I feel like this pairing really needs more love as its one of the most underrated in the series

I take requests for future chapters so please PM me with any ideas for upcoming chapters

I'll kudos/put your name in intro so you get credit for ideas

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Sousuke padded up the stairs back to his boyfriend's apartment after training at the pool all day. His partner was a senior in high school and would be joining college very soon; so, he had moved into his own place. He himself was also preparing but he was taking his time in doing so; as he hadn't decided where he wanted to study yet unlike his partner.

Being the helpful person he was; Sousuke along with Haru had helped Makoto move in with his boxes. However, Makoto had asked Sousuke to stay longer as he wanted help unpacking a few of the boxes. He had the other raven were getting along better than they used to; but they still had the odd tension and arguments once in a blue moon.

After he left Makoto had thanked him before asking if he wanted to hang out again. This was completely unexpected from Sousuke's point of view; but he had agreed to his offer in order to be sociable.

They hadn't been dating very long; 3 weeks at most. However, before they had confessed to each other the chemistry between them had been very intense. Most people had mistaken it for Sousuke being scary; but the few intuitive ones like Gou and Miho Amekata had picked up on their attraction for each other but kept quiet about it.

Sousuke had always been drawn to Makoto's angelic, sweet and caring nature; plus, his slight innocence and stubborn shy side. While he had quite a big and toned body; the muscular swimmer was truly a gentle giant.

He often thought the green-eyed boy had the patience of a saint to deal with monotone emotionless Haru; know it all nerd Rei and Hyperactive blonde Nagisa. Makoto was truly the mum of the friend group and certainly earned Sousuke's respect for being able to handle his friends.

Makoto in return was able to see through Sousuke's cold front and understand he was just highly protective, concerned and a big brother figure to his peers. He was one of the few who understood Rin best of all and looked out for him. Having known and cared for Haru most of their childhood; Makoto could understand his protective streak for his best friend.

After a while Makoto had asked Sousuke to hang out a few times; for training at first then for other things. Studying, groceries, dinner and just basic caring (when the other was sick). After a while the two became so comfortable enough to swap phone numbers and give training tips to each other; as well as invite them out to socialize.

He felt bad that Sousuke tended to spend a lot of time alone and the only people he knew were Rin and his the time he had just jumped in without thought; plucking up his courage he had approached the Samezuka student after school which had startled Sousuke but he accepted his offer.

After some time, the two had felt a strong attraction to the other but neither would admit it. However, from the fact neither seemed very interested in women and brushed off flirting from them; it was obvious the two batted for the other team. However there were the odd few students who just thought them to be shy and not good at dealing with other people; but most knew the truth.

The fact that a lot of times they found themselves staring at the other with desire; often getting caught and either getting flustered or pretending it didn't happen. However this caused their teammates to think they were in a fight. But given how the two swimmers in general had a friendly nature towards each other it was highly unlikely for them to be fighting.

Eventually Sousuke had found Makoto avoiding his gaze and waiting for him after practice an awful lot. After some time, he confronted Makoto about it and learned the chestnut-haired boy was sweet on him. After some awkward confessions, the two became a couple; Makoto admitting to seeing Haru as a platonic friend the same being with Sousuke towards Rin.

After helping him with move; Makoto then slipped the spare key his lover gave him in order to visit. They had gotten together a few weeks before December started which was a magical way to start the Christmas year. By admitting your feelings to your crush but having the wonderful feeling that your feelings were returned.

It was probably one of the most amazing presents the latter had ever received. A new friend and eventual boyfriend within the first few weeks of the festive season. Now he had someone to buy present for, share cake with, watch the snow with and decorate his apartment with.

Sousuke opened the door to Makoto's apartment quietly trying to make as little noise as he could. He had gone back to his own dorm first to pack some things for his weekend stay. One of the few things they shared in common was preparation; they always made sure to get everything they needed when doing something important.

Just a small stay over bag mind you; but he had his school stuff in there too so it had taken a while. However, given his tender shoulder it had been quite difficult to carry; but it was getting better. Compared to the agonizing and sharp pains he used to have; it was now more subtle irritation and tenseness rather than severe pain.

He looked around the apartment quietly; finding all the lights off. Makoto was not one to leave his apartment dark; unless he was off to bed. It was still early; at least 6-7:00 in the evening so he wasn't in bed.

"Makoto?" he called curiously as he removed his shoes at the door. Maybe he was in the shower; he did have quite thick walls so maybe he didn't hear him come in. However that was also a benefit; when they eventually came round to having sex they could be as loud as they wanted and nobody would hear them.

Sousuke wondered around the apartment and switched on a few side lights for ambiance. He was quite hungry and looking forward to eating his boyfriends home cooking. Unlike his more stoic classmate; the chestnut boy had a more varied palate that didn't just consist of a seafood diet which was a relief.

He found Makoto's satchel on the table, his shoes at the front door and his coat on the hangers. So, Makoto was indeed in; but he was nowhere to be seen at this moment. Sousuke sighed in amusement; for all that his lover was adorable he did tend to have a short attention span. Maybe he had forgotten he was coming over and was off doing something else and lost track of time.

He did have a habit of getting into something and forgetting all else; but also of not being able to say no very well to others. Due to his kind nature even if he was busy or had other plans; Makoto never had the heart to say no or rearrange plans. Luckily other people were more understanding and allowed themselves to work around the situation.

Eventually he came to Makoto's room expecting to find him reading a book, listening to music or maybe in this rare occasion sleeping. Given how he it was obvious Makoto was not doing something more naughty (due to silence) those were his best options.

Sousuke opened the door quietly "Makoto; I'm here" he said casually and was surprised by what he saw. His heart skipped a beat and a warm fuzzy feeling came over his body; as if he were being hugged by sunshine.

Makoto was asleep at his Kotatsu table; leaning forwards upon his work books with his glasses lopsided. His long chestnut bangs tickling the top of the lenses slightly as he slept. His uniform was hung up and he was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a white T shirt, green zipped jacket and white socks; comfy but adorable.

His face was so peaceful and gentle; I mean he was always smiling and calm but now he just looked angelic rather than sweet and kind. But this was a face for only Sousuke now; not even his friends were allowed to see it. He would get annoyed if even one of those fuckers tried to take a picture or wake him; hell he might even get jealous of Gou if she saw.

Sousuke approached Makoto quietly being careful not to wake his boyfriend. Of all the expressions, he had seen of him so far; this was by far his favourite. Seeing his content relaxed face brought such warmth to the raven swimmer. No matter how bad he felt or annoyed he had been; seeing Makoto's sleepy face made him feel calm and happy inside.

A fond smile spread across his face and his expression became gentle. How he had become so lucky to have someone as genuinely caring and selfless as this boy was beyond him. He brushed a few of his bangs out of his eyes gently. He needed a bit of a trim but he kind of suited the bedhead look in his opinion; made him cuter (if that was even possible).

Sousuke straightened up quietly and looked around his room. He then caught sight of Makoto's futon and grabbed it quietly being careful not to knock anything over. Luckily his partner kept a tidy room making accidents rather rare or unlikely which was a great relief to him.

His boyfriend had been working like a Trojan lately; what with exams at school, forms for college and entrance exams; the poor boy was exhausted. However, Makoto being the guy that he was; did his best to hide it so others wouldn't worry. However that took a great strain on his body causing him to binge naps to recover for long periods of time.

He pulled the blanket over his partner's shoulders making sure he wouldn't catch a cold. For all he was always worrying about others; Makoto sometimes had a bad habit of neglecting himself. It was a simple blanket;a large light blue blanket to share with Sousuke when they came over so the latter could simply sneak into bed with him.

However, after starting to date him; Sousuke made sure that Makoto was the one being spoiled for once even if it embarrassed him. However, the latter was quite sure that despite Makoto's complaints he secretly enjoyed it.

He leaned over and kissed Makoto on the cheek causing the other boy to moan sleepily but not wake. Sousuke's fond smile grew even bigger and his heart ached with love for him. Every day he found himself falling more and more for the swim team captain; there was just something about him that made him so...content.

He then wondered off to the kitchen to make some tea; he was quite thirsty from his walk here and it had been chilly outside. So, while his lover slept he would warm and wake himself up.