


Alyss talking from the Abyss

Disclaimer: I don't own Pandora Hearts!

Chapter 4

"Oz~!" Jack called out cheerfully as he waited in front of the Forest. Oz had asked to do something before coming here and Jack of course allowed it. Who couldn´t allow him something like that if he had his puppy-eyes look? …that was a bit…flattering of himself there and it was kind of creepy, because Oz just took on his appearance, but oh well, what nobody knew, couldn´t hurt him.

It has been one month since he met Oswald and they all got along. In fact, even though Jack hadn´t seen Alice once, he was sure she was a charming little demon girl, if Oz´s rambling about her was true. He had been introduced to every Baskerville there was.

Jack gulped as he remembered his first meeting with Lottie, as he liked to call her now. It had been eventful.

"Oswald are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked with a nervous smile. Great, now he wanted me to meet his family. Okay, I had to admit the others were nice, really nice, but still. He don´t think this is going to work out.

Oswald just turned around with a small smile playing on his lips. I kind of found myself liking it more, and more everyday by now.

"Of course, Jack. The others have already taken a liking to you. You are after all very loveable." Oswald whispered quietly as he quickened his steps. I felt myself color, but lowered my head to hide it.

Why could this person awake such feelings inside me? I…never felt anything like that before. But still…I-I don´t think I hate it…all that much.

"You think so? You flatter me Oswald!" I teased him with a real smile. He don´t know when they started to appear, but I was kind of glad that met him. I watched him sigh fondly and couldn´t help but chuckle.

You could say after the few weeks we spent together, we were already best Friends.

A pink haired woman was walking towards us. She stopped once she saw me and Oswald. She greeted us with a bow and blushed a bit when she looked at us.

So, she liked what she saw by both of us? How naughty~

"Charlotte, I would like you to meet my Soulmate, Jack Vessalius." Oswald introduced us to one another. I smiled my kindest smile and bowed to her, while laying a kiss on her hand.

"Oswald never told me there were such pretty ladies like yourself here. Please allow me to introduced myself. I am Jack, my fair lady." I spoke to her, making sure to look as friendly as possible. She blushed and pulled her hand out of my grip like she had been burned.

I felt something hard pull on my scalp. Huh? Oz wasn´t here so who would pull my braid-?

I winced and heard Oswald speak a warning to the woman known as Charlotte to me. She seemed kind of angry as she glared at me.

"How could you call Master Glen an Idiot?! Unacceptable!" She hissed at me with fury. I stumbled back a bit. Boy, did she have strength. My scalp still burned from her tug.

"Charlotte, stop it right now. There is no need for such hostility." Oswald spoke up, his voice soft, but I felt his demonic presence make an appearance again. The air got colder and I saw his eyes narrow.

The woman flinched and stepped back. She seemed ashamed, but was still angry. She apologized to me and Oswald with a bow.

Now, I kind of felt bad for her. After all she just defended her Master´s brain? Or honor.

I started chuckling and felt the atmosphere warm up. That was a good sign, Oswald was no longer annoyed or angry. The woman looked at me and Oswald in shock.

"You never told me she had such a temper! I like it!" I laughed as I poked Oswald on his cheek. He sighed and let me do as I pleased.

The woman stared at me, like I had three heads instead of one. I turned back to her, relieved that Oswald had calmed down. I grinned at her.

"You have such a pretty name! Could I shorten it? I think Lottie sounds more affectionate, doesn´t it?" I rambled like an excited child, watching how she once again blushed, but this time out of embarrassment not anger.

She looked away with a huff. "Call me whatever you want, as long as Master Glen is happy I couldn´t be more careless about it! Hurt him and I hurt you, got it?" She threatened with a glare that could have set the forest on fire.

Sheesh! What´s with Baskervill´s and their scariness? That´s unfair!

I nodded with a smile and she seemed to relax more. I felt Oswald grab my hand and looked up. He gazed down at me. "I am tried, let´s go to the forest." He stated softly. He told me on our second week that every time I was with him he talked four times more than he normally did!

At first, I didn´t believe him at all, but his honest gaze, assured me that he was telling the truth, so I decided to try to get him to open up as much as possible!

"Okay~! See you Lottie!" I cheerfully waved goodbye, as I let myself be pulled along by Oswald. She huffed and turned away not saying anything at all, but I got her point.

I was okay in her opinion, the only rule I had to follow was to not hurt Oswald and that was something I planned to avoid as long as I could.

Jack continued to hum to himself. Oz was taking suspicious long. Maybe he had wanted to surprise his dear little demon princess? How cute~! The thought alone brought a smile to Jack´s lips.

"I am here Jack! We can go now!" Oz yelled excited as he skipped over. Jack nodded and the two began to walk through the forest. But when they were at the usual spot where Oswald would wait for them, there was no one to be seen.

Jack frowned in confusion and worry. Oswald was never late. Never. Something had to be wrong. He felt a tug on his shirt sleeve. Oz looked up at him with narrowed and concerned eyes.

"I can´t feel Alice nearby. We should check it out now." Oz suggested with a dangerous tone. There, that was the power a chain had when angered. Jack, who was still frowning nodded and they moved.

Soon they came to the Baskerville mansion.

They were walking down a hallway when they heard screaming at the end of the doors.

"Take that back you bitch! Nether me nor my sister are devil-spawns!"

The roar made Oz and Jack rush over. It sounded like Alice, Oz would know, he had to check it out.

They quietly opened the door and stood there unnoticed.

Inside the room, where the Baskervilles and a short red haired woman. Alice had her fists balled at her sides and was showing of her teeth. Sharp Violet eyes wide open in furry.

The woman only snorted and sneered at her.

"Watch it you little Monster, your uncle can´t protect you all the time." She mocked and watched in pleasure as the hair color changed from brown to pure white.

The temperature cooled down to below zero. Killing intent floated the room. The red haired woman stepped back. She felt a chill run up her spine at the anger in the Violet eyes.

The other Baskervilles like Fang and Lottie seemed to stop breathing. Even Oswald who had been glaring at the woman was now only paying attention to the white haired form of Alice.

Oz watched in awe. No, this wasn´t his Alice anymore, it was her twin sister it seemed. And she was furious if the cracks that formed on the ground were anything to go by.

Jack´s heart stopped as he gazed at the white haired girl. Could it be? N-No, it couldn´t. There was no way. But it made sense the name, the similarity to her. Oh, god, he forgot about her! How could he?!

The red haired woman, who Jack now identified as Miranda Barma, a person who could influence a large part of sociality, not near as large as the Baskervilles, but she could cause a lot of trouble, broke out in cold sweat. That pressure in the air was crushing her! How could such a young demon girl almost have twice as much power as herself?! She was an old powerful demon!

"What did you call us? ANSWERME!" The white haired Alice roared in anger, sending Miranda flying across the room into the wall. He dress was floating a bit in the air, just like her hair. Every demon tensed up in the room at the power she seemed to emit.

She slowly walked forward, light steps across the room to the woman who laid on the ground, gulping.

"W-We can´t change who we are! We didn´t want so much power! How dare you insult us without knowing anything?! I WILL KILL YOU!" At first her voice trembled, sad, frightened and frustrated, but it ended with a furious cry as something invisible was chocking the Redhead on the ground who was gasping for air.

The White haired Alice grinned in sadistic pleasure, watching her pathetic attempt at getting air into her lungs.

She tensed up when she felt her uncle get ready to stop her from going on rampage, but this time she didn´t want to stop. This woman went too far. She felt like what little sanity she held up till now broke. Just as she was ready to end that bitch´s life she heard something she thought she wouldn´t hear in person.


Everything stopped at once. Every head snapped into the direction of the voice who called her name and managed to shock her. To stop her with just uttering words. She never stopped useless forced.

Alyss eyes were wide open, no longer angry or using her power. She swore her heart skipped a beat in happiness at hearing the voice so close.

She slowly turned around, not minding the pathetic form on the ground that could finally breath again. All that matter was that voice. All her life she had been lonely, only with her sister as company, but then. When she was alone and desperate, she heard him. A unfamiliar voice calling out to her. Asking her if she was alright.

It hadn´t mattered that her head hurt or her heart, because he was there to fix it. To make sure to keep her company, no matter how tiring it was for him. He spent time talking to her, just because he heard her desperate call. That was the reason she said anything he wanted she would grant him as long as she could talk to him. It had been a few months since she had a conversation with him.

She wanted to let him rest. To get better and maybe they could have a longer conversation or he could come visit her in the Abyss near the future.

She had wanted to laugh. A insane giggle almost escaped her back then. A half-demon was her new reason to live for! But that didn´t have any meaning at all for her.

He was the most important person to her, because he listened. She would protect him with everything she´s got!

Her expression of shock turned to one of absolute joy. Her grin so wide and happy it could have split her face. She wasted no time in running towards him, arms stretched wide open.

She tackled him into a hug, it felt so good for her to hug him. He was warm, bright, kind, safe, soft and all the other things she hoped he would be! She didn´t notice the wide eyed looks of everybody as she jumped into his arms like a child finally finding her mother.

She clung to him like he was her lifeline. Deciding nothing could separate them. Her aura so bright and light and full of happiness that all the people in the room did a double take.

She smiled up at his shocked face and uttered his name like it was her favorite word. She finally had him here with her!

"JACK!" She yelled with watery eyes. He stumbled back a bit but caught her. Hugging her back.

"JACK! JACK! JACK!" She repeated with a happy giggle, enjoying how his name sounded on her lips.

There was silence in the room.