Anna's POV

"Talk to you later."

"You got it, Anna!"

I ended the call and slid the phone into my back pocket, leaning forward on the display case filled with sweets and baked goods. A sigh escaped my lips in satisfaction. The bakery smell surrounded be, making my eyes droop ever so slightly in relaxation.

"Thanks so much for this, Anna," Lada said from behind me. "I've gotten so old these past years. I wasn't sure I could keep this bakery open."

"It's nothing," I replied, really meaning it. I loved helping her out whenever I had free time.

"Oh nonsense. I know how much you go out nowadays with your college friends."

I replied, "I'll always have time to help you out."

Lada let out a laugh while patting my back, the action bringing a smile to my face. She slowly walked over to the small table next to the window, sitting down with a cup of tea I had set out for her. She stared into the cup with a faraway gaze, almost like she was remembering something.

"I think that's going to change soon. You're a young lady now. Full of energy and dreams. Ah. Why don't you head on home for today? There's a surprise waiting for you there. I can take care of everything here for today." She took a sip of tea.

I took off the apron that hung around my neck and set it on the counter. "Is it more supplies for my art classes? You know I don't need anymore. You've given me so much already."

Lada didn't say anything but gave a warm smile.

I sighed. "Ok. Just try not to do anything you can't while I'm gone."

"Go, go." She shooed me away.

A small bell announced my exit as I stepped into the warm summer air. The heat stuck to my skin and made my hair frizz, but I didn't mind. It felt nice. I started my walk down the sidewalk littered with people. New and old buildings stood against the sun, letting the rays bounce off the windows. Sedville has grown so much for only three years.

I kept walking, my curiosity about what was waiting for me at home growing every minute until I found myself running down the street. The wind blew through my newly cut hair. I ran past the residential area, catching sight of Jack's old house. It was a year ago that he was found by the police to be housing and using drugs. He'd been sentence to prison for who knows how long and that was the last I heard of him. His house flew past my sight and I continued on my path.

My feet slowed to a stop, finally reaching it to their destination. Fetching out the house key from my purse, I let myself inside.

"Oh? Home early, Anna?" Dad called from somewhere in the house, probably the kitchen knowing him.

"I was told I had a surprise waiting for me?" I called out.

"Ask your mom about that."

"Where is she?"

"Basement. Working on her art."

"Thanks, Dad!"

I ran down the basement staircase, excitement overflowing.

"Mom! Where's this surprise?"

Mom was sitting in front of her canvas, holding a small brush touched with gold paint. A flower pattern pops off the painting.

"Hmm, should I tell you?"


She chuckled slightly, never letting her eyes leave her work.

"Check in your room. Just try not to yell to loudly. Meka has a friend over."

I rolled my eyes playfully and bounced up the stairs until I reached my bedroom door. I placed my hand on the doorknob, slowly swinging open the door. Disappointed was hard not to hide when I found there wasn't a giant pile of sketchbooks or buckets of paint lying on the floor.

I pulled out my desk chair, plopping myself down. I couldn't help but feel deceived. My fingers found their way to the photo lying on my desk. I let out a small chuckle, still finding Merlis's ridiculous face funny amusing.

"Sigh," I said, jumping out the chair. "Don't tell me I just got pranked."

My hazel eyes drew to a small box lying on my bed. I strolled over and carefully picked it up. It was a ring box. I froze for a second. My fingers slowly lifted the lid, old gears starting to turn in my head. A gold ring lay innocently in the cushiony black box.

"Merlis?" I whispered, feeling like it's been forever since I'd said that name out loud. I plucked the ring from the box, naively expecting to get covered in that white light that would always happen, but it didn't. Looking on the inside of the ring, the engraved name Lada wasn't there.

I heard something on the bed ruffle quietly as my eyes zipped to the Merlis plushie I still had lying against the rest of my plushie collection.

Only it wasn't a plushie anymore.

My body got pushed to the ground as I let out a yelp.

It couldn't be possible.

I felt the weight shift over my stomach as the squid form shifted into something different, something I've longed to see again for too long.


Those golden orbs gazed into my eyes which have already started to form tears.

"I'm back, Anna."

Thank you all for reading my little fantasy! It has been a blast reading all of your comments, making me giddy and happy to hear what you guys think. Sorry to those who cried, but I hope the tears were worth it :3

Happy ending for everyone! *throws confetti*

Until next story.