Since I got even votes for my new story I just decided to go with this one, the backwards AU.
This is the story all about how Miraculous got flipped, turned upside down(had to throw that in for my friend)
So time for an epilogue. The point of this chapter is just to explain everything in this universe because I must admit, it's complicated.
Two hooded figures slowly creeped through the dark tea shop. It was rumoured to be owned by a cranky old man who, legend has it, had priceless jewellery hidden in his shop. These two teens were after that jewellery.
As they looked they found nothing that even resembled a place you would hide valuables. There was old books, antique tea cups and an old music playing thing.
"Who even uses these?" One figure asked the other. The other just laughed in response. They walked to the other figure and inspected the, thing. They slid their finger along it gathering dust, but revealing a thin line.
The person stood up. "This thing opens." The other bent down and followed the other's footsteps.
"You're right." They smirked as they pulled a crowbar from their backpack. "And it's a perfect place for magical jewellery."
"Master! Master! We are being robbed."
"What have I told you about disturbing me? Are you really that stupid?"
"But Master! The miraculous."
"Who do you think spread the rumour?"
"Sorry Master."
"Good now leave me."
The two theives looked down. Before them was a comb, necklace, ring and earings. There was two empty compartments.
"Take your pick." One offered.
"Well, if we wanna match."
"I never said anything about matching!"
The person lifted the ring and earrings. "Shush! We are taking these."
The next day.
Master Fu made his way from his apartment to his shop to find it all over the place. Books lined the floor, floorboards had been lifted but most importantly the gramophone had been broken, and two bits of jewellery were missing.
"Perfect. This outta get rid of Gabriel."
Adrien walked down the stairs, the definition of grumpy. "Bonjour Papa." He said lifting a crossaint.
A tall man turned round, his blonde hair that stuck up at a gravity defying angle, covered in flour. He grinned when he seen his son.
"Emily! Sleeping Beauty is awake!" Gabriel smiled as he ruffled his grumpy son's messy bed hair.
Adrien's frown got bigger as he moved his father's hand away along with his mother's hug. "I'm gonna be late for meeting Mari." He mumbled butting on his jacket.
"But honey your hair.."
The blonde shoved his crossaint in a small bag along with three others before storming out the front door of the bakery, thankful his parents didn't notice his new addition to jewellery.
Marinette had been up for at least 3 hours, trying to put up with her father's assistant Nathalie. She was a nice person, just a bit, over enthusiastic.
"OH MARINETTE YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE!" She sand outside the door, merrily skipping away.
"He's not my boyfriend", she mumbled, sliding in her new earings.
"Father! Let in Adrien!"
About 5 minutes later the blonde knocked on her door. "Come in!" She called.
He entered and grinned when he saw her earings.
"They suit you ya know." She smiled as she patted the empty spot on her bed, gesturing for him to come over.
"Same goes for you." She gestured to the ring.
"I wonder why people thought they were so magical?" Mari rubbed her earings slightly, wondering. It was then a bright light shot out of the jewellery leaving the two teens alone no more.
Gabriel stared at the brooch in his hand. He had found it on his dresser, with a note saying he was chosen to cause havoc. He had stared at this note for a while, unsure of what to do. Ever since Emily, his wife, had entered his life he wanted to do good for his son's sake. Causing havoc didn't appeal to him.
He looked back at the brooch. There was something off about it. It didn't look suspicious, it was a purple colour and seemed to be in the shape of a butterfly. Nothing strange. But the vibe it was sending out. Gabriel reached out with a shaky hand and attached the brooch to his shirt. A purple glow started emitting from it and it produced a small purple creature who closely resembled a butterfly. It was hovering in the air in front of Gabriel with it's arms crossed.
"It's about time!" It shouted. It's voice was strangely high pitched.
"What are you?" The baker asked.
"I'm Nooroo. I'm a kwami and your partner in crime, literally."
Gabriel looked at Nooroo. "But what if I don't want to be bad?"
Nooroo looked up, a fire in his little eyes. "But that is what the miraculous are for! To force people to worship you!"
"But I don't want that."
Nooroo's eyes narrowed in annoyance. "But you were chosen."
Gabriel sighed at the kwami's stubbornness, but he had an idea. "Explain this miraculous please."
Nooroo almost, almost laughed with happiness. "You have the power to create akumas and make people into villains to carry out your bidding. You become Hawkmoth by saying the words, 'Nooroo dark wings rise!'"
"But why dark wings?"
Nooroo shrugged. "Just sounds more evil-er I guess."
Gabriel thought for a bit rubbing his chin, an old habit. "No." he muttered.
"No?" Nooroo echoed.
"Yes." Gabriel said, more confident this time. "Well I mean yes, I said no so I'm not going to be-"
"SHUT UP!" Nooroo screamed, "my miraculous is meant for EVIL purposes!"
Gabriel didn't listen to his new kwami 'friend' and he stood tall before shouting, "Nooroo wings rise!"
Even though the words had been changed they still worked and millions of butterflies shot out from the brooch, surrounding Gbariel and sticking to every inch of him. They all began glowing a light magenta before flying off him, fulfilling their purpose, for now. Gabriel was now wearing a body suit made of a purple material with two black wing shapes sprouting from underneath his brooch. A purple mask covered his face, hopefully hiding his identity and strapped to his waist was a long cane with a crystal on the end.
Gabriel smiled before frowning. People couldn't know who he was, he would need a superhero name or something.
"Papillion." he spoke to himself.
"From this day forth I will be known as Papillion!"
Hawkmoth was just to evil.
DONE! Next chapter we will meet the rest of the class, Ladybug and Chat Noir, and maybe MAYBE Stoneheart! See you then my petite papillions.
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