Hello my readers! It's official! I'm writing a chapter-long Reader-insert! And an AU no less! Whoot! I told you I'd do it once I was on my Winter Break, and since I finished my exams a few days ago... here we are!

And I trying something brand new for this story... as you can probably tell, it's rated 'M'. All of my other stories so far have been 'T', but if I do well with this story that may change.

Um, the first two chapters are pretty much the same as from my Reader-insert one-shot collections, so if you're here for the next installment, just skip to chapter three. If this is your first time reading this story, or you just enjoy these chapters too much to just skip over them, then I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: Don't own any mention of the OHSHC universe. Sad day.

(F/n) = First name

(L/n) = Last name

(N) = Nationality (American, Spaniard, Korean, Swedish, English, etc., etc.)

(N/c/o) = Name of country of origin (American, Spain, Korea, Sweden, England, etc., etc.)

(h/c) = Hair color

(h/l) = Hair length

(e/c) = Eye color

(f/c) = Favorite color

Reader-chan, you're 26 in this story.

"Papa! Papa! Hurry up!"

Kyoya huffed, trying to both drain the last couple drops of tea from his mug and balance the small child on his back. He reached behind awkwardly with one arm to hoist the boy further up to grab his shoulders, "Tama-chan, we don't even have to leave for another-"


The man quickly swallowed the last of his drink, chuckling as his son continued holding out the word, "Alright, alright."


The blond five-year-old boy wriggled downwards until he was able to drop to the floor, running away as fast as his little legs could carry him. Kyoya smirked and shook his head, dropping the empty mug into the sink to be washed later. He unplugged a charging phone from the wall, pocketed the device, and followed his son out of the kitchen.

If you had asked Kyoya Ootori five years ago where he thought he'd be now, he would probably say running his family's company, living in his own large house, perhaps with a steady girlfriend, and the thought of family far away in his mind. In no way, shape, or form, had he expected to adopt a cute, bouncing little French boy named Tamaki and raise him on his own.

Yeah, alone.

Kyoya was a single parent, at only 25 years old.


Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Kyoya entered the living room. Tamaki was sitting near the front door, his pudgy face set in a deep frown as he tugged at his shoes, "Papa! I need help!"

Another chuckle shook the adult male's chest as he crouched down to undo the laces, "Alright, Tama-chan, your first day of kindergarten. Excited?"

"Yup!" The blond leaned over to pat at his small school bag, stretching quite a bit as his father still had a grip on his foot.

Kyoya eyed the bag as he began tying up one of the shoes, "Lunch still in there?"

"Uh huh!"

"Crayons? Pencils? Smile? All 10 fingers and toes?" With every question, the man lifted a finger to poke at the small boy's stomach. Tamaki squeaked with laughter as his father began asking more ridiculous questions, both hands now a part of the poking.

Kyoya allowed a small smile as he began tickling his son in earnest. It had been an abrupt shift in his domestic life when he first brought Tamaki to Japan, all sunshine and happiness despite his horrible beginning, and Kyoya couldn't imagine it any other way. Not when Tamaki cried when he couldn't have another scoop of ice cream in his bowl, not when the small boy fell asleep on Kyoya's chest in the middle of a cartoon he had insisted on, and certainly not during moments like this.

And while he was still strict when it came to rules and discipline, his closest friends from high school had mentioned the changes they had noticed in his personality. Not large ones, of course. Hikaru still teased him relentlessly about being a Cyberman (it took Kyoya two years and a month-long marathon to figure that one out), but to be honest, all three of them had changed as, one-by-one, children were added into their lives.

"P-Papa! N-n-no morrrre!"

Kyoya stopped tickling and scooped the boy up into his arms, "But you're going off to Kindergarten. You're growing up too quickly..."

Tamaki sobered noticeably, squishing his father's face with his meaty hands, "Don't worry, Papa. I won' grow up too much. I'll still like tickles until... 'til I'm a'hundred!"

While he hid it very well, apparently Kyoya could not fully disguise how nervous he actually was about sending Tamaki to school for the whole day. It still amazed him how such a young child could show these random acts of deeper knowledge. But on the other hand, he had always known the boy was special. Ever since he saw him at the Ootori hospital in France, smiling happily, unaware of his mother's passing during childbirth and his father's abandonment. The thought of his son's 'welcoming' to the world prompted a quick squeeze of his arms around the small boy.

Then the moment passed and Kyoya set Tamaki back down on his own feet. Realizing they were finally leaving, the blond began running around the foyer, grabbing his school bag and pushing at Kyoya to grab his own work suitcase and car keys.

"C'mon, Papa! Allons-y!"

As the French term slipped past Tamaki's lips, Kyoya's small smile faltered. It was no secret to a majority of Japan that the head of the Ootori group had adopted a little blond French boy. And Tamaki had a bit of a habit of weaving his original language into his Japanese, such as calling Kyoya 'Papa' instead of 'Father'. Kyoya had little doubt that as soon as his son stepped foot on campus, his classmates would automatically know that this little boy was someone their parents would want them to meet.

Kyoya felt his stomach clench up in distaste while the two made their way to the car. When he had been a Kindergartener, his experience had been the same: friendships that were more business relationships right out of the womb. Now, as a father, the thought of his sweet little happy-go-lucky son being forced through that same experience made him feel sick.

"No, Papa! I wanna do it!" Kyoya quickly removed his hands from the car seat buckles and watched as Tamaki struggled to click everything into place. The ravenet smiled a little as his son pouted at the buckles in concentration. Hopefully he'd find at least one true friend at school. If any child at Ouran Academy had a chance at that, it was Tamaki.

"Papa? Can I have help?"

He chuckled and reached back into the car, "Always, Tama-chan."


"Okay, we're here, Tama-chan." Kyoya parked the car and looked into the rear-view mirror. His son was staring out the window, oddly silent as he looked at the school building.


"I don't wanna go anymore, Papa…"

Kyoya felt his heartstrings being played like a harp, but he still unbuckled and turning around in his seat, "Do you want me to walk in with you?" The blond nodded, poking halfheartedly at his car seat buckle until it popped open.

The moment Tamaki's feet touched concrete, he grabbed Kyoya's hand tightly and pressed himself to his father's right leg. A quick glance around at the other families revealed that the blond wasn't the only one feeling shy. But there didn't appear to be many parents walking the children inside the school building. There were plenty of maids and butlers, though.

Pulling Tamaki's school bag out from the backseat and locking the car behind him, Kyoya lead his son through the small courtyard and into the pink building. He couldn't help but feel a little sentimental as he made his way through the hallway. It was the same as he remembered. He glanced down to see Tamaki staring at everything with his large purple eyes, but the boy was still oddly mute.

"Tama-chan? Do you remember which classroom you're in?"

"...Class A, Papa. Just like you." Tamaki smiled and started to drift a little further away from his father's leg, proud to be in the same class his father had been. Kyoya couldn't help but feel the same.

"Tama-chan! Tama-chan!"


The blond jerked his small hand out of his father's grip and ran down the hallway to hug his friend. Rushing to catch up, Kyoya offered a friendly greeting to his old schoolmate, Takashi Morinozuka. The tall, black haired man returned the gesture before the two fathers' looked to their sons hugging and chatting with each other. Kyoya huffed in amusement, gaining his friend's attention again. In typical Mori fashion, the question was silently asked, but still heard.

"I simply find it amusing that we are two rather collected black haired men with hyperactive blond sons, and you are one year older than I am while your son is a year older than mine. It's very symmetrical."

"Not like Hikaru."

Kyoya smirked. Hikaru Hitachiin, a redheaded boy who was a year younger than him had a son as well, who was a year younger than Tamaki. Little Kaoru was a spitting image of his father, and Kyoya had a feeling that when he grew up it would be difficult to tell one apart from the other.

Of course, that usually happens when you actually have a child instead of adopting.

A tug at his hand interrupted his thoughts.

"Papa? Can I just go to class with Mitsu-chan? I promise to be good…"

Kyoya sighed and bent down, "I'm afraid not, Tama-chan. You and Mitsukuni can have lunch together, but you'll make friends in your other class, I know it."

His son's lower lip trembled as he held up his pinkie finger, "P-promise?"

Kyoya linked his pinkie with his son's, "I promise. Zenegata-san will take good care of you and make sure you have at least one friend by the end of the day."

"Kyoya." Takashi was shaking his head, "Zenegata-san isn't teaching any longer. Broke his ankle last week. Decided to retire. There's a new teacher, now."

The ravenet blinked. Zenegata-san had been his teacher and now he's... gone? That was a shame. He had been brilliant with children. His statement about having a friend by the end of the day was true. That was how he had met Takashi, actually, having been directed over to the silent boy during his first lunch hour. And again with Hikaru.

"Who's the new teacher?"

Takashi shrugged, "(N). Haven't heard anything else."

Kyoya hummed, then straightened up, "Well, we should probably get going anyways. Are we still meeting for lunch on Saturday?"

His friend blushed as Mitsukuni bounded forward, "Daddy has a date on Saturday! He's really nervous about it, but I think she's pretty!"

The glasses wearing man couldn't help the smirk on his face, "Is it that girl from the bakery?" A nod and sheepish smile answered him. "Then you'd better enjoy yourself. You've been pining for that poor girl for months. I can babysit Mitsu-chan on Saturday if you'd like. We'll meet for lunch on another day."

Takashi nodded with another smile before holding out his hand, "Mitsukuni. Let's get you to class."

"Oh, okay, Daddy. Bye, Tama-chan! Have fun today!"


Alright, let's see what up-starter has replaced Zenegata-san. Armed with the knowledge that his son's very first teacher was going to be from (N/c/o), Kyoya felt his hopes for his son's education sink. What was the school chairman thinking?

The Ootori's made it all the way to the door of the classroom before Tamaki started pulling back, "No… no, Papa, I don't wanna go…"

Kyoya immediately stopped tugging his son forward and crouched down to meet his eyes, "Tama-chan, you might like school. I did."

"But you don't know the teacher! What if I don't like them?"

"Well, I had hoped I would at least be given the benefit of the doubt."

The Ootori's looked up quickly, both sets of eyes locking on the very pretty girl with (h/c) hair who was smiling down at them. Kyoya stood up, straightening his back and his glasses, trying not the stare. Tamaki, on the other hand, let his mouth fall open into a really big smile.

"You're my teacher?"

The girl laughed, "That I am. Call me (L/n)-sensei. What's your name?"

"Ootori Tamaki! And this is my Papa!"

The (N) turned her kind (e/c) eyes back to Kyoya, who felt like his entire torso was suddenly clenched in a vice grip. She held out her left hand, probably because Tamaki still had a grip on Kyoya's right, "(L/n) (F/n). It's very nice to meet you, Ootori-san. I look forward to teaching your son."

"Ootori Kyoya." He took her soft hand in his and shook it politely, "I, ahem, I look forward to hearing about my son's experiences in your classroom."

She smiled even wider and Kyoya couldn't help but take her appearance in. She had a very kind smile, her (h/l) (h/c) hair matching well with her (e/c) eyes. She was wearing a nice (f/c) blouse and long black slacks, professional but also colorful. Basically, her whole body screamed 'endearing', and Kyoya was completely captivated.

"Are you planning on keeping that hand?"

"Oh," he quickly released her, "I apologize."

(F/n) kept her eyes on him for a few seconds, her gaze unreadable but not showing any discomfort, before looking down at Tamaki, "Are you ready for your first day, Tamaki-kun?"

"Uh huh! You know, you're really pretty, (L/n)-sensei! Isn't she really pretty, Papa?" Kyoya found himself mentally begging for his son to shut up, but his new teacher only laughed.

"Why, aren't you a little ray of sunshine! Thank you so much for the compliment, Tamaki-kun! How about we get you inside so your Papa can go to work?" She glanced shyly up at Kyoya before returning her attention to the blond boy, "I'll take good care of you while he's gone, okay?"

Tamaki nodded and turned to his father, reaching up with both hands, "One last hug, Papa!"

Kyoya smirked and lifted his son into his arms, "One last hug. Be good for (L/N)-san, alright, Tama-chan?"

"I will, Papa!"

Setting his son down, Tamaki ran into the classroom, (L/n)-san right behind him. And Kyoya couldn't keep himself from looking down at her left hand.

No ring.

Alright. Here we go.

Please favorite and follow if you liked it, and reviews are always welcome. I can't stress that enough.

See you next chapter!