This is the first chapter but I would more call it prologue!

I have been working with this story for a year and I was so glad to finally get it ready I really hope everyone will enjoy it too!

By the way, this whole story may contain hints to Gerita whenever they are in text.

Looking at his badge in his hand Antonio sighed and gave it to his boss. He had been kicked out of the police unit. He was no longer a police nor detective. He turned his back to the man who was now throwing him out after so many years of loyal work. The dry voice of his boss stopped him. "Please leave the uniform with the staff. And all equipment too." Antonio felt like turning around and punching the higher rated man but he couldn't. This was all his fault anyway. He failed on the job. He was so close to catching the most known and most dangerous mafia in Italy but he hadn't succeeded. And now it had cost him his job. Now he just needed to find one. Not that he really had anything else to do than keeping himself alive.


The Italian man with olive skin was sitting in the corner of a bar smoking his cigarette. He looked around the room. He spotted few pretty girls and moved his hand to guide them to himself. And they of course did so, he was quite good-looking after all. As he was having the girls to buy him few drinks one of his cugine's* came to see him. "We found what you are looking for, boss!" the cugine said with the most respecting voice he could. A grin appeared on the man's lips and he said goodbye to the women.

The Italian walked and soon his brother came running to him. "Lovi-" the younger Italian silenced from the glare the older gave him and looked away. "Boss. I think we found the perfect man for you." He said and smiled a bit. Without even giving his brother another glance the older male walked past taking his jacket from his hand. "Good job Feliciano. You really earn you title as a capo*" The older Italian said before disappearing to the back room of the bar.


Antonio sat in a room he didn't know. He had been brought here with a piece of some kind of fabric covering his eyes. But even if he couldn't use his eyes he wasn't helpless. When he was brought here he had heard muffled talking, and the smell of tobacco and alcohol was strong. He was very sure that he was in some bar or at least in a building that had a bar. And as he remembered the map of Rome perfectly, he knew every bar and their locations. And taking to consideration the fact that the lights weren't that bright, since it could be seen through the fabric if there were bright lights, there was only six possible bars. And then considering how long they had walked it left only two bars. Soon someone took his blindfold off and let someone in before leaving themselves.

A man with olive skin and brown hair stepped in. This person had a weird curl sticking out of his hair but in other ways he looked quite intimidating. Antonio wasn't tied up so he could easily protect himself if the other man decided to take out a gun and try shooting him. With slow movements the other man crept closer to the Spaniard who had already gotten ready to hit this suspicious person. The brown haired man moved his hands, which had gloves on, to Antonio's darker brown hair and stroked it, making it all messy.

"So this is the man who is supposed to work as my bodyguard, huh. Aren't you a bit too eye catching with these looks of yours. A Spaniard." The man with the weird curl said then taking a step back away from the Spaniard. Antonio burried his green gaze into those hazel eyes to find answers but he found none. Like instead of the mirror of soul his eyes were the locks to hide everything of him or anything that had something to do with him. "You are the one who sent those men to get me hired?" The question slipped out on purpose.

A cold chuckle came from the other man. "I need to admit, your attitude would fit this work. Are you a former police?" The man said without breaking the eye contact the tanned man had made. He answered with a slight nod keeping his body ready for any kind of attack. The other man let out a quiet 'ah' and then a evil grin crept on his lips. "I see. And why exactly is it with the term former?"

The question earned a growl from Antonio. "You aren't going to tell, are you? What a shame." The olive skinned man tilted his head and gave a pitiful expression. Antonio almost felt like jumping up from the chair to punch this person but he didn't. "I like that look in your eyes. I want to hire you." The man added and shook his head as in he was disappointed in himself for so poor pick.

That moment Antonio stood up and he looked at the other man with an expression that told nothing of what he was going to do next but this didn't throw the hazel-eyed man off. He kept his cool and looked at Antonio tilting his head a bit. Not that he really seemed curious on what he was doing or going to do. Antonio walked closer to the man and hit his hand on the table the man was leaning against.

"Your name. My pay. And what do you exactly do for work." The Spaniard didn't ask, he commanded for answers. "My name would be Lovino, and you have the right call me that unlike others. Your pay is here." The man showed him a piece of paper, the pay was more than what he got as a police. This man really had to be someone important but why hadn't Antonio heard of him then. "And about what I do. I'm a boss." The answer confused Antonio but soon he would find out the horrible truth, but it would be too late.

The other man took out a piece of paper and offered it to the Spaniard with a pen. Antonio took them and signed the paper giving it back to the man who looked at the paper to see his name. "Well then Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, welcome to the Vargas Famiglia." Antonio's eyes widened. He had signed himself into a mafia he had been chasing for so long. He was now part of the organization that had caused him to lose his job.


Antonio looked around himself. He was in the middle of the worst kind of criminals and he was working for them, well to their boss to be exact. He shook his head furiously wishing it was just a bad dream and he would wake up soon enough. He had some free time as the boss was away for some kind of work of his. He had said he would have taken Antonio with him but he needed to get used to the people from the Family since he was a former police. He was just sitting in his own corner. He had soon after signing noticed that he had no cellphone to even call the police, not like they would even reply to his call if he tried. And even if they did, how would he explain them that he had signed up to be the bodyguard of the don of the most biggest Italian mafia.

"You really look so down. Need a cheer up?" A voice asked and at first Antonio thought it was for someone else but then someone tapped his shoulder. "Bonjour! You are the bodyguard?" A man with blond hair tied back asked. He had an obvious French accent and he had just used French so it was easy to figure out where he was from. Antonio just nodded even though he wanted to deny it so badly.

"That is quite weird. I heard you are a former cop. Why would don hire some cop when he could just have me in that job." Another voice came from the right side of Antonio. This voice had a strong German accent and that was a thing that couldn't go without noticing. Antonio turned to look and saw an albino man with bright red eyes looking straight at him.

Antonio was too confused of why they were talking to him to even mind their existence. "I wish he wouldn't have hired me. I'm protecting a man who does stuff against the law." He frowned which made the albino burst out laughing. The blond man gave him an annoyed look but the turned back to Antonio. "I'm Francis and that laughing idiot is Gilbert, but you can just call him Gil like I do." The blond man said and the albino, apparently Gilbert was his name, stopped laughing.

"Ja. Nice to meet ya!" Gilbert said then looked at Francis with a slight glare. Seemed like he would have prefered to introduce himself on his own. Somewhat this made Antonio chuckle. "My name is Antonio." He then said and looked at the two who smiled. "I'll call you Toni then!" Gilbert answered nodding proudly at the nickname. "I'll call you that too then." Francis said and sighed at Gilbert's cocky acting.

Without even noticing it Antonio started chatting with those two like they had known each other for years, even though they had never even met before. And soon enough a lot of time had passed and it was the time the don returned.

Everyone looked at the door as a the younger brother of the don ran through the door. He smiled and waved at Antonio and stopped in front of this blond, buff looking guy. Then came the don himself. Lovino glanced at the people Antonio was sitting with and they immediately straightened up and greeted the Italian the way they should when in front of someone who was higher rated. Then the Italian turned at the Spaniard and he tilted his head up only a bit. Antonio immediately stood up. Lovino started walking and Antonio followed him like a loyal dog. He quickly turned back and waved at the two men but Lovino noticed this.

"Excuse me. I think we went through that upper nod is and order to follow me and only do so. My order is absolute." Lovino turned around to look at Antonio who had now turned back to look at him. He didn't give an answer and the atmosphere in the room stiffened. The only one who remained calm was Antonio. "Si, we went through the rules Lovino. But I didn't want to be rude towards my new friends." Antonio answered and flashed a bright smile. Lovino turned away from him, back to the way he was going a while ago. "Fine." He muttered his answer and started walking once again.

At the side where Feliciano was he tilted his head a bit. He wasn't sure about it but something was different on his brother's face, it had turned a bit red. Did Lovino have a fever?