September 22, 2013

Fina Beena my real ballerina,

You're a real ballerina now. Your mum, Henry, and I are proud of you.

Sincerely, Theo or dad or Deo (I don't know what you want to call me and it's been months)

October 28, 2013

Fina Beena my Beautiful Ballerina,

Happy Birthday! We have to go for pie and pancakes tonight. Nana Nia and Papa Seb would enjoy it.

Sincerely, Theo

November 8, 2013

Dear Deo,

I'm scared. I can't lie. I'm really scared. I hope mum and the baby are okay. It was kinda freaky to see Tori picking both Scorpio and I up. He's a good friend though. She apologized that we couldn't go to Uncle George's but it's fine. Her and Draco are nice and Scorpio is good company. Narcissa coddles Henry though. Make sure to owl when mum has the baby...if it's tonight. Draco said we'll stop by in the morning after breakfast, even if the baby's not born. If it is, he said we could stop by Diagon Alley and get it a present.

Blaise stopped by for dinner tonight. He said he'd come with us tomorrow, because he decided to stay the night, and he told Rhys and I to start to call him Uncle Blaise. I said okay but then I told Draco that calling Uncle Draco or even Uncle Drake was too weird.

Tell mum I say and that my little sibling needs to hurry up!

Love, Fina

November 9, 2013

Fina, Henry, Malfoys, and Blaise,

An hour ago at 2:36 am, Morgana Maddalena Granger-Nott was born. She is the cutest baby ever. No offense to all of you because I'm sure you were cute babies (except for Draco and Blaise. Your mum has shown me pictures, Draco. You looked like this creature Hermione showed me at the zoo called a naked mole rat. Blaise, you're just ew) Morgana is completely healthy and fine. Hermione is doing great too. I'll the others in a couple of hours. Hermione doesn't want to see you until after 9 because sleep is an important thing. I'll see you soon.

From, an excited and happy Theo

December 3, 2013

Dear Deo,

Please tell Morgana to be quiet. I like my sleep and Henry is way too cranky. At least put a silencio on our bedrooms so only you and mum have to deal with her crying. I wish she inherited your snoring.

Best Regards, a sleepy Fina

December 12, 2013

Dear Theo,

Happy birthday! Pancakes and pie at Nana Nia and Papa Seb's.

Love, Fina Beena

June 14, 2014

Dear Fina,

Your mum and I will be married by the time you read this tonight. The other official thing about today is that you and Henry are officially Granger-Notts. You are my kids. Granted, you always were before but legally you are now. You, Henry, your mum, and Morgana are all mine. We are one big, happy, legal family. I'm officially your dad. You've hesitated these last months but it's okay to call me dad now if you want. It's all up to you. I'm okay with Deo and Theo. I'm okay with anything so long as you're okay with me being around. I love you Serafina.

Love, dad

September 1, 2017

Dear Dad,

I was scared for Hogwarts but you and mum were right. Hogwarts is pretty cool. I believe you owe me some galleons because I'm Gryffindor. Next bet says Henry is a Ravenclaw. Scorp is in Slytherin but we all saw that coming, no matter how nerdy he is. Albus is also in Slytherin. Uncle Harry is going to have a cow when he finds out. Tell mum, Henry, and Morgana the news. I miss them, and you, loads. Scorp said he won't ditch me though, even with the whole house rivalry thing. Please owl back.

Love, Fina

September 1, 2020

Dear Dad,

I just got back to the Gryffindor common room and decided to write you and mum a letter. Henry is in Ravenclaw, which isn't a surprise at all. Mum will get a letter from him but I thought it would be funny to tell you before him. Lorcan and Lysander were split. Lorcan is in Hufflepuff and Lysander is in Ravenclaw with Henry. The ride here was fine. It was a little weird without Fred present. I think Roxy felt that the most. At least she has Henry and Lysander for company now since she doesn't have Fred to glare at from across the Great Hall. I saw Indigo too. I know you told me to be nice to her and try to talk to her but I avoided her. It's easy on the train but hard since we are in the same house. I still don't like her no matter how much you tell me that she's done nothing wrong.

Make sure you owl me my reward when you send your reply. This is why you shouldn't bet me; I was right about me being in Gryffindor and Henry in Ravenclaw. I know it's five years away, but I think Morgana will be in Slytherin no doubt. She is, after all, your daughter. Tell her I say hi and that I miss her. She's getting big. She's going to be seven this year, Theo.

I was seven when I met you. It's going to be eight years in December. It feels like forever. I don't know what life would be like without you and I'm proud to call you dad, even though Ron...sorry, father… doesn't like it. I'm glad I don't have to see Indigo but once year in the sense I have to talk to her. I'm also pleased that she's a year above me. Scorp says hi.

I miss you dad. I love you.

Love, Serafina (Am I too old to be Fina Beena the ballerina?)

September 2, 2020

Dear Fina Beena My Forever Beautiful Ballerina,

Your mum, Morgana, and I are happy to hear from you and of Henry's news. You'll never be too old to be my Fina Beena the ballerina. NEVER. EVER, To me, you'll always be that little girl bouncing into the cafe along with her mother and brother with this curly auburn hair, big appetite, adorable freckles, hazel eyes, and giant toothless grin. I love you, Fina.

Love, Dad

And that's the end. Thank you all so much for the support and positive response for this story. I hope you enjoyed every part of it.