A/N: Hello, fellow readers sorry if this chapter is kind of short I can't focus on writing long chapters because of this whole pandemic. I want you guys to stay safe this is no laughing matter we can't afford to get sick in spread this virus around, stay home stay inside wash your hands clean everything after you're done using it and we will get through this.

As the large cybertronian carefully place the Allspark on young, Ash's chassis as the Allspark let a faint light show around it slowly being entered Ash's body making Ash the new Allspark. The unknown cybertronian was satisfied knowing that the new Allspark is completed as for his father's wishes now he needed to get the new Allspark safe he carefully relocated new the Allspark to his Sparkling Chamber- located in his chassis, beside his Spark Chamber for his Summoner comfort- and placed the little one inside. Once making sure his Summoner is safe and sounds the unknown cybertronian turns his attention to the Lord protector of the Allspark and sends him a heated glare that could rival Unicron and his father Primus together and speak in their language, "Away! with you Lord protector your presence is not needed or wanted, I will not allow you to step closer or get your servos on my Summoner I will complete the task that our father has bestowed upon me and my brothers and sisters. Heed my warning if you try anything, I will not hesitate to smite you down where you stand."

He pulls out the legendary, Chaos Edge that was wielded by Nexus Prime, all the Autobots gasp and Decepticons when they saw the legendary weapon. All the bots knew that this cybertronian was not messing around and will do anything to protect its charge, even Megatron knew he's no match for that legendary weapon with a grudging spark Megatron stood up and spoke to his troops "Decepticons, pull back." Megatron's voice carried with it a sense of awe and comprehension, nervousness that brought the attention of all the Autobots as he transformed and raced away without even looking back. The Autobots didn't move as this unknown cybertronian turned his attention towards them with this emotionless, expression it just made them all nervous including Sam who was at this point freaking out because he can't see his little brother and doesn't know where he is.

Time seemed to freeze as they stared each other down until Optimus brought up enough courage to speak "what is your designation and where is Ash." it was another long moment before the other cybertronian spoke with a deep voice "My designation is Nexus Prime one of the thirteen Primes." the Autobots Optics widen in disbelief sense that they're not going to believe his words Nexus Prime spoke up, "I know it is disbelieving that one of the 13 primes is before you but you must think how did I come to be when you all saw a puff of smoke I would like to elaborate more but I cannot go against the wishes of my father and speaking of your small human ally he is right here."

Without hesitation he raises his servo opening the sparkling chamber where ash was sleeping for the moment and carefully pulled him out towards the Autobots to see Ash was fine and carefully placing him in Optimus servos as he pooped away. "I was not aware that humans were capable to summon another cybertronian long-dead without some sort of dark energon or a device." Ratchet leaned down over Ash's form and ran a scan on him before leaning up and looking at both the humans and the Autobots. "His energy signal has changed from the other humans." "He's a chi user." Every head snapped over to look at Lennox as he pushed his way to where Ash was. "My brother in law told me that a chi user could do the impossible, I know that they have God-like strength and lightning-speed reflexes but I never knew that he could use any of the advanced techniques without him killing himself."

"Chi Users are listed as fictional characters who can access the energy of their very life-force and use it as a weapon to combat the forces of evil on the internet." Optimus' voice showed that he was highly confused and that it was not a feeling that he was used to.

"Yeah, well Chi Users have a history of being mysterious and people without chi are not fond of any Chi users so that they made themselves as fictional characters so they can hideaway so they wouldn't have to worry about getting smothered in their sleep or be killed off." Lennox rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the ground as everyone stared at him like he just grew another head. Sam was the one that broke the silence. "Well, after buying an alien car and meeting up with another group of alien robots and finding out that the government was hiding the existence of a frozen alien and the creator of the alien race in the Hoover Dam, this really shouldn't surprise me anymore.

It was decided that since there didn't seem to be anything physically wrong with Ash besides being heavily exhausted that it would be better to keep him out of the hospital. After heavy arguing which involved Judy with her favorite baseball bat, he was now being kept at a military base in the middle of nowhere that the government 'gifted' the Autobots with. Of course, that meant that all of the Witwickys were there too because Judy refused to leave her youngest son with aliens and a couple of soldiers. The whole Witwicky's family was more than a little confused about the whole Chi Users issue even though Lennox explained it to all of the ones that weren't in the 'know'. They understood why Chi Users want to stay hidden or be a cartoon Fantasy character for their safety being sold off as a slave or be dissected is a human experiment for the abilities that others do not have.

A small Time skip of two weeks

It's been two weeks and Ash hasn't woken up yet and this worried Judy greatly she feared that she was going to lose, her youngest son if he didn't wake up anytime soon. Throughout that time, she never left his side thinking that he'll wake up at any moment and she wanted to be there, ensuring her youngest son that everything going to be okay, Judy was so lost in thought she didn't realize that she was no longer looking at the sleeping face of her youngest son but at the striking Onyx Black eye that was full of confusion and just a touch of tired and slightly panic. "M-Mom where am I? What happened to everyone okay? What happened to the others?"

Judy explained everything to her youngest son and how long is been unconscious for this settled Ashes unease, for now, knowing that the Allspark was destroyed but that wasn't the case he had a feeling it's probably still around but he can't prove it. Ash let out a sigh and got more comfortable and closed his eye and slowly drifted to sleep again as quietly she could Judy's left around so her son could sleep and probably pick something up for him to eat once he wakes up again.

Meanwhile with the Decepticons

"Master, why did we leave without killing the humans and Autobots? We had them surrounded!" The words were barely out of Starscream's mouth before he found himself bitch-slap and was flying and slamming against one of the mountainsides that surrounded that valley base that Megatron had chosen to avoid detection. "You are a fool Starscream, none of us would have stood a chance against one of the 13 primes and a battle would have damaged the new All-Spark." Megatron's eyes glowed with a fearsome gleam as he advanced on the fallen Decepticon.

"I wasn't the only one who saw what that Prime was doing while placing the Allspark, on the boy's chest. The Prime was making sure none of us would have gotten the Allspark infusing it with the human making them the new All-Spark." The glow began to get brighter as every other Decepticons' logic circuits started to falter. "The boy already gave off a similar amount of energy that no other human I have seen gives off and now he is the key to our victory, we need to find a way to separate him from the Autobots."

Now back with Ash/Kakashi

The next time that Ash woke up only to see his mom fluffing up the pillows before helping him lean on them. It was kind of nice to have someone help him. "Thanks, mom." Judy only smiled at her youngest son as the door open to reveal Sam and his dad Ron, "Optimus figured what you were going to do. He said that if Megatron hadn't been there your plan might have work but Megatron was the Lord Protector or something and has a connection to the All-Spark." After explaining everything Ash eats what his mother had brought him and he talked to his family for a while before Ash shook his head as his vision started to blur and felt his mom carefully laid Ash down on the bed again. "I think that it would be best if we left so Ash can get back to bed." and there were no arguments all the Witwicky's family left leaving Ash alone to drift back to sleep.