The rivalry between the houses of Zorel and Luthor was not exactly a long one but it was one written in magic and the suffering of many. It had not always been so.

When the two men, Alexander of Luthor and Kal of Zorel first began, they were friends. Kal was a chivalrous, if sometimes clumsy squire and Alexander, an apprentice to a sorcerer. Over time, however, the nature of their friendship changed as the two men grew up and began to seek out different paths.

Alexander began to seek out power. In his hunger for power, he lost sight of his duties, as a noblemen, he should have cared for the well-being of his people. Instead, Alexander diverted resources and what manpower he could toward seeking out magical artifacts that would help his power grow. In particular, magical rock that fell from the sky.

As Alexander, once known to Kal as Lex, lost himself to power lust, Kal could not ignore the suffering of his people. It was against their laws to interfere in how other nobles handled their people unless brought before the Greater Council.

Kal tried to do so only the Greater Council, seeking to stem a possible war, forbid him from acting and bid Alexander to treat his people better. Their words were not heeded.

As his friend, Lex grew in power, Kal knew he had to protect his people. He donned the colors of the house of Zorel and without an army, rode to face his once friend.

The battle they say, was long and terrible. It had started with words Then turned to magic and sheer endurance on Kal's part. Kal, equipped with a blessed armor and shield he had been granted from a what is said to have been a dragon he bested, absorbed many of Alexander's magics. It is rumored the armor when magic is absorbed, can make the wearer stronger.

Kal realized the power source of Alexander's never-ending magic. As Lex tried to deter him, Kal destroyed his magical star rock.

Powerless, Kal defeated his once friend and imprisoned him with the help of another sorcerer. Lex would remain in a cage that would keep him without access to magic.

Lex had used up so much of the land's very own life force in his battle with Kal that he caused the lands of Luthor to go into a many year famine.

Kal, who feels responsible for the battle that caused the famine sends what grain they can spare from the lands of Zorel.

It is as a shipment of grain is being escorted to the Luthor lands and escorted by one, Lady Knight of Zorel that our tale begins.