Author's Note:
Hello readers! This is Sabere Commander here welcoming all of you to this fabulous story! I recently watched the season finale of Red vs Blue season 13 and I was heart broken. I didn't watch the trailers because I was binge watching seasons 11 and 12 before that so I was completely blind sided by the ending. The result was me loving and simultaneously loathing Rooster Teeth for what they did. Anyways, I made this story as a dedication to Red vs Blue and in memory of Epsilon Church. The new season drops sometime next year in 2017 so I have like two months to prepare for it. The chapters will be short and updates quick, compared to my normal update patterns, so remember to follow, favorite, or leave a review!

The Pursuit of Happiness

Chapter 1

"Blood Gulch"

The sound of engines roaring tore through the skies. The engines belonged to a standard issue pelican drop ship. The drop ship was heading to the barren location called Blood Gulch. The reason the drop ship was coming to the place was to drop off one soldier for one of the factions in the canyon. He was to be assigned to blue team and was the first part of the delivery, the second would be one week later. He strapped into the drop ship seats and he was clad in electric blue armor. The soldier was Private Adam Linux and he was passed out.

The pelican slowed its speed down once it was close to Blood Gulch. The drop ship entered the portion of the canyon that was controlled by the blue team. The pelican slowly descended until it landed just in front of the base. The roar of the engines was loud enough to wake the occupants of the base. The lone soldier inside of the pelican was sleeping soundly until the room was filled with the shouting voice of the pilot.

"Hey! Wake up you moron! This is your stop, get off so I can get to my other deliveries." The soldier jerked from the loud voice before he unlatched the safety harness on the seat. He stood up and looked around the seating area, which was dimly lit. He stretched his arms and legs before he turned back to his seat. Nestled tightly in the safety harness was his assault rifle. He picked it up and noted the pelican doors had started to open. He turned back to the cockpit and saw the pilot looking back to him, so he decided to give a brief wave.

The soldier walked out of the drop ship with his assault rifle. When he was ten feet from the rear of the pelican the door started to close. The base in front of him was gray in color, which was very noticeable in the orange colored canyon. He decided to walk inside and check for anyone inside the base. If his briefing was accurate, then there should have been three soldiers living in the base.

He searched through the halls and even in the main room. When he stopped searching the building, there was only one place left to check and that was the roof. He went outside before scaling the ramp and, much to his disappointment, he found not a single person. He was confused about his situation and unsure what to do. He was a new soldier heading to a base with supposedly three soldiers stationed there already. Not only were the soldiers missing but it looked like no one had been living there at all. The entire base was immaculate with no signs of human interaction.

The only thing, he assumed, could mean someone was there recently was how no dust had settled inside the building. He examined his surroundings for something, anything, that could give an indication that the soldiers were there or nearby. The pieces of cover that existed on the roof had strange symbols on them that glowed blue. He stared at the symbols and hummed a tune to himself. If the symbols were lit up then that meant the power had to be on in the base. From what he remembered, there were no control panels anywhere in the base for power which meant the power was coming from somewhere else.

"But where could it be coming from?" The soldier looked up and scanned the horizon for someone or something. All he could see were cliff walls, rocks and dirt.

"Excuse me, who the hell are you?" The voice was spoken by someone behind him. He turned slowly until he faced them before he took note of their color. Their armor was the color of aqua and was incredibly reflective. The held the standard issue magnum pistol with both their hands.

"I'm Private Linux and I was assigned to this outpost." His voice was deep but the speakers on his helmet were terrible. The terrible audio quality made him sound like he was trying to make his voice deep. The aqua colored soldier just stared at him.

"Okay, I'm Tucker... I thought command said the delivery wasn't due to arrive until next week."

"Well me being added was a sudden for me too." Linux replied with mild interest to Tucker.

"So what did they send you here for?" Tucker asked Linux the seemingly simple question. What stood out to him was the way the aqua soldier had asked it. They made it seem like being posted in Blood Gulch was some sort of punishment. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air between the two soldiers and it reminded Linux to answer.

"I was told to support the blue team in this canyon."

"Yeah, I can see that but what was your mission?"

"Just to eliminate red forces or help blue team to capture them." The sound of metal foot steps clanking on the metal of the ramp reached their ears. The two soldiers turned and saw one of the missing soldiers. The new soldier wore the same armor that Linux and Tucker wore but his was the color powder blue. He was carrying a sniper rifle in his arms and he stopped at the edge of the ramp when he saw Linux.

"Who the fuck are you?" The question was spoken so quickly that Linux had to repeat the words in his head to ensure he was hearing the right thing.

"His name's Linux and he's apparently the first part of our delivery. The next part is coming at the scheduled date."

"Oh, so you're the new guy?" The powder blue soldier approached him then took in his appearance. "Tell you what, we have a tradition here at blue base for rookies. Normally we would haze you and put you through a whole bunch of crap but I like the way you present yourself. So if you give me twenty dollars you won't have to go through all of that."

"So you're the highest ranking soldier in the base?" Linux asked, the question having spawned from his own curiosity.

"Yeah, do you wanna skip the hazing or not?" The soldier spoke quickly and tried to wave that particular part of the conversation away.

"Yes... but I didn't bring any money with me." Linux added just as quickly as the powder blue soldier...

Linux found himself looking around the room he was in. If he could describe it with one word then he would say it was plain. The room was a metal gray with one light built into the ceiling. There was a thin mattress placed upon a bed frame that was built out of the ground, which was just solid concrete and was terrible for sleep. There was a metal desk in one corner and a foot locker at the base of his bed.

The bed had one pillow and single blanket that was just barely large enough to cover him. The foot locker had contained a change of clothes that consisted of two white shirts and two pairs of navy blue sweat pants. The desk was literally just a metal desk that sat in the corner of the room and took up space. The room was small and was barely spacious enough for him to set his armor down when he went to sleep. Fortunately, the empty desk had served as a shelf to many of his armor pieces. The armor was now decorating his body in a brilliant display of blue.

"Speaking of blue armor, where's the team?" Linux walked to the door across from his bed and placed a palm to the wall. After a second of waiting a panel lit up beneath his hand. The panel was one of the many placed around blue base. They acted as the door switches in the base. Linux didn't approve of a base using those kinds of door switches. How would anyone knew to the base even no of their existence, like him?

He returned from his thoughts upon the moment he realized he'd been standing there with the door open. He left the room and wandered down the halls until he was at the front of the base. From what he could see and hear, the two blues were no longer there. He had discovered that the powder blue one was named Church and he appeared to be the leader of the two. He also found out that, aside from the him, those two were the only blue soldiers in the canyon. That was something he'd have to ask about later, he was told there would be three soldiers in the canyon.

He decided to look around from atop the base, assuming its elevated position would offer a better vantage point. While making his way to the top, he ran through his memories of yesterday to see if they'd mentioned anything about leaving to somewhere. After he arrived and everyone introduced their selves, the two blues decided to play twenty questions with him. They asked him everything they could think of, from his rank to his military career, but in the end they didn't learn much. He hadn't done anything noteworthy and this was his first official assignment after training camp. He never got the chance to ask any meaningful questions to the two blues.

He stopped moving once he reached the edge of the roof. He, just as he did yesterday, started to examine the landscape for any signs of his teammates. He tapped the side of his helmet to use the zoom and began scanning more throughly. Dust, rocks, dead grass, more rocks, canyon walls and two blue specks. He narrowed his eyes behind his visor as he stared at the wiggling blue specks up by the canyon wall. He didn't remember seeing two blue specks last time.

His visor couldn't zoom any further than what he was pushing it to do so he only had two choices. He could choose to leave the base completely undefended and make the long trek over to where he saw the two specks. The other choice was waiting at the base for them to come back, something he had no idea of when to expect. The decision wasn't as difficult as one would think, there was nothing to do at blue base. He checked his assault rifle that rested in his hands before jumping off the edge of the roof.

The trek to the blue specks consumed at least two minutes, that was with him running. Fortunately, his curiosity rewarded him with the voices of Church and Tucker, his teammates. They were bickering about something that he couldn't distinguish. His pace had changed from running to a slow walk. He was winded from running but he wouldn't say he was tired. He approached them from behind and discovered they were standing on a outcrop in the canyon wall that granted perfect view of another base in the distance.

"They're just talking, that's all they are doing. That's what they were doing five minutes ago, it's what they're doing now, so in five minutes from now they'll still be standing there and talking." Linux waited for the blues to notice him.

"What are they talking about?" Tucker, the aqua soldier, asked Church. The powder blue leader turned to him with something that could be described as frustration.

"You know what? I fucking hate you."

"Wow, harsh." The two blue soldiers turned to Linux when he commented.

"Oh hey, when did you get here?" Church asked him.

"Just a few seconds ago. What's going on?" He replied.

"We're spying on the reds." Church turned away from him and looked through the sniper scope.

"You see anything?"

"Yeah but it's just two guys standing there and talking."

"Oh... So what are they talking about?"