Just a quick disclaimer clarifying that I do not own Dig or Die! Nore any other fictions depicted within the fanfic. I am also not making any money from this fic.

I hear the crackle of static. "A new comer. Welcome! You are just in time to witness the end of days." I look up on the roof and locate a speaker.

"I'm here to evacuate any survivors. Where are you located, I will come and get you." I call out to him. I wait a few seconds but hear no response. It must be a one way broadcasting system. I had Spencer scan the room for surveillance equipment but there was no sign of any cameras. "Any lead on where those survivors are?"

"Here is a reading of the space around us." I watch as a map appeared on my HUD. We are currently using the auto mapper to navigate our way through the passages and Spencer's life sign detector.

"Seems it would be much easier to cut through the walls to reach them." It would take a while to get to them if I followed the doors and the life signs are just within reach of the auto map currently revealed on my HUD. I bring out my trusty miniaturizer and started to make my own short cut.

"Sir! I just received a transmission from inside the ship. Patching you in now."

"Hello! If you are reading this do NOT open the escape pod!I repeat. Do NOT open the escape pod!"

"I read you loud and clear. To whom am I speaking with."

"Thank god your still alive! Listen. What ever you do, do not open that escape pod. You have been on here long enough to see those creatures. That thing was once human."

"Once human?" Spencer had already informed me about such but I would like to learn more about these hostile organisms.

"The creatures are called Necromorphs. They are made up of the thousands of dead crew members that belonged to this ship."

"So… Space zombies?" I've seen weirder, so its not too far of a stretch.

"Not even close. You blow off their head and they keep on coming. You need to tear them limb from limb just to put them down."

"So super space alien zombies then." The guy on the other side of the line gave me an annoyed growl at my statement.

"Just… Just be careful. I have two of my fellow crew members making their way to you as we speak. It'll be a while before I make my way down there.

"Do you need me to come up there and get you?"

"No. I have enough experience dealing with these things. I'll come down after I find someone."

"Who would that be?"

"My girlfriend, Nicole. She is the whole reason I even came here. She is alive in this ship somewhere."

"I have scanned the ship of life signs. There are currently six within the ship not including myself.

"Four, sir." Spenser spoke up. "Two of them just dropped off the radar."

"Sorry. Four life signs."

"The other one must be Nicole then... Where is she located?"

"Come to me and I can help you locate her. Right now I'm making my way to your companions." He gave out a relieved sigh over the line after hearing what I told him.

"Alright. I'll take the tram and head to you now."

"If you get stuck, just call me again. I have more then enough fire power to get to you."

"Thank you…"

"Nick Walker."

"Isaac Clarke." I wish him luck before ending the transmission.

I check my map to see that I had to cut through a few more rooms. A door leading to them appeared to be welded shut so I just miniaturized it and came to a hall way filled in with rubble. Looks like who ever was here blew up the entire room just to block off the path. I doubt that would have helped however, seeing as the space zombies were smart enough to crawl through the vents.

"Just three more rooms sir. It seems that they are slowly making their way to us now."

That was good to hear. I was actually feeling quite anxious about coming into contact with real people for the first time in… I don't really know to be certain. I cut my way through the debris before I hear a cry of pain followed by gun fire.

"Are they still alive?" I asked Spencer as I cut through another heavily fortified door way. The gunfire started up again before ceasing.

"Affirmative sir!"

I walk into a large room with ventilation shafts lining the walls and a few on the roof. An alarm started to go off before the scuttling of necromorphs could be heard through out the ventilation system. I watch as three of the creatures with blades sticking out of their shoulders breach the vent grates before I open fire.

I took Isaac's words to heart and used the plasma fire to blow them into meaty chunks. A few more had jumped out of the vents which were quickly taken care off with relative ease.

"Who the hell are you? I have never seen or heard of the equipment you have. Are you from one of the lost colonies?" I look over at a wall to see a monitor with a scowling old man glaring balefully at me

I walk over to the monitor to get a look at the old codger. He looked like the stereotypical mad scientist. It wasn't just the fresh blood that was covering his face and clothing but the tied up human corpse on a medical bench behind him with some instrument sticking out of his head.

"Why do you defy God's work? Would it not be easier to simply give in and leave behind this wretched mortal coil? Join me on the ultimate voyage. Join me, as I gaze at the face of God!"

That confirms it. This guy is a nut job. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the cause of this infection. He's talking about it like its the holy grail. "When you meet your god in hell. Tell him to go fuck himself." Was my simple response before I put my fist through the monitor.

I hear a resounding thud come from the other room followed by a shout as the banging increased in intensity. "Is someone in there?" I call out to the other side of the door. It wouldn't do to barge into the room and scare them. I'm not in the mood to get shot.

I hear something give way in the other room, followed by a woman's scream. "I'll take that as a yes." I pull out my miniaturizer. "Readings on the room Spenser."

The sound of gunfire could be heard on the other side. "You need to get us out of here!" Called an aged male voice

"They appear to be well away from the door sir. I detect something else in there." Good enough for me. I extract the metal door before priming my weapon.

I walk in to see a large… Something, push itself back up onto its' feet. "Way ahead of you." I casually say to the armed man who's back was facing towards me.

He jumped at the sound of my voice and turned around before taking a step back to look up at my visor. The power armour is much taller then he is, I stood at least half of his own height taller then him inside it. "When the hell did you get in here?"

"In a second." I tell the man before stepping around him. I had gotten in front of him just in time as the monster charged right at me. I simply raised my shotgun and fired a spray of super heated plasma at its torso to knock it back. I had designated its limbs as a priority, blowing them off before the thing fell with a resounding thud only a few feet ahead of me.

"What are you doing!" Shouted the man behind me. "Nothing harms that thing. We need to run." He urged me before pulling at my armour. I watch in fascination as the monster started to shake violently before new limbs seemed to sprout from its torso.

"Gonna need a bigger gun." I mutter before pulling out my overcharged plasma cannon. A much, much more powerful and efficient one.

"Where the hell did you pull that from?" Asked the man in astonishment. Guess he's never seen miniaturizer tech before. I stepped back a few feet and engaged the magnetic locks on the bottom of my boots before letting loose a blast of plasma.

Hammond covered his eyes at the sudden blinding light as the giant of a man blasted the hunter with the gigantic gun that he pulled out of thin air. There was a resounding explosion and he ducked behind the man's armour to cover his ears. When the light faded he quickly stepped back before looking around to see what the weapon had done.

He was left speechless for what he saw. The other half of the room was completely destroyed. All's that remained was red hot melted metallic slag and a giant hole within the floor. Hammond thanked his lucky stars that there was other rooms surrounding this one seeing as the floor, and sides of the wall had been blown open and melted by the intense heat that was emitted from the blast.

The man simply patted him on the shoulder before walking back the way he came. "You coming?" He called out to him. He broke out of his stupor at his call.

"Ye- Yeah." Stuttered Hammond. Glad this guy was on his side. Hammond walked over to the table Miss Kendra, only she wasn't there. "Miss Kendra! Where are you?"

"You mean the lady that ran out the door the second it opened?" Spoke a different voice. Hammond turned around only to jump back in shock and raise his gun as a strange metallic orb that floated next to the man in armour.

"What the hell is that thing! Just who are you?" Yelled Hammond in hysterics. He was nearing his wits end. It doesn't help that Miss Kendra is now missing.

"No need to point your gun at us." The man didn't even seem fazed by it. "Were here to get you out of here. Remember?" Hammond grit his teeth in frustration before he finally lowered his gun.

"You're right." He replied in exhaustion. "What is that thing?" Hammond asked while pointing at the machine with the large intimidating gun mounted underneath it. "And where is Miss Kendra?"

"This is my A.I companion, Spenser." Responded the man before facing the thing. "Is the lady alright Spencer?"

"Affirmative sir. She appears to be slightly shaken up and even tried to take off with the transport, but I put it into lock down."

"I can't really blame her. I felt the same way when I was trapped on that hostile planet." The man released a sigh before waving Hammond over. "Come. I'll escort you back to the ship."

I had found the woman seated within the transport no worse for wear before I loaded Hammond on board. I flew them back onto the ship and had Spencer show them to their accommodations for the stay. I waited for them to leave the hanger so I could launch once again. Zack Hammond insisted on joining me but I had bluntly stated that he would only get in the way. I was over qualified for this and he was under equipped to handle the monsters within the ship.

I had made extra precautions and informed Spencer to initiate a secret quarantine of the new guests in cause they are infected by what ever caused the outbreak on the planet cracker.

I had only just disembarked from the hanger before Spencer told me the bad news. There was only one life sign left on board not including myself. "Spenser, try to call Isaac Clarke. I need to confirm if he is still alive or not."

"Yes sir. Calling… I'm patching you in now sir."

"Are you reading me Isaac?"

"Yeah. I'm nearing the next stop on the tram. It shouldn't take too long."

I take in a slow breath before releasing it. "I have some bad news. There is only one life sign detected on the entire ship now."

"Is it Nicole?"

He sounded desperate. He knows that I am calling to in form him other wise but he asked me any way. "That life sign is you Isaac. I'm sorry… The other one went cold… When Spenser?" I ask my companion

"Before we escorted Mr Hammond and Ms Kendra, sir…"

"Before I got your companions to safety. I am sorry Isaac."


"Tha-" I hear him exhale before taking a calming breath. "Thank you, for informing me." He sounded like a broken man. Something I know about all to well. "I won't be long… I'll, I'll see you in a bit…" He whispered the last part before ending the call. I release a tired sigh of my own after hearing him talk.

"We'll wait here for now Spenser." I spent the time waiting for him to show up mulling over my plan of action.

I plan to destroy the ship and all the space zombies so they don't some how spread. As much as I wanted to stay here and study the technology they had on board, I really could not risk it. I still don't know what ever caused it. I will need to have every one gather at the med bay for analysis including myself in case it is some kind of super virus. If it is, and its on the ship or worse I'm infected, then I will have to kill myself to initiate another reset. Not looking forward to this at all.

"Sir! It seems Mister Clarke has arrived." I look up to see Isaac just enter the room.

"Over here!" I call out to him. I was on the platform waiting for him. He spots me and seems to freeze for a few seconds before shaking his head and walking over to meet me with his gun still drawn.

I watch as his helmet seems to fold in on itself. "You're captan Nick Walker?" He asks wearily. He seemed very young but the tired look on his face makes him look like an old, tired man.

"Nice to meet you Isaac." I point to my ship currently on the lower level. "We're good to go." I could see that he was not in the mood to talk. He looks like he could fall over at any moment.

Isaac just collapsed into one of the seats in the Combat Transport Pod (CTP). He didn't say a single word, just stared of into space lost in thought. I scratch at my visor in uncertainty as to what to say. It really has been to long since I have socialised with a person who has actual feelings. So I simply say nothing on our flight back to the ship.

"Spencer, how are our other two guests." I was now docking into my own ship and waiting for the hanger to pressurise.

"They both passed up their meals and are currently resting in their designated quarters." I can't blame them for not eating the nutrition paste. It's the tasteless gruel that I had day in and out for the past decade or two. I am looking forward to an actual meal with real food now that I have found another advanced enough civilisation.

"Can you show Isaac to his accommodation's for now. I need to deal with the ship."

"Of course sir." Responded Spenser before hovering over to Isaac. "Mr. Isaac. This way please. I will show you to your room." Isaac simply stood up before following Spenser. He didn't even utter a word.

My armour disappeared in a flash as it was miniaturized and sent back into my inventory along with my arsenal. I still have my personal forcefield on hand. I never take the thing off. It looks like a fancy metallic belt being hidden by my shirt.

"Sir! A ship just entered range and are hailing us." I just blink at hearing that bit of news.

"Put them on speaker." I tell Spenser. The drone he was using approaches me before switching to speaker mode.

"This is Commander F Cadigan of the USM Valor speaking. You are within restricted air space."

"This is Captain Nick Walker of the U.S.S.F Last Hope speaking. I am here in response to a distress signal. I have evacuated the only survivors remaining on the ship."

"You are within restricted air space. By orders of the EarthGov, you are to stand down. You are under arrest and will be taken into custody." Seriously? What the hell!

"I'm sorry to hear that but I am not under the jurisdiction of your EarthGov."

"You WILL stand down Captain Walker or we will be forced to fire."

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"And I am sorry to hear that." Said the commander before cutting communications. I make a mad dash through the ships halls before Spenser alerted me once more.

"Sir!We have incoming missiles. They have fired a salvo of torpedoes"

"Raise the shields and ready weapons. If they fire upon us again then you are free to return in kind Spenser." I tell him before rushing back to the bridge. I will need to set up a teleportation system to get around the ship at a later time for these kind of instances.

Commander Cadigan had received the signal not too long ago from the Ishimura. He was here on the orders of the EarthGov to retrieve the Marker and bring it back to Earth. Agent Kendra has been sent in earlier on a ship meant to investigate the distress call sent out by the Ishimura. Her job was to find out the whereabouts of the marker and send out the signal for them to come in and retrieve the package.

When he had gotten here, he came across another ship of unknown design currently in orbit. After an initial scan of the ship, they found out that it is not affiliated with EarthGov.

'Is it from one of the lost colonies?'

Back before they had created the planet crackers, Earth had been stripped clean of valuable resources. There were some people who created spaceships meant to leave the solar system and colonise other planets with habitable atmosphere similar to Earth. This was before the Ishimura was created. The prototype for the new line of Planet Cracker class ships designed to harvest desolate and uninhabited planets of their valuable resources. They were never heard from and so it was designated a failure.

"Hail the ship." Commanded Cadigan.

"This is Commander F Cadigan of the USM Valor speaking. You are within restricted air space."

"This is Captain Nick Walker of the U.S.S.F Last Hope speaking. I am here in response to a distress signal. I have evacuated the only survivors remaining on the ship."

'U.S.S.F? There is no United government prefix with those initials. It really must be from the lost colonies.' Cadigan quickly ordered to get word back to EarthGov about finding a ship from the lost colonies.

There are two affiliations used for spacecraft. There is the U.S.G which stands for United Space fairing guild, used for civilian space craft and U.S.M which is used to identify military vessels.

"You are within restricted air space. By orders of the EarthGov, you are to stand down. You are under arrest and will be taken into custody."

"I'm sorry to hear that but I am not under the jurisdiction of your EarthGov."

"You WILL stand down Captain Walker or we will be forced to fire."

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"And I am sorry to hear that." Said the commander before cutting communications. "Prepare the main weapons and patch me into Kendra Daniels."

"Patching you in now sir!" Called the helm officer before a video feed of Miss Kendra appeared on his monitor.

"Commander Cadigan?"

"I am here to retrieve the package. Where is it located?

"It's still on the planet. I'll send you the co ordinance." The commander waited for a few seconds before they received the data.

"I presume that you are on the space craft currently in orbit of the Ishimura?"

"Yeah. A guy in a giant suite of armour tore through the ship and retrieved Hammond and I."

"I am sorry to hear that. You have done your planet a great service. As you are already aware, we can not have any witnesses."

"You don't mean…"

"What I mean Miss Kendra, is that you have out lived your usefulness. Goodbye Miss Kendra. You will be missed.

"Cadigan you bastard! You ca-" Cadigan cut the communication.

"Sir! Weapons are primed and ready. Awaiting orders." Called the helm.

"Fire." The ship fired of a salvo of torpedoes. "This should be over quick." Muttered Cadigan as he watched the missiles close in on the ship before exploding prematurely. A white hazy bubble materialised around the ship. "What the hell was that!" 'Some kind of force field? Impossible.' "Fire again!"

He watched as another salvo of torpedoes splashed harmlessly on field that surrounded the smaller ship. "Sir! I'm detecting a spike of energy!" Shouted the helm man in panic.

"What is it?" The man looked as pail as a ghost.

"It- Its the energy reading sir… It's absolutely Immense… It's immeasurable!" The energy readings were off the charts. Commander Cadigan watched in dread and horror as a the smaller ship seemed to prime what he believed to be energy weapons all across its hull. The small ship shined like a miniature star before a blinding light engulfed him.

"Sir! I have detected a message that has been sent out about our ship engaging with the Valor. I have also intercepted and recorded a communication sent to Miss Kendra. They are here to eliminate any witnesses." I stumble in the hallway as the ship suddenly starts shaking. "They have fired upon us. Shields are holding. Charge is still at 94%"

"If they attack us again I am giving you the go to fire at will." I make it into the bridge to see a salvo of missiles approach the ship before crashing into the energy shield. "Even if that means we will not be welcome here any longer."

"They have struck us again sir. Weapons are armed and ready. Returning Fire!" The ship's multiple turrets and main cannons charge before firing on the ship. I watch in awe at my space crafts own fire power as the ship is cut in twain by the ion particle beams from the main cannon before the plasma and photon torpedoes bombard the ship, causing it to explode spectacularly.

"Guess they didn't have shields." I mutter as I watch their ship get destroyed by a single salvo. "Going to have to use something much weaker to disable enemy ships in the future." That was actually the first time I ever had to actually use them against another ship. I have practised on some asteroids but even then, I didn't use a full payload like Spenser did. Maybe design an EMP cannon or missiles.

" Spenser. Destroy the planet cracker and jump us to the empty star system we previously came from."

"Charging the twin Iron particle cannons… Particle cannons fully charged sir!"

"Fire." I order him. I observe as the ship is cut into heavily by the particle cannons before it exploded in a chain reaction. The remnants of the ship and the large chunks of earth it was hauling crashed back onto the planet below.

"Target destroyed sir! Should I set course now?" I give him the go ahead.

"Inform me when we arrive. I need to see to our guests."

I had called the three of them into the meeting room to discuss their plan of action. They came into the room still half asleep being escorted by a drone. The meeting room has a large oval table that seconds as a holograph projector. There are twelve seats around the table.

Hammond was the first to come in. I simply told him that we will be discussing what to do now that they are off the station. I wasn't planning on going into more details until the other two arrive. He seemed very surprised when he first saw me out of my suite. Not sure what he was expecting.

Second came Kendra followed not long after Isaac who seemed dead on his feet. I would have let them rest longer but it seems I am now on a tight schedule. The EarthGov have an alert on my ship and they will likely send others to come after me.

"Good to see you all are here." I start off.

"Wait, is this it?" Asked Zack sceptically. "So that A.I of yours wasn't kidding when he said you're the only person on board."

"No he was not. He is the main on board A.I in charge of this vessel. He does over see several V.I at different stations on the vessel already programmed to run and maintain the ship. If he loses connection with them then they fall back to their default settings."

"You really put that much trust in an A.I? You know those things can be unstable." Spoke up Isaac.

"Yes I do. But back to the matter at hand." I say with a dismissive wave of my hand. "What do you guys plan on doing now that you have escaped that ship?"

"Return home of course." Answered Zack. Kendra lowered her head after hearing that which both Isaac and Hammond caught. "Is there something I'm missing?" He inquired in confusion.

"Should I tell them Miss Kendra or will you?" She froze at my words. Isaac and Zack gave each other a confused look before turning to Miss Kendra,

She scratched at her arm before inhaling and sitting up straight in her chair. "What the captain means is that… We can't go home."

"Can't go home?" Zack repeated before glaring at me. "What. Are you going to hold us for ransom, interrogation?" His hand twitched for a weapon that he no longer has on himself. Spencer put their weapons and tools into storage.

"Maybe you should let Miss Kendra finish first." I warn him before I signal her to continue.

"Right… We are no longer welcome home. It is to do with the mission we were sent in for."

"You mean all those necromorphs and the marker." Cut in Isaac. "The government were experimenting on the marker. They believed it held an unlimited source of energy. I talked to a guy on board who believed it was some kind of psychic inhibitor."

"Psychic inhibitor?" I question Isaac's outburst.

"The source of the necromorphs and the out break. The doctor I was talking about told me how there was some kind of hive mind on the planet. They unearthed the marker during the excavation on the planet and removed it for study. When it was removed, it no longer inhibited the hive mind on the planet. It drove a vast majority of the people on the ship and planet side to kill themselves before using their corpses."

"And you kept that from us the hole time?" Shouted Hammond.

"I don't think it would have made any difference." I cut in before things could escalate. "You guys really did not have the means or fire power to take out the ship."

"And you do?" Asked Isaac.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Answered Zack. "Not after what I saw." He muttered the last part aloud.

"I have already destroyed the ship if that is what you are asking."

"But what about the marker?" Kendra shouted in shock. "Like Isaac said, wasn't it used to stop the necromorphs?"

"I blew the ship out of orbit." I continue. "The ship and the rubble caught in its gravity tethers fell back to the planet. I don't think the hive mind would have survived having a planet cracker fall on top of it along with its cargo."

Isaac slumped back into his seat after hearing that bit of good news. He too was on edge when I said I blew up the ship. Miss Kendra on the other hand seemed to collapse in defeat.

"That was our ticket home. If we gave it to the government, then they would have let us return home." I shake my head at her delusion.

"I don't believe that would have been the case. Like Commander Cadigan said, no witnesses. This was not a rescue mission, it was a retrieval mission. They were on standby waiting for confirmation of the packages whereabouts. They were not likely to let any one else off the ship." She deflated at hearing that. They were likely going to cut her loose after they received the package any way and she knows it now.

"So this hole time, this hole mission was just a farce?" Questioned Zack Hammond in disbelief. "We were just expendable pawns sent in to retrieve their damn marker. I received Intel that there might have been a mole on this mission." He said while glaring at Kendra Danials.

I open my mouth to respond "Sir! We have arrived at our destination." Only to close it at his announcement.

"Spenser"I call out. "Deploy a MDB on the nearest moon and jump us back to New Terra."

"Yes sir!" The MDB is a Multi dimensional beacon that can be easily deployed by the ship. It sends down a small cube that drills into the earth and deploys itself. I don't have to worry about interference due to its unique signature. It is designed for fast deployment so that I can return to a universe I had previously been to. "MDB Deployed sir. Making the jump now!"

"Might want to sit back down and hold on." I tell the others who comply with my orders before the ship seems to lurch every one suddenly in their seats.

"Where are we heading now then?" Inquired Isaac.

The ship lurches every one in their seats once more. "We have arrived back at New Terra sir!"

"My current home." I simply tell him before getting out of my seat. "Come along every one. I'll show you around."

Log 43

After nearly an entire week of Dimension jumping, I finally came across anther advanced enough civilisation. Luckily enough it was a human civilisation. I came upon a planet cracker ship that was roughly 1.6 Kilometres long. The ship had been infected by an alien organism that was capable of psionically attacking living organisms. It causes the victims to either kill themselves so it could assimilate their corpses and turn them into living space zombies called Necromorphes or used them until they outlived their usefulness..

All of the crew had been sent insane or was deceased due to the incident. I came across the remains of a rescue team who were sent in after they had obtained the distress beacon before they went dark. It seems that the entire thing was some kind of government conspiracy that they tried to cover up by sending in an attack vessel to retrieve an artefact simply called 'The Marker.'

They sought to destroy my ship and I retaliated. I made sure to blow up the infected ship and jumped into the nearest star system to deploy a MDB (Multi Dimensional Beacon) before jumping back to my HUB world.

For more information on the incident, please refer to the files in the designated folder called; 'The Marker incident'

Log 44

It had taken me a couple of days to convince about my own circumstances to them. Not that I can blame them. They originally thought I was apart of some lost colony from days past, back when their home planet ran out of resources and sent they sent out a volley of random colonist ships in a desperate attempt at survival.

It seems non of them suffer the delusion of returning home any time soon at least. Who ever assembled the team made sure that non of them had any one waiting for them back home. It is much easier to make someone disappear if there is no one to ask questions let alone knows of their existence.

Log 45

Found out that they needed a station to remove their armour, or R.I.G.(Resource Intergration Gear). I found them to be very interesting. Easily mass producible, idiot friendly, flexible but still rather outdated. Isaac had a slew of schematics on him ranging from the work station, weapons, modifications, those kinesis and stasis modules that I have so many plans for, RIGS and tools.

Isaac found himself to be even more giddy then I am after I gave him a demonstration and explanation about miniature tech. Kendra was in the same boat as Isaac seeing as she is a technologist. Zack didn't care at first until I showed him the ability to create weapons and gear near instantaneously. He isn't one for science but he seems to have a thing for weapons.

Speaking of Kendra and Zack, it had taken a few days but they are now on speaking terms at least. Miss Kendra is on watch by Spenser how ever.

Log 46

Integrated some of the R.I.G systems into my own armour such as the Kinesis and stasis modules. I still have plans to weaponise those two technologies. I had these dreams about a zero point module gun which I have been itching to recreate.

I have also upgraded the crew R.I.G's. Intergrated much stronger materials and metal plating to offer much better protection. I also switched out their power modules and redesigned thoranium modules to be placed in them instead. The amount of added power allowed me to upgrade the kinesis modules to lift and haul around several tones of equipment with ease, unlimited stasis, forcefield generators and a miniatureizer system.

The RIGS now come with their own Mark I miniatureizer to store and deploy vast amounts of equipment and resources. When they are deemed competent and trustworthy enough of using my technology, then I will give them access to better miniatureizers and a auto builder.

Log 47

I have created an apartment building for them to stay in when we are at the HUB world between jumps. Right now I am getting them ready for departure as I will be heading out once again. I have assured them that we can return to their home universe some time in the future. I left the beacon there for a return trip so I may set up a relay network to monitor that universe in case what ever species was behind the necromorphs return.

I have worked on the ship and managed to half the allotted cool down for dimension jumps, potentially doubling the amount of jumps I can make per day. I might have been able to make it even shorter if I had access to that shock point drive that Isaac has been telling me about. It is designed to create a dimensional bubble around the ship, allowing FTL flight. Something I will need to return some point in the future to get which should greatly increase my own patented jump drive.

I am currently preping the ship and crew for another jump. I have armed them with the upgraded armour and weapons that don't need ammunitions like theirs does, which as you can imagine is a huge step from having to ration your own guns and ammunition within enemy infested territory.

I would also like to note that Zack and Kendra are finally on speaking terms once again. There is a hint of tension but it seems that he has cooled down somewhat over the incident. Isaac has been focusing himself on work, something I do on a regular basis to forget my own problems.

Log 48

Four days into our trip and we have come across another human civilisation. They appeared to be have no signs of advanced technology until Spencer located an abnormally large artificial energy reading coming from the planets surface. I had sent down a drone to investigate the source and found a giant ring made out of a highly conductive crystalline quarts remarkably similar to metal.

It was while my drone was in the middle of observing a nearby pedestal did the ring light up and start to spin. I watched as the ring spun and locked in different symbols before what looked like water erupted from the ring before settling in the ring.

I was about to get a scan of the anomaly before some people walked out of the ring. They appeared to be adorning ornament armour with staffs giving of high energy readings indicating that they may be weapons of some kind. I sent the drone in so I could talk to them but they shouted at its approach before pointing their staffs at it and firing small balls of plasma. They had terrible aim as non of the shots even connected before I ordered the drone to fall back and observe from afar.

They were speaking an unknown language which I was sampling for my universal translator. They brought in a small battalion of people and set up what looks like manned turrets at the warp gate before it finally shut down.

I don't know what their intention is but they look like they are about to head into a nearby village armed to the teeth. I told the three other crew members to arm up for a possible confrontation.

I had given them a small stash of turrets and materials to set down with their miniaturizers in case things go south. I am going to set up a teleporter in case we need a quick escape which will beam us back onto the ship. I plan to head down and use what little I had gained from their conversations to try to communicate with them before they reach the village.

Authors notes

I had to think over what I wanted to do with the Ishimura and logically speaking, I myself would have simply shot the thing out of the sky in hopes that it would not spread when others come looking for it.