Amazon Scouts On Stage

By: Lovely girl 10

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the Sailor Amazons.

A/N: I figured out that I made a mistake in calling Helios' home world 'Elysium' instead of 'Elysion' so I apologize about not correcting that in the earlier chapters.

Chapter 6- Helios and RiniRini


Helios smiled as he saw Darien looking down at the sleeping forms of Mina and Amy. Now they have one of their most intelligent Sailor Scouts back in their possession. However, he knows for certain that the other girls will be a lot harder to knock some sense into; especially Rini. Thinking about his little girl, Helios wondered by chance in the darkest depths of her mind while she is controlled by the spell if she even remembers him. He hopes so; otherwise he didn't want to even think about what she might do to him. He had heard stories from her a long time ago while they secretly chatted in the night while the rest of her family was asleep.

"Would you like to know that I once turned evil in the future Crystal Tokyo Pegasus?" Rini said as she chatted with him.

His eyes widened in shock, "I simply can't imagine that you would turn evil Rini. What exactly happened?"

"Wise Man from the Dark Moon Clan brainwashed me into thinking that no one cared about me and that I have the power to get my vengeance on them for making me feel alone in the world. But Sailor Moon got me back to normal and we destroyed Wise Man together." Rini replies, her eyes looked away from him for a moment as if she was still ashamed over falling for that trick. "I was known as Wicked Lady."

"You don't look like you could have been wicked." Pegasus comments as he looked at her sadly. He wished that he could just take that dark memory away from the little girl and replace it with something more genuine and kind instead of something as dark as this.

"Well, at least you're lucky you didn't get to see me like that. I have learned my lesson and I won't allow that to happen to me again." Rini states gently as she finishes drawing her picture of her home with her colored pencils.

Helios places his hands on his heart, hesitating to believe that there might be a possibility that his little girl is probably gone. He shakes his head as he vows in his heart that he will not give up until he has saved her from the spell she is under.

But first, he has to figure out what he has to do to get her back.

"Pegasus, do you have a moment?" Tiger's Eye's voice broke him out of his trance.

"I suppose you want to see about getting some dream mirrors of your own now that the Amazon Trio is back together?" Helios guessed. A nod from Tiger's Eye confirmed it as Helios points to the water below them. "Very well. Look down in the water and close your eyes." Tiger's Eye, Fish Eye and Hawk's Eye gathered in a circle around the priest of the Golden Crystal and did exactly as he told them to do. "Focus on clearing your minds of the things that made you the puppets of Queen Nehellenia's realm. Remember all of the different things your past targets have for their dreams and find out which one you would love to do for your own dreams. Being exposed to different things is good to boost your potential in making the world a better place. Try to find which one fits you better among the rest."

Helios didn't have to look in the water to see what the Trio would have chosen in the first place. Those dreams are for their eyes alone and he will respect that. A minute passed and the Amazon Trio now had dream mirrors beginning to form in front of them. At the same time Helios saw that their original forms in the waters reflection; hawk, tiger and fish, were starting to fade away to give them a human existence. The Amazon Trio saw that too when they opened their eyes and saw the animal images in the water fading away, leaving only their human reflections exposed.

"I feel like something I have been holding in for a long time is finally lifted off of my shoulders." Fish Eye said, sighing in relief as she watches her dream mirror vanish.

"I think I feel that way too." Tiger's Eye nods his head in agreement. Hawk's Eye did the same as they smiled at each other.

"Now that you have your own dreams to think about, whether you want to remain and help us out in defeating the Amazon Scouts or live your lives in peace remains up to you three." Helios tells them as they stand up straight to look at him.

"You know..." Hawk's Eye said as he taps his chin in consideration. "As much as I want to help you guys out in making the girls pay for what they did to us, I think it is best that the Amazon Trio retires from the circus and live normal lives. We aren't strong enough to face them on our own."

"Besides, we might get in the way more than help you guys out." Fish Eye states sadly. "I don't want to be played with as a toy for the brainwashed scouts to use anymore than my brothers do."

"That reminds me guys," Tiger's Eye interrupts them. "If we are to live a normal life away from the circus, what do we call ourselves?" Hawk's Eye and Fish Eye look at him as they are trying to decide for a moment of what their new names should be.

"If it were up to me, I'd say my name should be... Bubbles." Fish Eye said, smiling happily at the thought. "You guys can just have Tiger and Hawk as your names respectively." At what she said, Tiger's Eye and Hawk's Eye gave her a sour look for a moment before they complied that it was better than calling themselves bubbles.

"Very well then, you will be sent back to Earth. But before you go, I would like to know about an antidote to the spells you cast on the Sailor Scouts to make them the way they are." They told him what he needed to know; In order to free Sailor Moon and Mini Moon, they had to purify their dream mirrors in the light. They didn't know what kind of counter spells to break Sailor Jupiter or Sailor Mars out of their brainwashed states, but when Pallas and Ceres overheard the conversation, they interrupted them.

"JunJun made Sailor Jupiter to be invincible no matter how much spells you cast on her. Since Jupiter is the acrobat of the group, go with physical force in order to snap her out of it." Pallas said. She and Ceres decided to be only called 'Pallas' and 'Ceres' after when they abandoned the circus and their amazon identities.

"I briefly remember looking into VesVes' book seeing that the only solution to snapping Sailor Mars out of her trance is by dowsing her dream mirror with water." Ceres mentions. Helios smiled, this was all they needed now to get the rest of the girls back. He allows the Amazon Trio to go back to Earth where they would stay together as a family of siblings looking to find a life for themselves.

At least for him and Darien, they didn't have to worry about the Trio. Now their job continued with trying to find a way to save the rest of the Amazon Quartet, Serena, Rini, Lita, and Rei from the spell they were under. And that got Helios thinking that maybe he should try to lure Rini away from the scene, even if it would mean getting caught in the process.

"Darien, why don't you, Pallas and Ceres go and face the next Sailor Scout under the Dead Moon spell? I am going to find out how to get Rini back to normal." Helios told Tuxedo Mask as he glanced over the water to find one of the hallways that led to a different room where Serena and Rini could be hiding in the circus tent.

"Uh, I don't think that would be safe of you to do Helios." Darien warned as he took out his tuxedo suit. "Don't you remember the threat that Serena would do to you if you returned for Rini?"

"I know." Heilos didn't need any reminders to know that whatever SerenSeren wants done, she gets it done in a snap of her fingers. "But I can't let that stop me from trying. My only hope is that SerenSeren is not in the room and is busy with other things."

Darien shrugs his shoulders as CereCere and PallaPalla watch on in silence. "Okay. But if you get into trouble, get me as soon as possible." Helios nods his head and heads over to the circus hallway in search of Rini.


(At the Dead Moon Circus)

Helios felt a bit nervous on entering the bedroom, knowing full well that he could get a severe beating from the brainwashed Sailor Moon for trespassing into their room after when she made it clear that he should never set eyes on her daughter. He knew the risk and yet he would still go after the girl he adores so much like she was his own princess. At first, he didn't want her to know about who he was and what his purpose for the world is, but little by little she got him to open up to her. He kept looking around each and every room he passes by, intent on not falling for the trap that SerenSeren might be planning for him. He stopped once he finds the door with a figure of a ballerina on it as he slowly pushes the door open, not wanting to make a sound as he peeks in.

The girl was sound asleep as if death had claimed her, but with her soft breathing Helios could tell that she was alright. He looked around quickly, making sure that SerenSeren was not anywhere near the girl and seeing that the coast was clear for the moment, he slowly slipped into the room and closes the door behind him.

Proceeding cautiously toward the girl, Helios held his breath in anticipation, hoping that Rini would not dare to hurt him. He knelt down close to her side of the bed, seeing her pink hair flowing around her body. He was tempted to rub his finger next to her cheek, but he held it back, not wanting to bring attention to himself at first.

But then she woke up, looking at him in mild curiosity with a blank expression. "Has the grim reaper come to ask me for a dance?" There was something about the way she talked as if death was her only friend made Helios shiver in concern. He didn't know what to say to the girl as he closed his mouth shut, worried that if he makes one wrong move that everything will fall into ruin. RiniRini stood up from the bed and Helios could see that she reached just to his chest based on her height. He wasn't sure whether that was apart of the Dead Moon magic or not, but he thought for a moment that this would be what Rini would have looked like if she was a bit more grown up and around his age. He had to keep it together as he has a job to do. He can dream about his love life with her later. "Your not him." She sighed in disappointment.

She was about ready to go right back to sleep, but Helios shook his head at her, dismissing what she said with a wave of his hand. "Why dance with death when you could dance with the man of your dreams?" He tried to deny the blush that was creeping up his cheeks the moment he said it.

RiniRini shakes her head in denial. Her face vacant of any emotion. "I only person I want to dance with is death. And you are not him. There isn't anything beyond the circus spotlight that will make me hunger for his embrace. My mother does her best to keep me thinking about my job but in the end it will not be enough to sustain me."

"This isn't you Rini. What happened to the girl who was always curious about me and what I could do? Where is your bright personality underneath this darkness that has overshadowed you?" Helios shakes his head at her sadly. "Don't you remember how you always called out to me for help? You always asked me in your prayers to save and protect peoples dreams. Well, tonight I am saving yours even if I have to take you away from here."

RiniRini blinked her eyes in confusion, but that was all that is revealed on her face. "I never ask for help from anyone. I don't know about this girl you claim to think I once was, but she doesn't matter now. I don't want a bright personality. I am fine with being surrounded by the dark. In the light, I am watched, judged, and studied like a specimen in a lab. In the dark, I am free to yearn for death but he never shows up. I keep waiting for him to save me a dance and I will wait until he comes."

"Rini! Sailor Mini Moon! I know you can hear me somewhere inside your mind!" Helios said, cupping his hands around her cheeks, making her look up into his eyes. How far would he have to go to save her from the darkness that possessed her? "You must remember that I am Pegasus! You need to remember your real name and it is not RiniRini, you are just Rini and I love you with all of my heart! I would rather suffer under Queen Nehellenia a thousand times than live in a world without your bright personality!"

He thought for a split second that her eyes widened in shock as it appeared that her eyes were changing from the vacant ghostly look to a light shining forth from the ruby eyes. It appeared to him that Rini was in there and she was trying her hardest to fight back up to the surface, to snap out of the dream and wake up...

But RiniRini shook her head in denial, saying bluntly. "Pegasus was just a dream. He is nothing more than an illusion. I am RiniRini now and I will never get a chance to come back to my normal life even if I wanted to. I reserve my love for death, and that's it. You must accept that stranger and you will never find what you are looking for here. Now let me wait for my lo-"

Helios drowned out the last of her sentence by smacking his lips against hers. Fueled by his anger at Nehellenia for taking away the sweet personality of his little princess of the future, fueled by his heartbreak when she told him that he was nothing more than an illusion to her mind, he had to let out that frustration into his kiss, which longed and silently begged for Rini to come back to her senses, even if he had to forcefully knock her out with his magic to do so. He poured out his magic from the Golden Crystal to cause a bright light to appear and steal her back into Elysion before SerenSeren would even think about checking her daughters room to see if she was sleeping soundly.

He was kind of ashamed to do this to Rini, but she left him no choice. He had to get her away from the Dead Moon Circus. He had to in order to get her to snap out of it! Bringing her to Elysion would help her open her eyes to the possibilities of having life instead of yearning for something like death at her doorstep.

SerenSeren was going to kill him for sure! But he didn't care about that. All he wanted was to bring his little princess back!



The quiet peaceful sounds of the dreamworld was disrupted by the sound of RiniRini shrieking as she pulled away from Helios' kiss only to land in the water where her ballerina suit got soaking wet from the landing. "What have you done?! Where have you taken me?! This is not the darkness where I am to meet with death! Its so bright, I hate it! Make it go dark!"

Helios, in his anger at the hysterical look of RiniRini's face, grabbed a hold of her collar and forced her down to the watery floor where he points out her reflection in the water. He hated how in that reflection he was holding onto Rini instead of the one he was fighting with now. He wished that it didn't have to be this way, but there was no other way around it. "Look at yourself Rini! Is this what you really wish to leave behind instead of fighting for your people?! For your future kingdom?!"

RiniRini managed to roll over and put him firmly on the water floor, slamming her ballerina shoe on top of his chest. "You just can't move on will you? This girl you want me to be is gone for good! So quit wasting your time with me and let me go back to my beloved darkness!"

Helios had had enough and summoned a bright light to surround him and turn him into his Pegasus form to push RiniRini's foot off of him and he let out a loud neigh in defiance at his brainwashed princess. She managed to dance out of landing in the water again as she gracefully twirled a few feet away from Pegasus.

She was about ready to deliver a kick to Pegasus, but she felt a sharp stinging pain of some thorns of a rose that aimed to deflect her kick like an arrow. Upon seeing the rose, Pegasus knew that Darien was covering for him as he spotted Darien getting in between the two of them, his arm folded to cover his frown from the swing he just did with the rose.

"That's enough Rini! You do not get to talk like that to Helios!" Darien said. Something in his tone of voice spoke with authority, at least what Pegasus had deciphered in his gaze had the look of a father disciplining his child.

RiniRini shouted in a tantrum, her vacant expression was shattered. "Stop calling me by that name! The girl you know is gone and there is nothing you can do about it!"

"You dare talk like that to your own father?" Darien cocks his eyebrow. Not impressed with the way things are going.

"I don't need a father. All I want is for death to dance with me. You strangers are not important in my life." RiniRini claimed, trying to mask her emotions.

"You said quite enough young lady! We are important to you, you just don't want to wake up from the spell you are under." Darien scolds. "Do you really think that death is the only thing you want Rini? The Dead Moon Circus lied to you. You and Serena are their willing puppets. And once you've served your purpose, the circus will cut your strings and leave you to rot under the tent."

"I don't care what you say. You won't keep me away from my only companion in the dark." RiniRini exclaims as she begins twirling in a ballerina fashion, some sort of mist is starting to form on the water, covering her from head to toe until in the next few moments she vanished from their line of sight.


(Dead Moon Circus)

SerenSeren was having a peaceful slumber right on the deceased Queen Nehelenia's throne when she had a sudden nightmare that Water's Eye and Love's Eye were not tethered to her circus anymore. She woke up with a cry. "My girls!" She moaned in agony at the realization that her hypnotist and her knife thrower were out of her reach. ReiRei and LitaLita came into the room, watching in the distance as their leader cried out. "Why can't they just leave us be? We never took more than our fill of dreams when people come to our circus! That Darien boy and the other one who seems to be fawning over my daughter are the ones who have caused this! Oh what am I to do?! They are ruining my circus!" She broke down and wept in front of her girls.

"There, there Moon's Eye." ReiRei reassures her by rubbing her left shoulder. "Do not worry about losing two members of your circus. We shall find others who will fill in Love's Eye and Water's Eye's shoes!"

"But who?" SerenSeren questions anxiously. "Amazon's VesVes and JunJun!" The two hypnotized Amazon Quartet girls appeared in front of her right next to their respective masters, standing to attention. "Find me four girls who can fill in what our circus lacks. I believe you should get Amara, Michelle, Trista and Hotaru recruited to our cause and do it quickly! And if they attempt to fight you, bring them to me so that I can deal with them personally."

JunJun and VesVes nod their heads as they said in a monotone voice. "Understood." And they vanished to find the targets that SerenSeren wanted them to search for. It wasn't long of a wait. forty minutes later they found the three girls along with a baby Hotaru who was fully unaware of the predicament that she is in. Trista could be found being dragged silently to the throne room and she was confused by Serena's appearance when she looked up to see who had wanted to kidnap her and bring her here. Amara and Michelle were the ones who gave the Amazon Scouts a problem as the blond haired Sailor Scout tried to land some punches on ReiRei and LitaLita who were dragging her in the room. Michelle just gave them some glares as she tried to protest that they don't hurt Amara.

When Amara looked at SerenSeren she scowled. "Bunhead! What is the meaning of dragging us into this ridiculous circus?"

"To recruit you for a better cause." SerenSeren snaps her fingers, signifying to the Amazon Scouts that it is time to unleash their Amazon Stones on them to reveal their dream mirrors in order for VesVes and JunJun to taint them.

A/N: I will end the chapter right here. Next one will be coming soon! Stay Tuned!