'Even if I die! I know it's right now I have to entrust the living with this info! That the best thing I can do right now to save Kanoha!' those where Kakashi last thought before everything went dark for him but not until his sharingan eye activing by any unknown forces to use kamui sending him into a pocket dimension, but something wasn't right with Kakashi have really low chakra to the point of being killed and with damage that his body went throughout the fight wasn't helping either. This unknown force has to use a lot mount of power to keep Kakashi alive.
In the process shattering kamui path to its distances to its pocket dimension sending Kakashi to another dimension where his life changes for ever for good or worst.
(with Kakashi now)
'Ugh what happen…and why can't I sense any chakra around me…Wait wasn't Kanoha by under attacked, then why I can't hear any sound of fighting.' Kakashi was freaking out and trying to figure out what happen and where was he at! 'Aright calm down and think what happen before I blacked out.' As he thought what had happed to him even with all these questions flying around within his head but that must wait first he need to, find out where he was? As Kakashi tried to get up and move but he couldn't move his body. He was curious why can't barely move his body, he slowly brought his hands in front of face only to see very little and chubby hands.
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME!" Kakashi mentally yelled out in surprise he checked his surroundings and notice he is laying on lashes green grass in the middle of a beautiful field. 'Calm down my child you have, nothing to fear you are safe the technique I use to activated your sharingan eye to use Kamui, send you into a new dimension but it also managed to morph your body to fit with the new dimension as a baby.'
'A WHAT!' Kakashi was panicking he couldn't believe what he just been told he was a turn into a baby, but how…so many things are happing too fast for him, he didn't hear the sound of footsteps and the sound of two people are talking.
"Come on Ronald isn't it exciting to be at the Rocky Mountain again" a female voice was heard.
"Yes honey it's great and all but be careful I wouldn't know what to do if you got hurt, come on Sam I don't want you get lost son." " a male voice was also now known as Ronald Witwicky.
"Coming daddy." Said a little boy who was a little way from his family this boy is young Sam Witwicky, "Oh hush dear we are fine nothing bad will happ- oh my god look down there in the field Ronald it's a baby" "What are you sure " Kakashi heard the female voice which was followed by footsteps. He then felt gentle hands carrying him. He looked up and saw a beautiful middle age woman.
The woman he saw that was holding him had short light brown hair that fluttered in the wind. She also wore a strapless sundress that was at floor level. Her dress was an ocean blue that is slowly turning into a kiss light shy blue and her skin was a bright tan peach along the body.
All in all to Kakashi she remind him of his mother, that gives off an aura of kindness to those around her along with her beauty that most men would bow before after.
"Let me see too" Kakashi now got a good look at the male figure. He seems to be a taller than the women with short brown hair, he is also wearing a black tank top along with grey shorts his skin color was considered to be in the tanned in a peachy red color.
"It is a baby I wonder why a baby would be doing here all alone Judy what do you think? The man questions his lover.
"I do not know Ronald " the now named Judy said to Ronald. "Hey Judy you don't think he was abandoned do you" the man named Ronald exclaimed.
"I do not know but just to make sure let's stay here for a while and see if anyone will come" Hours passed by until it got dark and nobody seemed to come down to the field as Ronald and Judy and little Sam waited patiently while entertaining Kakashi with funny faces and playing with him.
"It looks like nobody's coming honey" Ronald said sadly. Judy was also quite she looked as her son Sam and the baby with sad look as she became little angry that the parents of this small baby would abandoned him but that when she thought of an idea that made her giddy.
"Ronald what... what if we adopted him into the family" At this Kakashi had wide eyes considering that he heard her wrong while Ronald was shocked. Than smile at her and the baby than to his son Sam and nodded "what do you think Sam want this baby to be your little brother." Sam smiled and jump up and down nodding that his going to be a big brother.
"What do we call him Ronald I want you to name him" Judy said with a kind smile on her face.
"Hm what about…Ash Witwicky it sounds like a good name." Ronald said getting a nods from his family as they head back to home with they're new son as this, was going on Kakashi couldn't help and smile he was given a family again and this time he'll PROTECTED THEM NO MATTER WHAT.
(Time skip few years)
Ash/Kakashi POV
I began to awake as something slammed on top of my desk as I looked up to see my teacher with an annoyed expression.
"Ash if you don't get up it be detention for you for a week. Now then next presenter Sam Witwicky,"
I mentally groaned when he called out my brother name, I know we're not Brothers by Blood Samuel or Sam for short he can be annoying and try I hope he doesn't try selling anything this time, He gave me a smile and a wink as he began to set things up for his presentation.
"Sorry I got a lot of stuff," he says as I look away from him with an annoyed expression what lift of my face.
"Watch this," I hear Trent say as I turned around and shot him a death glare which in return be gave me a wink in the eye. That snake.
"Oh OK for my family genera-"
Before he had time to speak a spit ball was thrown at him.
"Ok who did that? Take some responsibility people your high schoolers not in elementary school,"
I turned back and glared at Trent and slowly tore a piece of eraser off and sending a little bit of chakra to my indexes finger and flick the small ball of eraser sending it towards Trent hitting him dead sintered of his forehead, making him fall of his set and the hole class was laughing at him. Once he got back on his sit he saw me I flipped him off.
"So for my family genealogy report, I decided to do it on our great, great grandfather who was a famous man, Captain Archibald Witwicky. Who by the way is a very famous exploer, in fact he was one of the first to explore the Arctic Circle which is a big deal right Ash? Anyways in 1897, he took forty-one brave sailors straight into the Attic Shelf," I began to zone out on my brother my lack of attention span and I was getting bored I wish I had my favorite orange book, with me but sadly I do not.
Now I must suffer this boredom alone that's when the bell rang then, I jumped out of my seat and headed out of the classroom I looked back to see my brother was, talking to the teacher about his grade you're wondering why a twelve-year-old kid, was in high school to say the least I was a genius or prodigy so I skipped a couple of grades.
As I made my way to my locker put my stuff away and headed out the school I saw, our dad in the car waiting for us I jumped into the back seat knowing that Sam wants to be in fronted, "how did School go Ash." asked Ron Witwicky aka Dad. I replied simply "it went great that Sam just talking to the teacher about coaxing his grade." Ron had evil smirk appear on his face, "want to play a joke on your brother." I nodded that when Sam running up to us like a crazy person swinging his paper round. "now hold still Sam I can see the paper." I got an A-,"
"A minus? It's not an A+ like Ash's,"
"So what its still an A please dad am I good or we good?"
Dad sighs nodding his head.
"Your good, I got a little surprise for you."
Sam looked back at me as I give him a close eye smile, I couldn't wait to see the look on his face as our dad drove up to a Porsche dealership and then drove out of it into a broken beaten up car lot.
"Dad what is this?"
"What did you really think I'll get you a Porsche?" Dad laughs as Sam cross his arms. "Dad this isn't funny," Sam told him with a pout.
"Oh lighten up somethings better than nothing,"
Sam let out a sighed as we got out a black guy approaches us.
Gentlemen, Bobby Bolivia like the country except without the runs. How can I help you?"
"Well my son here is looking to buy his first new car," dad says as a hand was wrapped around Sam shoulders.
"You guys came to see me?"
"We had to," we both said at the same time giving him a plain look.
"Well then guys that practically means we're family call me Uncle Bobby B,"
After the whole talk on "Cars pick the drivers" Sam and dad, Uncle Bobby B where walk around showing Sam the cars that might buy as for I began to split up looking that the cars that standout to me and Sam.
I didn't understand why did people need cars back in Kanoha we Ninja ran to place to place not these cars we us chakra to enhanced our speed and walk on walls and water walking, for kami sake but here no one can do that besides me. I was about continued with my little ranted that when I sense a high powerful chakra nearby I was fully on guard, trying to find the source of the high chakra as I look around my lone visible eye landed on yellow camero with black stripes.
third person view
He slowly walked over never letting his guard down Ask/Kakashi was having a feeling that this is no ordinary vehicle as he expected more, noticing the black stripes running down from it reminded him of the Bumblebee, besides the color yellow and black. He opens the door slowly in crawled inside noticing, it looks like a regular ordinary old and used car but this didn't seem well with the veteran john ninja as he climbing out of the car, thinking it's a good idea to scare the crap out of his brother plus he needed a way to entertain himself because he lost his precious orange book.
"HEY SAMMIE I FOUND A CAR FOR YOU." Ash shouted to Sam as he ran over my way.
"Woah Ash pretty nice car I like your pick I'll take it,"
"Decided what car you wanted?"
"Yes," Sam said as for Ash looked bored out of his mind as Uncle Bobby B come over to us.
"How much?"
"Well considering the semi- classic nature of the vehicle, with the slick wheels and the custom paint job-"
"Yeah but the paints faded," Ash point out Sam agreeing with me.
"Yeah but its custom,"
"It's custom faded?" Sam argues getting an annoyed look on his face.
"You wouldn't understand since it's your first car, five grand,"
"Woah wait what?"
"Sorry only going for four sorry Sam pick another one,"
Ash/Kakashi was getting annoyed by this man's bargaining, deal trying to rip off his family he wanted to do something but he couldn't let anyone know he could use chakra he doubts anyone knew about it or even if existed. Let out a sigh that his brother was arguing with the salesman until he picked, up something with this ears and covered them right away as a loud ringing vibration was sound all over the car lot and all the windows of the car began busting open making glass fly everywhere as dad ducked our heads down.
"Four thousand," the man said in fright as Samuel's doing a little happy dance knowing that he got his car but first Ash just narrowed his eyes confirming his suspicions about the car, after getting all the papers signed getting the keys and Sam driving, them back home Ash was deep in thought, this is going to be interesting I wonder how we will handle this new development.