I apologize for the late update, I've been crazy busy with the holidays and everything, plus, although I've had this chapter written since I posted the last one, I didn't want to post it until I had the next one written but I'm struggling with that one a bit because this chapter offers a sense of closure to the story- which was only supposed to be a one-shot that spiraled out of control. That's not saying that I won't write the fifth chapter, I just need time to clear my head and figure out exactly where I want to go with it. If I don't figure it out, then I'll mark this fic as complete but for now, I'm not going to say that it is.
And even if this is the final chapter of this particular story, I will definitely be writing more and I plan to write baby fic- lots of a baby fic- because baby fluff is my specialty (seriously, look at my other work it's almost all baby fic for various fandoms). Anyway, enjoy this (possibly final) chapter, and I'm sure I'll keep everyone posted!
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my words.
This time, listen to "Say You Won't Let Go" by James Arthur for some feels.
At first, Logan had no idea what Rory was rambling on about. She was upset, clearly, and he seemed to have something to do with it but even with his own ability to retort, keeping up with a Gilmore girl was difficult on a good day. When Rory was upset, he knew her well enough to know that matching her pace was unlikely. Between "I got on a plane" and "little grey blob", he found no context and nothing that made enough sense to piece her troubles together. Nothing made sense other than the fact that something was wrong, very wrong and all he wanted to do was help her. All that he wanted to do was make it better, whatever it was.
Reflexively, Logan reached for her face in attempt to wipe the tears from her eyes the way he had so many times before; every time she had fought with Lorelai, every night that they had spent curled up on the couch with a sappy movie. The way he had wished that he could have when her grandfather passed away. But Logan pulled back at the very last second, afraid to overstep yet heartbroken at the realization that she had noticed.
Rory closed her eyes at that, wiping a tear away with the sleeve of her shirt as she reached into the back pocket of her jeans with her left hand and pulled out what looked like a small scrap of paper. The anticipation of his reaction radiated off of her as she handed it over and he was suddenly nervous.
Fumbling with the paper, Logan awkwardly found the right place to open it and began to unfold.
It wasn't a note like he had first expected and there weren't any life changing words or drawn out explanations on the page. It was a picture. A photograph, and in the grainy shades of black and white, Logan finally made out the words that Rory couldn't say; what she had meant when she started rambling about a "little grey blob". There in the picture was a blob…but it wasn't just a "blob". It was a baby. His baby- their baby, presumably.
Logan took a deep breath, a thousand different emotions washing over him and a new reality nearly knocking him off of his feet, but oddly enough, he didn't feel like he was sinking. Any time that the thought of impending fatherhood with Odette or any of the other women that his parents had considered marrying him off to had every crossed his mind, a sinking feeling had settled in his chest. He thought that it would be the end of the world- falling into the same dynastic situation that his own father had. Maybe it was the sonogram of his baby that he held or Rory's presence that steadied him, but there was no quicksand this time. Even with the thousands of questions running rampant through his mind, he felt grounded.
"Logan, I'm pregnant," Rory's voice shook as she said the words and he felt as though the wind had just been knocked out of him; not by the confirmation, but by the way her words broke and the terror and uncertainty in her tone. Suddenly, Logan felt like the worst guy in the world and although he couldn't have known all those weeks ago when they had said goodbye, he kicked himself for being the guy that walked away from the woman he loved and their kid.
Whether it was the brokenness in her voice or instinct telling him that she needed him, Logan stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her, just holding her. For a moment, the hug was awkward. He barely touched her, not wanting to intrude or overwhelm her, until she leaned into him, burying her face in the crook of his neck. At that, Logan's arms tightened around Rory and he kissed the top of her head, a silent reassurance that everything would be okay. They stood like that, together, for a moment before he finally spoke.
"New Hampshire."
"New Hampshire," she confirmed although the words were muffled by his shoulder, "Eight weeks ago."
Logan pulled away just slightly, only to look at Rory's face, "How, um, how long have you…uh, how long have you known?"
"Two weeks? Yeah, two weeks yesterday."
He nodded as if to say "okay".
Rory sighed, "I didn't mean to shut you out, you know. I wanted to call the minute I found out but-"
"I know," he whispered honestly. Of course he knew. Things with them had been complicated; more than complicated. At the time that she found out about the pregnancy, he had had a fiancé and although every obligation to the Huntzberger empire would have been dropped for her, maybe she didn't know that. Maybe she hadn't wanted to ask.
Not to mention, Rory had always been a pro/con list kind of girl; making her choices based on how she felt and what was right and what would hurt her in the end. Showing up in London and telling him must have been a pro in the long run.
"I just had a lot to figure out. Whether or not to involve you, which is stupid. I can't believe that I ever considered not telling you and then I had to decide if I even wanted it and it's been a mess but today I saw it and I don't know. I just felt connected to it."
"So, you're keeping it?" he asked as he pulled back to look at her, swiping a strand of hair out of her face.
"I think so, but Logan, please, hear me out. I don't need anything from you, okay? If you don't want this, then that's fine. I just needed you to know. Please don't feel obligated, okay?" she pleaded. If he hadn't understood where all of her insecurities were coming from, he probably would have been upset about her doubting him. They both had terrible excuses for fathers, so the idea that any guy might stick around in a situation like theirs had to be hard to grasp.
"Rory," Logan said directly, stepping back just a bit more to really, truly look at her, "I don't kn-"
"That's fine," she replied and started to move out of his arms.
"Hey, hey. hey," he chuckled, stilling her, "Listen for a second? Please? There aren't a lot of things that I'm sure about in my life right now, you know? But I want this."
"You do?"
"I do, Ace. I do."
Without warning or another thought, Rory grabbed onto Logan's jacket and pulled him into a long, deep kiss. The kiss was unexpected but comfortable and he couldn't help but reciprocate, cupping her face as he found the same safety and warmth that they had always had. It reminded him of their first kiss the night of Richard and Emily Gilmore's vow renewal; gentle and careful, and after all of the years that had gone by since that night, Rory felt like home.
She pulled away unexpectedly with wide, sad eyes. The pain in her face was obvious and she bit her lip, looking down as she released her hold on his jacket. "I'm sorry," she whispered, "I should go."
"We can't do this. We can't be us again, not like this," she gestured to the newly created space between them, "We're having a baby and you can be as involved as you want. We'll figure that out later, but you're married to someone else and I can't do this again. I can't do Vegas and I won't be the other woman."
"What?" he repeated, completely lost in confusion.
"You're married, Logan. To Odette," he followed her eyes back to his rain and snow drenched tuxedo.
"No. No, I'm not."
This time, it was Rory's turn to ask, "What?"
Logan took her hand and led her over to the couch. She took a seat on the very edge, ready to leave if need be while he sat down on the coffee table in front of her, "I called it off."
She looked shocked "You what? You called it off? When? What about the tux?"
"Well," he laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head, "I'm an idiot. I waited until the very last second to realize that I'm an idiot for even agreeing to the married in the first place, but I'm even more of an idiot for letting you go again."
"Logan, what does that mean?"
"I walked out of my wedding today."
"Why? Why would you do that, Logan? And I know that that's a stupid question because you didn't love her and that all of it was business, but why?"
"Yeah, it was business. And it wasn't what I wanted, but that's not why I called it off."
"Then why?"
"Logan, no."
"Yes. Listen to me. I was an idiot, I was selfish…and I should have dropped everything else the minute I saw you across that bar in Hamburg. I learned a long time ago that there is no 'Vegas' when it comes to Rory Gilmore."
"That agreement isn't on you. Vegas was my idea."
"Only because of the 'dynastic plan'. If I had ended it then that wouldn't have been our arrangement and I should have ended things with Odette instead of waiting for you to say the words and give me a reason not to go through with it."
"I wanted to, Logan, I did but I couldn't. I didn't want to be responsible for screwing your life up again when you had so much going for you and that's why I considered not telling you about the baby," Rory rambled.
"I know and I get it. I do. I shouldn't have put that on you. I guess, that maybe I was worried that I was reading too much into everything and that maybe it wasn't what you wanted."
"You know that that's not true, Logan. You know that, right?"
Logan nodded, "I do. And that's why I couldn't marry her, Rory. She's not you and the thought of spending the rest of my life without you in it makes me sick to my stomach. So I left. I walked out of the church and turned my phone off and I came back here to get a flight, but the next one to Connecticut wasn't until late tonight so I just paced around this place for hours and I tried to think of what I was going to say to you but right now, the only thing that I can think to tell you is that I love you and that I think I fell in love with you the second that our feet touched the ground-"
Rory leaned forward and kissed him again, this time faster and greedier like the world was ending. Logan's fingers tangled in her hair and Rory's tickled the back of his neck, holding on for balance.
"I love you," she mumbled, pulling back just enough so that their foreheads were resting against each other, "I love you so much."
"Then we'll figure the rest out, okay? I promise."
You can find me on Twitter (samjasons) or Tumblr (huntzbergergilmore)