The Princess who lived

I don't own anything.

Spells and Divine angry voices.

computers,Scolls,books,Letters,and songs.

(A/n Harry Potter/Sofia the First/Marvel/Blue Bloods/Percy Jackson/Once Upon a time/Scooby Doo/Simpsons/Gargoyles/Korra/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(2012)/Lucifer/Code Geass/Witcher(For a few characters)/Power Rangers/Disney/NCIS

Pairing FemHarryxHermionexSofiaxElenaxAnnabethxKaraixAprilxEuphiemia


CharlusxDorea past and future ?xBelle (That is going to be a little mystery for a while)

Good Cul Borson ,Mr Burns,Lucifer Godfather T'challa,Nick Fury,Lucifer, Weasley,Snape,Malfoy,Umbridge,and Death Eater Bashing

Lisa is older than Bart in this story by a good seven years. Fem Thor. Alive Potter grandparents just missing for now. Cul is under a dark curse. Merlin is not the Sorcerer. I am using someone else who will be revealed much later in the story. Nikki is Danny's daughter. Maggie Simpson is one year young than Female Harry.)

Halloween ball confession gets interupted by blue flames,The Lost Potter Heiress' return,and Headmaster's meeting.

It was All Hallows eve at Royal Prep ,and the Ballroom was decorated for the Annual All Hallows eve Ball. Every prince, and princess was dressed in their own hand made costume. Princess Amber of Enchancia was dressed in a peacock theme dress. Princess Sofia who was dressed like Merlin with out a beard headed towards one of the only few students who was not in costume .

"Vivian is that a new necklace?",asked Sofia noticing a weird red colored crystal connected to a simple silver chain.

"Yes it is Sofia. I founded the crystal when I was on a walk with Crackle in the woods near my castle. It glowed when I touched it.",said Vivian

"I have a gift for you.",said Sofia handing Vivian a large box.

"Thank you Sofia.",said Vivian

"Open it. I think you will really like it.",said Sofia as Vivian open the box to reveal a new Mandolin made out of willow. On the face there as a carving of Crackle playing with Clover the bunny. There was gold, and silver as the normal iron parts.

"Thank you Sofia I really love it.",said Vivian holded the new mandolin as if was a gift from the gods.

"I know you would you like. I can't wait to hear you perform with it.",said Sofia

"Sofia there is something I want to ask you.",said Vivian as she began to blush.

"Sure Vivian what is it?",asked Sofia

"Ever since I meet you I felt a connection to you. I want to ask will you be my...",said Vivian before being cut off as a circle of blue fire began to circle around her.

"Ms. Fauna, ,and Ms. Merryweather. Something is happening to Vivian.",shouted Sofia as the flames reached Vivian's face which caused the three fairy headmistresses to fly over to them.

"Oh dear heavens.",said Ms. Fauna as the flames vanished revealing that Vivian vanished as well.

"I think it is best that we cancel the ball so that we can figure out what happen to princess Vivian.",said

"I will go to Mystic Meadows to see if any of them know about people who vanished in blue flames involuntary at least. Then I will go inform King Marcus,and Queen Cecily about their missing daughter.",said Ms. Merryweather

"I want to help.",said Sofia which caused the three fairies to look at her.

"We need your help anyway,because you were the closest to Princess Vivian before she vanished. Merryweather will take you to Mystic Meadows. Princess Amber,and Prince James will let your parents know that you are helping us.",said
Meanwhile at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardy.

"We now have our Champions for the Triwizard tournament.",said Proffessor Albus Dumbledore as the Goblet of Fire relit sending two blue fire balls in to the air. The first fire ball revealed a piece of paper which Dumbledore paled when he read the name.

Vivian Rose Potter-Blake-Decker-Evans-Grace-Jackson-Mallard-Maza-Regan-Renard-Simpson.

"What does the paper say?",asked Professor McGonagall

"Vivian Potter.",said Professor Dumbledore as the second blue flame landed revealing a very confused,and scared Vivian still holding her mandolin. There was two gasps for the Gryffindor table form a light brown hair girl,and a blond hair girl who were both around Vivian's age.

"Where am I,and why did you kidnapped me?",asked Vivian

"Ms. Potter this way.",said Professor Dumbledore.

"I am not Ms. Potter. My name, and title is Princess Vivian of Zumaria. Now why did you kidnapped me.",said Vivian who was starting to get a little annoyed and starting to panic at every one who is staring at her.

"Professor McGonagall will take you in to the other room where we will explained it to you there.",said Professor Dumbledore who appeared calm on the outside ,but on the inside he was freaking out.'Oh Merlin beard I now have to deal with another school,and a custody battle between Vivian's birth mothers,and her ROYAL adopted parents. I will have to tell that she is the blood adopted princess of Wakanda because of her godfather Prince T'challa who got cursed with a sterilization curse because of Lucius Malfoy,and Barty Crouch Jr. I am going to need a fire whiskey or twenty after this.'

"So they want us to return to the great hall.",said a older blond girl as Vivian walked in to the room.

"Exciting news Potter is the fourth champion.",said a very excited man who reminded Vivan a bit like her pet dragon Crackle.

"What this little girl is a champion?",said the blond hair girl.

"For starters, Ludo you mistaked Vivian's title . She is a princess, a member of royalty. Yes her name did come out of the goblet of fire. Vivian will repersent her school that she attends as soon as her head master or head mistress arrives.",said a man with a very short mustache ,and a grumpy personallity.

"I hope , ,and can get me home.",said Vivian

"Did you just say , ,and ?",asked a very large woman.

"Yes they are my headmistresses.",said Vivian

"Well at least we know what school she will repersent.",said the large woman.

"What school is that?",asked Professor Dumbledore

"Royal Prep, the school for Princes,and Princesses. The school was founded by the three fairies who helped Prince Philip save his true love Princess Aurora from the curse of Maleficent the mistress of Darkness.",said the large woman.

"Princess Aurora of the kingdom of Stephanstan ,and Prince Philip of Drastila.",said Vivian.

"The first task is on the 19th. It will test your courage under an unknown threat.",said the excited man.

"Minevra can you please take Vivian to a guest room and then come to my office.",said Professor Dumbledore

"I will see you shortly.",said McGongall left the room leading Vivian.

Twenty minutes later in Professor Dumbledore office. Professor Dumbledore was staring a blank parchement like it was execution warrant.

"What is wrong?",asked McGonagall as soon as she walked in to the office.

"I have a feeling that If I write this letter to Vivian's birth parents is that same thing as signing my own death certificate.",said Dumbledore.

"It will be better to that they hear it from you first, than reading the Daily Prophet. Just imagine what Korra could do to you if she reads Rita's lies first.",said McGonagall.

"I don't have to imagine what an angry Avatar can do. I was at the Fire Nation Royal Palace when Avatar Roku found out about the first colony in the Earth Kingdom. I was there to give prince Azulon who is ironically Korra's great great grandfather his Hogwarts Letter.",said Dumbledore as he began to write.

"I am concern about Vivian . She will be at a major disavantage in this tournament.",said McGonagall.

"That is one of the reasons why I am writing these letters. Since we can't help her, because of the rules of the tournament. There is no rule about parents to help the champions prepare.",said Dumbledore

"I hope you are ready to play a peacefully mediator between a pair of royals,and Vivian's birth parents. I don't envy your postion.",said McGonagall which caused Dumbledore to groan.

Chapter end
A/n Fair warning the next chaper will be graphic.