A/N: I promise I won't do A/Ns often, but… Thank you all for the favorites/follows/reviews! It made me smile. This chapter is where I start to roll the plot, so there's a bit of introduction to "new characters". Some of it is filler stuff, but I had fun writing it. I do want to address one thing, however. I decided to put Percy in Ravenclaw, because he is smart, just not necessarily book smart. He's fast on his feet, thinks up plans on the spot (which is hard), and can understand people. In a way, not only is Percy wise (the way he interacts with Hermes, for example, or how he just knows how to be there for others), Percy is underestimated. I don't think he's nearly as idiotic as some say he his. He's oblivious, yeah, but so is everybody.
Anyway! Disclaimer: I am not Rick Riorden or JK Rowling, and am not using this story to gain a profit in any way shape or form.
December 1992, Hogsmeade
"Hey, knock it off!"
The goblin continued to toss snow at Lee.
"Leave him alone!"
All the two got was a giggle and more snow in response. Percy glared at the goblin as he reared his arm back with a fresh snowball. There was a slight tug in his gut, and the goblin was drenched in freezing water cascading from the roof. It briefly encased the goblin, and the goblin was lurched back from the two boys.
"Woah, did you see that?"
"See it? Of course I did! What in Merlin's name happened?! Oh bollocks, look out, Dodds is coming out."
The lady scowled at Percy. "Now sweetie," she said deathly sweetly. "Follow me."
Percy exchanged a look with Lee, who backed away. Percy didn't make much move to follow her.
"This here is my property, and you thought you could fool us?" Mrs. Dodds glared at Percy.
"Er, if you'll excuse me Madam Dodds, I'm going to take my leave." Mrs. Dodds gave Lee's words no sign of recognition, so he whispered a phrase of luck to Percy and then ran back to find the twins. They could talk their way out of whatever was happening with Percy. Percy hesitantly followed Mrs. Dodds into her empty inn, past the drenched goblin, who snarled at Percy as he walked by.
"Where is it?"
"Where is what?"
"We've been searching for you, you can't fool us! Where is it!"
Mrs. Dodds transformed into some strange human like bat.
"The weapon! Where is the weapon!"
"What weapon?!" Percy yelped as Mrs. Dodds swiped at him. Out of nowhere, Grover's uncle, Mr. Brunner showed up, wheelchair and all.
"What ho, Percy!"
Percy caught what Mr. Brunner tossed at him, and jumped back as it elongated into a bronze sword. Mrs. Dodds swiped at him again, but Percy swung the sword out of instinct. Mrs. Dodds erupted into a flurry of golden dust. Percy stood panting, searching for Mr. Brunner. There was no one there. He looked down at his hand, and saw nothing but an ordinary pen.
"What in Merlin's name…" Percy wandered out of the shop in a daze.
"Mate, what did Madam Kerr want?"
Percy looked at Fred blankly. "Madam Kerr?"
"Yeah, Madam Kerr." Fred looked at Lee. "You sure he's alright?"
"Percy, Madam Kerr wanted to talk to you about the goblin?"
"Who is Madam Kerr?"
"You can't be serious. The owner of the inn!"
Percy stared at the three of his friends, and then looked back down at the pen he was clutching. Something was seriously wrong.
Two weeks later, Percy snuck off to Hogsmeade by himself. He did his christmas shopping quickly, and stared at the lady behind the counter of the inn. He didn't recognize her. He continued on to Honeydukes. Percy knew what he saw. This all felt like some elaborate prank. He had almost convinced himself of that, when he brought up Mrs. Dodds to Hermione one day, only to be met with a blank stare and questions about his well being. The door jingled as he pushed it open.
"Hey Perce!"
"Hi!" Percy dumped his packages on the counter.
"I'm really surprised you're here, this is the second time this month! You're going to get a detention if they catch you."
Percy shrugged. "I forgot to get presents for everyone last time. We cleared out pretty quickly, what with Mrs. Dodds and everything." Grover's eyes flashed in surprise. Percy noticed, but didn't outwardly react. He pressed his advantage. "You know, it was really strange. She kept saying "we know what you did", like, who's we? Also, she mentioned you too G-man. She was saying something about how you 'disgraced her', whatever that meant." Percy pretended to not notice Grover's quickly paling face. "Fred, George, and Lee say it's nothing, that Dodds is just a batty lady no matter what. Anyway, here's your uncle's pen back, tell Mr. Brunner I said hi!" Percy scooped up his packages, smiled at Grover, and left the shop. Percy's plan had been executed perfectly. Now he knew that Dodds did exist, and he knew that Grover thought he didn't remember her. All Percy had to do now is go to the library. He had heard of bat people somewhere, he just had to remember where.
January 1993, Hogwarts Infirmary
"Over here."
Percy pulled back the curtains around the bed.
"Don't. Laugh."
Percy breathed out slowly. "Uh, I won't. So, erm, how did this happen?"
Hermione's tail flickered. "A mishap with a potion."
"Really? Which potion? Cause I don't really think you can turn into a cat from any of the potions we learned in Snape's class."
Hermione blushed. "It was a potion I was working on outside of class."
"Uh huh. And while you were at it you decided "hey, I'll just test out an idea I had for Halloween"." Percy raised his eyebrow. "If you didn't want to be a stereotypical cat, you'll definitely stand out."
"Shut up!"
Percy gave her a lopsided grin. "You go as a cat, I can dress up like a hat! Or, we can dye you orange and you can go as Garfield! You could just walk around knocking things over! Think of the possibilities!"
"I'm starting to regret letting Madam Pomfrey let you in."
"I'm hurt!"
"And I'm a cat!"
The two stared at each other before promptly bursting out in giggles.
"Oh hey before I forget, my mom sent me a batch of cookies. I already gave a few to Neville, but I couldn't find you until I overheard Harry and Ron talking about you in Charms."
Hermione bolted up. "What were they saying?"
"Ron was just complaining about you not letting them see you. Why don't you?"
"I'm a cat."
"But I'm here?"
"I was bored. I got tired of counting the birds throughout the window." Hermione ate a cookie. "Anyway, I… What? Stop laughing!"
Percy took some deep breaths to calm himself. "Sorry, sorry, it's just, you got crumbs in your whiskers and it looked funny."
Hermione quickly wiped the crumbs away and glared at Percy. It's not funny!"
"It kinda is."
Hermione crossed her arms, muttering under her breath.
"When are you leaving here?"
"Soon. A few weeks? I don't know. Whenever Madam Pomfrey can get rid of everything."
"That's good. How were your holidays?"
"I'm a cat. How do you think they went?"
"Fair enough. You wouldn't believe the weather in New York…"
Percy and Hermione chatted until it was time for dinner, and Percy left. He sat next to Terry and Padma, who included him in their conversation about ducks. Who knew ducks could be so controversial?
March 1993, Hogwarts Library
"Hey Percy?" Hermione was reading a letter with her eyes furrowed.
"Yeah?" Percy didn't look up from his book.
"Why are you named Percy?" Percy looked up at Hermione quizzically.
"I don't know, because I am?"
"No, I mean, why did your parents name you Percy?"
"Uh, why?"
"Just curious. My mum wrote me telling me that my cousin was born- they named her Monica after my mum. I was just thinking, why do we name children after others? There's too many things that could go wrong- like what if that person wronged you later in life and you can't stand the name anymore? Is it for the memories?"
"Oh geez, I don't know. I don't want to think right now. Maybe you'll know when you're older?"
"You didn't answer my question. Why Percy?"
"Um, my mom says she named me Perseus because of the son of Zeus in Greek Mythology. He had the best luck of all the heroes, and she wanted me to have that luck, I think because she never had very good luck."
"So you're her luck charm?"
"Not really…" Percy jumped up, "Greece! That's it! Greek Mythology! Hermione, you're a genius!"
"Er, what?"
"Greek Mythology!" Percy ran across the library, shouting sorry at Madam Pince as she reprimanded him from her desk. Hermione frowned at his retreating figure, and then looked at the stack of books on his side of the table. Humanoids in the Wizarding World. Hermione shrugged, and dragged it over to herself. Well, if he wasn't going to read it….
Percy wrote his mother later that evening. He told her about his day, thanked her for her latest batch of cookies, and casually slipped Mrs. Dodds into the letter. He didn't say much about her, for his mother had requested that Percy tell him about what was happening with the students being petrified. Personally, Percy would have preferred that she didn't know about it, but apparently Mrs. Weasley had written her about it. He finished off his letter, thank ran to the owlery. It was getting late, and he didn't want to be caught out of bed. Percy glared at the owl that pecked him. Owls never seemed to like him. It's why Percy much preferred his cat.
"Need help?"
Percy jumped at the sound, and held his letter out threatenly in the direction of the voice.
"Oh. Hi." Percy cocked his head as he studied the girl. "I've seen you around, but I don't know you. What's your name?"
"Luna Lovegood. I'm a first year."
Percy nodded his head slowly. "Can you help? The owls won't take my letter."
"Where do you want to send it?"
"New York."
Luna called an owl down from one of the sections Percy assumed was for long distances. She helped him tie the letter on the owl, and then owled her own letter.
"Hey, thanks."
"It's no problem."
"I like your socks by the way. I'm going to head back. Are you heading back to the Tower?"
Luna gave him a dreamy smile. "No, I wanted to go to the library."
"Well, it was nice meeting you, Luna!"
"You too" Luna airily waved goodbye. "See you around."
"Yeah, okay." Percy headed back into the castle, stifling a yawn. He was tired. It had been a productive day.
1972, Black Family Country Estate
Salm was curled up in one of the armchairs by a window in the library. She had a book on her lap, but she wasn't reading. Sally could hear the happy exchanges in the social room downstairs. The library was a cozy place with many hidden corners that she liked to explore. She jumped as she heard footsteps approaching the enclave. She turned around, and put her hand on her heart.
"Oh Bella, you scared me."
Bellatrix smiled. "I didn't mean to. Why aren't you at my party?"
Sally frowned. She looked away from Bellatrix. "They scare me."
"Do they?" Bellatrix perched on the arm of the chair Sally was sitting on. "They're just trying to be friendly."
"I know. But they keep asking me if I'm excited to work with 'my big sister'. I don't know if I want to do that Bella."
"Of course you want to." Bella turned her arm. "Look at how beautiful this is. How beautiful the world can be, if only we weed it." Bellatrix grabbed Sally's hands. "All those people down there will be watching, and we can show the world that together, the Black sisters can do anything. I know you won't disappoint me, will you Salm?"
Sally's gaze was glued to the inflamed skin of her sister's left arm. She nodded mutely.
"The family wishes to see you. Come along."
"But Bella.."
"This is a party for my initiation. I want you there."
Sally set her book aside, and trailed after her sister obediently. They stopped outside the doors of the room. "Oh, and Salm? Remember, don't interact with our idiot of our cousin, or else."