Patronus Maximus

Chapter XLVI: The Holidays

Training Hall, Inari's Temple


It was another day for the Amatasu-Kami as they indulged in their daily activities whether it be leisure or productive. For the newest member, however, it was training.

Gruel training even for a deity as he demanded it. Mainly because his current master was elated to push himself. Though the notion of being stronger puzzled the other gods, both Leone and Inari knew this was good as Naruto did not let his deified status to be the end of his journey. Only the next hallmark to be the best person or god he can be for himself and his family.

The problem for gods is finding an environment to push their physical abilities. Luckily, Inari had thought up a design that would make even Susanoo sweat so he claims. And given Naruto's loud exertions, it seemed to be working so far.

"What are they… made of… Lord Inari?!" Naruto asked as he struggled to do his current activity: lifting his arms up and widening his stance. He wore a red bodysuit with four sleeves around his arms and legs while the torso was covered in a shirt-version of the material.

"Stop complaining! You wanted this to begin," Leone huffed indignantly.

"I wanted to start slow, but you two pushed me into the deep end!" Naruto retorted sharply before being pushed by Leone, falling on his back and flailing around like a turtle. "No, not again!"

"In case you want to know, this training will last for about forty-eight hours."

"Forty-eight hours?" Naruto asked, scoffing at her. "Might as well make it seven days." He gasped when Leone smashed his family jewels, her foot deliberately grinding against them.

"Now get up and I'll start the sparring session already."

"Wait-wait-wait-wait!" Naruto repeated hastily before thinking, "I wonder how the other me is doing right now!" He screamed as Leone now held his legs in a reverse lobster hold. "I yield! I yield!"

"We just got started!"

"Got started, my foot! I should've said this long ago, but you're a crazy-ass bitch!" Naruto cried out when Leone put more pressure on her hold. "Just wait until I beat you with these weights!"

"I'm looking forward to that!"



Library, Jolnir's House


The young deity clone sat in the middle of a very vast library fiddled with books and tomes. He paid no attention to them, but the object on the table. His hand hovered over the apple and waited to proceed the next part of his training.

He accepted Jolnir aka Santa Claus's offer to train his space-time abilities. Though he hopes to never have to use them, there might be a situation that calls for it and even then, he still isn't sure about it. Better to be safe than sorry.

"Still at it, young one?" Naruto looked to the side and saw the smiling face of the kind Mrs. Claus. In her hands was a plate of cookies accompanied by a glass of milk. "I'd figure you need a break. It has been three hours by my count."

"Most definitely," Naruto replied excitedly, retracting his hand as Mrs. Claus placed the platter on the table. "Thank you for the food." The ninja gave thanks per habit and began indulging himself. "Would you like some, Miss?"

"Such good manners." The two of them blissfully enjoyed the break with the delicious cookies and warm milk. "Do you have something in your mind?" Mrs. Claus asked after seeing Naruto's contemplative face.

Naruto hummed in thought. "Well, I've been thinking about this exercise your husband gave me." The object was for him to simply age the fruit to its rotten state and return to the original form. "I don't think he understands the fact I have little to no idea about space-time abilities."

And the other fact that Jolnir was in his workshop as the time of Christmas neared once again. He gave the Ninja God his current assignment for the next three days.

"Is that so?" Mrs. Claus asked back. "The power you displayed upon your arrival was not space-time related?" Naruto nodded that it was. "Then perhaps you should remember what it feels and use that." She advised the young god.

"Then I'll do that. Thanks, Mrs. Claus." Naruto remarked gratefully before seeing the plate empty. "Um… is it okay—"

"I have a second batch in the oven."

"Yay!" Naruto excitedly cried with arms raised above him, "I wonder how the boss is doing."


Uzumaki Manor, Homestead Grounds

Forested Massachusetts

"Peek-a-boo!" Naruto said in baby talk. Fujimai and Hagumi laughed at the classic game as their father continued it. The real ninja had stayed at home while his clones did his daily activities including training at Takamagahara and Alfheim and hero duties in Boston plus with the Avengers. It had been another three months since the birth of his fraternal twins. Though they were born from different mothers, the clan saw them as twins since they arrived to this world at the same time. And their older siblings clearly loved them as they haven't left their side.

"Daddy, I want to do it too," Masaki joined her father along with Ashla and made silly faces. "How long will you stay at home?"

Naruto blinked at her question, "What do you mean, sweetie? I'm always home." Masaki touched her two index fingers together like someone he knew back home. "Are you saying you don't like it when I'm away?" Masaki nodded before her head was patted by his hand. "Oh honey, you know I'll always come back to you, your moms, and your siblings. After all you are my precious people and you make me strong."

"We do?" asked a surprised Ashla, getting his father to nod.

"Yeah you do." Naruto replied gently. "Someone long ago told me when you have someone precious, that is when you have true strength and that complements the Will of Fire."

Masaki tilted her head, "Will of Fire?"

"Is that a snack?" Ashla asked as he was getting hungry.

Naruto almost face-faulted but recomposed himself. "No, it's not a snack, but it is something important to know." Especially since it is part of their spiritual heritage as descendants of Konohagakure. "A very wise old man told that everyone in the village—my home village—is family and we cherish, love, and protect them. The Will of Fire gives Konohagakure shinobi to continue fighting against all odds."

"Do we have the Will of Fire too, daddy?"

"Do you love me and your moms?"


"Then you do." Naruto pecked Masaki and Ashla's cheeks before noticing the younger twins in deep sleep. "Oh… let them be alone for a while."

"And we'll keep watch of them."

Naruto glanced out the door just as two miniature manifestations of chakra appeared and solidified near the crib. They were Gyuki and Matatabi, the Hachibi and Nibi. They are also Hagumi and Fujimai's godparents, respectively. To the Jinchuriki's surprise, they took it upon themselves to train the children once they're age-worthy for it. Of course, he had to tell them of his plan of basic training and then fully train if they wish to be shinobi.

"Just like Kurama with Ashla and Masaki," Naruto chuckled at the Tailed Beast's familial attitude towards his progeny. "Take care of them." He walked down the stairs with the older set of twins before rubbing his right temple. "Ouch."

Ashla asked the obvious, "What is it, daddy?"

"Just nothing; a little rush in the head." His arms, legs, and torso pulsed from the weights his clones wore in Takamagahara. Though it was uncomforting at first before his god-enhanced healing power took care of it, this means the weights are working. The training his other clone utilized with Jolnir was more of mental training. "They know better to not disperse at the same time."

Masaki tilted her cute puzzled face, "They?"

"Never mind," Naruto walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Ashla and Masaki ran to the kitchen for their mothers. The women were making the yearly Thanksgiving dinner, which is the first time for the clan. Personally, he didn't like the holiday due to its tragic origins long ago, but Rhea convinced him because she wants the children to be diverse and exposed to every culture. "Luckily, we're alone for the holiday."

The Homesteaders left the grounds a week ago to be with their families for the holiday. They'd all swore to say nothing about the haven that shielded them from anti-mutant discrimination.

Thinking that aside, Naruto put his mind onto more training, specifically his ninja skills. Regarding to Taijutsu, there are techniques that are normally forbidden due to them being related to the Hachimon (Eight Inner Gates). Perhaps he can perform them in his Hopushin Mōdo (God of Hope Mode) or even in his base form, but only training can provide the answer. After all, he'd been training at home too.

And Thanksgiving dinner won't be another seven hours.

With that in mind, Naruto blurred out of the living room and for ninja training. And speaking of ninja, "Come out boys." Four bodies landed in front of him. The turtles were invited for Thanksgiving dinner and given a place here in the Homestead rather than the sewers.

"Nice place," Mikey commended about the manor.

Donny smelled the air, liking the sea aura. "It feels calm out here."

"Just like the ninja of old," Leo remarked after recounting Splinter's stories.

Rafael grunted with crossed arms. "I hate it."

"Want me to kick you out?" Naruto asked not-so-innocently, cracking his hands very loud. "'Cause I wonder how far I can kick and/or throw you from here."

"Uh…" Rafael gulped nervously at his teacher's intimidating presence. "No, what I meant to say that it is great here."

Cheery again, Naruto loosened his limbs for the upcoming training. "Okay, boys, today's lesson is Taijutsu." The boys instantly grew excited at the prospect of sparring with a Ninjutsu master. "Your first act: dodging attacks from a superior opponent, both martial and elemental attacks, then countering."

"What?" asked the uneased turtles.

What they received was incredibly strong winds before being attacked by a howling dragon with long whiskers. "Konoha Ryūjin (Leaf Dragon God)!" The brothers screamed as they were swallowed by the seemingly animated creature.


Avengers Tower, Manhattan

New York City, New York

The costumed Patronus Hiraishined to the city for a Thanksgiving wish to his team, the Avengers. He'd already wished Amaterasu, Inari, and the rest of the Amatsu-Kami even though they do not celebrate the Western holiday. Naruto learned from Jarvis that most of the team were in the training chamber and soon met up with them.

"Hello, everyone! Happy Thanksgiving!" Patronus greeted his team. "How's it hanging?"

The ever-smiling Wasp walked over to him. "Happy Thanksgiving, Patronus. Are you staying for dinner?"

"I wish, but I have matters in Boston," Patronus apologized to the pouty bug-themed heroine. "Where's Black Panther?"

"He's in Wakanda," Steve replied as he drank water, "You just missed him. Are you sure you won't stay?"

"Pretty much."

Just then, Thor and Iron Man flew inside through a door in the floor. The prince laughed haughtily as he twirled Mjolnir once, "The Son of Odin has bested the Iron Man in aerial racing!" He blinked upon noticing his fellow god. "Patronus, we spar, yes?"

"No," Patronus replied flatly. "How many times are you going to ask me?"

"Until you agree to my challenge!"


Tony, unsuited for the first time in a while, cackled at Patronus's flat response and Thor's unusual depression. "Jarvis, what's the count so far?"

{Patronus's rejection of Thor's challenge since July has totaled to 367.}

Tony whistled sharply at the tally. "That's more than the women I've slept with."

"Ew," all chorused together including Thor. "Dude, no one wants to hear about your one-night stands," Wasp retorted while shaking her head. "It's Thanksgiving for goodness sake."

Speaking of said holiday, Naruto had noticed that everyone san Thor were in casual clothing. Now he feels overdressed? "Well, I said my greetings and I'm going home now." He turned around to leave. "Ciao!"

"Patronus, hold on a minute." Hawkeye—Clint stopped him. "Can you settle an argument between us?"

Naruto turned around, "An argument?"

"Yeah, and whoever wins will be allowed a reward."

"Such as?"

"Only if you say 'yes'."



Uzumaki Manor, Homestead Grounds

Forested Massachusetts

Sitting on the couch was Naruto as he played with his children. Meanwhile Saeko and Lara were putting the finishing touches on the Thanksgiving dinner. As for Rhea and Kuroka, they were breastfeeding Hagumi and Fujimai in the second floor. The turtles were also in the living room, covered in bandages and ice pads to cool their swollen bodies.

"Ugh, he murdered us," Mikey whined face-down on the floor, "So not awesome."

Rafael coughed, then winced after the action as he held his ribs. "Being target practice for an out-of-this-world taijutsu is not what I had in mind."

"*groan* Master Splinter did say that someone of higher skill can push you to be become stronger," Donny muttered lowly, his cheek resting on a pillow. "Let's leave it at that."

"Master Naruto," The shinobi stopped lifting Ashla midway, looking at Leonardo. "What's the next step?"

The casual-clothed Naruto gave him a confuse expression. "The next step is to eat and relax, Leo. I get you want to hone your ninjutsu skills, but every often you need to rest." He speaks from his own experiences, particularly his training in wind nature transformation that led to the Futon: Rasenshuriken. He overloaded himself with his shadow clones and their combined mental fatigue. "Key to being better as a shinobi: push as hard as you can and then rest when you can."

"H-hai," Leo reluctantly said. "I was hoping to train more today." His eyes turned watery after smelling something delicious. "But that can wait tomorrow." And he was not the only one. His brothers stared at the food whose aroma filled the house.

"Dinner's ready!" Saeko and Lara called out to everyone from the kitchen.

Soon, everyone was at the dining room in their seats. All clasped their hands together and said the customary Japanese saying, "Thank you for the food!" They all took their first bites. "Delicious!" Normally, people would be freaked out by this scenario: a family of supernatural beings and humans eating Thanksgiving dinner with mutated ninja turtles.

But not the Uzumaki Clan as they were in the same boat like the turtles: dimension travelers albeit intentionally. To recap, Naruto had taken them on as Ninjutsu disciples: taijutsu and shinobi skills in weaponry, stealth, and teamwork. As for actual Ninjutsu techniques with chakra or Ki, they are far behind in this particular area.

Naruto often wonders if his people's Ninjutsu can be performed by alternative energy rather than chakra. That's something for later than the road.

Just as he was about to take his second bite, the Ninja God blinked at the sudden memory from his New York clone's release. "A slap bet, huh? Interesting."


(The Next Day)

Uzumaki Training Area, Homestead Grounds

Forested Massachusetts

The area used by Naruto for his shinobi skills, both current and in-training, was a large clearing with a small river stream. It connected to the cove as a gentle stream seemingly meddled into the bigger counterpart. Three loggings were deeply implanted in the center of the area while surrounding by thick trees. All in all, it resembled the Team Seven training grounds back in Naruto's home-world.

"All right boys, are you ready for some serious Ninjutsu training?" Naruto asked.

For the first time, Mikey looked serious, which completely stupefied his brothers. "Is he feeling okay?" asked an awed Rafael, poking his little brother.

Donny inspected him closely with a magnifying glass, "It could be a new mutation or behavioral phrase unique only to him."

"Or he has achieved spiritual refinement," Leo countered seemingly jealous.

Naruto sighed as he swiped his hand down. Four solidified air hands materialized and snapped the brothers' heads upward. "If you four are done, I'll explain the training." The brothers recovered and sat seiza in front of the master. "You guys will be able to walk on everything."

"Huh?" The brothers responded quizzically.

"You heard me."

Donny raised a hand like he was in class, "But we already know how to do that." Naruto raised a brow, "We run with enough momentum and speed, and that's enough to let us scale buildings."

"And that's good enough, but I'm talking about this." The brothers watched him walk to the river. They gasped in shock when Naruto stood on the water as if it was solid ground. "And this." He deepened their shock when walking on the tree. "Well at least I hope you're able to or something." Naruto finished under breath.

"Me first! Me first!" Mikey cried out excitedly.

Rafael pushed the orange-masked turtle aside playfully, "Fat chance, Mikey! I'm going first."

"Guys, statistically speaking, the most intellectual one should go first," Donny retorted scholarly. Mikey and Rafael dryly stared at him before pulling the smart aleck into their dust-cloud scuffle. "Oh, real mature!"

Leonardo groaned, his head dug into his palm, "Guys!"

"Okay then," Naruto snapped his fingers. The quarreling brothers yelped when they were sucked into the earth. Only their heads remained visible. "Are you boys ready to behave or not?" They eagerly nodded and the ground coughed them up. "The central point of the exercises is so you can improve your ch-Ki control."

"Key?" Mikey asked, scratching his cheek. "What does a door have to do with this?" He was hit in the head by another Naruto? "Cool, your clone thingy!" Another slap came his head, "Ow!"

The two Narutos sighed, "Ki as in the energy within everyone according to ancient beliefs." One of them said, "Of course this is only the part of the training I have in for you guys. If you guys can do this, then I'll teach you…" The other formed a cross seal and another Naruto appeared on the field, "…this Ninjutsu."

"Oh-oh-oh! It's the clone thingie!" Mikey called out excitedly.

"It's called the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)!" Naruto shouted animatedly. "Say the name correctly!"

Mikey shrank into his shell for safety, "Y-yes sir."

"Sorry, I just-" He coughed, "Anyway that's your reward if you complete this training." Naruto went further to explain the detail of the tree-climbing and water-walking exercises. "But first I need you guys to feel your Ki and bring it out."

Leo raised a hand, "How?" He and his brothers saw Naruto snag four leaves from the tree behind him. "Leaves?"

"Yep. This is a training method used in my village when I was young," Naruto chuckled at his and friends' attitude toward the Leaf Contraction Practice. "I place this on your forehead and you all must focus your Ki onto the leaf as a focal point. Once you four have done this, I'll teach you how to manipulate Ki and my clone technique."

"Heck yeah!" The brothers cried out excitedly.

After the brothers gained their leaves, Naruto watched them sitting in seiza and concentrate. The master ninja smiled as he saw the younger images of himself, Shikamaru, Choji, and Kiba back in the Academy in the turtles. "All righty then, I'll be back in three hours." One of them left via Hirashin while the other remained behind to mark their progress.

The whole purpose of this is so Naruto can gauge their reserves and control of Ki if they haven't already done so. If their control is decent, the shinobi will have them undertake the tree-climbing and water-walking exercises to refine it. His end goal is to teach them another ninjutsu along with the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.

Though he himself will need to recreate it from memory and then use it. Not to mention he's training to create another Rasengan variant. Not only that he is working to recreate several ninjutsu from memory, which is hard to do so.


Yamatai Island

Dragon's Triangle, Sea of Japan

Naruto seamlessly appeared behind a tree and entered the flowing crowd of people. No one noticed him as he wasn't out of place. The ninja's head turned by the second, impressed by the sight. "Guess this is the result after two years." He muttered under breath.

The formerly haunted island of the Sun Empress is officially open to Japan's people for two months. It has been a long hard road. With the funding and aid of the Hero Association along with Japan's best construction firms, the island became suitable for human occupation. However, the government and heroes, particularly Patronus, set guidelines to have human civilization meld with the environment instead of them overrun it.

The establishments were built in ancient to moderate Japanese architectures in the designated areas. They have modern equipment such as the heater, but with the natural insulation of old times. The food sources came from four regions ideal for farming but also from import. In the port city houses the only local market where almost fifty food stands are established for business. Shrines stood throughout the villages and the city for luck and prosperity from the kami.

Lastly, mutants and humans were living together. They followed Boston's example of co-habitation and allowed equal opportunities for all residents on the island. Members of the Hero Association are established on the island to overwatch the education system akin to U.A. High School. Recently, Reinhardt and Sakakichi's graduates are among the few heroes on the island.

Naruto kept an ear about the island's development and learned there were problems. One of which was initial hostilities between mutants/Quirks and the intolerant humans who left Massachusetts long ago. Most of the population protested against them and the authorities removed the hostiles from the island after they found evidence of future crimes to be taken towards the mutants.

As for the ruins of the Sun Empress's imperial reign, the Association and Japan's Ministry of Culture had designated them as significant cultural sites. They worked to preserve and rebuild the ruins' architecture wherever they may be throughout the island. There are structures that can serve the population such as the ancient watch towers. They also rebuilt and improved the irrigation system that can deliver water to the four regions.

Noticing a giant board with maps and signage about the island's establishment, Naruto stopped in front of it. He noted there were four major walking trails that connect each region and farmlands. Smaller trails branch off at different sections of the island and led to more villages. Each village has a shrine for the Amatsu-and-Kunitsu-Kami to show respect and loyalty to both sides.

Pleased with the progress so far, Naruto blurred with his raw speed to the canopy of a high tree nearby. He smiled after seeing no reaction from the populace. His hopes of this island becoming another example of human/mutant cooperation grows. And that feeds his hope for the future of human, mutant, and yokai living in peace.

"And they went with the name I suggested."

It was one that he never thought to use, but the origins of the word traced back to the organization's original intentions. Yamatai was the island's past. This name signifies a new beginning for the people in the world. The island's new name is…

"Akatsuki (Dawning). Hopefully, this island is the symbol of that."

Naruto Hirashined back home after that, reeling in the news about the island.


Uzumaki Manor, Homestead Grounds

Forested Massachusetts

Naruto chuckled after his clone's experiences in Yamatai returned to him. "The place looks good. Natural energy is mainly undisturbed and the benevolent yokai are thriving. That's good to hear." He lightly smacked Rafael and Mikey's heads after they repeatedly nudged each other. "Focus."

Thirty-five minutes passed and the training ended for the day. The turtles left for the cove to recuperate their bodies.


"The four of them are reliably strong on the mental front," Gyuki voiced first.

Saiken was next given her squeaky voice, "But on terms of chakra reserves, they're about average compared to you."

"Saiken, they have Ki, not chakra," Chomei corrected his younger sibling. "Plus, you're comparing them to Naruto who was born with large reserves of chakra. Do not forget his reserves increased with us inside and post-god ascension. Comparing them to the humans we know and Naruto have met in this world, the turtles do possess bigger reserves than them. But what I would like to know is…"

"Whether they can actually use Ninjutsu like the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu," Matatabi finished for her older sibling. "We do not know what will happen or if it's even possible to perform Ninjutsu with anything other than chakra."

"Then again, chakra is a form of life energy as Ki is," Kurama interjected, "Perhaps we're all used to the fact that chakra is unique when it is otherwise. Who knows at this point? This is new territory from here on."

"Yeah, new territory all right," Naruto replied before beginning his training. "What should I start with? Fire? Lightning? Or both?" Though he knows the five elements, it is a different matter when trying to create new ninjutsu.

Seven of the tailed beasts voiced their eagerness to train with the Jinchuriki. Naruto accommodated with the Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu; forty clones in groups of ten with the seven tailed beasts instructing them to refine control over the five elemental natures.

Of all the natures, both fire and lightning are the natures he uses the least. Wind is the most often, followed by water and earth.


(Five Hours Later)

"Daddy! Daddy!" The twins playfully ran through the woods with their mother, searching for their father. It was dinner time after all. "It's time to eat!"

Saeko hummed as she followed after her children to Naruto's training area. The swordswoman respected her husband's intent to continue training and push himself even after he became a god. It's not like he was the only one to train in the area. She, Lara, Medusa, and Kuroka also use the grounds for training in their disciplines as well.

Her thoughts were interrupted by intermittent strong wind breezes, telling Saeko of their approaching. "Ashla! Masaki, wait for me there!" She called out. The twins listened and the winds stopped over the hill as a dirty Naruto walked over it. "Naruto, it's time for dinner."

"I thought it was that time." Naruto replied before running towards his kids, picking them up on his shoulders. "Come on, kids, let's eat." He stopped and looked over the hill, "You guys too!"

"On our way!" The miniature beasts ran out of the hill behind the family. "Dinner time is happy time!"

Naruto chuckled as he walked with his family toward the manor. The ninja didn't have to look back at the damage his training inflicted on the grounds. Or the healing of the earth by unseen forces, specifically Naruto's chakra.

The Tailed Beasts were always elated to be out of Naruto's body for the fresh air and open space. They also enjoyed training their mutual Jinchuriki, which included beating the tart out of him for mistakes. It turns out that since Naruto's chakra reserves and physical might were bolstered by divine energy, so too did the Tailed Beasts' capabilities as well.

Ashla blinked owlishly at something and reached for it. "Snow?" He asked after catching one.

"Hey it's winter already," Naruto said. "Maybe we'll have a white Christmas again." He chuckled, "It'll be Fujimai and Hagumi's first white Christmas too."

"Not to mention ours as well," Isobu mentioned afterwards. "What does this white Christmas entail?"

"Just makes the Christmas holiday feel more special," Naruto answered to the three-tailed turtle. "Speaking of the holiday, do you guys want to celebrate it in Takamagahara this year? And how about New Years?" The Japanese New Years' Day of course. "They say it's going to be special this year."

"I wonder the Amatsu-Kami's reaction if they saw me," Kurama chuckled. He like his brethren also immersed themselves in the books of this world's mythologies, folklores, and stories. The fox especially liked Japan's stories about his kind, the kitsune. There was even one that mentioned a nine-tailed fox like him that ranks among the country's three deadliest monsters.

Imagine Chomei, Kokuo, Saiken, Son Goku and Isobu's disappointments when there were no stories about them. Naruto cheered them up by saying that their uniqueness made them special, just like the Sage of the Six Paths mentioned in their youth centuries ago.

"They'll probably give you inari-zushi to placate you," Shukaku retorted with a smug chuckle.

The end result was the tiny Kurama tackling the tiny Shukaku down the hill, "I'm going to shut that mouth of yours, tanuki!"

"Bring it, you stupid fox!"

The clan including beasts stared deadpan at the fox and tanuki's smoke cloud scuffle. The only ones amused by this were Ashla and Masaki. "Go, go, go Kurama! Beat that tanuki like no one can~" The twins cheered for their godfather, stunning their parents.

"Kurama! What are you teaching my kids?!" Saeko shouted animatedly. The Tailed Beasts hid themselves behind Naruto who had his hands covering the twins' ears, scared by the young woman's reaction. Both Kurama and Shukaku had stopped in the middle of their scuffle: the former had the sole tail in his mouth while latter trapped the fox's head under a headlock. "And you shouldn't be fighting in front of children. Lest of all, my children!"

"She's scary," All the Tailed Beasts chorused, trembling in fear. "She reminds us of Old Man Six Paths' wife."

A sheepish Naruto chuckled while his kids looked on quizzically, "I guess feisty or strong personalities do draw people." At least in Hagoromo's lineage. "Let's go eat, everyone." He, the kids, and rest of the Tailed Beasts continued onward while Saeko scolded the sheepish One-Tail and Nine-Tails.


(Three Weeks Later)


One of the things the Amatsu-Kami do around the winter season is celebrate Christmas on New Years' Day. This is due to Amaterasu wanting the gods to be close to humans by participating in their holidays. And most of them are more than happy with the decision.

And the Uzumaki Clan could see it clearly.


Their awe was valid as the spirit of Christmas and New Year's Eve engulfed the divine realm of the gods. Bountiful lights ranging from white to black lit the wide highway-sized streets. Numerous stalls stood by each other while thousands of humans attended for either games or food. The turtles would have loved this if it weren't for Naruto's daily dose of hellish training that put them out of commission. The Tailed Beasts however didn't miss this opportunity as they emerged from the ninja's body and remained unseen to the populace via the Toton no Jutsu (Transparent Escape Technique). They already left the clan for their own amusement.

"Awesome!" Naruto shouted with his arms up. His older twins copied the action, cheering in awe about the festivities. "Where should we go first?"

"That one!"

"No, that one!"

The ladies chuckled while the kids dragged their father to a nearby stall. They were all dressed in traditional kimonos with the Uzumaki swirl on the back. Lara was a little flustered by some of the attention on them. Of course, Kuroka basked in it and the view of her large breasts drew many perverts' attention.

That ended when Naruto discreetly glared at the people before smiling at the children. "Come on, you kids can do it." He encouraged the twins struggling to get small fish.

"Oh, the jealous type," Kuroka teased behind her hand. "It shows how much he loves us." A hand chopped against her head and left a noticeable bump. "Ow~"

The person that the hand belonged to was the Titaness. "Kuroka dear, please fix your kimono's top." She opened her eyes slightly as they were tinted with fake innocence. "You're looking indecent."

"*gasp* y-yes, ma'am," The teary-eyed Kuroka fixed the top and her cleavage was most covered. Much to the chagrin of herself and the male population. "But Naruto won't see my girls anymore like this!" She felt her package stir on her back. "Oh Fujimai, did the noise wake you up? There, there." She said to her daughter after shifting the infant from her back to her bountiful bosom. "*giggle* Just like your father."

Rhea chuckled while carrying her daughter against her bosom as well. "Hagumi is so cute." She said, smiling at Hagumi's sleeping face.

"May I see my new grandchildren?" A familiar voice spoke from behind them. The fox Inari and his wife Leone greeted them with their waving hands. "Ah, they're both girls." His fingers gently patted the twin girls' sleeping heads. "What are their names?" The mothers told him the names. "Hagumi and Fujimai… they're fitting for ones so adorable."

Standing behind her doting husband, Leone stared at the girls with a smile. "They're going to be strong one day." She muttered to herself. Her eyes blinked in awe when the twins woke up and smiled at her. "May I?" The goddess asked the yokai and Titaness.

"Of course."

For the first time, the lion goddess was nervous as she fidgeted upon carrying the girls. Her heart pang when Fujimai woke up and smiled at her. It tripled when the infant hugged her tightly, filled with love. "This child!" She smiled joyfully. "I wonder if they'll notice my taking her."

"Ah, Inari! Leone." The goddess and her husband looked to the one who called them. "How are you two doing?" Naruto greeted his adoptive parents. Ashla and Masaki had water bags with their fish prizes inside as they ran to their mom. "Uh, guys?" He gulped nervously after they ferociously glared at him. "Happy New Year?"

The Uzumaki women gawked while the older twins laughed at the sight of Leone hurtling Naruto out of Takamagahara. "Why?" Lara asked dumbfoundedly.

"He's supposed to be working tonight," Leone grunted while Inari sighed at her recent action.

"But you didn't have to throw him out of the realm."

Leone turned her head to the side, "It's been a while since I got to torture him. But it's New Years, so I thought to take it easy on him."

"You call 'throwing him out of a divine realm' easy?!" A disbelieving Medusa shouted animatedly.

Inari sighed before explaining their reaction toward the young god. "Every year, the Amatsu-Kami choose a handful of candidates to patrol Japan on New Year's. Unfortunately, besides Halloween, the yokai and ayakashi are most active during this time."

"And Naruto was selected for this year?" Rhea mused. "But you didn't have to throw him, Leone."

Kuroka nodded with her sister-wife's words. "Yeah, he could have sent a clone to do it for him and spend the holiday with us." The clan and Inari stared at the red-colored Leone as she turned her face away. "You forgot about his clones, didn't you?"

"Let's go for some delicious mochi and osechi-ryori." Leone went ahead with Fujimai and Hagumi, eliciting stunned yelps from their mothers who ran after her.

The clansmen groaned at the unfortunate news that Naruto must work on New Year's Eve. They pray that he can get himself out of it.


Fushimi Inari Temple, Fushimi-ku

Kyoto, Japan

"I can't get out of this!" Naruto groaned loudly at having to work on the holiday. One of Inari's kitsune had arrived and told him of his selection of being one of the gods to prevent the ayakashi from wreaking havoc on the mortals. And he'd be severely punished by Takamagahara if he left his post by any means. Most likely that involves him switching places with a clone. "Well, I'll send a clone to spend time with the family instead." He shook his head at the idea. "Well, the Tailed Beasts will watch over them. Besides this will only be the first and only time."

He stood atop of Inari's main temple and watched the thousands of people below in the lights. They wore casual clothing under thick weather gear because of the snow storm. Naruto hid himself via the Toton no Jutsu (Transparent Escape Technique) at first, but ceased using it for camouflage in the tree leaves. The temple was lively with young children having fun among their families.


It has begun. The bells at the temples across the nation ring, signifying the tradition's commencement. Every year on the holiday, the bell is rung 108 times; actually 107 times on New Year's Eve and once on New Year's Day. The 108 numbers represented the 108 worldly desires and/or sins. The ringing of the bell is believed to rid a person's sins during the previous year, thus giving the people a fresh start.

"Well, well, look who's here!"

Naruto looked to his side and saw a familiar face he hadn't seen for a long time. "Hey… Who are you again?"

"Argh!" The newcomer face-faulted on the roof before recovering, "It's me, Yato the God of Fortune."

"Nope, don't remember."

"Oh, come on!"

"Shh!" Naruto hand-chopped Yato 's head and moved somewhere else to avoid detection. "You idiot, I'm trying to—Oh he's knocked out." He said after seeing the god's slumping body. "I don't think I hit him hard. Did I?" The huge noticeable bump on his head was evident. "Hey, wake up." He slapped the sleeping god's face. Then again. "Wake up." And again. "Yato, wake up." Then again. "Okay, you asked for it."

Rapid-fire of slaps, both front and back, blurred the god's head while the nonchalant Naruto was amused by his action. By the time he felt it enough, the Ninja God was satisfied by his work. Yato's face was completely swollen to the point of him being unrecognizable to anyone.

Shukaku cackle at the god's face, "You should take a picture and tweet it on the Facebinder." It was so quiet that a wind breeze could be heard until Naruto and Kurama laughed internally. "What?!"

"Tweeting is for Twitter, you idiot," Kurama laughed at his one-sided rival.

Naruto struggled to stop laughing. "And it's not Facebinder! It's Facebook!"

"Shut up, you damn foxes, or I kill you!" Shukaku cried out in a higher pitched voice. Both Naruto and Kurama snorted before laughing internally again but harder. "What now?!"

"You sounded like Achmed the Dead Terrorist just now."

"Maybe you should try being a ventriloquist's dummy from now on!"

Though they're separated physically, the Tailed Beasts can still sense and be aware of Naruto's actions and/or location. It is the same for Naruto as he thought about them making sure to keep his family safe. Matatabi and Gyuki attended the stalls, but they remained in close range near the kids and women.

"AAHH!" The ninja was brought out of his internal amusement by the scream. He saw Yato staring at a small mirror, completely stunned by how his face looks like. "What the hell?! How strong are you?!"

"Pretty strong," Naruto replied blankly. He knows that much. "So Nato—"

"It's Yato!"

"Right…" Naruto cleared his throat while pushing Yato's face from his personal space. "I take you're one of the unlucky ones tonight."

The swollen Yato nodded vigorously, "And I see you are too. Want to hang out tonight?" He asked with cat-like eyes.

"Spending a holiday night with an associate instead of my family because work?" Naruto wondered. He imagined his wives glaring at him with glowing eyes and weapons in their hands. "Um, maybe next tim—" The shinobi stopped and looked toward the distance. "What is that?"

Yato's face healed somewhat, but it was still swollen. The fellow god faced the direction Naruto stared at and asked, "You sense them?"

"Yeah." Naruto stood up while stretching his arms and legs, "Time to work I guess." Just three more hours and he'll go back to the realm. Hopefully he can leave a little early before the new year arrives.


The two gods landed in the alleyway where Naruto sensed great hostile emotions and miasma. They saw blood splattered more than half the narrow pathway. There were no signs of bodies whatsoever. "What could do this?" Naruto asked himself and Yato.


Naruto looked for signs of the one responsible for this scene. "There's nothing I see so far." He focused for excessive malice and miasma. It disappeared before their arrival. Then the feeling increased tenfold from below. Naruto jumped high in the air and saw Yato beside him. "He sensed it too."

They saw the blood swirling before it burst apart, revealing a creature Naruto had seen before. It was taller than both gods with a cleaver-like weapon and wore a cape made of straw-like material. "A Namahage?" A puzzled Yato asked aloud. "State your business here."

Not even a grunt came their way. Normally, the Namahage is a species that serves Takamagahara. In folklore, the yokai is a deterrent to Japanese children and prevent them from exhibiting laziness or bad behavior in the new year. In ancient times, they'd come into a family's household and treated by the hosts until midnight.

But this is different. Namahage do not attack those humans even in self-defense. Nor they ever raise their hand against either a deity, especially.

"Hey, let's talk this out, huh?" Naruto asked the yokai. "It's New Years' Eve after all." The Namahage didn't heed his words and swiped his hatchet-like weapon, but it was grabbed by the god midway. "Okay then, if that's how you want to do this." He lightly shoved the sword enough to stumble the Namahage and clasped his hands together. "Kongo Fūsa (Adamantine Sealing Chains)."

Stars appeared in Yato's eyes after several glowing chains appeared out of small portals and restrained the Namahage. "So cool!" The god exclaimed excitedly. "Can you teach me that?"

"No." Naruto answered flatly, causing Yato to visibly deflate on the spot. "Check the Namahage."

The fun in Yato's eyes changed into one of seriousness. He walked to the restrained yokai and inspected it for any irregularities as far as a yokai's physiology goes. And something caught his eye. A tag with kanji on it and pulsated with unknown energy. Yato channeled godly energy into his hand and pulled out the tag before destroying it between his fingers.


"A tag with magical energy… one strong enough to control a Namahage." The Namahage's body relaxed, so it seemed. Yato motioned Naruto to release him, which earned a puzzled look. Eventually he complied and his chakra chains disappeared along with the portals, ending the fuinjutsu. "Paul, how you been?"

A dumbfounded Naruto face-faulted at the unexpected name for a yokai. "Seriously?" He asked while standing up.

"You're named after a food ingredient in ramen," Yato dryly retorted. Naruto's head recoiled backwards as if a sharp arrow hit its mark on the surface. "Yeah, wallow in that for a while. Paul is actually an old friend of mine. We've known each other since after the Meiji Restoration." Said event ended Japan's isolation and opened the country to the world, which allowed Western civilization and Japanese culture to meet for the first time on an international scale.

Naruto picked his head up and looked at Yato, "And you gave him the name Paul?"

"Actually, he gave himself that name."


The shinobi watched Yato and the apparently named Paul talk to each other in the Namahage's tongue. It was mainly a bunch of grunts and growls. "I see. Thank you, old friend." Yato waved the yokai 'bye' as it left the gods by becoming one with the wind. "I never get tired of seeing that. Let's get going." He walked a few steps, but yelped when his collar was held back by Naruto.

"And where are we going?"

"To where it all began."



Miyazu, Kyoto Prefecture

With Naruto's Hiraishin no Jutsu now enhanced by godly power, he no longer needs his father's signature kunai or a formula technique. Instead he needs to visualize the location or person that he wants to travel. Although in the beginning, Naruto had to look at several maps and globes to familiarize himself with the geographical locations.

The god stared at the city Yato told him about while the latter heaved his guts out as per Hiraishin's side effects for first-timers. It was once considered a sacred space to the Amatsu-Kami as the first of their kind, Izanagi-no-Mikoto, descended during the void era. Here is where the Ama-no-Hashidate (Bridge of Heaven) stands as the primary gate between Takamagahara and Japan.

Naruto didn't know about this as he mainly uses his space-time ninjutsu for travel between the two realms. "I hate you." He looked at the perturbed Yato who wiped his mouth with his jacket's sleeve. "You could've at least warned me."

"But where's the fun in that?" Naruto joked casually.

"Why you!"

"So why are we here again?"

"There's something we need to check as gods."

They blurred out of existence with their inhuman speed and reached the site Yato had in mind. Naruto felt unnatural energy nearby and assumed that it was the entrance to the bridge's gate. He watched him inspect something near the narrow stretch of land that made it seem like an isthmus. "Well?" Naruto asked as Yato moved away from the area.

"Everything is okay here, but that leaves one other place we need to check."




Izumo, Shimane Prefecture

Chugoku Region, Japan

After their arrival atop an urban area a few minutes ago, Yato and Naruto followed the former's lead to their next destination. Their trek took them deep into a nearby forest and eventually the base of a mountain. And something felt strange as they approached the mountain.

First off, the vegetation looks normal, but there was one thing that differentiate it. They had no natural energy emitting from in the area. Naruto's senjutsu training enabled him to sense the planet's energy everywhere. He thought it was strange—unnatural to not sense any of that in this particular area. Plus, there was no sign of animal life in the area as well. It was just silent.

This unnerved not just Naruto, but Yato as well. Any god would. The location they are traveling is the entrance to Japanese's version of the underworld: Yomi. They stopped before a cave that was covered by a massive boulder that perfectly matched the entrance's structure. This came to be known as the Yomotsu Hirasaka. Though naked to the normal eye, Naruto and Yato saw several kanji glowing in purplish-black aura.

"That's a powerful barrier."

As a fuinjutsu user and novice barrier ninjutsu user, Naruto could tell that this was beyond top-of-the-line barrier. It makes sense since Izanagi, the main originator of the Amatsu-Kami, sealed the entrance after his failed attempt to rescue Izanami from Yomi. Still, something is not right here. If the barrier is still intact, then Yomi's aura shouldn't leak into the world of the living.

"The barrier seems to be fine, but I definitely feel Yomi's energy around us." Yato looked at Naruto, "Someone tampered with this barrier."

"How? If Izanagi sealed this place himself, it'd probably take someone like him to tamper with it." Naruto said, utterly confused about this development. "Who else can tamper with this seal?" He and Yato pondered about this before sharing their thoughts. Obviously, the big three of the Amatsu-Kami (Amaterasu, Susanoo, and Tsukuyomi) probably might since they are his direct progeny besides Ebisu and Kagutsuchi. "But they wouldn't do such a thing. Who else?"

Yato thought long and hard about this. "Perhaps one." He looked back at the cave covered by the boulder. "But there's no way that he could negate Izanagi's barrier, right?"


"Later. We should return to Takamagahara and let the others know about this."

"Right." Naruto answered before he swiftly turned around, throwing a shuriken that tore through a tree. "Nothing." Meanwhile, a blank Yato stared at the destructive force Naruto put into the weapon. "Let's go back." Naruto placed his hand on the befuddled Yato's shoulder and teleported back to the Shinto realm.

Minutes passed, but the presence Naruto sensed emerged from the shadows of the trees. The presence's figure was shrouded by a cloak and made it impossible for anyone to distinguish its characteristics. "That was close. No one has ever noticed my presence before." Something behind him elicited an amused chuckle. It was birds chirping despite the lack of any in the region. "Or ever gotten behind me."

"First time for everything." Naruto responded, his lightning-covered knife-hand aimed at the figure's neck base. "I have questions for you." He'd transformed into a shuriken while in Hirashin's dimensional during their trip to Izumo province. "So, who are you?"

"That is one question, but I don't have to answer."

"Your blind spot is vulnerable right now." Naruto answered, "And besides it is New Years' Eve after all. Why end/begin the old/new year with violence, dattebayo." He blinked owlishly at what he just said. "Did I really just say that? Damn it, I thought I put that habit down."

""Dattebayo"?" The figure chuckled amusingly at the tic. "What is that? A verbal tic? How embarrassing for a warrior such as you."

The wary Naruto was then talked to by his Tailed Beast partner, "Naruto, you sense it right?" Of course, he senses it. The Tailed Beasts sense it as well. Ever since their Jinchuriki ascended to divine levels. This person is a god. "Be alert."

"If you are wondering whether I have something to do with Izanagi's barrier, you're wrong in your assumption." The person said to the shinobi. "I'm here to make sure that all of hell's gates are closed."

Perhaps he hasn't noticed it earlier, but now Naruto paid more attention to the person's voice. It sounded female, so a goddess? If so, then who is it from the Shinto pantheon? No. This feels different. He's been around plenty of deities to know the difference between them. After all, he met Leone, Inari, and Thor whose divine auras served as examples for him.

And this goddess is not an Amatsu-Kami, Kunitsu-Kami, or Asgardian.

"And which pantheon do you belong to?" Naruto asked the foreigner. "I find it odd that a god from another realm is near one of the world's hell entrances where it has been tampered with." His left eye looked down the person's cloak when something ruffled them in the smallest movement. "Don't even think about it."

The goddess didn't listen, but the attack came from elsewhere. Underneath his feet did the ground shake and Naruto jumped back as several earth columns charged after him. Running towards the pillars, Naruto thrust his knife-hand through one. "Chidori (One Thousand Birds)!" He cried out his former sensei and teammate's technique after recreating it through training.

Watching the man crush the remaining pillars, the foreigner rushed at Naruto who met her charge. Suddenly, the goddess drew out two weapons from her cloak and swiped them at the shinobi. Though her speed often catches any challenger off-guard, she was caught off-guard when the Amatsu-Kami reacted to it and grabbed her forearms before they reached his personal space.

"Swords?" They had short, but single-edged blades that pitched forward towards the point. A forward curve or recurved if one must be specific. Lara spouted enough about weaponry from different civilizations for Naruto to know this weapon. "Kopis?" He let go of the wielder's arms and quickly thrust forward his wind-coated fist at the goddess. "Eaken (Air Fist)!"

She was consumed by the powerful wide air jet that pushed her back. Naruto's eyes slightly widened when the air blast was forced apart by the goddess, her arms outstretched on the sides with her dual kopis. The Eaken is one of his destructive ninjutsu, especially bolstered by divine energy, and she beat it easily.

"My turn."

Naruto ducked and lost a couple hair strands when the dual kopis sliced them, crossing his arms to block a frontal kick. He didn't feel anything more than a little tap, but as an experienced combatant, blocking is second nature to him. Especially for one whose upbringing was ninja.

The goddess felt it too as the leg she kicked with stung a bit. She put that aside and rushed at her opponent, slicing her dual kopis with deadly precision. Imagine her surprise when Naruto changed into a puff smoke followed by a log that was the victim of her attacks. She looked up to see Naruto falling towards her as a powerful sphere of powerful energy formed in his palm. "Rasengan (Spiraling Sphere)!"

His target was not the goddess as an intensely bright light soared at him from the west in incredible speeds. He not only shifted the ninjutsu at the light, but also pushed the goddess out of the way. The destructive force of the Rasengan clashed against the projectile's concussive impact, igniting a massive explosion that blew aside many trees and creating a great crater in the center of it.

Standing above the destruction in the air, the goddess let out an audible growl, "That stupid brother of mine." She withdrew her blades and pulled a silver arrow before throwing it at the disturbed area. The arrow merged into the ground and it glowed in a great range, healing the environment as a result. "Farewell, God of Hope." She bid before leaving via a portal of her creation.

Minutes passed before the ground crumbled and caved in as an unscathed Naruto's head popped out. "Brother, huh?" He said while pulling himself out of the hole. Naruto had a perturbed expression after seeing his clothes dirtied by his Doton Ninjutsu. "And that arrow…" Arrows more like it. The one that was aimed at him turned out to be an arrow but enflamed like the sun itself. In the instant before the arrow and Rasengan met, Naruto swiftly changed the size to the bigger variant for an extra safety measure. "I'll handle this tomorrow."

With his last battle in the year done, Naruto Hiraishined back to Takamagahara, hoping that he didn't miss anything exciting that happened in the realm during his absence. Though he put it away before , the feeling of unease disbalanced him followed by hope for a better tomorrow.


Imperial Palace, Takamagahara

Amaterasu looked bored despite the festive music in her imperial room. All of the gods ventured to her castle for the final moments of the year and prepare for the new one. The mortal souls continued their festivities outside, but they too waited like their deified benefactors. Every New Years' Eve, the Amatsu-Kami celebrates with a grand fire-works show to begin the new year.

And despite that, she was still bored.

Though the goddess became more outgoing and talking to her fellow gods. Even the mighty storm god, Susanoo, was taken surprise by her social change. Though something else remains the same and it directly relates to the elder gods: Izanagi. The father of the kami hasn't ever celebrated the new year holiday with his kin in ages. No one, not even his progeny, knows why. It was his absence that shifted rulership of Ama (one of the Shinto heaven's names) to his daughter, Amaterasu.

The only recent news of Izanagi in any form was after Naruto's ascension and his meeting with the former in Ame-no-Masashira.

"Tamae?" The goddess perked and looked to her brother who called her, "It's almost time." Susanoo told her, smiling at the goddess. She told him about her nickname after meeting with Naruto.

"Oh yes, the send-off."

"You don't sound excited, sister."

"Every year is the same thing, brother." Tamae sighed deeply. "I just wish Father would come back home."

Susanoo had a brief solemn but understanding look, "He misses Mother." He long assumed his father's absence relates to them. After all, they came to being after Izanagi's failure of rescuing Izanami. Perhaps they unintentionally remind him of that failure. And Susanoo's earlier behavior against his sister was in response of their father's absence from their lives. "But we have each other, sister and our people and the mortal souls we protect."

"Perhaps Susanoo. Perhaps."

Then a familiar voice jovially greeted them… one that she hasn't heard from in a great while. "Hi Tamae, how are you?" Suddenly a hannyo mask appeared very close to their faces while upside-down in their vision.


(Minutes Before)

Saeko's smile didn't waver while watching her children enjoy the festivities in the divine realm. She, like Rhea and Kuroka, wants her children be exposed to both the human and supernatural worlds. Though the mother/swordswoman shares the same problem like the rest of the Uzumaki women.

That is the unwarranted attention of single men hitting on them.

"Come on, you should be with us." A drunken man slurred as he tried to sneak his hand on Saeko's butt. Instead it landed on the butt of someone else after Saeko discreetly moved out of his way. "Oh, Lady Leone." He turned pale after seeing the goddess crack her knuckles. "Wait, I didn't mean to—"

The lecherous man was sent flying out of the castle with everyone present watching in shock. Lowering her smoking hand from the effort, Leone huffed out through her nose like steam out of the train. Saeko inwardly smirked as the rest of the men who shared the mindset suddenly turned their attention away from her and her sister-wives. It just came to mind that they are Leone's daughters-in-law.

"Damn bastard thinking he can lay his hand on me," Leone scowled while slowly flexing her hands to calm herself. "What a way to end the year." Sweat-drops fell down on everyone's heads at the goddess's nonchalant action. "Come on, Inari dear, let's have some fun."

The fox god gawked when she dragged him by pulling his hand. "But the firework show."

"Nothing new happens nowadays. Let's go."

Nearby Rhea and Kuroka spoke with Medusa about a specific person. "Where is Naruto? I was hoping he'd switch out with a clone and spend New Years' Eve with us." The archer lamented.

"It's out of our hands, Medusa." Rhea countered softly. "Lord Inari told us that this kind of work can't be switched out or substituted. Though I am surprised he didn't do it anyway."

Kuroka pouted while Fujimai played with her sole loose strand of hair. "Maybe he found another woman." She was taken aback by Medusa and Rhea's strong glares. "Just kidding, you two. He wouldn't do that. Not after our discussion." The topic of him taking more women without their knowledge. It hasn't happened yet since all the ladies got to know each other through their bond and love with Naruto. Though technically Lara was the first one Naruto brought in, but he talked about her to the others and they met discreetly before formally introducing themselves to the mortal.

And Naruto brought this topic up after his battle with Esdeath. He swore to them that he'd never take another woman unless they consent and give their approval. He didn't want to be like a certain sky god who fathered countless children and cheated on his wife repeatedly.

They trust him and his judgement, but the women was touched by Naruto's consideration for them and their feelings.

Swallowing the last of her takoyaki, Lara looked behind the closed curtains when she sensed a familiar presence there. "Naruto—" A girly scream yelled out from the inside before Naruto was seen flying out by a fireball. "—is here?" Lara finished weakly. "What's with that mask?"

After the mask slid off his face, a slightly smoking Naruto wheezed out weakly before he was lifted up with his singed kimono by Susanoo. "What were you thinking, scaring my sister like an ayakashi?!" The storm god queried hotly, shaking the stunned Naruto. "Answer me!" He then switched gears and laughed at the sight in front of him.


Soon Tamae joined suit after walking to her brother's side, laughing at the puzzled Naruto. The entire room laughed with their ruler including the Uzumaki women. "What are they laughing at?" As if Susanoo read his mind, the god turned Naruto's head to a nearby mirror. What he saw left gawking in embarrassing. "What the heck?!"

Somehow, he landed in the makeup table for women to quickly beautify themselves during the party. As a result, he looked like a clown with red circle marks and white powder all over his face. Just as he screamed in horror, fireworks ignited in the sky, signifying the new year has come.

"Happy New Year, everyone!" Amaterasu declared happily.

Everyone in the castle and the entire Shinto realm cheered boisterously as they followed their chief goddess's words. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"


IT IS THE YEAR 2020! And a new decade for the human race. I hope you all have enjoyed your holidays with your loved ones. Time is moving so fast for us adults, but that makes it more incentive to enjoy life as we know. Movies, comics, games, and society are changing every day. For this year, we have Godzilla vs. Kong in November (though I wish it was still March but the studio wants to make some changes), Doom: Eternal, Justice League Dark: Apolokolips, Nioh 2, Black Widow, My Hero Academia: Rising, and more exciting entertainment for us to enjoy. There is news about God of War V regarding Faye: Cory commented she will appear physically either in this game or the next game. Hopefully, we get to see trailers for the game sometime in this year.

I posted three new chapters of 2020: two of Patronus Maximus and a revised chapter for Totally Dattebayo as I mentioned back in August. I will work more as the year goes by. I've been working on these during winter break; I could've done a lot more, but laziness severely hindered my progress. It's been a long time since my last update, but I chose to take a long break from Fanfiction to recharge my imagination for the stories ahead of us. There will be more to come. I hope everyone and their loved ones will enjoy 2020 and the new decade.