a/n: set in beginning of s3

Although Toph's blind, she sees the truth. She knows Zuko wanders at night, walking for hours in circles alone, his head tilted to the stars. She hears Aang's heart racing in his chest as he chats with Katara and feels the absence of Katara's heart racing like Aang's. She loves him only as a friend. Toph listens to Momo's tiny feet prancing over Appa's furry pelt after dusk, her bedtime song. Toph perceives Katara's slowed movements when the Fire Nation is brought up; limbs weighed down with anger and revenge. She knows Katara will destroy the palace brick by brick even if it means sacrificing herself for their annihilation. Toph knows the truth; they can't lie to her.

But the truth hurts. It hurts when Sokka saunters to Suki, heart fluttering faster, words stuttering as he asks about the day, the weather, the chance of dying. She feels Suki's heart palpitate too, imagining a smile growing, the sure sign of love. She's no contender in this race; Sokka loves Suki and not her. She'll always be his little sister. She watches them fall together, biting back envy and forcing a smile.

The truth hurts, but at least she knows it.