Title: The Incredible Stiles Stilinski
Author: wereleopard58
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale
Rating: 15
Summary: Stiles had to leave to train his spark. He meets the Hale pack and has a connection with not only Talia but even more so with her gorgeous son Derek. He never expected to return to Beacon Hills as part of another pack, and to dethrone the True Alpha, who had become self-serving and once been his best friend. A friend that stole his father, the only family he had left. Slash. AU.
Warning: All of Teen Wolf, Anti-Scott, and Anti McCall pack.
Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with Teen Wolf. I am not making any money, and it's just for fun.
N/B I have messed with the timeline, so please don't expect things to follow in the same order. There was the fire, but the majority of the Hales survived. I have also created an original history for True Alphas and Sparks. Stiles will be 18 during the summer holiday. He still has one year left at High School. Victor Webster when he was in Mutant X, is how I see the older Hale son I've created. This is my first Teen Wolf fic, but not my first fanfic. Feedback is always welcome. You can find me on Facebook and Twitter under wereleopard58. Thank you to NR for being a wonderful beta.
Chapter One
"We have no choice. It's time we talk to Alpha Hale. The True Alpha and his pack can no longer be protectors of the Nemeton. They have used it too many times for personal gain. There have been innocents lost since Scott McCall will not take a stand and has let these creatures leave Beacon Hills. He does not care about those outside of what he considers his boundaries." The werewolf council all nodded in agreement.
"The Emissary Council has to talk to Dr Deaton he allowed a spark to go untrained. As you know, that could have been disastrous, if the power is not used it could destroy the whole town, and the land would not be able to be used for years. We have to find out why he did this." Julia Baccari's voice echoed around the room; it had been lucky that she had bumped into Stiles.
"We will convene once Talia and Deaton have been spoken. We have witches on their way to Beacon Hills to put a spell around the Nemeton so the McCall pack cannot use it. It's a shame that the True Alpha let the power go to his head."
Scott looked down at the Alpha who lay at his feet. Blood poured from its neck. His eyes flashed red, and he smiled as he felt the power run through his body. All he needed now was to get rid of the body. He couldn't let the others know what had happened, that somehow his alpha ability had vanished as quickly as it came. He had to kill one so everyone could see that nothing had changed. He nudged the corpse with his toe. It had to die for the greater good. He was too important to become a beta again.
Stiles couldn't believe he had been sent away. It seemed he had some power and needed to be trained. If he didn't, it could've become dangerous. His dad didn't care. Scott had ignored him and kept their friends away, well they obviously weren't his. Being away from Beacon Hills sounded like the perfect solution, but now this. His beloved Jeep was forced off the road not too far from his destination.
"It's Mr Stilinski isn't it?"
"Who are you?" Stiles glanced around trying to figure a way out.
"My name is Deucalion. I understand you have a gift, a most wonderous power. I would be honoured if you allowed me to help you with that. All you need to do is join my pack, and we will teach you and protect you from any of those who wish you harm." The man leant slightly on his white stick. He may be blind, but it was clear you couldn't underestimate him.
"Uhh, I'm flattered, but I have someone training me, well I will do. I'd better go, but thank you for the offer." There was something about this blind guy that put him on edge that made his spidey sense tingle.
"I'm afraid I can't allow that to happen. I insist that you join us Ennis, Aidan, Ethan, please come and meet you new pack mate."
"I'm not much of a joiner. I'm a real loner, practically a hermit. You don't want me as…" He flapped his hands as he explained. Ennis launched himself at the teenager and slammed him hard against his jeep. Stiles' knees gave way as he slid to the ground, hands went around his throat and gripped tightly and started to squeeze. The world around him began to fade around him. He struggled to stay conscious, afraid of what would happen to him.
"All you have to do is agree, and Ennis will stop, and we'll make sure that you're safe." Deucalion's mouth curved into an arrogant smile.
"Leave him alone," Ethan growled as he and his twin merged their bodies until they were one, bones cracked and crunched as they joined. Muscles knitted together, and skin stretched over the now huge monster, and then it rushed their pack mate and knocked him away from his victim.
"What the bloody hell are you doing?" The Alpha yelled.
"We can't let you hurt him." It moved, so the creature stood in front of Stiles.
"You're not going to LET me? How dare you talk to me like that? I made you both, and I can destroy you."
"Deucalion, the Hales are coming. We need to get out of here now." A woman grabbed hold of his arm and tried to drag him away.
Claws pushed into her windpipe; blood started to drip down her neck. "Kali, never touch me or tell me what to do ever again. I am the Alpha, is that clear." His blind eyes stared at nothing, and voice was cold.
"Yes, Alpha I understand." She choked out and would have lowered her head in submission, but his hand at her throat stopped that.
"Let's go." With that the werewolves vanished into the woods, the darkness engulfed them and made them disappear from human vision.
"Stiles, Stiles Stilinski." A feminine voice called out.
"He's over here." The joined twins answered as they still stood and protected their fellow teenager.
"Move away from him." She demanded, her eyes flashed red.
"No." It growled back.
"They helped me," Stiles mumbled. "Alpha Hale?"
"Yes Stiles, I'm Talia Hale, and they helped you?" She waited for him to nod. "Why?"
"We had to; we didn't have a choice." It finally began to split back into its original forms.
"Of course you had to," Talia's eyes focused on Stiles. "Let's get you all back to the pack." It was as she thought; he was more than a spark. He was a Pure Spark.
Ethan had glanced at his brother before he turned back. "Us as well?"
"Yes, there are some things you need to know. Derek, please help him up."
Stiles' mouth fell open as a guy just a few years older than he was walked towards him. He was gorgeous in tight black jeans, a fitted t-shirt covered by a leather jacket. His heart pounded as he stared into beautiful green eyes.
"We'll take him." Aidan didn't wait for a reply as they both bent over and helped him up. "Car keys, you're not in any state to drive."
Derek watched as the death-trap drove off. He was surprised that vehicle still went it looked like it was going to fall apart any second.
"What's going on mom? Who is he? Who are they?" He'd never seen werewolves join like that before and why did they leave Deucalion? No one had ever before, not alive anyway.
"I'll tell you when we get back. Stiles needs, not only to be trained but to be protected, he's very special."
"Yes, he is," Derek mumbled as he thought about those dazed amber eyes. He had this sudden urge to make sure that they got back safely and someone checked on him "Let's go." He walked towards his car without waiting for an answer.
Talia had never seen her son so concerned over a stranger before. It seemed that Stiles was going to be important to all of them. She could smell the arousal from both of them. If this were going to lead where she thought it would, Derek was not going to make things easy, not with everything that had happened in the past. That could be dealt with at a later date.
"Stiles, welcome to the Hale pack. There are a few things that you need to know before we start anything."
He started to tap his foot as he looked around. "What?"
"You know you're a spark?" Talia waited for him to nod. "What you don't know is that you're a Pure Spark and the future Emissary of the Hale pack."