A/n: Hi everyone, this is my first Sonic fanfic. Before I start I need to get some things out of the way. First off all the characters are humans and because of that there fur color will become their hair color (like sonic's hair will be blue for example). Also Tails isn't going to be a regular blonde but rather a strawberry blonde because I kind of like his original color scheme better than the newer one. All chapters are pre-written and this is just going out as a preview. Once I'm done with the story and once I'll start posting the other chapters regularly. I don't have anything to say other than I hope you enjoy and I own nothing except for the plot.

The blue haired teen let out a groan when he heard his alarm go off. He lifted his hand that was hanging off his bed and smacked the poor phone until he either found the off button or it fell on the ground. To be honest he's not sure which.

He let out a sigh before he forced his body away from the bed. He really didn't want to leave the comfort of his bed but he didn't really have a choice so the 15 years old got dressed in a blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans and walked towards his younger brothers room.

When he got there he found his little brother fast asleep on his desk and in his hands was a wrench and some sort of machine part. The teenager scowled at this since he had told his brother he could play with his machines after he got home from school tomorrow.

"Hey Mile's, buddy, get up," The blue haired teen softly as he shook his brother's shoulder.

"Sonic, I told you not to call me that," The strawberry blonde boy whined.

Sonic rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry what I meant to say was, get up Tails."

"That's better," Tails said letting out a small yawn.

"Get dressed buddy, I'll have breakfast ready in a bit," Sonic said leaving.

As Sonic descended the stairs he stopped on one to look at a picture on the wall. It showed Sonic a younger Sonic and Tails accompanied by a man with spiky blue hair and a woman with soft, fluffy strawberry blonde hair.

"Another day of school and work. Wish me luck," Sonic said a soft smile on his face before going down the rest of the stairs and walking into the kitchen to start making breakfast.

By the time Sonic was done Tails was downstairs wearing a white shirt with orange long sleeves and blue jeans along with old hand me down red converse that he gotten from his older brother, obviously.

"Miles what did I say about working on your inventions after bedtime?" Sonic asked while putting a blueberry pancake on the 8 year olds plate.

"Sorry Sonic but this invention is going to make it so my plane can go even faster than before," Tails said excitement starting to drip into his voice.

Sonic let out a sigh, "Yes but schools more important than your toy plane."

"But I already know everything they're teaching me."

"Tails I know that but if you start falling asleep in class than their going to want to talk to mom and dad and-"

"I know. I know," Tails said his voice suddenly becoming sad.

Sonic felt guilty for reminding his little brother about their parents so he replied with, "I suppose I'll let it slide just this once but only because I feel like being generous today."

The child's eyes lit up, "Thank you Sonic!" He exclaimed happy that he wouldn't be grounded.

After the two ate they put their dishes in the sink and grabbed their backpacks and started on their way to the elementary school. Once they got there Sonic walked Tails over to the front steps and let go of his little brother's hand.

"See you after school Tails," Sonic said turning to leave, however before he could Tails grabbed his hand again.

"I don't wanna go to school," He said trying to use his puppy-dogs eyes to get out of going to school.

Sonic winced. He may be sarcastic, have a attitude and a pretty cool kid but if their was one thing that he had trouble resisting it was his baby brothers puppy-dog eyes. Sonic took a deep breathe and tried to prepare himself so he wouldn't give it.

"Look bud, I know you don't want to go but you have to, it's the law. Just go to school and after you get out we can go get ice cream okay?"

"But Sonic don't you have work after the high school lets out?"

'He's right,' Sonic thought to himself suddenly remembering that fact. "Then I'll have knucklehead take ya."

Tails let out a small giggle at Sonic's nickname for their friend, which said friend absolutely hated.

"I have to head off to school before I'm late. I love ya little bro. See ya later," Sonic said before walking off.

"Bye Sonic!" Tails called after his big brother.

Sonic waited until he was off school grounds before taking a look at his watch. 8:25am.

'Crap! First period starts in 5 minutes,' he thought sprinting towards the high school.

Amy let out a sigh as her English teacher droned on and on about something she didn't care about. She honestly didn't understand why they needed to take English. It didn't help her in the career path she wanted to pursue and she already knew everything she needed to know about the English language. The only good thing about the class was that Sonic was in it, but he wasn't even here today.

Amy was brought out if her thoughts by a dull buzz coming from her gold pink cell phone. She quickly glanced at the teacher to make sure she wasn't looking before looking at the text she received. It was from Sonic.

Amy I'm outside of the school can u create a distraction while I climb through the window

Amy wanted to facepalm out of frustration, but she didn't since if she did it would probably blow her cover.

What do u expect me 2 do

I don't know but think of something quick

The pink haired girl resisted the urge to groan and looked at the teacher once more. Okay good she was still writing on the chalkboard. Amy looked back at her phone and clicked on Vector's name.

Vector Sonic needs our help. Can u cause a distraction outside of this room so Ms. White has to leave the room.

It didn't take long for a response.

Wats in it 4 me

Amy sighed. She had a feeling he would say that.

You'll get free cookies from my moms bakery for a week


Amy clicked her phone off and was about to put it away when it was suddenly snatched out of her hand by her teacher.

"Ms. Rose, our school has a strict no cell phones in class policy!"

"But...but…" Amy tried to argue.

"I'll have to confiscate this. You can have it back at the end of the class," Ms. White said as she placed the phone in her desk drawer.

A couple minutes passed by without interruption before the sound of lockers being banged was heard followed by someone yelling, "YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG GUY YOU PIECE OF S#!T!"

Ms. White ran out ran out of the room and yelled at the two who were fighting. That was Vector for you. Always making such a big scene.

Amy jumped when she heard a tapping coming from the window next to her desk. It was Sonic so she opened the window for him.

"Thank Amy," Sonic said as he crawled through the window and smiled at her.

Amy ignored the fluttery feeling in her chest and stomach and glared at him, "You owe me. Thanks to you I don't get my phone back until the end of class. This is like 11th time this month you've been late!"

"Relax, it won't happen again," Sonic said as he walked over to his seat.

"That's what you said last time," Amy mumbled as she sat back down.

When the teacher came back class went by uninterrupted. Once the bell rang Amy got her phone back with a stern warning from the teacher that if this happened again that she would get detention. By the time lunch rolled around Sonic just felt so tired.

"Sonic are you okay?" Knuckles asked.

"Why do you ask that?" Sonic mumbled.

"Because your head is crushing your sandwich."

Sonic picked his head up while Espio chuckled, finding it amusing that the blue haired boy almost fell asleep on his lunch.

"You know Espio, I don't think I've ever seen you eat anything," Sonic commented.

The asian student with long purple hair responded by saying, "I can go days without food."

"Really? Tails can't go 5 minutes without food," Sonic joked.

"By the way Espio where Vector?" Knuckles asked just as Amy sat down.

"He's been suspended again. Apparently him and Mighty were fighting. When I had asked what he had done this time he just said something about free cookies."

"Hm...wonder what that's about," Sonic said oblivious to the fact that, that had been Amy's way of distracting the teacher.

"Yeah….ehehehehe...I wonder…" Amy said with a nervous laugh.

"Hey Knuckles I was wondering if you can take Tails out for ice cream when he gets out from School. I have plans."

"Why can't you do it?"

"I'm just busy alright."

"You're always busy. Seriously what could you be doing that's making you late for school so much and made you have to skip out on joining track?" Knuckles asked.

"Oh lay off will you," Said a new voice.

The others turned to see Rouge leaning on their table on Knuckles side.

"Hi knuxy," Rouge said winking at the male with the red dreadlocks.

"Rouge," He responded in a deadpanned voice while looking away.

"What are you doing here Rouge?" Asked Amy who was starting to feel a bit uneasy. Then again Rouge always made her feel that because of the...interesting stories she had heard about her.

"Well Sonic over here was being picked on by Knuxy so I thought I'd stop by and put an end to it," Rouge said giving Sonic a small wink.

"The only thing you need to put an end too is your shoplifting. I know you're the ones that's been stealing from all those jewelry stores you thief," Knuckles spat.

Rouge gigged flirtatiously, "If you say so," And walked away.

"That...who does she think she is!" Amy exclaimed angry about the way the white haired student flirted with her crush.

"So Knuckles about you and Tails."

"Yeah I can take the kid out."

"Thanks Knuckles and I'll pay you back as soon as I can."

"I don't need your money," Knuckles responded, "Consider it a thank you for catching the jewel thief who tried to rob my father's shop a couple years ago."

Sonic looked at the clock nervously. School ended in 5 minutes and once that bell rang he had to book it to work. His boss never really liked Sonic and had him scheduled to work at 2:30 today. School got out at 2 and it usually took about an hour to get from the high school to work. He could only hope that the legs that belonged to the fastest kid in the school would be able to get him to work on time.


Sonic sprang from his seat ready to bolt only to be stopped by his history teacher.

"Mr. Hedgehog, I'd like to have a word with you."

The teen resisted the urge to groan in frustration.

"Yeah all right but make quick lady, I don't got all day," He snapped impatiently.

His teacher gave him a dirty look before pulling a test off of her desk and holding it in front of the boy, "Can you tell me what this is?"

"...A piece of paper," Sonic said in a deadpan voice.

"Don't get smart with me Mr. Hedgehog or else you'll get a detention."

"Fine it's a F! what about it?"

"Exactly! You got a F on this test just like the others! Your failing history!" His teacher exclaimed.

"Yeah I know. What about it."

"What happened to the child I taught when I was still a elementary school teacher? You were still a troublemaker yes but at least back then you actually tried."

"Look Ms. P I hate to say it but I've changed now I have to go before I'm late for work so see ya Monday!" Sonic exclaimed running out of the classroom.

"Wait!" Ms. P exclaimed, but it was already too late. Sonic was already out of ear reach.

The teen wheezed as he pushed himself to go faster. He only had 2 more minutes left to make it to work and else he'd be late. Finally he busted his way through the front doors of Diner he worked at.

"I made it…" Sonic manage to say through pants.

The teen quickly composed himself and walked over towards where his notebook and pen were. Just as he got it though his boss called him over.

"Ay kid, get ova 'ere," His boss beckoned.

Sonic inwardly groan before following his bosses orders and walking over to him.

"What is it,sir?" Sonic asked trying to show as much respect to his horrible boss as he could. Not because he liked his boss, he hated his boss and his boss hated him too but more so because he needed the job.

"Look at you, you're a mezz!" His boss pointed out in a condescending voice.

'You would be too if you had to run 2 miles in the span of 20 minutes,' Sonic thought.

"Sorry sir, won't happen again."

Sonic went to leave only for his boss to stop him once again.

"Aye wait a minute. I can't let you go out serving people lookin like dat."

Sonic quirked an eyebrow,"But sir I'm a waiter,"

Sonics boss got up out of his chair and walked over to him and put a hand on the teens shoulder (much to his discomfort).

"Look kid. I don't think your capabilities are best suited here."

Sonic felt his heart stop.

"What are you saying?"

Sonics boss gave him a wolfish grin.

"I'm saying you're fired."

It all happened too fast for anyone to comprehend. Once those four words left his boss's mouth Sonic pulled his fist back and made it connect with the man's face square in the nose causing his boss the stagger back and fall onto one of the tables breaking it. Sonic then turned to leave but not before announcing to all the customers that, "the hamburger meat is actually horse meat." With that truth spoken and the customers spitting out their food the blue haired teen stormed out.

"Damn it!" Sonic exclaimed hitting a brick wall with his fist.

"What am I gonna do?"

Sonic trudged home that being the only thing he could think of. Not to mention Knuckles and Tails were probably their waiting for him. When he finally did get home he found Tails and Knuckles playing a video game.

"Hi Sonic. You're home early," Tails commented.

"Yeah the guys at the diner were over staffed so they sent me home for the day," Sonic replied. He felt horrible for lying to his little brother like that, especially since his brother had so much trust in him but Sonic knew Tails would get worried if he told him he had lost his job and he just couldn't do that to him.

"Man thats a bummer. So you're not getting paid today?" Knuckles asked.

"Guess not."

"Hooray! I win again!" Tails exclaimed happily.

"You cheated didn't ya squirt!" Knuckles exclaimed playfully as he got the 8 year old in a head-lock and started to noogie him.

Sonic plopped down on the couch and Knuckles released Tails from his torture, got up and stretched.

"Hey Sonic do you know when your parents are getting home? It's getting kind of late."

"Our mom and dad work overtime a lot," Tails answered.

"I see…"

Knuckles felt his phone vibrate in his pocket so he took it out and answer it.

"Hello?...What!...Okay I'm on my way!" Knuckles exclaimed hanging up the phone.

"Someone almost robbed the jewelry store! Probably than damn girl Rouge. I gotta go bye Sonic! Bye Tails!" He said as he ran out the door.

"So Tails did you finish all your homework?" Sonic asked the only other person in the room who had turned his attention back to his game.

Tails sighed. That was all Sonic needed to hear to know the answer.


"Sonic my homework is boring! I already know all the answers!"

"Then you should be able to get it done quickly," Sonic replied.

Tails shut off his video game console and walked to his room grumbling the whole way.

Sonic laid awake staring at his ceiling. He just couldn't sleep. He had gotten fired from his job. How was he supposed to support himself and Tails? Finding a job as a teen was harder than ever now a days.

'Maybe it would be better if me and Tails just went to a orphanage. After all he's a great kid, I'm sure he'll get adopted into a great home right away.'

Before he could dwell on these thoughts any longer his bedroom door creaked open. Sonic didn't even had to look to know who it was and what had happened.

"Come on up."

Tails climbed onto the bed getting close to his big brother. Sonic then turned on his side and draped an arm around his baby brother.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"I- I dreamed about the day the fire happened. H-how d-dad sacrificed himself by pushing me out of the w-way of a falling beam of wood a-and how mom pulled me a-a-away from his and t-then how she told us how she loved us before she threw us out the window and-"

Tails couldn't finish the sentence as he broke into tears. Sonic rubbed gentle circles on Tails back and whispered 'it's okay' in his ear in attempt to calm him down. Sonic was used to Tails having nightmares about the day their parents died. Despite him being only 4 when it happened and Sonic himself being 11 they both remembered every horrifying detail of that night. The fire happened at a party their parents had brought them too. Someone set the house that the party was being held at on fire and their mother had thrown them out the window to save them from the fire. The remains of everyone at the party were too charred to be identifiable. That day Sonic and Tails decided to keep their parents death a secret. Sonic knew that if they got put into a orphanage they would most likely be split up.

Eventually tails sobs died down as he cried himself to sleep. Sonic watching him brother with sad eyes. No one would ever be able to understand Tails pain except for him. His sad eyes became determined ones as he made up his mind.

No he couldn't go to an orphanage. Him and Tails needed each other. He would find a job even no matter what!

A/n: First things first, I should point out that although Amy is actually 12 in the sega universe but she's 15 in my story and is also toned down a little, she's not as obsessed with him as she usually is but that could change. Everyone else is same age as their canon counterparts. Vector is still 20 it's just that he stayed back...twice also he's a senior which is why he's still at the high school. Also in this au Tails is Sonic's actual brother not his surrogate brother. Same goes for Amy and Cream. In this story they're actually sister by blood. I'm not sure if I'm going for Tails OVA personality or not but it kind of seems like I am doesn't it? Anyways tell me what you think I worked really hard on this. Bye!