Amazon Scouts On Stage

By: Lovely-Girl-10

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story.

Full summary: Queen Nehellenia was getting tired of seeing her Dead Circus minions being beaten time and time again by the Sailor Scouts, so she thinks up a plan to get back at the girls who have gotten under her skin. She at first wanted to kill them all, but another thought came to her on using the girls to her own advantage in finding the Golden Crystal. This is when she personally tells the Amazon Trio and the Amazon Quartet her plan on getting back at the Sailor Scouts; if they could taint the Sailor Scouts dream mirrors with something that makes them amazons in the Dead Circus, then they will slowly transform into their amazon counterparts. Meanwhile as this is going on, Tuxedo Mask meets up with Helios at the Dead Circus while he was looking for Serena and Rini and frees Helios from his imprisonment and they begin to try and form a plan to get the girls back to their former selves before the Dead Circus rules everything in the world.

Author's Note: Hello, this is my very first Sailor Moon fanfiction story. I apologize in advance if I don't have the Amazons Quartet and the Trio perfect like how they were in the first anime in the 90's. I am quite rusty on remembering how they are supposed to act, because I remember them as a kid while watching Sailor Moon. This is my own alternate universe of what it would be like for the Sailor Scouts to be turned into the bad guys. This is going to be the first of the three Sailor Moon stories I will create.

Chapter 1- Nehellenia's plan

Queen Nehellenia fussed over the new failure Zirconia and the Amazon Trio have done to get rid of the Sailor Scouts. It was only the tenth time they had failed to show some backbone to the powerful girls. "What am I going to do with them?" The queen groaned. "Taking care of the Sailor Scouts should be easy pickings for them, but they have to let their little lemurs do the jobs for them. Sometimes I don't know why they can't just turn things around by making the girls mess up in their own game."

Something had to be done about this mess up, but how Nehellenia was going to do that she was not certain. It was until she thought of a brilliant idea that she chuckled upon it. "No wait, how about instead of killing off the Sailor brats, perhaps I should make them turn against being on the good side. Oh I can already imagine how this is going to go! I must report this to Zirconia and my Amazons at once!" Nehellenia walked toward her mirror and it immediately showed her Zirconia and the Amazon Trio just going over their next plan of action, along with the shadowed figures of the Amazoness Quartet hiding up in the air of the Dead Moon Circus tent.

Zirconia turned to see Nehellenia standing in the mirror right next to him. "My Queen, what is it that you want? Can't you see that I am busy?"

Nehellenia shrugged. "Don't you take that tone with me! I have simply come here to offer the Amazons Trio and Quartet a new job that I want them to do concerning the Sailor Scouts."

"What could be any better than just looking through the men,women and children to find where Pegasus is?" Fish Eye sighed as she took a stand to look at the queen with confusion. Hawk's Eye and Tiger's Eye were in a standstill as if they couldn't decide if the queens new plan was going to be a good one or not but they looked up with Fish Eye to find out what the answer might be.

"Believe me Fish Eye, I have a very brilliant plan to finally snatch the Sailor Scouts and put them in their place so that they don't disturb us on our work." Queen Nehellenia explains. "You, Tiger's Eye, Hawk's Eye and the Amazon Quartet are going to turn the Sailor Scouts against all that they stand for and to join in on our Dead Circus family by brainwashing them into thinking that they are amazons like you."

"But how do you think we are going to do that?" Tiger's Eye asks, his eyes wide in shock.

"They are too powerful to get close." Hawk's Eye warned as his eyes narrowed in disbelief.

"It may seem that way when they are on the offensive, but I believe for this plan to work its course you must do the job in the middle of the night when the Sailor Scouts are in their little dream worlds. Once you check to see if they pose a threat while they are sleeping, you should use one of your weapons or the spell that I will provide you with to merge it with the girls. The spell will take hold of the girls and make them think that they work for us and that they will do whatever I say." Nehellenia adds.

"And what will you do with them once we bring them here?" Zirconia asks curiously, feeling a bit amused by the idea of the Sailor Scouts being Amazons in the Circus, "Will they become another job for me to take care of?"

"No, the Sailor Scouts will not become a bother to you once I have them under my full control." Nehellenia states with her head held high. "I expect you Amazons to do your job correctly and make sure that you get all of the scouts. Let me know when you have succeeded." With that out of the way, she vanished from the mirror and the Amazons started to get to work.


VesVes, the beast tamer of the Amazons, walks alone on the highway disguised as a ordinary school girl as she studies the houses to see if she can find her potential target; Sailor Mars. She did check for any sign of the girl with the same description at the school, but it was clear that the Sailor Scout would not hang around at the school in the dead of night. That was when she finally spotted a little shrine with a light of a candle on in one of the rooms.

VesVes stepped closer to investigate what was going on, and found that everyone in the shrine was asleep for the night. The old grandfather, who VesVes suspected to be the head of the household, was snoring loudly in his sleep. The two crows are in their cages, snuggling closer to keep warm from the cold air. There was also a girl with the same long black hair and the fierce look of determination of a Sailor Scout that can control the fire within the palms of her hand.

"She looks to be fast asleep." VesVes concludes as she tiptoes over the creaking floorboards, sometimes the floor would squeak loud enough to wake up the crows, but before the birds could warn their master, VesVes uses her Amazon stone to knock them out cold with a wack to the head. "Now that's how you knock out two birds with one stone." She chuckled to herself as she crouches down to study the sleeping girl.

"Better get this done quick, otherwise she will wake up to battle with me." VesVes said as she took out one of the spell-books that Zirconia gave to her so that she can put the girl under a spell. There are five spell-books in total for the Amazons to use if they ever couldn't master one of their Amazon Stones or in using their mirror-trap devices to force the dream mirrors to come out of hiding. But since that the Amazons Trio and Quartet were fast learners, they didn't even bother with the books until tonight. VesVes uttered the spell in the correct manner, quietly so that the girl underneath her couldn't hear, and watched silently for any sign of the girl turning into an amazon. There is a moment when the girl's dream mirror appeared in the illusion where the magic spell slowly taints the mirror, turning it into a crusty red color from the usual pink color the mirror once had.

The girl woke up, but her eyes were vacant and under a trance. She looks over to VesVes and asks quietly. "Who are you? Why do I feel so hot under these covers?" She stood upright in her bed not taking her eyes off of the amazon.

VesVes smiled slyly. "I won't answer your questions here. You are better off asking as soon as we get back to the Circus." With that job complete, VesVes actually thought that whatever spell Queen Nehellenia said had done the job better than she expected. The girl didn't recognize her, let alone attack her with her Sailor Scout powers. Queen Nehellenia did say on a note in the book that once the spell is set on a person of its choosing, their memories will remain off for as long as they do not get woken up from their trance. VesVes stood up and walks out of the room, never once looking back to see if the girl would follow her to the Circus. She already knows that the girl will follow her wherever she goes until Queen Nehellenia tells her differently.


CereCere and Hawk's Eye were checking out the house that Sailor Venus was said to live in, Hawk's Eye was looking at her numerous pictures of her school photos along with her pictures and comic books of her as Sailor V. CereCere didn't care about the pictures and just wanted to get the job done and go home.

"Do you really need to look at all of her stuff?" CereCere complained softly.

Hawk's Eye merely rolled his eyes at her. "Why not? We also need to figure out who we want her to be once when we administer the Amazon Spell on her. I am thinking that when she joins the circus, perhaps she should be a skilled horse rider. No, a sword swallower- or maybe she would be good as a magician since she was disguised as this person in the book."

CereCere shook her head in annoyance. "It will be daytime before he makes up his mind." As Hawk's Eye was talking over which kind of job Sailor Venus, or at least the girl who plays as her, would do as a member of the Circus, CereCere walked upstairs to see that the girl was in her room sound asleep. Probably dreaming about of sugar plums or of guys making out with her, either way all of that was going to be put to a halt.

"Hawk's Eye, you better get in here and do your job!" CereCere shouted quietly as she spooks him away from the comic books. "You can decide what job to put her in later."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever girl!" Hawk's Eye said, a little bit insulted that he didn't get to finish reading the book. He took out one of the black circles from his pocket and placed it on top of the sleeping girl's head. The black circle then changed immediately into an orange color and implanted itself in the girl's head. The girl flinched as this was done and went back to her dream as if nothing had happened. The dream mirror is later shown in an illusion for CereCere to watch in her Amazon Stone as Sailor Venus' dream mirror was then tainted from its pink color to a wrapped up mirror in the orange ribbons like it was a present hiding underneath the tree.

"What do we do with her now?" Hawk's Eye asks as he picks up the girl bridal style in his arms.

"We leave back to the Circus." CereCere answers sharply as she commands her Amazon Stone to teleport her and Hawk's Eye back to their home.


Tiger's Eye found the house where Sailor Moon and Sailor Mini Moon were hiding out in and he didn't have any trouble of sneaking inside without any onlookers watching him. He teleports to the bedroom with his flaming portal and makes sure to be quiet in his footsteps. He wasn't sure why, but when he looked at the sleeping form of who he believed to be Sailor Moon was tossing and turning in her sleep. Her blond buns are a complete mess and he fears that some of her hair is in tangles around the bed.

"Note to self," Tiger's Eye states to nobody but himself as he relaxes. "When Sailor Moon gets into the Circus trend, make her wear numerous buns in her hair." He bends on his knees as he climbs up on the bed and stares down at her chest, muttering his usual command to extract the dream mirror from her body. "Three." The dream mirror is brought out in a small bright light and the mirror lies in waiting for its use.

Tiger's Eye then takes out one of the spellbooks Queen Nehellenia commanded Zirconia to give to him and he utters one of the spells to come and taint the dream mirror and turn Sailor Moon's intentions from her routine of protecting dreams to working at the circus. A illusion of dark tentacles came out from the book and then constricted itself around the mirror, tainting it into a dull white color for the edges. The glass of the mirror became clouded and some small cracks are sustained from the spell.

In the next moment, Sailor Moon woke up in a trance, her deep blue eyes are vacant and it looked like she could stare into someones dreams with just one glance. Tiger's Eye was spooked by her gaze for a moment before he asked her a simple command. "Show me where Sailor Mini Moon is hiding in your house. Once we get her in our possession, we can go back to the Circus together." The zombified Sailor Moon said nothing and did exactly as he commanded. He did the same thing with Sailor Mini Moon as she slept, fully ignoring the item that she had on her desk. Once the job was complete, Tiger's Eye led the two Sailor Scouts to the circus. Sailor Moon mindlessly follows him while carrying the sleeping child in her arms.


"Okay, now to get this girl on Queen Nehellenia's side." JunJun told herself as she wacked her Amazon Stone in the sleeping form of Sailor Jupiter's chest and extracts the mirror. She had already put a spell on the girl to make her numb to the feel of the Stone puncturing her body and to put her in a deep sleep so that the Amazon could work peacefully without any interruptions.

JunJun then brings out one of the black circles that Hawk's Eye gave to her before they set off to find the scouts and places it on the girls forehead. When the black circle changed into a green color, JunJun couldn't help but be amazed at the sight.

Once the girl was under her spell, JunJun asked. "Can you get up now?" The girl did so and looked at her with an empty stare as if she were seeing a ghost. "Good. That's exactly what I wanted from you. Now we can go back home."

"Where is 'home'? Please be more specific." The girl said in a monotonus voice and blinks.

"At the circus. Please follow me- uh what is your name? Your real name, I mean." JunJun asked, tired.

"Lita. I am called Lita." Lita answered.

JunJun shrugged. "When we get to the circus we should change your name a bit to make it more interesting. Come close by me and we can teleport to the circus together." Lita obeyed her and the green Amazon Stone took them away to their home.


Fish Eye and PallaPalla had already teleported to Sailor Mercury's house and didn't disturb her in her sleep as they studied their surroundings for any sort of traps. Upon seeing that they had nothing to worry about, the girls relaxed as they began to devise a plan for the sleeping girl.

PallaPalla was the first to break the ice. "What shall we do to her, Fishy?"

Fish Eye became annoyed at the small Amazons irritating nicknames she usually gives to people who are close to her and slapped her dragon hands across her hair. "I say we give her a good dose of the magic we have for her. You memorize the spell needed while I get the mirror to come out." She then whispered her third command to reveal the dream mirror from the remaining sailor scouts body while PallaPalla worked on a spell to numb the pain.

"She will also need a Amazon circle to make her more pretty!" PallaPalla adds as she takes out one of the black circles to place on the sleeping girls forehead. She did have some trouble to keep that black circle on since it fell off three times before Fish Eye took it away. "Hey! I wanted to do the job!"

"I have a better idea." Fish Eye said as she pulled the dream mirror up to her level and grinds the black circle in the top of the mirror and then she lets it go so that the mirror can travel into the deepest depths of the sleeping girls mind and body. "If her body won't accept the black circle, there are other ways of getting it in her mind." She watches as a light blue circle came up on top of Sailor Mercury's forehead within a blink of an eye.

"Shall we go back home and tell Queen Nehellenia the news?" PallaPalla asks. Fish Eye nods her answer as she picks up the sleeping girl in her arms and summons her water portal to return to the circus with the young amazoness in toe.

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! There will be more coming soon.