Disclaimer: I don't own Steven Universe or any of their affiliates. However I do own my own OCs and the plot of this story.

Colonel Havelock rubbed his eyes, both out of lack of sleep and out of disbelief. "What is this!?" He demanded the scientist that handed it to him angrily. "If it's a joke then I don't find it very funny!" The bald man yelled.

"Si-Sir, this is exactly what the satellites picked up, a young blue woman with wings and that boy. I swear this is no joke!" The far smaller and younger scientist said, tossing his hands into the air in an attempt to protect himself from the Colonel's wrath.

"You expect me to believe that this is the cause of the Ocean disappearing across the entire planet?!" Havelock Demanded, grabbing him by the shirt and shaking the picture. His eyes were filled with a mad rage, and the highly decorated and tired military officer had to take a moment to let go in order to regain control of his emotions.

"Hmm." He sighed. "Who even is the boy in the picture, Rich?" He asked, using the scientists last name in order to go by military standard.

"The boys down in Federal Investigation have discovered the boy's birth records. His name is Steven Quartz Universe, and he lives in a small coastal town named Beach City." Rich stammered, reading the facts of a clipboard clutched in his hands.

"Thank you, that will be all." The commander said, crossing his hands behind his back and turning away from the scientist. He looked out of the large window and glanced at a soldier who had been standing there silently through the whole exchange. Rubbing the scar that sliced through his nose, Colonel Havelock spoke to the man. "Send a squad down to Beach City, I want to know who this kid is exact-"

"Belay that order." Came a new voice. One Brandis, Colonel Havelock's first name, knew well.

"Sir!" Brandis said, stepping into a sharp salute as the commander-in-chief, the PRESIDENT HIMSELF, stepped all the way into the room.

"Colonel." President Alexander Foreway said, giving him the proper respect he was due. "Don't bother sending anyone down there just yet, the oceans have returned."

"Pardon me?" Both the Colonel and Private said at once.

"The Oceans back." The President repeated with gusto. He then looked to the Private. "Leave the room son, I have an important mission for-Brandis-was it?" He asked looking at the Colonel with a questioning look. The Private wasted no time in saluting and fleeing the room as fast as possible.

"Brandis, Sir." He answered respectfully once the door closed behind the Private. The President looked at him now, his former gusto gone.

"Colonel, when I walked in I told you that there was no point in sending someone down to Beach City yet. Why do you think I asked this?" His superior asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"I would assume that you said that because the Ocean had returned, or because it would have been a violation of certain rights to sweep a town without any warning to the Mayor or whoever is in charge there." Brandis replied stoically, not once breaking his perfect posture as he did.

"Normally Colonel I'd say your right, however in this case I say this because I don't want our first encounter with something we don't fully understand to be a bunch of Soldiers going door-to-door." The President looked at him pointedly. "I trust you know what I mean, but in the event you don't, I want someone who can handle tense situations Brandis, someone with a certain level of experience. Not just some untrained soldier going in there not ready to speak to something they don't, or won't, understand. Do you understand now, Colonel?" He asked.

"I believe I do Sir, I will be in a Helicopter heading down there with some of my best men in case things go south." He said, looking straight ahead like the highly trained soldier he was. "Good." The younger man said, turning around and walking off. "See to it." He added.

"Uh, Sir if I may.." The Colonel called, thrusting out a hand, finally breaking his training as he did. The President turned around.

"Yes?" He asked pleasantly.

"I would like to have a few reserve troops, if anything like what's happened today ever happens again. Can I commission a temporary barracks to be made within the town police station?" He asked, suddenly regaining his composure.

"Hmm." The President said, measuring his request. "Certainly. I authorize you no more than twenty men all armed with standard issue assault weaponry, one helicopter, and three-no, two- Humvee's. Understood?" He asked.

"Yes sir." The man saluted.

"Good, get to gathering these forces then, if you need any then radio back to D.C and I'll see what I can do about, though don't expect to get a tank in though." The President joked before leaving the room. "Heh, good one sir..." Brandis trailed off, realizing that he hadn't heard him.

Moving quickly, Colonel Havelock began to move around the base, gathering his forces and giving them the coordinates to the place: Beach City.

Beach City Outskirts. Several hours later.

"Gee thanks Pearl, I can't believe that you were able to repair my car so fast!" Greg Universe, a chubby long-haired balding man, said to Pearl.

"Oh please Greg, this was child's play in comparison to trying fix ancient Gem technology." Pearl, a thin petite woman wearing something akin to a ballerina outfit and a white Pearl Gem in her head said in reply.

Greg grabbed her up in a massive hug, lifting her off her feet. To which she is mortified. "Ah, yes. You can let me down noooooooooooooooow." She said, suddenly stretching that last word out due to seeing a helicopter flying towards the temple, their home.

Suddenly Garnet, a tall African woman with a literal square Afro for hair tossed the door to the temple open with a slam, and stepped out, A pair of massive gauntlets formed over her hands.

"Pearl get Steven in her now!" Garnet commanded, the light from the sun reflecting off her glasses.

"Yes Garnet!" Pearl said, breaking free of Greg's hug, and grabbing Steven, a small boy with black hair that heavily resembled Greg, who wore a shirt with a massive yellow star on it. After wrapping her arms firmly around Steven, Pearl leapt with Inhuman power, and landed on the balcony gracefully. How was she capable of such a feat? Simple: She was not a human, nor was Garnet; they were part of an Alien species called Gems, an advanced race of sentient Gemstones that had visited Earth millennia ago.

"Hey! Guys, what's going on?" Steven asked, his voice sounding innocent. "Are we being attacked?" He asked confused; he had no seen the chopper.

"Stay inside Steven, we might be." Garnet said, looking at him pointedly. Then she called over her shoulder: "Amethyst, get out here!" Pearl shooed Steven inside just as Amethyst, a smaller purple woman who resembled a teenager who wore a top and sweatpants, and had white hair and a purple Gem embedded in her chest just above where her breasts were, stepped out of the temple.

"What? It's just some humans, can't one of you guys deal with it?" She asked lazily.

"Maybe, but I want all of us out here just in case we can't handle them." Garnet said, her slight British accent showing through fully as she spoke. Greg ran upstairs and into the house. "I'll stay with Steven." He called behind him as he did.

Not far from there.

"Land us over there by that, statue?" He said in confusion, that wasn't on the map he was given when he'd spoken to the sleazy politician who ran the town, he said sleazy because ever other word out of his mouth was about his 'marketing campaign' and how he didn't want them to mess with the citizens too much during their stay. God, did Brandis hate politicians like that. "Yes Sir!" The pilot said, circling around, looking for a good spot in the sand.

That's when he saw them; the three ladies all were on the sand, directly to the front of the only viable landing spot. He looked at the pilot, and the pilot nodded. They hadn't even fully landed when the bald Colonel opened the door on their side, and came face to face with a spear. Unfortunately for Pearl, he had expected this or something like it, and had already drawn his gun; a small 9mill pistol.

"Stand down, put the weapon away!" Both said at once, surprising each other. Colonel Havelock recovered first however. "I am Colonel Brandis Havelock of the United States Military, I am here to question Steven Quartz Universe, if you stop me from doing so then you are interfering with official military business, and are thus a criminal. Stand. Down." He said, speaking quickly and smoothly.

"I am Pearl, second in command of the Crystal Gems, protectors of the planet Earth. You may fall under that category, but if you wish for harm to come to us then I will have no choice but to harm you." She said, before beginning a glaring match with Brandis. One that would not end until the pilot made his move, and shoved a Machine Pistol into Pearl's face.

"Ma'am, This is your only chance to allow the Colonel to speak. I've sent the distress pulse out to our reinforcements, their ETA is a minute, give in." He said, speaking slowly. Pearl, unsure of what she should do, glanced back at Garnet who was looking distant.

"...Allow the human to exit, Pearl, we'll speak with him and if we sit fit he can talk to Steven." She said after a moments hesitation. Pearl stepped back, allowing the man out.

"Good, looks like I found someone reasonable." Colonel Havelock said, still keeping the gun trained on Pearl. "So, tell me." He looked at Garnet pointedly. "What do you know about the Ocean Disappearing ad reappearing?"

Author's note: Thanks for reading this little project of mine! I've been planning this for some time now so I hope you enjoy. Please leave A review or a follow/favorite, that would be great! I've been thinking about restructuring my entire format, placing some small stories that a lot of people like up for adoption so I can focus on my mains without feeling guilty, so until I can get that whole thing going please enjoy this. This is a story that explores what if the government in SU was like the government in real life; secretive and very, very paranoid. Also I was wondering why the governments of the world aren't like all over the Gems all the time, I mean their Aliens for crying out loud, just doesn't make sense to me. Well

Until Next Time True Readers!