HELLO EVERYONE! Nick Write here, doing a collab story with ma gurl, JesterGirl01. We decided that I make the first chapter, and then we kind of wing it from there. Well, I suppose that is all I have to say. READ ON!

It was a beautiful day in Beach City. The weather was warm, and the sun was shining bright on the Boardwalk. On the said Boardwalk, a young boy with poofy, black hair happily strolled in the sunlight. However this wasn't just any boy. In fact, this boy was an alien-human hybrid, living with several other aliens that protected the Earth in a galatic war. Thousands of years ago. So, of course, nothing in his life could ever be normal. Except for, he hoped, today. It was nice enough that maybe, he could just relax after all of the saving the world he'd been doing lately. He sighed. Yes, it was indeed hard to be a Crystal Ge-

He was cut from his inner musings, when he accidently bumped into a couple of people the had stopped and looked at one of the booths. One of them had fell over, while the other looked on, surprised. The one that fell was a boy, with blonde hair, at a medium length, and a pair of black, square framed glasses. He looked sorta like Ronaldo, if Ronaldo's hair was calm. He groaned.

" Did anyone catch the number of that bus?"

He reached for the boy's hand, and helped him up, introducing himself in the process.

" Hi, I'm Steven. Sorry for bumping into you like that. I was zoned out."

He grinned, and waved his hand dismissively." Nick, and no need to apologize. I fall like that normally, without a kid that feels like a brick wall crashing into me."

The girl slapped him in the back of his head, knocking his glasses crooked.

" That was mean, Nick."

He grumbled a quiet,' Yeah, yeah.' and got behind her. They were both about a foot and a half taller than the boy, and the girl bent down slightly, to look Steven in the eyes. She grinned.

" Hi, Steven! I'm Ashlon! It's really great to meet you! Sorry for Nick, he tends to not think before he speaks."

Steven blushed, and rubbed the back of his "neck".

" It's no problem. I've had worse. Trust me."

Never loosing her smile, Ashlon straightend back up, just in time for Nick to but an arm around her, and shake her sorta violently.

" So, Steven. I take it you're one of the natives of this here fine city? 'Cause we're absolutely 100% lost right now."

Looking over, Ashlon gave him that look. Yeah, you know the one.

" I thought you said you knew where we were going!"

Nick shrugged." I didn't want you to think we're lost or anything."

Ashlon just looked more deadpan." But we are."

Nick pointed to Steven, who was simply watching the two in confusion.

" Not if he doesn't live here we aren't"

Ashlon sighed, and they were silent, before they both started laughing. They calmed down, and focused back on Steven, who had oddly not left yet.

" So, you think you can show us around town?"

Steven grinned." Of course I can. Anything for a few tourists!"

Saying the last part jokingly, they all continued together on the Boardwalk.

A Few Hours Later...

Once they had all returned where they had met on the Boardwalk, Steven realized that it was getting rather late. Steven turned to the couple, and smiled.

" Well, I guess that ends our tour of the town. I really need to be getting home, and I'm guessing you do to?"

Nick shrugged." Well, I never saw a motel, and there isn't anywhere else for us to stay."

Ashlon sighed, and put her head in her hand.

Steven thought a moment, and then brightened up immediatley.

" I have an idea! You guys can come and sleep over at my place! For a while at least, while you settle in Beach City, if you're planning to stay, or just leaving whenever you need. It'll be like a sleepover, and the Gems love it when I make new friends!"

Ashlon was confused." Gems? Wait, Nick isn't that..."

Nick nodded." That's the alien race that was discovered to have come to Earth thousands of years ago, acording to archeologists and historians...if they're living here, in Beach City, the we only have one choice..."

The couple's face was covered in shadows, and Steven began to get worried, at least, he was until they both looked at him, eyes shining and a smile from cheek to cheek. They yelled in unison.


Howdy ho, what do you know. That, my friends, is what we call " a wrap". Thank you all for reading along, and I suppose I'll talk to you guys again after the next chapter. Please Follow, Favorite, and Review. Remember to be the best bagel you can be, and as always(from me)...

See You On The Flip-Side~Nick Write