Read this first please. At first I named this Alternate Earths but then I changed the title Alternate Heroes: Avengers Vs Arrowverse. I hope that title is satisfatctory because I will not be changing it. I am happy with it.
I've been dying to complete this type of story for ages. At first I wrote it to revolve around Legends of Tomorrow/Flash/Arrow but that became too complicated after this years' seasons. Since Flash season 3 makes this perfect to start and Supergirl being "part" of the Arrowverse...I decided to give it another shot :)
Unfortunately Fanfiction does not allow me to mark it under several crossovers between franchises. I did it under Flash as it makes it a bit easier. But this is a major crossover between Arrow/Flash/Supergirl and The Avengers.
This obviously is not my first story...but this may be the first time I am mentioning this. I WELCOME constructive criticism (so long as it is written not to be insulting) please read and review. I will read every review people give me, but if you have any questions of criticism either put them in your reviews or PM me. I will answer any questions you guys have.
Time line for this? It is after Flash and Arrow's midseason finales as well as Supergirl's.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their respective owners as well as parts of the plot.
There was smoke and dust in the air. Debris floated everywhere and coated everything in a pale grey dusting of what appeared to be snow, but was in fact pulverized concrete. Sound of explosions echoed in the background, and several people ran screaming from the Manhattan area to escape the war zone taking place in the center of it.
A young woman was slammed into the concrete suddenly, by a well aimed shot from a man encased in a gleaming red and gold armor. Her dark red cape came up over her head; turning it only manage to dislodge it slightly. Muttering something in an other language under her breath, she dug her fingernails deep into the concrete below her. The cement cracked and her fingers disappeared into the road. With a loud yell, she upheaved a chunk of pavement the size of a city bus, turned and flung it straight at the man in armor.
He deflected with no problem and her missile exploded into thousand tiny pieces. Debris rained down and his companion, a man with a large shield covered his head with it. The man had learned the hard way of what happened when he got to close to her and now would circle around before lunging in and darting back out. His shield was slightly dent, but amazingly it was not that severe suggesting that whatever metal is was made from was quite strong.
However, the woman could tell it was pinned against its owner's forearm, as the man winced as the fragments struck it. She sent a silent apology to the man under her breath as she floated up in the air to glare at Tony Stark. A gleaming dark red S was branded in the center of her chest, outlined in a border of gold.
"You don't know when to give up do you?" he asked crossing his arms.
She glowered at him, "I'm still not going to fight you. Don't you ever listen?"
"No," the man responded nonchalantly before firing off another blast from his repulsers.
It smacked her right in the chest, but at this point the Girl of Steel was used to his weaponry. She brushed it off as if it were no more than a laser pointer beam and cracked her neck. She crossed her arms and taunted, "Come on. I'll let you hit me just this once."
Iron Man hesitated no doubt remembering what happened the first time he had met her. While he was distracted, the woman's eyes glowed a reddish white color. Heat shot out and blasted the ground at his feet, causing the man to sink into melted asphalt. He cursed loudly as he tried to pry himself free but to no avail; it was like trying to un-pry himself from something the consistency of superglue. Seeing for the moment one of her attackers were taken care off, the woman landed lightly on the ground and turned towards the other man holding the shield.
He raised his shield in her direction and glanced at her warily. The man had more courage than she gave credit for initially. She cocked her head to the side and allowed her body to visibly relax. He watched her suspiciously and lowered his shield about a quarter of an inch. For a split second his eyes trained off her and instead were focused behind her. It was a barely noticeable move, but it was suspicious none the less.
Supergirl turned around in time to get knocked to the ground by a lithe woman. She was dressed in a black jumpsuit that completely incased her arms and legs. Around her waist was a belt with a red buckle in the shape of a hourglass, and she was armed with two nightsticks strapped on her legs and two pistols on her hips. Her entire jumpsuit had traces of electrical blue streaks that crackled and hummed with electricity as she pinned Supergirl to the ground.
The latter meanly grunted as her attacker twisted her arm behind her. It didn't exactly hurt, but it did feel uncomfortable. The woman pressed harder into her restraining move, and it took a lot for Supergirl not to throw her off. She wanted to let them know that she meant them no harm.
With a loud cracking sound, Tony managed to blast his way free from his restraints forming a deep pothole in the street. He stamped the extra asphalt out of his gears, his armor creaking, "I've been trying to knock her to the ground all this time and you managed to do it in three seconds Natasha?"
"You thought throwing half of the city block at her was the way to do it?" the woman 'Natasha' asked in exasperation.
In response, a light post fell over and smashed a nearby car.
"And a supporter beam," Supergirl added using her free hand to hold her index finger up for emphasis, "As well as five cars, a tour bus, and a fire hydrant."
She winced slightly as the grip on her arm tightened. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed that the woman gave her a surprised look and there was faint but grim smile on the other man's face. Tony mean while was annoyed, "Whatever. At least I didn't get an exploding arrow up my nose like Clint. Where the hell is he anyways?"
"He's around," Natasha nodded, "Better not say anything thought."
Supergirl wiggled slightly, trying to get free so she would be in a better position to talk. Her captor however grabbed her free arm and twisted it around to join her other one, "I'd stop moving if I were you."
The Girl of Steel scowled slightly, knowing that things were going to get ugly if they didn't get these people to listen to them.
"Hey Supergirl," a voice leaked through the comn link, "Ya might want to get ready."
"You got to me kidding me," she said, shifting her weight slightly, "I had this handled."
"No offense girl but doesn't look like that to me."
"Who are you talking to?" Natasha leaned closer to her in order make out what was being said.
Before she could alert her teammates, there was a faint whistling sound. Tony barely had time to intercept an arrow that came straight at his face. He caught it and examined it with disbelief, "Uh oh. Clint whe—"
The arrow exploded and completely incased him in a crackling block of ice before he could finish his statement. Immediately, both Natasha and the other man turned their attention in the direction of which the arrow originated. Taking advantage of her momentary distraction, Supergirl arched her back and grabbed a hold of the woman, flipping her onto her back. Carefully she twisted her to the ground, taking care not to hurt in her the process. Natasha fought vigorously to free herself, but the other woman pined her down easily with one arm and glanced up at a truck next to her. An archer clothed completely in green stood on the top of the vehicle with another arrow at the ready. A hood obscured his features and it was hard to tell what expression was on his face.
"Hope I'm not too late," he commented in a low and threatening voice with a hint of humor hidden within its tones.
Supergirl grinned widely, "You're just on time."
The other man blinked in surprise and threw his arm back as if to throw his shield. A red blur materialized out of no where and managed to lay a solid punch on his chin and part of the shield. The man to staggered back in pain with his shield ringing like a metallic gong; similar to the tones of church bell.
"Ow. Ow. Ow. That hurt. Crap!" The speedster winced and waved his injured hand back and forth rapidly to gain the feeling back.
"Stand down," the archer snarled, "If we wanted you dead, you'd be dead already."
"Doubt it," the man with the shield said shaking his head as he looked at the speedster. He took a step forward, only to have the fast man to appear next to the truck in which the archer was perched.
"Do we have rights to say something?" the speedster asked, "Or uh...should we just remain silent?"
His voice belayed just how troubled he was by something. Unfortunatly before anyone could answer, the ice encasing Tony melted and he blasted two shots in rapid succession no doubt instinctively; one in Supergirl's direction and the other in the speedster's. She deflected it in time, but the other was not as fortunate. The blast hit the ground at his feet and sent him sprawling over the top of a car. With a groan he slammed into a wall and fell to the ground, nearly on the brink of unconsciousness.
Taking advantage to Supergirl' s temporary diversion, Natasha wiggled her way free and managed to sting her with a pair of electric bracelets incased around her wrists. The former staggered back in surprise, before lunging at the other who danced out of the way in time. Eventually they engaged in blow, Supergirl mostly blocking them and avoiding laying a hand on the other. While they were busy, Tony fired a shot at the archer. In his eyes, the energy blast reflected itself as it drew closer and closer to him, before striking the truck.
The entire sky lit up with the explosion which echoed eerily down the vacant streets of the city.
96 hours earlier
It was long past retirement for Sergeant Bronks of SCPD. He needed a vacation, and quick. At this point, Star City had become so crazy that it made Central City seem sane. First War of the World with aliens invading and now...a Spielberg movie come to life. What was next? A remake of Zoo*?
"Holysonofaflaminghot—" the cop shouted as he dove over the side of the squad car as bullets raked its side. Besides him his partner Detective Gordon shoved another magazine clipping into the bottom of the hand gun. Quickly he fired off several shots before ducking back down for cover. A stray bullet shot his cap off his head with a loud PFFF! The hat rolled out of reach and into the streets. Rather than risk having a bullet aimed lower, he let it be.
"Son of a what?" he asked arching an eyebrow.
Bronks winced as he felt the pellets rattle the doors, death knocking at them literally, "You're the genius who started the swear jar idea to curb the swearing in the office. What's the next price range going to be? Fifteen bucks?"
"You are complaining about the stupid swear jar," the detective asked in disbelief, "When we are about to get mowed down by an extra from Star Wars?"
Both men jumped as the firing continued to increase with a crescendo. Bronks covered his head and shifted to the side as the bullets finally pierced their way through the metal frame of the car and hit the wall of the building behind them. Solid concrete started to chip away as the high capacity rounds similar to those coming from an AR-15 struck it. The sound was absolutely deafening.
"Where the hell did these things come from?" he shouted over the noise.
"All I know is some civilains called it in," Gordon screamed back as he threw down the empty gun in frustration, "And we were the two who had to respond to it! Lucky us huh?"
There was a muffled thump and an arrow become lodged in the neck of the machine. The gun fire stopped suddenly as the machine suddenly turned attention off the two police officers to two figures that were standing in the middle of the street. One was completely dressed in a red jacket, with the hood hiding her features. A sword stuck out of the quiver on her back, and in her hands she held a long compound bow. Besides her was man dressed in a black leather jacket. His face was smeared with paint in the shape of T and despite having his arms crossed, it was easy to see the terror in his face.
"Go," The woman shouted as she reached for another arrow.
The two officers did not need further suggestion. They ran from the scene as fast as they could; with a shadowy figure on the roof tops covering them without their knowledge.
"Did I mention to you how much I hate robots?" Curtis asked Thea as the robot clanked towards them.
They were staring down one of the many machines that were attacking the city. There had been such a multitude, that it was very unlikely that Prometheus had bought them all. There is no way a power hungry, psychopath could have that much money to buy all of them. Come to think of it...he normally worked alone or at least with one partner as was made apparent with Evelyn betraying them.
"No," she responded launching an arrow from her quiver straight into the nozzle of the machines who had leveled its weapons at them, "But now I know why you don't want to watch the Terminator Series and run screaming from the room when we do watch it."
"Those things give me nightmares!" he complained.
The machine exploded, the gun muzzle had been blown apart to resemble the appearance of a daisy. Random parts of robot showered down everywhere like a miniature meteor shower. With a slight smirk, Thea twisted her bow in the air and caught it; copying a very similar move that Oliver did once in a while. Curtis stared at her in shock.
"You got the exploding arrow?" he asked, "Aren't you a little young for that?"
"Ollie trusts me," she replied with a smug grin, "Its not like I would send one of them up Rene's behind when he gets too annoying."
"I heard that Queen," Wild Dog grumbled who had come up behind them holstering the handguns he always carried with him.
Rory dropped off the roof top and stood a little ways off the right having returned from getting the police officers to safety. He didn't exactly laugh but muffled snorts came from behind the rags wrapped around his face. Before he could comment, there was a sudden and loud explosion that shattered all the windows. All four vigilantes were knocked to the ground as the wave rushed over them, followed by a bright flash of light.
"On your right!"
Oliver Queen—otherwise known as Green Arrow to a trusted few—swore and barely had time to duck in order dodge the flaming car tire that flew over his head. The sound similar to that of someone hitting bubble wrap multiple times with a baseball bat started up; waves of sound blasted it further away and left behind a slight ringing noise in his ears. He shot a glare at Cisco who gave him a nervous grin in return. The pulsating waves coming from his hands, were momentarily visible before dissipating. The man lowered his hands stuffed them into his jacket pockets.
"Could have warned me sooner Ramon," the archer grumbled.
"Ah...sorry," Cisco removed his 'glasses' winced as the sound of an explosion screeched elsewhere, "First time being on a major battle front instead of the lab and I screwed it up. Sorry GA."
Oliver rolled his name at the stupid nickname the computer genius had come up with to shorten his alter ego identity. It was more annoying than being called Robin Hood. Though he supposed he was a Robin Hood figure to people he had helped—he was rich at one point and he took money from other rich (and corrupt) people and gave it to people who were cheated by them as well as many other heroic actions. One thing was for sure...he was glad he had refused allowing Cisco to add a feather to his costume along with a silly looking hat instead of his traditional hood. Instead of making his enemies get scared of him they would be laughing at him.
"Where the hell's Barry?" he shouted over the loud noise of bullets riddling the side of the vehicle they had taken cover behind, "He said"—Oliver let out grunt as a bullet whistled by his ear—"he was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago!" And secretly he wondered why his friend allowed one of his tech teammates onto the field.
Cisco shrugged in response and started to say something that was lost in the barrage of sound that was hard to associate with anything. He peered cautiously over the top of the vehicle only allowing his head to poke up for a few seconds, before jerking it back down and then back up. The blaze of bullets had been silenced abruptly but both men knew from past experience(s) they could come back any second.
"Where do you think I am?" Barry's wounded tone came over the comn link, "You know there are several civilians standing around. And at any rate Kara is providing enough backup as you need until I'm done."
Oliver gritted his teeth to bite back a comment, but couldn't help but agree with his friend. He peered over the top joining Cisco, and found out the machine which had been shooting at them had been thrown into the side of a building. It had been thrown so hard that only the back end of the robot was visible; amazingly the building did not collapse even with the extent of damage it had been inflicted with. Various parts of the machine littered the street; a flaming part of a motor here, a bolt there, and an entire engine had been lodged in a nearby tree. It almost made the battlefront seem serene for the time being.
Inwardly he groaned since he was going to have to be the one who had to explain everything to the press when this was over. One of the disadvantages of being mayor. With a grimace he eyed his surroundings, bitterly wishing he hadn't asked Team Flash for his current issue since Barry had decided to bring over someone help with the invasion of mechanical monsters.
Kara Danvers—who the media on her earth had dubbed Supergirl—was back in town and had destroyed at least twenty of the ugly machines. At that given moment, she was currently trying to take down another one that looked suspiciously like a miniature version of one of the walkers in a Star Wars movie; except it was roughly eight feet tall instead of eighty. Instead of blaster guns, it had mounted machine guns which were doing little to hurt her. Sparks flew from her chest as the bullets ricochet off her impenetrable skin. It was one of the garden variety that they were fighting. Oliver knew exactly how many robots there were; most of them had arrows sticking out of them. And others...well...had arrows bouncing off them.
Several of the other machines—with different designs—had mounted flame throwers, grenade launchers, and at one point Oliver could have sworn he saw one with rocket launchers...that was until Kara destroyed it. He still did not know what to make of the woman—who according to Barry— was an alien and was from a—now obliterated—planet called Krypton. How and where Barry had met her, he did not know and upon asking his friend, he found out why he hated science so much.
But he did have to admit, where her awkward and peppy attitude (she was a bit like Felicity in her alter civilian ego) made it hard to take her seriously, her fighting skill also made it not worth picking a fight with. Her bullet proof skin and super-strength were enough to put an end to any argument. No one should want to pick a fight with Kara; even if they were using steroids for years or even Mirakuru, they would lose. Not to mention her other powers...
As he watched, Kara blasted the machine with her heat vision. It turned a bright red then a bright white-red color before melting into a puddle of bubbling goo. Only then did Oliver stand up with his bow ready. He walked out into the open but kept an eye open for any of the remaining machines as well as avoiding the piping hot molten metal. He didn't even want to think about what would happen to his skin if he came into contact with it.
"Did I ever tell you how hot she is?" Cisco slipped his Vibe goggles back on; asking dreamily as he followed the archer without any hint of fear.
Though—Oliver made note—that the man who was a little too fond of wearing geeky shirts was using him as human barrier. Lucky him...just what he needed; to be used a bodyguard for someone who could take care of himself if he had to—considering he had blasted the tire away with his powers. He tried not to look too annoyed though, Cisco was a great friend despite his moments.
"You know I can hear you right?" Kara landed in front of them and let out a laugh, "Super-hearing."
Oliver knelt down and poked the end of an arrow in the molten goop which now had the consistency of honey as it started to harden. The metal solidified on the tip and he carefully snapped the end off; placing the arrowhead in one of his pockets. Felicity was going to have to run a test on the unknown material since it made bullets and titanium alloy arrows bounce off the machines like they were wrapped in an impenetrable bubble.
"And the comn link," Barry's voice came in teasingly.
The archer glared down the street and heard the familiar crackling sound of electricity approaching.
"Not cool man," Cisco grumbled crossing his arms.
His lenses glowed slightly brighter in response to his annoyance. He still hadn't completely gotten over the speedster's tampering with the timeline which killed his brother but had forgiven him for his empathetic decision.
"Its about time you got—,"Barry skidded to a stop out of nowhere with a grin on his face,"—the shorter end of the stick. You're the one who is always teasing me."
Considering he was late, Oliver restrained himself from choking his friend. It wouldn't do any of them any good and at any rate Barry would easily dodge the move if he interpreted it in time. The speedster must have picked a fight with one of the robots on the way though...he was covered from head to toe in dust and he had a cut on his face that was slowly bleeding. The red blood was a stark contrast to his dust covered face and Oliver restrained himself from wiping it off.
"Remind me again where these things came from?" the archer grumbled straightening up.
Barry shrugged and started dusting himself off as he talked, "Far as I know...they just...appeared out of nowhere at least according to you. Cue mass hysteria, then Argus comes in...then they turned tail and ran. Then Lindacalledusandthen—"
"I get it," Oliver stifled a groan by pinching the bridge of his nose.
Once Barry got talking it was rather hard to stop him sometimes. Especially when he started talking really, really fast. The only way to understand that was to ask him to slow down and repeat what he had said, though slower. Or—as Cisco suggested several times and got swatted on the shoulder for it—record his statement and play it back clip by clip.
"If I had to guess Argus or the Army created them," Kara spoke up with a shrug, "And then they got a little out of control which is why you contacted me and asked me to help you guys out with the cleanup."
She was holding her left arm at an awkward angle. Oliver looked at her suspiciously fearing she had been hurt, but she waved him off.
"This is considered a little out of control?" Barry asked dryly though he had a slight smile on his face, "And I thought seeing Cisco fly a drone through the cortex was insane."
He continued dusting himself off and little by little his red suit gained it natural color again.
"Hey! That was only one time and it was a complete accident," Cisco grumbled, "Also seriously man? What the hell did you do with my suit!? It looks like you picked a fight with a dust devil."
"It's my suit," Barry muttered, "I wear it."
Kara laughed and Oliver cracked a small but rare smile. He allowed the expression to remain on his face for only a few seconds before glancing down the street through the dust that filled the air. It was hard to see past five feet in front of them. He could barely make out the ghostly shapes of overturned cars and the burning wreckage of one of the machines.
"Do you hear that?" he asked.
"Hear what?" Barry dropped his cocky grin and frowned, "I don't hear anything."
Cisco's eyes widened and he started edging away from them glancing nervously in every direction.
"Exactly," Oliver flipped one of his arrows out of the quiver and nocked it in one fluid motion, "It's gone quiet. Too quiet."
"I'm not picking up any electronic signatures on Wayne Boulevard," Felicity's voice came in over the airways for the first time in a long while.
"Cisco you better get some cover," Catlin's voice added, "You're not bullet proof like Supergirl."
"Yes...mother," Cisco rolled his eyes before brightening up, "You know I could possibly stop the bullets' paths by blasting them."
"Will someone please slap him for me?"
Barry punched his friend in the shoulder and grinned as he dusted his hands off, "Will punching him do?"
Cisco lunged for him but the speedster easily stepsided. Oliver rolled his eyes and took another step forward even as his friends started fooling around. Pedestrians had long left the area but the sounds of sirens had been cut off abruptly as if someone had turned on the mute button controlling sound in the world. Even the birds were silent.
"I don't like this..." he muttered.
Kara glanced at him and cocked her head to the side. She frowned, expressing her confusion. Even Cisco stopped horsing around and wiggled his way free from under Barry's arm.
"Agreed," the speedster straightened up and glanced around, "I have this...uneasy feeling about—"
There was a sudden sound. Oliver did not know how to describe it. It sounded almost like a freight train on a collision course. A blinding flash of light entered his line of vision and completely wiped out their surroundings. He flailed out blindly trying to find his friends. There was a screaming noise, it got louder and louder. It sounded almost inhuman in sound and frequency. It filled his ears and he realized it was him screaming. The light grew brighter until he had to close his eyes to prevent himself from being blinded. Something struck his arm no doubt Kara who had been standing next to him when the blast happened. He tried grabbing a hold of her arm but grasped nothing but empty air. Then the sound cut off abruptly so Oliver's entire world was plunged into darkness of hearing. His body felt as if it were on fire and being compressed at the same time. The high pain tolerance level he always had was now obsolete.
He opened his mouth to scream again but he could not utter a single sound. The light had long disappeared but he could not open his eyes to look at his surroundings. There was just darkness. The only sound he could hear was his heart beating and the blood pulsating through his ears.
As he listened that one sound, grew fainter and fainter. He was no longer aware of what was happening around him. Then...he blacked out completely with a single word on his mind.
"Oliver? Oliver?"
Felicity frantically typed command after command into the computer. She typed so fast that the keyboard started smoking. Complete static had filled the sound system and the traffic cam that the team had been watching the battle on had been cut off. A single frame had been frozen on it. A frame showing Oliver covering his face, Kara shielding Cisco with her body, and Barry with his face turned halfway towards his friends and halfway towards Felicity. His eyes were wide with fear and surprise. A giant billowing bright bluish white ball of light was enveloping them...and its origin was unknown. It had appeared so suddenly that they had been unable to inform their teammates in the field.
"Oh God!" Felicity slammed her fists on the table making the computer and several monitors leap into the air, "Oliver! Barry?! Kara!? Anybody!?"
"Shit! What the hell just happened!?" Rene screamed into the mike.
He picked himself off the ground and was soon followed by his teammates who were all groaning in pain except for one.
"Do you ever stop cussing?" Rory shuffled to his feet and muttered softly in his disemboweled voice; suggesting he still had the rags wrapped around his face.
His 'rags' which gave him his abilities, had prevented any visible injury from being inflicted on him by the explosion.
Based on Felicity's tracking algorithm, Oliver's teammates were currently standing in an alleyway a couple of blocks away from the other big time heroes. They had been tasked with hunting down an machines that managed to escape them and evacuate the populace if need be. Needless to say Rene had not been pleased and had to be frog-hopped out of the area by Kara before he started a full blown flight with Oliver.
The explosion or whatever just happened was loud enough to have the four reeling back from the percussion wave and blinking furiously to get the black dots out of their eyesight. Felicity's statement though...made their hidden fears about the others become reality.
"Stuff it Rags. I'm serious. What the hell just happened?" Rene jerked his head around, uselessly trying to pin-point the origin of the blast.
"I'm sure as soon as we find out about it we'll tell you," Curtis said cautiously.
"Oh not you—"
"Both of you knock it off," Thea snapped, "Arguing is not going to solve anything."
She glared venomously at her two teammates. Rory shifted uneasily even though her gaze was not directed towards him. Thea expressed her annoyance with a heavy and loud blast of air from her nose before touching her hand to the comn link.
"Overwatch? What happened?"
"I don't know," Felicity replied nearly choking, "I-I don't know where they went."
"Who went?" Rory asked, beating Wild Dog to the question.
"Oliver," she answered miserably as she flickered through different servers on her computer, "Barry. Kara. That explosion...made them disappear. I think...they're dead."
There was dead silence, only broken by a lone police siren that grew louder and louder as it drew closer to their location. Rory was the first to move. He gently tugged on Thea's arm and started to tug her towards the path that lead out of the alleyway into another one. She complied silently; all the fight went out of her upon hearing Felicity and she moved as limply as a ragdoll, And soon...very silently, she began to weep softly. As he left, Rory quietly told Felicity that they were coming back to base. Soberly, Curtis and Rene followed them. Rene kept yanking on his hockey mask and fiddling with the pistols attached to his belt.
"I should of been there," he muttered silently "I should have been there. I could have warned them."
Curtis had no response. Instead he remained silent; slowing rubbing his idea finger against a hole one of the robots had left behind on his jacket. The bold red lettering 'Fair Play' on both arms was blackened with soot and grime. His hair was an absolute mess and the burning smell he kept smelling was definitely coming off him.
He allowed Rene to walk in front of him. He didn't want the man to see the tears coming down his face.
They were gone. They were really gone.
And there was nothing they could do about it.
PLEASE REVIEW! I will try to update as soon as possible. Though...I might update quicker the more reviews I get. Anyways...thanks!
* Zoo is a novel/book about animals going crazy, killing people, and basically taking over the world. Very creepy story. DO NOT recommend reading it alone.
Gordon. Couldn't help myself. I had to do at least one Batman Easter Egg. No it isn't James Gordon of GCPD, but I borrowed his last name.
- Sil