Dec 25th - Free prompt

I savored the relative quiet of Christmas. Waking up with a hangover helped to temper any desire to go crazy partying. Two days in a row wasn't exactly my style. Instead, I meandered over to Christina and Will's apartment sometime after lunch, bearing a three-layer dip and chips to boot. They had a few people over - Uriah, Al, Marlene, and Lynn - but overall I enjoyed the quiet air.

We didn't bother exchanging gifts since none of us had the points to go crazy buying for one another. I did spot a glass plate with etching sitting delicately on the coffee table that I'd never seen before, but I didn't mention it. The happy couple should be entitled to some privacy with their gifts to one another.

Uriah brought a couple board games that he'd borrowed from his parents, and we played in messy, horrible teams all afternoon long. I laughed and smiled the whole time, but by the time dinner rolled around all I wanted was to grab food from the cafeteria and go back to my own cozy apartment. Christina pouted when I hugged everyone goodbye before I told her we'd hang out sometime over the weekend. That made her brighten up.

I settled into my couch with a fleece blanket on my lap and the newspaper from the past week. I'd barely glanced at it previously. I enjoyed having the chance to just sit and read, wrapped up in my cozy cocoon.

"Hey Tris?" Knocking and calling woke me up. I blearily freed myself from the blanket and avoided tripping on dropped newspaper. I'd drifted off while reading. Oh my god, I was turning into my father at age sixteen.

I made it to the door before another round of knocks came. Eric smiled wide, his cheeks rosy. "Merry Christmas!" He said cheerfully, landing a quick peck on my cheek. "Sorry to just drop by. I know we didn't really talk about doing anything for X-mas but I just wanted to pop by. Do the quickie hello how are you and then you can boot me out."

He leaned heavily on my doorframe, clearly exhausted but still painfully happy. I chuckled and shook my head. "No problem and no rush. I was just reading," I explained, yawning into an open palm.

Eric bobbed his head and stepped inside at my invitation. I shoved the newspapers into a rough pile on my low table. That would have to be good enough for Eric's company; it wasn't like I was entertaining for a massive group. Or that he hadn't seen my apartment in a total wreck.

"No one's over," I explained, though it didn't need to be said.

"I'm relieved, actually," Eric admitted. "It's been nonstop gatherings all day for me, so this is really, really nice." He sank into the couch, eyes fluttering closed. I settled next to him, nudging him with an elbow.

"Hey douchebag, you can't just fall asleep here."

He pouted, not opening his eyes. "Not even a little?" Eric said sadly.

I laughed, it was too funny a sight not to. "If you'd come to my door begging for mercy and an amazing couch then maybe. But you came by to do the whole 'hello how are you' thing, so you have to deliver on that," I teased.

Groaning, Eric lurched forward from the seat on the couch. He moved sideways, capturing me in a crushing hug. "Hello. How are you, Tris?" he asked.

I returned his kiss from earlier, planting a peck on his forehead. "Better now that you're here," I answered earnestly. "It was getting a bit dull but I couldn't bear the thought of looking for another party."

Eric softened his hug but he didn't stop cradling me in his arms. I pushed him with one hand and he quickly shifted away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, Tris," he apologized.

It was my turn to pout. "Seriously? I think we're a little past you hugging me making me uncomfortable." Eric blinked owlishly and I realized he was still a little drunk. Alcohol can make you think stupid things, like that the girl moving you to be a more comfortable snuggle partner doesn't want you touching her.

"I just, I don't know," Eric sighed. His hand came up to run through his hair and my snuggling plans crashed to a standstill. I knew that look. Or could make a decently educated guess as to what it meant. Eric was conflicted and thinking way too hard for Christmas night.

He moved to sit normally, his knees not quite touching mine as I mirrored his movements. "I've been avoiding this conversation. It was easier, to just assume that you and I were just… having fun with one another," he admitted.

"That's how it started," I said softly. Eric nodded. We were in agreement there, then.

"You've only been Dauntless for a couple months, really," he started. "Half the time I can't believe it's been such a short time but it really has been just that, a few months. I worry sometimes that I'm going to read you completely wrong because you don't think the same way we do all the time."

He held up a hand when I was about to protest. "I don't mean that in a rude way or to say you're not 'one of us' or bullshit like that," Eric quickly added. "I meant… geeze it's hard to word this right. I meant that I'm so worried that I'm thinking you're looking for something that you're really not and you think that just messing around is normal in Dauntless - and it is but there's something also to be said about knowing when messing around is more than that."

I squirmed in my seat. He had a point, one that I could clearly see where all this was driving too. But Eric was wrong in his assumption. Or his fears. I wasn't just dicking around, making out with him because it was fun or that because his attention made me feel nice.

"Eric, hang on," I interrupted. My hand found his and I intertwined our fingers. "You don't have to explain. I know what you mean."

Taking a deep breath, it was my turn to form messy thoughts and feelings into words. I looked down at my feet. The carpet was easier to look at than his eyes. "We started off just messing around because we were drunk and because I think we both liked flirting with each other. And the more we did that, the less it felt like messing around. That's a good thing, I think. Or it was a good thing for me at least," I explained slowly.

"I liked spending time with you. Baking cookies. In training. In the office. All that. And it made me want to flirt with you more and I thought that you liked it, too. But if I caught feelings and pushed things too far, I want you to know you don't have to worry. I get it - things are casual when they're casual but they're bad when someone is thinking they are serious when they're not." I swallowed thickly.

"So if this is you saying you don't want me to put moves on you or flirt or whatever, I get that. I know I started falling for you and you probably aren't feeling the same way. God knows, I'm not the greatest person to deal with. I railed you pretty hard over that stupid thing that happened years ago. But yeah," I finished weakly. "I'm cool calling things off. I pushed it too far."

The carpet blurred. I chewed on the inside of my cheek until things sharpened again. I couldn't cry. It was Christmas.

My hand jerked as Eric tugged on it. I looked over at him, resolved to see a relieved Leader who had finally gotten rid of a clingy trainee.

Heartbreak wasn't in my glossary of Eric emotions. His eyes were wide, shocked as his mouth sagged open. "You want to break things off? Because you think I don't feel anything for you?" His question was a whisper.

"Tris, god that's the last thing I want to do. I was saying all those things because I thought I was the idiot who caught feelings for a girl who wasn't looking for anything more. When you didn't make a move after sleeping at my place, I thought for sure you just were messing around. And I mean, I would have been fine with that but the more I thought about it-"

I reached out gingerly, amazed of the casual admission of feelings that was spilling out of reserved Eric Coulter. "I'm not just messing around," I stated, resolute. "I want us to be… something."

His fingertips met mine, flesh meeting flesh in the gentlest of touches. I couldn't breathe, needing him to respond. "Tris Prior, I would date the shit out of you. I'm not messing around, either. There hasn't been anyone on my radar except you and I don't want to change that," Eric managed to spit out. He had to stop and clear his throat, something I didn't really give him time to do before I threw myself back into his arms.

My legs straddled his hips and I held his face between both hands. "You're the only one for me," I said.

"You're the only one for me," he replied. Slate grey eyes sparked with wonder and pure joy. I felt my own face break into a smile. It was a matter of centimeters between our mouths. Too much space. I needed to devour him, to have us connect here in the moment of our stupid, ridiculous realization that we both wanted each other.

I kissed him, deeply and in a slow, passionate sequence. His arms wrapped around my torso, hitching me closer. Teeth grazed my lower lip as he teased me gently. I nipped back, raking nails through his buzzed hair.

Disheveled and breathing hard, we broke apart. We breathed in sync, a trance practically upon us. I felt the tension on a knife's edge. If we had continued, it could have turned into something that could be regretted, something neither of us were ready to deal with together if mere making out had caused such a misunderstanding.

"You've never been hotter, talking about how you care and all that mushy stuff," I joked to break the tension. Eric started to laugh, the sound coming from deep in his chest, vibrating in my hands that I slowly moved to a more casual position atop his shoulders.

He kissed me once more, slow and languid. "I strive to please," he murmured softly. "Now get off so that I can give you your Christmas gift, Tris."

I happily rolled over, tucking myself under one of his arms as he pulled a parcel from a side pocket in his tac pants. "It's a little messy because I didn't know if I'd see you throughout the day, but here, enjoy," Eric said gruffly.

The package was wrapped in plain paper - I appreciated the practicality, especially with how crinkled it had gotten in his pocket - and felt heavy for its small size. Curiosity made me tear the paper quickly, tossing tiny pieces at Eric as they came away in my hands.

A two-toned rectangle came tumbling out, hefty and utterly unknown to me. "What is it?" I was forced to ask after turning it over yielded no further answers. Eric laughed and pulled out a knife from his vest.

"It's a whetstone. You can hone your knives edges on it. I've got like five of them scattered around. It's a nice thing to be able to do when you're thinking or on patrol," he answered eagerly. I took the knife and flipped it open.

"It's perfect!" I cooed, dragging the blade slowly along the white top. Eric showed me how to angle the blade properly and warned me on the dangers of over-using the stone.

"I may have ruined my favorite pocket knife from over honing," he admitted with a laugh. "Then I swallowed my pride and asked Richards how you're supposed to do it. He explained, for a cost."


I settled back, honing both sides of Eric's knife for him to get the knack of the motions, as the conversation moved on to other topics. "Oh! Before we get too off topic, I have something for you," I said as I jerked up quickly. Eric watched in confusion as I went over to my computer and booted up the media player once again.

The file folder was properly named this time - I'd named it before starting the project this time to prevent misspellings - and I loaded the first song. I had to count to five before I allowed myself to look over at Eric.

I don't want a lot for Christmas

There is just one thing I need

I don't care about the presents

Underneath the Christmas tree

I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true oh

All I want for Christmas is you

A raucous smile broke out after the first line, fading to that dazzling sweet expression that thrilled me to my core to see on Eric's face. "I fixed the playlist. I think the first song still says everything, though."