Bo had never been a big sharer of feelings. He was a former soldier and a single parent and he had forgotten how to be that caring, loving father. When Lukas was young he'd been so excited, a baby boy, a son, and he'd been so cute with his big smile and bright blue eyes. Life had been perfect with his beautiful wife and their son. But then Lukas' mother had died and Bo lost the person he had planned to spend the rest of his life with. And he had a son that wouldn't talk to him in his grief.

Bo had tried harder to become closer to his kid over the years but teenagers got into trouble and getting mad at them always seemed to drive them further away. When the whole mess with the murders happened, and Lukas got shot, then kidnapped, Bo realized that Lukas had been hiding far too many things from him. And that was Bo's fault. His own son didn't feel that he could talk to his dad.

When Bo saw Philip kiss Lukas in that hospital, it just all struck him at once. Lukas may have hidden the fact that he'd witnessed a murder because he was scared of being found or getting in trouble, but hiding the fact that he had feelings for a boy was proof that Lukas really hadn't been telling Bo anything.

And after almost losing his only son, more than once in the span of a week, he couldn't stand the thought of hiding anything else.

When Bo told Lukas that he loved him, he had meant every word, but the shock and gratitude on his son's face had broken his heart. So, now, he was going to be as supportive as he could.

Bo went up to Lukas' room to wake him up for school, only to find that his room was empty. He was staying at Philips again. The father sighed and went downstairs, entering the kitchen just as the door opened.

"Hey dad, I just gotta get my stuff for school but I'll be back for dinner."

Lukas was already rushing through the house grabbing things and Bo looked out the window to see Philip waiting by the motorbike.

"Hey, son, I need to talk to you about something."

Lukas barely looked up, searching for food in the fridge.

"Yeah, dad?"

Bo sat at the table, waiting with his hands clasped in front of him until Lukas came over and sat down, looking worried.

"I almost lost you and in a few years you'll be going off to college or getting a place with Philip and that's fine, I want you to go and do those things. But now that your home it would be nice to see you around. Having breakfast by myself every morning isn't what I had in mind for your last few years at home."

Lukas opened his mouth, forehead already creased and Bo quickly held a hand up.

"No, don't worry, I'm not asking you to stop spending time with Philip. He's your.. he's your boyfriend and I know you two like to stay close after what you've been through. I understand that. But what I'm saying is that this house can be a safe place too. For you and him. Philips a good kid and I know he makes you happy so.. I'd like to see him here for breakfast tomorrow."

Lukas didn't really know what to say. His dad had been supportive of his and Philips relationship but this was new. And calling him his boyfriend was new too, not to mention a little embarrassing. Lukas slept at Philips most nights, since they both had nightmares after everything that had happened. They spent a lot of time in the barn too, and Lukas had to admit they hadn't ever really spent much time at his place.

"Um, yeah okay. I'll ask him."

Bo nodded, swallowing, as his face slowly turned red. His gaze focused on the table and Lukas got a little more nervous.

"He can stay over here some nights if you want. Like tonight so that we can all have breakfast tomorrow. But, son we need to talk about… you and Philip being safe with each other and-"

Lukas suddenly understood why his dad looked so uncomfortable. He was trying to give him the talk.

"Dad, you really don't have to-"

"Now I know I'm new to this but I did some research-"

"Oh, god."

"And they don't teach you this stuff in school, I checked. It's very different when its two young men. There's different risks and things that you need to know about how-"

Lukas stood from the table, wishing he could scrub the whole conversation from his brain, as his cheeks burned red.

"Dad, Philip and I are…we're safe. You don't have to worry."

Bo finally looked at him, nodding as he stood as well.

"Okay, good. Just making sure. You know, if you two need any ….. thing then you can let me know."

Lukas practically shuddered at the thought of asking his dad to buy him condoms.

"Okay dad."

"And we can be open about this stuff son. I'll always love you and be proud of you so I don't want you thinking you have to hide anything from me."

Lukas looked at his dad. It meant a lot hearing that, even if the previous sentences were slightly horrifying.

"Thanks Dad, I love you too. I um.. I have to get to school but I'll see you for dinner."

Lukas left as quickly as he could and cringed as his dad waved at Philip from the window. He came and swung onto the bike, trying to get his helmet on his head before his dad came out and decided to talk to Philip.

"Dude, you would not believe what my dad just said."

Philip was already trying not to laugh, smile strained as he tried to hold it back.

"Is it better than that?" He pointed to Bo's car and Lukas' face burned hotter.

"Oh, my god."

There was a rainbow bumper sticker with the words "I love my gay son" printed on it. It was huge and bright and Lukas kind of wanted to die.

Philip was laughing loudly now, seeing Lukas' face flush. He got on the motorbike behind his boyfriend and put his helmet on as he spoke.

"It's nice, he's being supportive."

Lukas pulled Philips arms around his waist as he prepared to start the bike, he could still feel Philip laughing against him.

"Yeah, it is nice but it's... so embarrassing. Where did he even get it?"

Philip laughed pretty much the entire time they drove to school, and when they finally got there he remembered he hadn't asked Lukas about what he was going to tell him.

"Oh, hey, what did your dad say? You didn't tell me what took you so long."

Lukas stored the bike away and took Philips hand as they walked into school. After kissing him in front of everyone at the Redhook party, everyone had been talking about them. But the only people that weren't cool with it were people that neither Philip or Lukas had any interest in talking to anyway.

"Oh, god, yeah he tried to give me the gay version of the sex talk."

That sent Philip off laughing even harder than before, especially because Lukas looked completely grossed out. Philip had to stop walking to hold his stomach as he laughed.

"Are you serious?"

"Stop laughing, Philip. He said he did research and that if we ever needed stuff we could talk to him about it."

Philip was still laughing as he talked and Lukas couldn't help but smile too.

"I don't even want to know what he googled as part of his research."

Lukas pushed his shoulder as they walked, screwing up his face.

"Ew, gross, don't make me think about that." Philip laughed harder and Lukas just watched him, smiling.

"Yeah, laugh it up, he also wants you to stay the night at mine. He said he wants to see you at breakfast tomorrow. I hope he gives you the same sex talk and you choke on your cereal."

Philip took Lukas' hand again and wiped his eyes as he forced himself to stop laughing.

"Okay, I'm sorry. It is really nice though, he loves you and he's being supportive. He might be doing it in kind of weird ways but he's trying and that's what matters."

Lukas smiled and pulled Philip closer.

"Yeah, he also said we'd probably get a place together in a few years."

Philip wound his arms around Lukas' waist and scrunched his nose up.

"You and your dad?"

"Ha, no, you idiot. Me and you."

Philip smiled at the hopeful look in Lukas' eyes and the exited curve of his mouth.

"That sounds like a good idea."

Lukas smiled wider and pulled Philip closer, titling his head in anticipation of a kiss.


Philip nodded and pressed his mouth against the others, loving the taste of Lukas' smile.
