A/N: Sorry it's taken me so long to get this next story done, but you all know how 2016 has been. As usual this story take the canon plot of season 5 and takes a detour, where Steve and Danny are together. It does contain canon dialogue, which I obviously do not own. That honour belongs to the writer; Peter M. Lenkov. Everything outside the main canon plot is mine. There will be grammar and spelling mistakes, so be warned. M/M slash.

Chapter 1

Steve wasn't sure what woke him first, the sunlight streaming in from the window or the overly warm body next to him. Either way it didn't matter, sleep was fast becoming a distant memory. He moaned softly and stretched beneath the covers before rolling over to snag his cell, cracking open an eye to see it was barely 6am. Usually he would have already been out in the ocean, allowing the water to wash away the night and energize him for the day ahead, but that was before his life had change.

Setting the cell back on the nightstand, Steve sighed contentedly, lifting his now free hand to drag through his hair and behind his head. The room carried the combined scent of him and his partner, as well as the stale odour of sex from the previous night, it caused the corners of his mouth to curve up into a satisfied smile.

"Stop grinning like a goof." Danny grumbled beside him.

Steve's smile didn't as much as waver, in fact it grew bigger and brighter at the other man's disgruntle rumblings. He let his eyes flutter closed peacefully as he replied. "Nope." He didn't need to see Danny rolling his eyes, he could practically feel the bed moving with the motion.

"Shouldn't you be out splashing around in the water like an excited golden retriever?" Danny grunted. "Running a marathon maybe? – Letting me sleep, definitely."

Steve scoffed. "Usually." He murmured. "What time does Gracie's flight get in?"

Danny sighed and the bed shifted as he rolled over onto his back, head turning against the pillow to face Steve's profile. "11am." He replied, voice rough from sleep but filled with happiness and excitement. "What time you got that meeting with the Governor?"

Steve finally opened his eyes and turned to meet those of his work partner turned lover. "9am." He smiled sadly. "Hopefully it won't take that long and I can come with you to pick up Grace."

Danny's smile faltered slightly, even as he nodded his agreement to the plan. "Yeah."

Initially Danny hadn't wanted Steve to go with him to the airport, he'd blabbered on the previous night about not wanting to force Grace into a new relationship, and it had been a regular bone of contention between them since they'd gotten together. Danny steadfastly needing to keep Grace, and Steve suspected himself, from getting hurt. – Despite the fact that Gracie was a smart cookie like her dad and she'd probably figured out what was going on between him and her Danno the morning she'd found Steve naked in her kitchen.

But Danny wasn't ready, Grace was just his excuse, his shield and while it frustrated Steve to no end, he understood it. Hell, he was hardly one to pass judgement, he'd used Catherine for practically the same reasons. So he'd play along, but he wasn't going to just stop being a part of Grace's life until Danny deemed her…or himself, ready. He'd been Grace's uncle Steve for the past four years now, that wasn't going to change and he'd told Danny so in no uncertain terms.

Of course Danny had pushed back, tried to argue. He always argued, about everything, but ultimately, like always, Steve got his way.

"Well that's a good few hours away." Steve whispered seductively, rolling closer to Danny, his hand roaming over the carpet of fluff on the man's toned chest before slipping beneath the thin sheet in search of his… "Good morning."

Danny rolled his eyes again, or at least attempted to, only for them to get stuck in his head as Steve gave his dick a confident firm stroke, causing his partner to moan.

"And if I'm not going out to swim, I need another way to work on my cardio."

"Please, just shut up." Danny snapped breathlessly, reaching up to pull Steve into a closed mouth kiss. Steve humming and quickly shifting to straddle his partner's thighs, switching his left hand for his right so he could reach for the nightstand and what was left of the lube.

Danny's fingers carded through Steve's hair, nails scraping against his scalp then down his neck and back, leaving what Steve was sure would be a trail of red. He made a mental note, not to strip today, not because he didn't want the team to see…well, actually that was exactly the reason, however it wasn't because they were keeping this a secret, even if they hadn't actually announced they were together. Both Steve and Danny knew their friends knew. Too many snarky comments and side long knowing looks, there was no way they didn't know. They'd all seen each other through enough love and heartbreak over the years that it really wasn't necessary to actually voice the situation, and Steve thought that Danny was thankful for that, and by extension so was he.

Outside of the four of them – He wasn't sure if Lou knew or not. - No one knew. Partly because Danny wasn't ready to be out and proud, his fear and insecurities still had an iron grip on him, but a large part, if Steve were honest, was down to himself. He wasn't ready for the world to know either. He'd spent so many years of his life hiding who he was for fear of losing everything that it was a hard habit to break.

Steve was jolted out of his thoughts by the now familiar feeling of Danny's finger pressing into him, dry and gentle but insistent. Thankfully he was still lose from the night before so it wasn't too uncomfortable. Though that didn't mean he wouldn't appreciate some lube. "Dammit, Danno." He growled, pushing back against the finger.

"Well if you hand that over we can move this along, and you might still have time for a swim."

Steve chuckled as he pressed the bottle into Danny's palm and leant forward to capture his partner's lips in a lingering closed mouth kiss, moaning at the sound of the cap being snapped.

Steve wasn't sure how he was going to handle Danny not being here, once Grace was home. Since she'd flown off with her mother for the now annual week in Vegas with Stan, Danny had been his practically every night. Strangely Steve didn't mind acting as a distraction for his friend. – Though hadn't he always tasked himself with that mission? It's just that now they used up the hours getting lost in one another rather than in a bar or watching the waves. Not that they hadn't done either of those things over the past week. It wasn't just sex, they went out, and they had dinner, drinks. They hit the waves. – They dated. It wasn't as if dating was any different to hanging out, except that at the end of the night, instead of Danny dropping Steve off and heading back to his place, he'd stay.

Steve had most definitely gotten used to being a distraction.

"I'm sorry, am I boring you?" Danny's snappish voice dragged Steve out of his head again.

He looked down at Danny with a slow warm smile. "Sorry, I was just thinking how much I was going to miss this."

"It's not like I'm leaving the damn island, Steven. We're still going to have sex."

Steve's heart clenched. "Yeah." He didn't sound convinced, probably because of Danny's need to keep things platonic in front of Grace.

"What's with the face?"

Steve shook his head. "Nothing." He forced a smile, rocking back on the slick fingers he'd forgotten were inside him and let out a desperate hungry moan, his own fingers tightening on Danny's shoulders.

Danny grinned back at him, though it didn't completely reach his eyes. "Let's make it count, huh." He murmured, clearly understanding just what was going on in Steve's head.

Steve relaxed knowing and groaned weakly when Danny's fingers brushed against his prostate then moaning again as they were slowly removed. He fumbled with the condom as he quickly rolled it onto his partner's leaking flushed length. Danny moaned with every inch of latex and Steve couldn't help but grin brightly, his own cock growling firmer by the second.

Before he was finished, Danny reached up to hook his hand behind Steve's neck, yanking him down to link their mouths together, this time his tongue pushing past Steve's lips, morning breath be damned. Blindly Steve got Danny all wrapped up, only breaking their headed kiss to position himself and slowly sink down. Danny's cock filling him up.

"Fuaaaack, Steve." Danny groaned as he bottomed out, his ass settling against Danny's hips comfortably and like they belonged. Danny's nails biting into the taunt flesh of Steve's thighs. Steve's hand rolled back as he let out a long breath his own fingers playing over Danny's ribs. He took a few minutes to adjust, even though he didn't really need to, they'd done this enough lately for his body to be practically moulded to the shape of Danny.

"For fuck's sake, Steven." Danny hissed, pushing up into him.

Grinning wickedly down at his friend and partner, Steve slowly raised himself up on his knees, holding himself over him for an agonising moment, the head of Danny's cock barely breaching, before dropping down, grunting at the pressure.

He could feel Danny's nails breaking his flesh, likely drawing blood but it didn't stop or even slow him down as he began to ride the other man, quicker and harder, the full knowledge that it would mostly likely be a while before they were able to share a morning together.

The pace was punishing and Steve was grateful he had the house to himself as noises of pleasure filled the room, between the bedframe connected over and again with the wall and Danny yelled out louder curses, his jersey accent as thick as Steve had ever heard it.

Leaning forward Steve locked their mouths together in a filthy deep kiss, moaning curses into Danny's mouth as the angle altered and his body lit up like the 4th of July. He was forced to break the kiss as he reached for the headboard, not caring for the way his knuckles took a battering, and quickened the pace even further, chasing his climax. He hissed Danny's name as the man's fingers wrapped around his leaking cock, stroking in rough motions, while whispering words of encouragement as he always did.

Steve's climax hit him with the power of a line-backer, crashing into him and knocking him off center for a few moments, his cum painting Danny's abs in a blanket of white. He realised the headboard, looking down at Danny with a goofy smile and heavy lidded eyes, his pace slowly but not fully stopping. He moaned happily when Dany reached up to him, pulling him into another kiss, throwing them off to the side in the same instant.

On his back, Steve lost himself in Danny's sloppy kisses as the man's hips began to snap in earnest, driving in deeper, his fingers curling around Steve's ass while Steve clung to the man's neck.

It wasn't long before Danny's whole body went ridged, a column of sweat and heat, and he followed Steve into the world of bliss and pleasure, moaning Steve's name. Steve closed his eyes and savoured the feel of Danny pulsing inside him, exhaling when collapsed in a pile of damp limbs on top of him. Steve's head rolled back against the pillow, sighing when Danny reluctantly pulled away and rolled into the space beside him.

"We have got to start keeping a damn towel next to the bed." Danny grumbled after a few content silent minutes.


"Guess I should go shower."

"Hmm." Steve repeated, his body relaxing.

"Yeah." Danny yawned.

The bed however didn't shift, the covers weren't thrown off and the last thing Steve felt before the sleep finally dragged him down once more, was the warmth of Danny's hand pressing into the cooling seat of his thigh.

_Let's Start From A Happy Ending: Stick To Your Guns_

"So I'll get done with the Governor and meet you at the office." Steve said, dragging the towel over his freshly shaved jaw.

"Fine." Danny replied, calling over the sound of running water behind him.

Steve let his gaze drift to where Danny was moving behind the shower curtain, the silhouette a seductive temptation that took all of his power to ignore. Clearing his throat he twisted to check his back, having already examined the half-moons on his thighs, and smirked at the proof of their morning adventures. As expected there were two columns of red lines, three each side trailing down from his shoulder blades to vanish beneath the waistband of his cargo pants. "You need to cut your nail." He said, reaching for his shirt.


"My back looks like I got into a fight with a wild cat." He chuckled, moving over to side of the tub and tugging on the curtain, drawing it aside only enough to poke his head through and grinned at the sight of Danny's pert ass glistening with water. "Which of course I did."

When Danny twisted his head to roll his eyes at Steve's ridiculousness and slashed him with the shower water. "You should be going, don't ya think?"

Steve laughed against as he let the curtain fall back in place only to pull it back again.

"Forgetting something?" Danny huffed. "You're letting the cold air in, Steven."

"Yeah." Steve nodded, reaching in to snag Danny's wrist and pull him down for a kiss. "I'll see you in a later, okay."

Now it was Danny grinning like a goof.

"Love you." Steve called as he headed for the door.

"Love you too, babe."

_Let's Start From A Happy Ending: Stick To Your Guns_

"The Governor will see you now commander."

Steve looked up from the magazine he was reading and nodded, tossing it aside as he got to his feet. "Thanks." He murmured wandering past the young brunette. He knocked softly on the Governors door and waited for the man's deep baritone to echo through the wood before pushing it open and stepping inside.

Denning got up from his desk and met Steve half way with a hand shake, his eyes flickering to Steve's knuckles. "What happened?"

Steve cleared his throat, embarrassed. "Rough night." He replied tightly, praying the man would assume it was an occupational hazard.

"Well thanks for coming, Steve." He waved at the chair.

Steve nodded, smiling as he took a seat. He had no idea what this meeting was about and considering every time he'd been called in unexpectedly, it meant trouble, in one form or another. "What can I do for you, sir?"

Denning made himself comfortable, clearing his throat and leaning back in his chair. "I just wanted to talk. – How is Grover settling in with five-0?"

Steve frowned but answered. "Fine. As I expected, he's a great addition to the team."

"Good. Good." Denning nodded thoughtfully. "And there's no problems? Nothing I need to know?"

Steve's instincts went on alert at the man's tone. "Like?"

The Governor cleared his throat again. "Look Steve…" he sighed. "Your private life is your own…until it begins to affect you work."

"Meaning?" Steve frowned. Everything with Five-0 had been fine, better than fine. Even with Catherine leaving.

There was a long pause before the man spoke again. "I've been informed that the relationship between yourself and Detective Williams isn't strictly professional."

A cold chill rolled down Steve's spin and the bottom fell out of his stomach. "Who told you?" he demanded harshly.

"It doesn't matter who told me. Is it true?"

Steve passed, torn over what to say. Danny didn't want anyone to know and yet it seemed people did. – Or at least suspected. He could deny it, easily. He'd learnt to deny his sexuality but for the first time didn't want to. "Would it matter?"

Denning sighed regretfully. "I…maybe. You know there are rules."

Steve frowned. "DADT was rescinded." He pointed out.

"I meant in the police force."

"We're not the police, we're a task force with full means and immunity."

The Governor shook his head. "And you're an efficient unit, but I… - Steve I don't want another…I turned a blind eye to your personal relationship with Catherine Rollins and that bit me in the ass when she took off without so much as a word."

"That had nothing to do with our relationship. She left to go help locate a missing child."

Denning looked at him, eyes burning in to him, reading him. "Nothing?" he pressed unconvinced.

"Nothing. – No matter what our personal issues, Catherine and I are professionals." He lied. He knew that her leaving had at least part to do with what happened with Danny. "As are Danny and I."

"I know but…" he shook his head. "Steve you were in the Navy, you know there are rules surrounding relationships with those under your command."

Steve swallowed hard.

"There are reason…"

"Governor Danny and I can keep our relationship out of…"

Denning raised a brow. "Like you've been doing for the past few years?" he scoffed.


The man waved his hand. "I don't want to break up a winning team, Steve. I really don't, but…" he shook his head. "You're putting me in a corner."

"Governor, whatever our relationship it won't affect our work." He promised desperately. "Sir, I don't want to call in that favour but…"


"Last year, the case involving…."

"I wasn't aware that was a favour, McGarrett." Denning's tone hardened.

Steve remained silent, staring the man down, his heart racing, praying silently that Denning would bend just a little.

"The team is due for the psychological evaluation. I'm moving it forward and I'm asking the councillor to look especially hard at you two." Denning informed him harshly. "Don't look so relieved McGarrett, if she tells me the pair of you can't separate you…personal life from the word, then I'm sending Detective Williams back to HPD."

Steve stiffened, his heart in his throat. "That – won't be necessary." They'd had years of experience separating their feelings for one another from the job, there was no way they couldn't convince some psychiatrist.

"I hope not. – But McGarrett, you need to be a lot more…discreet."

"Discreet?" Steve frowned.

"If I found out, other's will and I don't want the task force's reputation overshadowed any more than it has already been with Kalakaua's connection to Adam Noshimuri."

Steve sat staring at the man, anger rising in his chest. Kono and Adam's relationship had nothing to do with anyone but them, especially not the Governor. "Is there anything else, Governor?" he asked, his tone cold and distant as he fought back the anger building in him.

Denning watched him for a long moment before shaking his head. "No Commander."

Steve nodded and got to his feet. "Governor."

He waited till he was outside before exhaling his furious breath and letting his fingers curl into fists at his side. He leant back against the wall and fought to regain his control. He couldn't believe how things were falling apart, now. The worst part was Danny was going to lose it, it was everything he'd feared. Losing everything because of them, because they'd finally given into their feelings. Sure it wasn't like he was being fired, he was just being shipped back to his previous job, demoted for all intense and purposes, but he'd still have a job and somewhere to live. But for Danny, Five-0 had become the family he'd left behind in Jersey and Steve knew he'd see it as leaving again. Steve clenched his jaw and turned, marching towards the entrance. He needed air, needed to think.

Steve pushed through the front doors of the palace, squinting as his eyes adjust to the sunlight, and glanced across at the parking lot the Camaro was parked in its usual place, his truck comfortably positioned beside it. With a derp breath he made his way over, his head still spinning. He should tell Danny, no question. And yet...

All Steve could think about was Danny's reluctance back at the beginning. How he'd had to convince the man that nothing disastrous would happy. That they could make it work, together. He hadn't even considered what others might think. What the governor may say or do. He'd just been happy to...be happy. So really this was his fault as much as anyone's, he should have anticipated it. After all, Denning was right, there were rules in the navy. Rules that if broken could cost a person their career.

Steve sighed regretfully and leant back against the warm hood of the Camaro, his arms folded defensively against an invisible threat.

His problem, he realized was just what Denning had fear when he'd first taken over as governor, that he thought he was untouchable. Years of immunity and means had practically destroyed his well-disciplined respect for rules and regulations, not to mention the chain of command. He was little more than a rogue riding roughshod over the island.

But he wasn't completely out of control, and part of that was down to Danny. Actually a pretty large part actually. Danny kept him from going too far and he hated to think what would happen if he lost him, lost his anchor. His port in the storm. - But that deceiving voice in the back of his mind said, he mind just lose Danny, whatever he did.

"Oh God, what does he want you to do now?"

Steve startled at the sound of Danny's voice out of nowhere, causing him to spin sharply. "Danny?"

"Come on, out with it?" he demanded, pausing in front of Steve with his arms folded over his chest.

Steve took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Nothing, he just wanted to check in. Making sure Lou was fitting it."

Danny narrowed his eyes searchingly before nodding. "Thank goodness for that."

"Yeah." Steve sighed. "He uh…."

"Oh god, here we go?"

Steve watched Danny's brows furrow and his face tighten. "He…said we're due for our psychological evaluation."

"Oh, great, we're doomed." Danny laughed. "I can't imagine you passing that." He smirked, stepping past Steve, his hand brushing against his arm as he passed. "You coming?"

Steve groaned inwardly. "Huh, yeah, of course." Pulling out his keys. "Let's go get our girl."

A/N: Feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'll have the next chapter for you as soon as I can.