Philip groaned and pulled on Lukas' arm, trying to stop him from leaving the bed.

"No, it's too early. Stay in bed with me."

Lukas laughed and bent down to kiss Philips sleepy curls as he pouted, before dislodging his arm from his grip and finding his clothes to get dressed.

"You've been living on Gabe and Helens farm for weeks now, you should be used to early mornings."

Philip curled into a ball among Lukas' pillow and blankets, eyes still closed as he mumbled back his grumpy response.

"The sun isn't even up yet, why do I have to be?"

Lukas pulled his plaid shirt on and watched Philip snuggle his pillow, his soft hair falling over his forehead, nose pressed to the cotton of the pillow case as he gripped the blankets to his curled frame. God, Philip was so adorable.

Lukas crawled onto the bed, leaning over Phillip with his legs on either side of the boy's waist, as he bent down and pressed kisses to the skin under Philips ear.

"Philip. Babe, come on. Get up."

Philip smiled, opening his eyes as he tilted his head to give Lukas more room to leave kisses. He rolled over in the bed, to lay on his back under Lukas, and wound his arms up around the others neck.

"How about you just get back in bed and stay with me."

Lukas trailed his hungry mouth over Philips neck, along his jaw and finally to his lips, closing his eyes as Philip wound his fingers in his hair. He pulled back only to laugh and try again to convince his boyfriend to face the day.

"How about you come to breakfast so my dad doesn't come in here and find me on top of you."

Philip smiled cheekily and pulled Lukas closer, so that they were pressed against each other on the bed.

"Ooh, maybe he'll offer us condoms."

Lukas groaned and jumped up from the bed, pushing Philip away from him as the brunet laughed.

"Oh, gross, stop."

Philip finally sat up in bed and threw the covers off to find his clothes.

Lukas almost didn't want to go downstairs. He could hear his dad making breakfast and he hated to think about what the breakfast conversation would be like. Philip was still a little wary of Bo but he promised to be a model boyfriend and behave, although Lukas honestly didn't even know what the fuck that meant.

Philip took his hand as they went down the stairs, whispering to Lukas.

"He said he's going to be supportive so it won't be too bad, right? It'll just be awkward conversation until we leave. Wait, are you sure he doesn't hate me anymore?"

Lukas kept a look out for his dad as he whispered back.

"Yeah, he said you're a lovely young man or something. He just wants to see me around the house more and since we share beds now, that means you too."

Lukas loved the idea that his bed was now their bed, and that Philip had his own toothbrush in the bathroom, right next to Lukas'. But Philip pulled back on Lukas' hand before they reached the last step and hissed in a panic.

"What? Does that mean he wants me here or that he's just putting up with me because I won't leave you alone?"

Lukas turned and gave him the most reassuring look he could, brushing Philip's hair back from his forehead.

"He said he wants to get to know more about you. It's fine."

Philip groaned softly, and tucked his face into his boyfriend's neck, gripping Lukas' shirt at his hips.

"Can't I just climb out your bedroom window?"

Lukas kind of wanted to do the same thing but he would feel bad for his dad, who was trying so hard. So, he kissed Philips temple and pulled him into the kitchen where Bo was cooking breakfast.

"Hey dad."

Bo turned from the stove and smiled at the two, gesturing to their held hands with a porridge covered spoon.

"Hey, you two sleep well? I see you've had a nice morning, I could hear you from down here."

Philip looked at Lukas and started to pull his hand away when Lukas gripped it tighter, pulling him down to sit at the table.

"Yeah, Philips not used to getting up so early so I had to pull him out of bed."

Bo let out a chuckle and looked towards Philip as if expecting him to say something.

"…It's not even seven yet." Bo nodded and came to the table to place two bowls of porridge in front of the boys.

"Lukas has had to get up early to do his chores ever since he was little. You'll get used to it. It's good for you." He gave Philip a little pat on the back and went to the stove to fetch his own breakfast, joining them at the table with a smile.

Lukas was already eating, and Philip grabbed his own spoon and went for it. Bo seemed to be happy to just have them there, and watched them as he ate his own food. So far, so good, and Philip relaxed a little.

Lukas was sitting close enough to Philip that their feet rested against each other under the table, and with Lukas moving around to grab milk and sugar, it soon became a game of footsies. Lukas stirred his porridge while hooking Philips ankle with his foot and tugging him over, making Philip slip a little on the chair.

Bo was unaware of this little game and Philip grew more confident to tease Lukas, hiding a hand under the table to grab the other boys knee. Lukas jumped a little as Philip smiled down at his bowl and traced circles into Lukas' jeans. Both boys looked up when Bo started talking again.

"So, Philip. Lukas told me you grew up in the city?"

Philip smiled at Bo, and nodded while intentionally riling up his boyfriend.

"Yeah, I've stayed at a few different places but most of them were in the city or close to it. It's a lot quieter here so it sometimes makes it harder to sleep. It's nice though."

Bo kept talking while Lukas tried to get Philips hand off his leg, where it was moving higher up with teasing fingers.

"I hear your mom might get a place down here once she's feeling better. I'd love to meet her, Lukas said she's a wonderful woman."

Philip stopped his hands journey up Lukas leg to smile at him, genuinely pleased. Lukas talked to his dad about him? That's so cute. Lukas smiled back before letting out a squeal as Philip gripped his thigh.

"Yeah, she definitely wants to move here, and it would be nice to stay close to Lukas. Wouldn't it?"

He looked at Lukas as the blonde squirmed in his seat, trying to act normal around his dad while Philips hand was sliding up his thigh. He suddenly jumped from his chair, bumping the table, and almost spilling his breakfast everywhere.

His face was flushed and his voice had a slight tremor in it as he spoke while Philip was just trying not to laugh.

"Hey, Dad, I should probably start on my chores huh? Come on Philip, let's go."

He took the brunets hand and pulled him from the kitchen.

Bo looked ready to protest but Philips laughter covered up anything he said. Lukas pulled his boyfriend outside to a hay bale that lay against the shed, pushing him on to the course seat and taking his face in his hands.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Philip continued to laugh so hard he had to wrap his arms around his stomach and Lukas couldn't help but laugh at this beautiful boy.

"God, you're an idiot."

The blonde leant down and kissed Philip, smothering the laugh still spilling from him between their lips. Philip pulled Lukas to sit beside him and wound his fingers through the others hair before suddenly pulling back.

"Lukas, is that-?"


Lukas jumped so hard that he almost fell off the hay bale, making Philip start laughing all over again. Bo was just around the corner and coming closer, so Lukas pulled Philip off the hay and shoved a random farm tool into his hands, launching into a speech just as Bo reached them.

"Yep, and that's why you have to stack them that way or else they'll get wet and be useless. Oh hey dad, I was just showing Philip how to do our chores."

Philip was still snickering, but Bo only smiled and slapped a hand on his sons back.

"Great, well I'll get started on those dishes and you two can finish out here. Remember to feed those turkeys."

Lukas' face lit up at that and he dropped the shovel he was holding as soon as Bo left, taking Philips hand, and pulling him to the barn.

"Oh man, I totally forgot to show you Lester!"

Philip dropped the pitch fork he was carrying and allowed himself to be dragged over to the barn where he could hear the squawks and warbles of turkeys. Once in the barn they gathered around Lukas' feet as he cooed at them, patting their heads, and greeting each by name. Since the turkey shoot they had gotten more and there were five of the ugly things bopping around.

"Who's Lester?" When Philip had tried to help Lukas save the turkeys from the turkey shoot, he had thought it was just guilt brought on by Tommy and Tracy's death, but he was now realizing that Lukas just really liked turkeys.

The blonde picked one of the birds up and cradled it in his arms as it made noises. He smiled proudly as he patted its head.

"This is Lester. Lester, say hi to Philip."

Philip raised an eyebrow but couldn't make fun of the thing when Lukas was looking at it like that. The boy was gently rocking it in his arms and Philip just sighed and pointed to the other birds around his feet.

"So what are their names?"

Lukas smiled and pointed at each one, somehow able to tell the ugly looking birds apart.

"That's, Tucker, and Mary and the tall one is James and that one is Tyler but Lester is my favourite. You wanna see the trick I taught him?"

Philip nodded although Lukas was already grabbing seeds from the shelf. He placed the bird on the ground and took a handful of seeds. The other birds were crowding around and making noise but Lester was just watching Lukas with that bobbly head.

"Okay Lester, do a hop. Come on."

Philip didn't know what he was expecting but the bird jumped, hopping on his feet in front of Lukas. It was freaking adorable. Lukas cooed and told him what a good boy he was before giving him the seed, gently pushing the other turkeys away when they tried to steal it.

"You taught him that?"

Lukas smiled proudly. "Yeah, he learnt it in like, an hour. You're so clever."

He went back to patting the turkey and smiling at it when it turned its head for more pats.

They threw seeds for the other birds and cleaned out the pen, Lukas happily telling Philip all about them as they did so. Philip was apathetic towards turkeys but his boyfriend loved them so much and he couldn't deny how cute it was when Lukas got excited like that.

He had the most ridiculous boyfriend ever, but he couldn't deny the way his stomach hurt. And he was pretty okay with that.