Listen here, if you think that Ron and Harry didn't adopt a bunch of orphans, you're fooling yourself.

Word Count: 1,203


No matter how hard they tried, September First would always stay a hectic and stressful day in the Weasley-Potter household.

How could it not be, when a large number of their children—technically adopted children, but that hadn't ever been a problem for anyone and it was unlikely to change—as well as Harry himself—as the Defense teacher for the last twelve years—had to get ready for the first day of the new school year.

As it had been the routine the previous decade, Ron was the first one awake. He had woken up early often enough because of their children that he found himself unable to sleep longer than seven in the morning.

He first woke his husband up, so that he could get ready and start breakfast while Ron made sure that all their children managed to get out of bed.

Ron had long since figured out the best routine for this. He first went to Lukas's room, because the fifteen-year-old had an unfortunate habit of falling back asleep.

Once that was done, he got to Claudia and Pauline, as they were the two who usually took the most time in the bathroom—luckily they had no problem sharing one.

Apart from Padraig, but seeing as the seventeen-year-old was the next on his way, that did not make all that much of a difference.

Then Ron returned to Lukas's room and woke the boy a second time. He made sure to mention that he would get to see his boyfriend Max at the Station.

That got him to move.

By that point, Harry was out of the shower and began to take care of breakfast together with Valdemar, as the preteen had recently expressed his interest in cooking. For now, Valdemar wasn't actually doing all that much himself, but he was slowly learning.

Meanwhile Ron got to waking up Naak and Faas, the siblings they had adopted from Vietnam, Shayna, whose mother had been Jewish, and finally Uday.

One by one, the children got ready, although Ron had to help Shayna and Uday, as they were only five and three respectively and there were still a number of things they had yet to learn.

Once Padraig was ready himself, he began helping Ron coordinate the younger ones as well. That made Ron free to check up on whether or not Pauline, the twins—Claudia and Lukas—and Naak had all finished packing. Padraig himself had done so yesterday evening.

Which most of them had done. Pauline was putting in the stuff she had used this morning and Claudia was helping Lukas sort through his room to be sure he hadn't missed anything.

Faas was helping his older sister enthusiastically, even if not completely productive, but they would manage to finish in time.

So Ron took a quick shower and went downstairs where Valdemar was just done setting the table.

"And you're really sure I can't go to Hogwarts? I'm turning eleven in October after all!" Valdemar questioned as soon as he spotted him. He gave his very best to seem innocent and adorable and he was good enough that Ron almost wanted to give in and let him tag along.

"No," he said instead, hopefully sounding more certain than he felt at the moment. "Next year, though, I promise."
Valdemar pouted. "That's what Papa said."

"And I told you your Dad would have the same answer." Harry chuckled as he spoke. He entered the room at that moment, carrying a plate of bacon.

Ron planted a kiss on his husband's lips once that plate was on the table, but they were interrupted by Padraig, Uday, and Shayna arriving in the room, the younger two of them squishing between Harry and Ron with the obvious demand to be picked up. Both adults followed this request.

"Ew," Valdemar commented, only to be shushed by Padraig.

The two each took a seat at the table, quickly followed by Faas squeezing himself on the seat between them.

Pauline and Naak entered the room a few seconds later, but they made a quick detour to the kitchen to check whether or not there was anything else that they could carry to the dining room. Seeing as they returned empty handed, there didn't seem to be.

"Where are Lukas and Claudia?" Shayna asked as Harry placed her on her chair.

"I assume they're coming," Ron replied. He was still holding Uday, because she refused to let go of him.

"They were looking for his cauldron when I checked in with them," Padraig replied between two bites of egg. "It was the last thing they were missing, though."

"And we've found it!" Lukas announced as he entered the room.

"Yes, we did," Claudia deadpanned, her eyebrow raised. "In your underwear drawer."

"Why would you-" Pauline questioned, before she shook her head. "You know what, I really don't want to know."

"Probably a good idea," Naak agreed. "Can you pass me the salt?"

"Here it is," Faas replied as Lukas was attempting to shove Claudia in her direction.

"Stop that, Lukas," Harry reprimanded, as he put food on Shayna's plate.

Ron himself had finally managed to persuade Uday to let go of him and he took his seat next to Harry.

"Mornings are really chaotic," Ron commented. It wasn't unusual to hear that from him, which is why Harry simply acknowledged it with a nod and an "I know."

"Dad, do you know where my book for your class is?" Claudia asked, avoiding the spoonful of beans from Uday with practiced ease. "I thought Lukas has mine, but the nametag suggested it's not. Plus, you said Ravenclaw and Gryffindor don't have classes together this year and I don't trust him to return the book."

"That's," Lukas interrupted. there was a slight pause before he added. "Actually a fair point."

"No," Harry shook his head. "But I'll summon it for you." Which he promptly did.

"Thanks, Dad!"

The chaos continued throughout breakfast and soon it was time for the older ones to get their trunks while the rest of them took care of the dishes—except for Uday and Shayna who each began to play with a toy they could take with them on the drive to the Station—thank God they didn't live far from London.

As soon as they were alone in the kitchen for a moment, Ron sighed. "I could really live without this hassle."

Harry smiled. "I agree, even if I maintain that it's kind of endearing. I can't imagine an empty house, that much is sure."

Ron nodded. "I don't think I could live with the silence. The only time it was quiet was in that year where it was just you and me."

"I admit that there are a few things I miss from this time," Harry admitted, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, before adopting a serious expression. "The silence isn't one of them."

There was a suspicious crash from the living room, followed by an "it's fine!" by Padraig—who presumably took care of the chaos created by the others.

"Really?" Ron questioned with a laugh. "I could live without renovating the house every couple of months."

"There's only one thing—except for the children—that I can't imagine living without, and that's you."

Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Teddy, and all the others are alive and happy, but they had no place here.

Please tell me what you think!