antonio's face glowed like a nightlight.

"Oh, seriously?!" He made his hands into fists, and squealed a sound he had no idea someone of the male gender could make. "Thank you so much Elizabeta! You're a lifesaver! Roderich is so lucky to have you!" He reached forward and shook her hand furiously before barreling down the hallway again, his backpack swinging off one arm.

Elizabeta just shook her head in amusement. "Pfftt. Yeah he is."

This will be about four chapters long, cool?

Sorry I have no idea how academies work so bear with me.

All foreign languages from google translate-blame them.

