Kageyama awoke several minutes after he noticed Hinata's warm body leave his side. He sat up and rubbed his eye groggily, glaring at the clock. 6:32. Hinata was throwing on a pair of jeans. He smiled over at Kageyama, blowing him a kiss with his free hand.
Kageyama rolled his eyes and threw his legs over the side of the bed as he sat up. "You're such a dork," he mumured as he rose to his feet, padding across the room and stopping Hinata in the midst of his expedition to put his pants on. He pressed a kiss to Hinata's forehead softly. Hinata hummed in content.
"I'm your dork though," he pointed out as he shimmied the rest of the way into his jeans.
"Why're you getting dressed so early?" Kageyama asked, making no effort to move away from Hinata as he put his clothes on.
"Hmm? Oh, my mom called," he answered in a far-off voice.
"What did she call about?" Kageyama asked, more suspicious now.
There came a knock at the door. "Can I come in?" Kageyama's mother asked. Kageyama leapt away from Hinata and sat himself on the bed.
"Yeah," he responded after Hinata zipped his jeans.
Kageyama's mother pushed the door open, a sleepy smile on her face. "Oh? Shouyou, you're getting dressed already? It's a weekend!"
"I know," Hinata smiled. "Thank you very much for letting me spend the night, but I have to go home and pack."
"For?" Kageyama asked at the same time as his mother. They both were nosy and both too oblivious to know it.
Hinata just furrowed his brows, unable to hide his frustration anymore. "My mom called this morning telling me she would be here around seven to pick me up," he sighed. "So that we can pack and leave before my dad wakes up."
Kageyama was shocked at the blatant honesty; however, he was extremely grateful Hinata was finally openly talking about it with his mother. He was confident his mother would know what to do.
"Shouyou, if you want to stay here it can be arranged," Kageyama's mother said sternly.
"I would prefer it," Hinata replied in a serious tone. "I'll help you with dishes and I'll keep things clean and-"
"Hina," Kageyama muttered, walking over to him and resting a hand on his shoulder. "You don't need to be so worried about that. It's appreciated, but the first thing to worry about is keeping you safe."
Hinata was surprised by Kageyama's calm voice, and judging by the look on his mother's face, she was surprised too. Hinata smiled at his boyfriend warmly. "Thank you."
Kageyama just nodded and Kageyama's mother smiled warmly. "Well, I'm going to go get started on breakfast. What would you boys like?"
"Actually, we wanted to cook for you this morning!" Hinata said in his usual chipper voice. "Is that okay?"
"You want to cook for me?" Kageyama's mother looked shocked for a moment, but then she smiled. "I would love that. Thank you."
Breakfast was a disaster.
Batter lined the walls and counters. Ingredients had been spilled. Kageyama's mother had left for work with an apple and coffee just seconds before the food had been flung, tossing an "I hope you clean this up before I get home from work!" over her shoulder.
Hinata and Kageyama hadn't even registered that she had left until they heard her car pull out of the driveway. It was only then that they lowered their weapons, noticing their mess. "Oh no," Hinata whispered.
Hinata's mother had texted him telling him she would be running late, but in his and Kageyama's food battle, the two had neglected to realize that she would be there any minute to pick him up. Hinata's things were packed and waiting in Kageyama's room, but neither of them were hoping he would actually have to leave.
Hinata was just about to wet a rag and begin cleaning when there was a knock at the door. Both Hinata and Kageyama froze, then Kageyama tiptoed across the room and peeked out the window. "It's your mom," he whispered.
"Open the door," Hinata whispered back, wringing his hands together nervously.
From where Hinata was standing, he couldn't really see Kageyama or his mother. He heard their voices, though, and his mother sounded panicked. "Shouyou and I have to go if we want to catch our flight," she explained hastily.
"Flight?" Hinata called, walking towards the door. "Mom, we've never had to fly to visit family."
"Well, now we do."
"I'm staying here. There's a practice match tomorrow and I don't want to miss it," Hinata stood a little straighter.
"Shouyou, please, Natsu is already in the car and ready to go, why can't you listen for once?"
Hinata furrowed his brow and Kageyama stepped in. "Mrs. Hinata, it's really no trouble for him to stay here this weekend," he said quickly. Her focus turned to Kageyama and a scowl fell across her face.
"The plane leaves in an hour and so help me Shouyou if you aren't in this car-"
"What, you'll hit me?" Hinata said before he could bite his tongue. The words lingered in the air and he could see his mother's expression fall from anger to fear. "I'm staying here," he whispered much quieter to break the silence.
"Fine," his mother choked out, turning on her heel and walking away. Kageyama shut the door gently and pulled Hinata into his arms.
Tears slid down Hinata's cheeks. "I don't know why I said that," he whispered. "I don't know-"
"Shh, it's okay," Kageyama mumbled, rubbing his back slowly.
The two stood like that for a while in complete silence, broken every once in a while by a soft sob from Hinata. Kageyama scooped him up in his arms and carried him to the couch, setting him down. Hinata pulled his knees to his chest, sniffing quietly.
"Has she hit you before?" Kageyama asked in the gentlest voice he could. Though he was usually very awkward around people when they cried, something about it being Hinata made it okay.
"Once," Hinata sniffed, wiping his nose. He sighed and kissed Kageyama's jaw softly. "It was a night when my dad was out of town, and my mom was a little tipsy."
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Kageyama mumbled, realizing he might be pushing the topic a little too hard.
"I want to," Hinata mumbled back, pulling himself sluggishly out of Kageyama's arms. "She was crying at the kitchen table, I think. Natsu came in and asked what was wrong, and she yelled at her. For some reason I stepped in and told her she shouldn't yell at Natsu like that, and she just kind of hit me," he mumbled, eyes glazed over like they did when he recalled anything involving his parents. "After that night she and I just never talked about it, and she locked herself in her room when she got drunk while my dad was gone."
"I'm so sorry," Kageyama whispered. Hinata simply shrugged.
"Not much to do about it now," he sighed and sat up a little straighter. Kageyama tenderly wiped his eyes.
"So," Kageyama nodded towards the kitchen, "are you up for round two?"