Hey, just another story idea Using the same kind of premise from my other story. ROB being a dick and throwing generic person in a not so generic situation. No powers but instead advanced technology. Powers are possible later though due to multiverse shenanigans.

Have you seen those fanfic where the OC gets their hands on different techs and try their hands at universe jumping and even world building? This is my attempt at it using the resources found within the early access game Dig or Die!. Don't know what that is? Check out the trailer on steam.

First few chapters are just story development before traversing the multiverse. Small time skips are in the form of logs created by my SI OC during development, sort of like journal entries depicting the long days past.

I remember going to sleep after a night out with friends. It was Friday night, the night me and some buddies get together to have a game of DnD. It was 1 am by the time I got back home to go to sleep.

There was also the memories of my life during a time of innovation and discovery. Man had unlocked the secrets behind fabrication, replication and compression tech. The ability to miniaturise and store items within a pocket dimension with infinite storage capability.

I am a representative of the CRAFT&Co company. There was some kind of anomaly during my travels. I remember trying and failing to land my own space craft on an unknown planet.

CRAFT&Co is the leading company for automatic fabrication technologies. The tools and technology allows for people to build anything from local and exotic materials. From housing, to weapons and even space ships. All in a matter of seconds. Any one could use the tools. Fabricators, miniaturizers and replicators are basically house hold items.

These were the thoughts that went through my aching head as I was awoken by the shouts of my A.I companion.

"Wake up Captain!" My body was sore and my thoughts a complete mess. Like there were two lifetimes crammed into my head. I keep recalling a life within a modern world. A boring life in a time where fossil fuels where still used and people had yet to master space flight. Why was my head aching so bad?

That's right. The inertia dampeners had failed during my crash landing and I was forced to eject. It doesn't help that my ejector seats boosters failed to start and I crashed head first from hundreds of metres in the air. I'm just glad humans are genetically modified within this day and age to be incredibly resilient.

I felt my advanced regeneration starting to kick in, any broken bones and trauma suffered quickly healed. I was laying in a ditch not far from where my ship had crashed. It had taken several minutes to heal before I headed over to see what the damage is.

"Status report". I ask my Ships A.I. I received him during my initiation. I have named him Spencer.

"Captain. It seems we have crash landed on an unknown planet. We are also within uncharted space, I can't pick up and subspace signals from the federation."

"Any idea how far we are?" I query. It seemed the ship crashed on top of a hill.

"Negative sir! Readings indicate that the atmosphere is safe enough for you to navigate." That's good to hear. I don't even have a space suit on. I only have my business suit on at the moment. As for equipment, I have my company issued Auto builder and Miniaturizer along with my plasma rifle.

"What can you tell me about the planet we are currently on?" It took a while for him to respond. He was currently scanning for any signs of civilisation. But it appears there was none.

"It appears the local populaces are hostile. If you kill any of their kind then their entire species will be after you. Though I'm sorry to inform you that sensors are picking up two different species crushed under the space craft. I'm afraid you can't play peace keeper."

"Shit! What was that thing in space that landed us here?"

"Unknown sir... There was too much interference to get any scans let alone a visual." Spencer paused at that. Scanning the local area.

"Sir I recommend that you use your miniturizer and auto builder to set up a base until you figure out a way to escape this planet. The local species seem to be more active during the night time. They will surely attack you en mass."

I sigh at that. This really isn't good. "How are we on supplies?"

"It seems the ship is in no condition to fly but the replication unit for food and water is still operational. The generator will not last long so you are going to need another power source. Im detecting high levels of radiation from those blue flying bugs near by."

There was some strange bulbous glowing blue bug flying within my direction. It looked like a giant hornet. When it got near enough it shot out blue plasma from its abdomen. It was not something I was expecting. The plasma ball hit me centre mass. Burning a hole through my clothing and doing minor damage.

Luckily enough I had my own plasma rifle. I aimed at the bug and shot it down. I went over to inspect the source of the radiation. Using the miniturizer on the corpse, I manage to extract a glowing blue crystal.

"Sir! That crystal you found seems to be highly radioactive. Its the reason that hornet was able to shoot plasma at you. You should be able to gather more of them to create weapons or simple generators."

Luckily enough, humans have been genetically enhanced over the millennia. Any genetic modification is passed on. Enhanced regeneration, denser muscles and bones, increased intelligence, etc. There are both civilian and military modifications. I do have a few predecessors who were in the military as well as my parents. We came into an age of peace and prosperity during my lifetime so I didn't have to follow my parents lead and go into a military career. Sure they still trained me, but its to be expected when your family served within the Space Marine Corps.

I go about killing the now designated blue firefly. While I was doing this, I came across a creature resembling a dog. It was much stronger though and had two horns on its head. It has been designated hound. The horns seem to be of use as well. I spent two hours harvesting wood, and killing the two hostile creatures. I also went around to collect any scrap metal that broke of the ship in order to process it into basic iron for crafting purposes.

I used the iron and blue crystal to upgrade my auto builder and miniturizer. I then dug a trench into the hill I crashed landed on to make a shelter. The excess crystals and iron was used to make a plasma shot gun as well as six automated turrets. I gathered the replicator from the ship and hooked it up to a generator created from the blue crystals before making a housing area with in my bunker. The first night was relatively peaceful. The turrets kept the hostile aliens away from me while I spent the night going over blue prints, research and notes gathered from the ships archives. With the help of Spencer and the ships sensors, I managed to create some basic blue prints from the materials found on this planet.

Nick Walker: Log 1

It was Spencer's advice that I create a log of my time here to help keep track of my progress, my notes, the passage of time and sanity. Last night, I dreamt of another me. He was a depressed man living a meaningless life. I told Spencer of my dreams and memories. He thinks it might be from crashing head first in the ground. The next couple of days I spent harvesting the corpses of the hostiles slain by my turrets. Their blood seems to be highly radioactive during the night time. Likely the cause of their madness and blood lust.

I also spent that time going over research and notes. With nothing better to do and needing to basically rebuild my space craft from scratch, I have a lot of stuff to go over. I found out that the water of this planet is not H2O exactly but some kind of liquid crystal. One of the main causes for the mutations of the monsters on this world and the high levels of radioactivity. Among these plants was a glowing fluorescent under water fern. With it I was capable of creating non energy lighting and a flash light.

Log 2

Spencer's sensors had located a special red fern east of my location. It will be needed to upgrade my fabricator and auto builder. Before heading over, I had equiped the bunker with twenty turrets. Not only that, I have created and stored ten turrets within my inventory for quick deployment. The fern is located across a chasm. The only way over is to create a bridge.

Log 2?

I don't know what happened. I woke up in bed within my bunker. But I recall being knocked of my bridge by giant bats. I think I died. I'm not sure if it was a dream or nightmare. It was like the day repeated itself. My log indicated it had not happened. I asked Spencer to recall todays events and it was almost like De ja vu. My inventory had the resources and items needed to cross the chasm. I go to the place where I built the bridge but it was not there. I decided to head back and mine for some more iron and coal. After a nights rest, I'll try again.

Log 2 ?

I woke up in my bed again. I recall being trapped under ground. With no way to keep track of time, I ended up having to try to fight off what seemed to be hoards of frenzied beasts. I could tell because they turned into the puddles of radioactive blood upon death and not just a simple corpse I could harvest. I was over whelmed. They seemed to dig their way to my location. They came from below, above and behind me. I remember being torn apart by plasma and teeth. Did it really happen though? All I know is I need to invest in a watch.

Log 3

I managed to get the fern across the chasm. I used it to upgrade my auto builder the second I got enough. I did this by creating some armour from the hide of a creature designated dweller, which I found underground while mining for more iron. It made my trip across the bat infested chasm manageable. The fern seems to grow in highly oxidised clay. I brought enough of the clay back to home base so that I could grow more of the fern. Another thing about the flora of this planet is the combination of the strange water and radioactivity makes plants grow relatively fast. A couple of days and some flowers and trees I planted has already fully grown.

I managed to create a regenerative stimulant using some blue flowers and the hound horns. The stim pack is capable of healing even the most serious of wounds near instantaneously. It even grew back my hand after a hound tore it off. The regeneration process seems to use the radiation of the plant and blood of the creatures as a catalyst. Its not so much as increasing the bodies regeneration rate as it is creating new cells instead of duplicating the bodies existing ones. The medicine might be capable of be used to keep one from ageing.

The red fern is capable of creating not only stronger, faster acting medicine but even more doses. It is created using a combination of fern, radioactive blood and the horn of a new under ground creature designated black hound. The medicine is not only twice as effective, it can be used to create three doses at a time compared to the one regular stim pack recipe

Log 4

It has happened again. I know for certain that I am not simply having premonitions or dreams. I woke up after reaching the under ground lake I landed in when I was knocked off my bridge. I was swarmed by a massive amount of piranhas and bats. I went to talk to Spencer about it when he told me that I had received a message from an unknown source.

The message indicates that the memories and dreams of another life were more then that. It told me that any time I die, I will repeat the previous day like nothing happened. The source came from somewhere within this planets orbit that much is certain. It also said that if I want to find out why and how I came to this world, I need to fix my ship and escape. I don't know who or what is capable of reversing death as if it was a simple game and to be honest, I really don't want to find out. But I really can't stay on this planet. Death betrays me, so there is no other escape for me but to fix my ship and get out of dodge.

Log 5.

I spent the next two months harvesting and mining resources. I even managed to create drones. One advanced one for Spencer and a few V.I's for him to lead. They are used for recon and having Spencer on hand for his sensors to locate hostiles is life saving. They are equipped with a basic blink pack. If they are in danger, they are capable of teleporting out of harms way by several meters.

During this time I had plenty of time to mull over my situation. Spencer seems to agree that something is happening, he is now recalling events that haven't actually occurred. It was also during this time that I pulled apart the ship. I went over research and documents found on the ships archives. I had even come across information not originally within the ships files. The files indicated that there was something in orbit. I have to rebuild the ship and get to what ever it is to find more answers. Easier said than done seeming as I have died for what I have counted to be 43 times now.

It had taken me a while to cope with my deaths. It seems that death is only a incontinence to me now since any and all research, data and log entries made the day of my death is lost. I have had to memories most of my findings in case such an event happens again. Spencer is recalling events but can't quite seem to store and recall information lost during the resets. How that works, I have no idea.

Log 6.

I have come across some aluminium as well as some unknown volatile mushroom. Using the crystals gathered from red fireflies, aluminium and the mushrooms, I have created a rocket launcher. The rocket launcher has a inbuilt replicator mechanism capable of creating and reloading ammunition on the fly. Not only is it good for killing mobs but I have been using it to mine a lot faster. The rockets have smart shaped explosives. Meaning that I don't take damage from the blasts. I have also created a laser rifle. Rapid fire, good range and the radioactive crystal means it doesn't need reloading or any other source of energy. Lasty I have come across a new breed of dweller. It is black in colouration and has much denser armour then before. I harvested enough corpses to create another vest.

Log 7.

Died again. It wasn't a monster per say but rebound. The weapons I use have a lot of kick in them, letting me use the high amount of force to propel myself and even increase my jump height and running speed near triple my current amount. I am capable of jumping 6 metres without my propulsion jumps. What killed me was slamming into a roof while trying to escape from predators. I need to create more armour then a simple vest. I have been using the ships designer to create combat designated armour. That also means a helm.

In the mean time I harvested the corpses of the giant bats on the bridge and used their sonar based organ and ears to create an auto map maker. I no longer have to worry about memorising paths already travelled. It does this by sending out sonar waves that bounce back to the device and create a 99.9 percent accurate map of my surroundings within a fifty metre radius. It is even capable of going through dirt and rock. It is unable to penetrate metals how ever. It was because of this my mining productivity has increased since it can't penetrate metal deposits.

I have managed to find several large deposits of gold. I have used the gold to create more complex parts and even generators. I also managed to upgrade my auto builder, unlocking more blue prints. Among those were the CRAFT&Co Teleporters.

A Teleporter is a special high-tech contraption innovated from CRAFT&Co. technologies for organic transportation across incredibly large distances in the blink of an eye. These current ones can only be used in tandem with others placed within the planets magnetic field. There are much more advanced ones available in the archives but the materials are not available on this planet.

Log 8.

There is a giant crab monster within the under ground lake that I have been trying to slay. I have died four times now. Not only does it have ridiculous strength but is also capable of calling for reinforcements. It calls more advanced piranhas and bats along with mini sharks in swarms. I tried creating a base with turrets but it only called for more reinforcements. My base was over run and destroyed along with me. I need more powerful guns by the looks of it.

I have long since harvested all the simple class one and class two turrets running on blue radioactive crystals. I now have much higher but fewer turrets equipped with red crystals. The monsters don't attack my base if I am not present. I may be able to relocate all the defences and create an out post within the lake to kill the crab for more complex components Spencer has told me is only available on it.

Log 9.

There were floating islands in the sky. They are composed of a crystal quarts with high amounts of gas. A gas that was lighter then air but was not hydrogen or helium. I am able to use the highly concentrated pockets of gas and the advanced black Piranha regeneration organ found in the underground lake to upgrade my auto builder, unlocking more blue prints. Some available blue prints included better weapons from the crystals dropped from the white fireflies flying around the active volcano east of my base.

I then spent my time harvesting the corpses of the wildlife located within the under ground lake to create more gear. I was able to craft a re breather using skin and gills from the mini sharks within the lake, allowing me to dive and swim under water for potentially hours at a time. It was when I created the re breather that I decided to design diving gear that will allow me to swim faster, withstand high pressures and keep me warm in the frigid waters.

Log 10.

It was during my time under the deeper recces-es of water that I came across a deposit of uranium. It was after finding this did I unlock more blue prints that can be created in tandem with it. One of these blue prints included an upgrade for several of my weapons and a nifty little item sure to come in handy.

I upgraded my laser rifle to a Gatling rifle. The added power not only increased its fire rate but its range and damage output as well. I also created an invisibility bracelet. It refracts light around the user to make them appear invisible to the naked eye. As it is currently, not only can I be found by things that use other senses like sonar but I can not attack with it on lest the energy emitted by my weapons interfere with the bracelet. It does not last long. Only five minutes of cloak time with a twenty minute cool down.

I had lastly used some uranium to upgrade Spencer's drone as well as his VI controlled companions into combat drones. He has 4 combat VI drones that he micro manages. They are now capable of firing lasers at the same rate and power as my old laser rifle. The wildlife seem to ignore them and go after me instead. This makes it easier for them to swarm hostiles without worry of needing repairs or being destroyed. I have not however created any generators using the stuff since it would be too volatile if it is attacked or destroyed.

I had used their help to finally defeat the crab. They had targeted the bats while I took out the crab. I had created a platform above the crabs reach where I sat for about an hour whittling away its armour with laser and plasma fire before it fell. The amount of radioactive blood I had harvested from the frenzied beasts slain from wave after wave is more then I would likely use within a decade. How there are so many beasts within hearing distance and reach of me goes beyond my comprehension.

From the corpse I harvested its sonar organ. The same one it used to call for reinforcements from distances that put whale calls to shame. I combined it with my auto map maker. It will allow me to detect materials and identify them within the same radius as the map maker. Finally I used some exotic materials from the crab to make an overcharged plasma cannon. Hand held cannon capable of doing tremendous amounts of damage and enough kick back that it would likely kill me if I was to slam into a wall or ceiling, even with my new armour.

Log 11

Spencer's sensors have picked up a high energy reading located somewhere within the floating islands. I will need to create towers to reach the higher towers. I might be able to create a new metal using the crystalline quarts of the gas rock, I just seem to be missing some components. I will try my luck using the new upgraded miniturizer to dig beneath the sedimentary rock deposits of the underwater cave for anything I could use.

Log 12

I have come across a tunnel system under the rock sediment. The tunnel seems to be composed of a blue crystal that is capable of absorbing water to regenerate and regrow. Renewable resources that would be capable of regenerating and maintaining itself on water as if it was alive. With this I could possibly make Bio grade materials and metals capable of sustaining themselves. I harvest more then enough before coming into contact what seems to be not only pitch black deposits within the crystal but also glowing deposits. They have been designated black and light crystals.

They seem to have very interesting properties themselves. The black crystals I was able to use to upgrade my auto builder and make new weapon. The light crystals seem to create extremely bright crystal was used to increase my miniaturizer.'s power They are now both Mark V, the highest auto builder and miniaturizer that I will be capable of building on this planet.

The black crystal is incredibly dense. With it I was able to make a ZF-0. The ZF-0 is a advanced weapon that auto-aims an enemy once it has been hit. It has a extremely high fire rate. It's armour-piercing rounds completely ignore armour making it very effective against heavily armoured units. It will be possible to make more powerful ballistic weapons with this in the future.

The tunnel was created by giant white ants. Not only where they incredibly powerful and en mass but their acid melted through my armour. Luckily their hide was resistant to their own acid and made a good replacement.

Log 13

Spent a two months going over schematics and the designer. Using Spencer's upgraded sensors, I was able to determine what I needed to repair my ship. I have created a crystal quartz polymer combining the gas rock and water crystal that is not only incredibly light weight but also stronger then fabricated steel. I simply call the new material 'Composite Alloy'. It will be a base used to create new materials.

I then used Composite Alloy and combined it with aluminium to create 'Crystal Aluminium'. See through like glass but two times stronger then titanium. Not only that but the process I used to create them is customise-able. If I find stronger metals, I can create even stronger materials. I have yet to create a form of Bio steel however. I am missing a catalyst to stabilise the process. It was using the base and combining fabricated steel that I created 'Cri-steel' (Cry Steel).Non surprisingly, the metal is even stronger then the Crystal Aluminium. The metal is a very light grey colour borderline white.

A new form of white ants have been attacking my base ever since I harvested them within the crystal caverns. Their hide is not as strong but they have much longer and powerful ranged acid. Luckily my new alloy along with the advanced auto repair turrets are more then enough to withstand attacks during the night.

The beasts attacks may not damage my armour but the kinetic force behind the blows still do considerable damage to my own person. I tried combining Composite ballistic fibres with the new Composite Alloy. Through a process of trial and error before I saw results. I tried combining the ballistic fibres, Composite Alloys along with different materials before success.

The result is a form of Bio Ballistic Scales. This had included the Composite Ballistic Fibres, Composite Alloy, High radioactive blood, Black piranha regeneration organ and shark scales. It is composed mainly of pockets of air combined with extremely dense yet flexible materials that spread the force of impact over wider areas. The force is then absorbed by the bio materials as actual energy that it uses to help sustain itself and even regenerates damage. This new material is now called 'Bio Aero foam.'

Log 14

It seems the weaker hostile species now avoid me. The new armour and weapons seem to intimidate them to the point my only attackers now are the white ants and white fireflies. This it much easier to move around to the point I no longer have to bunker down at night. I have started to create a tower using the new Composite Alloy. Even though Cri-Steel is much stronger, the base alloy is much lighter, meaning I was able to reach new heights within a matter of minutes.

Log 15

Found the source of the massive energy. A giant queen firefly the size of a house attacked me and pushed me off my tower. I used the knock back from my weapons to land safely. I will need to create a staging area to fight the new threat to see what kind of crystal it drops.

Log 16

I created a nice expanse on the tower equipped with turrets. I antagonised the queen before leading it to my turrets. It was a slaughter as its advanced regeneration was quickly overcome. It had a lot of white firefly drones come to fight along with it but they were fell with little difficulty. The crystal it dropped was massive. I had compressed the new crystal and made myself a jet pack. The jet pack now has enough energy to last several lifetimes. Combining my new flight capability with the knock back of my weapons, I was able to fly to the highest flying islands that I would never have been able to reach with a tower.

There were hordes of bulbous blue fireflies that exploded in a giant ball of plasma when ever they were shot or came into contact with me. They did not do much damage how ever due to my new armour. They dropped highly unstable crystals that I believe will make powerful explosive weapons and even upgrade my rocket turrets. On the islands were a lot of cacti. The cacti were however very radioactive and had a variety of volatile and highly reactive chemicals within them.

They only appeared to grow within a layer of dirt composed of old cacti. They also seem to absorb radiation. The many floating islands with cacti seem to act like an ozone layer. The sun that the planet revolves around gives of extreme levels of radioactivity, the cacti absorb most of this in some strange form of photosynthesis. They have a lot of potential that I have not seen before. Even on this god forsaken planet.

Log 17

I have created a crystal farm on the surface. The dark, light and water crystal now reside in contained structures. They are designed to catch and carry rain onto the crystal which will absorb and grow until it is ready to harvest. It rains fairly often by the way so the containers are the size of Olympic pools. That way I only have to harvest them every four to six days instead of daily.

After that was done I decided to go to the inside of the volcano to see what the strange readings Spencer has picked up. The inside of the volcano had run of on either side to drain out all the water. Once I got to the centre of the volcano, I ran across a giant dweller twice the size of the queen firefly.

I had to use ballistic weapons since the horns on its hide somehow generated a electromagnetic field that absorbed and repelled all energy based weapons. Luckily enough I had used the black crystal and the unstable crystal to create a upgraded rocket turret. I also created automated ballistic turrets similar to the FZ-0. I had placed them up high enough so that the dweller was forced to focus on me and not destroy the turrets. It shot highly condensed plasma capable of destroying the ancient sediment on the inside of the volcano. Sediment strong enough that my miniaturizer or my explosives could not scratch. The jet pack did not work very well inside the volcano due to interference, it worked enough how ever to propel me around the Lord dweller and kept me from taking damage.

After I had managed to fell the beast, I blocked off the water run offs so that I may flood the inner active part of the volcano to hold back any lava I will encounter. It will take more then a week to fill most likely. Until then I might as well try to find the other parts necessary to fix my ship.

Might be able to create a defence matrix device using one of the many horns gathered from the Lord Dweller. A personal shield capable of blocking energy based attacks. Need more materials however. Might even be able to make it to absorb kinetic based attacks within the future if successful. The federation does not even have the means to create energy base shields currently. This will be unfamiliar territory I am testing.

Log 18

It has been well over a year since I have been stuck on this planet. Maybe even longer. Its hard to keep track with resets after death. The only thing that keeps me going is the hope of returning home to my friends and family. Spencer has been my only companion during my time here. He is likely the only reason that I have not gone insane but even being able to remember my name.

I can't even remember what my family looks like or how they sound. I have been so focused on getting off this planet that time seems irrelevant. I spent the next couple of weeks within the base taking it easy. With not much to do, I simply work on coding, study, research, construction, combat training and weapons training. Spencer said I should focus on something else instead.

Spencer had recommended I simply forget all my problems for the time being and just relax for now. He is right, the stress of being away from home is taking its toll. I have already had 68 mental break downs. I had even resorted to suicide on multiple occasions. Of course I wake up in bed the next day like it was just a bad dream.

I had created a few musical instruments. I spend a couple of hours a day practising several of them since I haven't actually heard any form of music since I landed here. It can be pretty dull, even exploration and fighting aliens gets repetitive.

I created a chess and checker set. I have a matches with Spencer every day to help pass the time. I have been getting better yes but I have still yet to win a match. Not surprising since he IS an A.I. Its during these times that I actually forget the stress and growing frustration I feel from having near no control of what is happening currently in my life. Spencer has picked up large traces of titanium within the earths surface along with other unknown sources of energy. Combining the titanium with my new Composite Alloy will be more then enough to not only fix the ship but make it stronger then any metal within the federation.

Maybe I could make my own company with all my new discoveries. It's something to look forward to when and I mean WHEN I get of this floating rock.

Thoughts of home and family are the only real things keeping me going anymore. Even If I can't actually remember it any more.

That's it for the first chapter. Nick Walker will make his daring escape in the next chapter and find out what the hell is going on.