A/N: A bit of some background information: I do not own Girls Und Panzer. This is an AU 1940, Miho and the rest of the girls from GuP are Tank Crewmembers in their respective nation of course, much older and a bit more mature. Miho and her Tank Team are apart of Rommel's AfrikaKorps, Rommel being a Tank Commander himself and very daring during the France Campaign I thought it would be fitting. The story will be a bit more than just childish, it will lean to darker tones but hopefully I'll be able to maintain the whimsical nature of the show.

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Chapter 1

The desert was no one's friend, it was hot and extremely desolate of any natural water and the sand storms constantly clogged up the air filters thus the tanks demanded constant maintenance. As such several tank crews were doing so currently, the army was currently stopped for refueling and rearming, several trucks moved between several Tanks for such tasks. The German Infantry were stationed nearby, some even offered their assistance to some Tankers as to relieve themselves from boredom of the shifting ssand dunes.

One crew in particular enjoyed their moment of calm and peace, finally allowed to properly take care of their precious tank, the Panzerkampfwagen IV H. It was painted carefully to match the distinctive sand color, blending it well with the sands around them and hiding them from any possible aerial reconnaissance, but most important was the crew's Tank symbol. A small pink Anglerfish, drawn in a childish manner but hidden beneath its exterior additional armor acting as a Turret Skirt.

"Oye Miho!" Yukari cried out, cleaning out some of the last clumps of sand hidden in part of the engine compartment, "You think the General will get us new parts soon?" She asked.

"Doubt it, we barely have enough replacement parts for about half of our trucks, Tank Parts are a diamonds in the sand dunes," Mako gloomily replied, their said driver laying down on the provided shade that the tank produced. A pillow placed beneath her head.

How did she manage to bring that pillow with her everywhere she goes? Yukari asked mentally before looking up towards their Tank Commander Miho, "Eh? You really think we won't get new Tank Parts too Miho?" She asked again.

Miho stood on top of her Tank, her hands holding her binoculars to her face as she scanned the outstretched sea of sand in front of her. She turned to face her Tank crew with a soft smile, "Once we reach Tobruk we should have access to the Ports there and shipments of new parts will come in from Mainland Germany," Miho responded, her words spoken softly but always held an air of confidence around them.

Perhaps not the answer Yukari wanted, but as it seems it would be the answer she would only get at the moment. Truthfully she herself had expected the response, she too read the reports and new of the battle plan given to them by their Lieutenant General. She felt a tad uneasy at the prospect fighting with their backs against the wall but she knew, along with the rest of her crew, than to speak her true feelings on the matter.

"Well I can't wait to finally get back to the ocean, and back to the beach!" Saori declared, digging herself out from underneath the tank. Her uniform was stained with oil and grease as she handed Yukari a thumbs up for the small repairs on the transmission. "Am I right Hana?" Saori asked their gunner.

Hana herself was inside the tank, the hatches open as to allow her to hear the conversations behad outside, her fingers delicately correcting the ranges on her aim sights. She looked confused as she peered outside to address Saori, "Huh? I thought you wanted to go back to Italy and visit more of their Sweet shops?" Hana responded to Saori. Who in turn looked embarrassed as she waved her hands in front of her.

"Of course not Hana! What would ever make you think that?" She asked nervously, it was bad enough she was known to oogle at young men from time to time, but being known as a Sweet Tooth would ruin her persona.

Yukari only laughed as did Hana, and some gurgled sounds came from Mako of that Saori wasn't exactly sure if it was laughing or choking. Miho also giggled quickly at the antics of her tank crew before returning to gazing the sands ahead of her.

Miho knew of the dangers that laid ahead of them, certainly as the acting Commander for the first All Female Armored Tank Division, she had a lot to live up to and even more so to exceed her own expectations. Miho looked behind her and saw the other group of Panzer IV tanks lined up perfectly, each with their own colourful symbol from their crew and each had unwavering loyalty and trust in her ability to lead.

The wind began to pick up, sand rustled and shifted around them, small swirls rose up and died down as moans from her crew grew at the idea of sand coming back into their tank. Thankfully they weren't moving so they could tightly seal all the hatches and keep the engine and radiator seal tight. No point of keeping the exhaust ports open when the engine weren't on.

Sand around grew more restless and soon a storm creeped closer to them, the crew followed Miho back into the Tank once they had properly assured sand wouldn't enter the engine compartments. They all sat in their seats within the tank, the crashing of sand all around them, bouncing off the armor and skirt plates as they all waited for the storm to pass.

The radio suddenly bursted into life, the crew jumped as the crackle of a voice broke through their silence. "PanzerKommandant Miho, Herr General Rommel has ordered the march to Tobruk once the storm has subsided," And the voice disappeared.

"That was the short comm radio, they must be chaining the information slowly," Yukari commentated as she gave a sheepish smile towards Miho.

The whole crew looked a bit more lively, except for Mako who still laid sprawled on her driver seat, haphazardly sleeping in an awkward position. Miho nodded, "We'll follow the battle plan, and we'll seize Tobruk with everyone's help," She added, her mind going back to the Map and the Battle Plan that was laid out to all the PanzerKommandants to follow. "Relay the message to the others in our squad and make sure they have the right frequencies once enter battle zone 1 and battle zone 2," Miho ordered as she pulled out her notebook, a small map folded open as she grabbed her pencil and compass. The sand storm would continue for a bit of more time and Miho knew she needed all the time to keep her notes clear.

From the distant explosions could be heard, much of it from Airstrikes and their own artillery adding to the bombardment of the Fortress City of Tobruk. Miho stood patiently among the rest of the Panzer Commanders, their uniforms crisp and caps matched perfectly among all of them. Miho realized she wasn't the shortest of the bunch, but was one of the only one with longer hair than the rest of them. Rest of them being of course males and Miho herself being the only female.

They all stood perfectly straight, eyes forward and arms straight down, waiting for their General. The man himself stepped inside the tent, his iconic cap and and desert coat strode inside, his face stoic as he saluted his Commanders returned to a rested military stance.

"At ease Kommandants," General Rommel spoke first as he placed himself in the center of the room, "Today we take Tobruk, the Allies have overstayed their welcome and Herr Führer Hitler commands us to be victorious," General Rommel continued, "You all know your roles and you all know the battle plan, and today you all are our Steel Warriors, our victory has been entrusted in your hands," The General finished, "Dismissed!"

Everyone began to file out of the General's tent and as Miho followed suite a gentle hand rested on her shoulder and she froze solid as she turned to find the General himself holding her shoulder before releasing her, "A moment" He ordered as the rest of the Commanders marched back to their Tanks and crew.

Once it was on them two Miho offered a salute, "Sir!", her salute stiff and her eyes pointed straight ahead.

"At ease Commander Miho," General Rommel waved, sighing deeply, "How are you holding up? And how are the others as well?" He asked her, his eyes softened a tad as he looked at her.

Miho relaxed and nodded thoughtfully, "We are all doing fine Herr Rommel, just anxious to see Tobruk and hopefully to get new parts," Miho explained.

Rommel chuckled, "New parts ja? Well this probably won't satisfy but I'm under strict orders to give it to you as soon as I had received this packaged," Rommel responded, Miho looking a bit confused, as the Lieutenant General Rommel turned to grab a small package from his papers.

He walked over and opened the box revealing an Acorn, it shone brightly and carved into the Acorn was the Cartoonish Anglerfish. Miho remained wide eyed and mouth gaped open as she held the Acorn pin on her palms.

"Gertrude, my little mouse, along with my son Manfred helped carve out some Acorns for you and your crew," Rommel explained, he held her a bigger box containing the rest of the Acorn pins.

Miho only smiled brightly at the gift, "Oh Uncle Rommel, tell little Gertrude and Manny I love it! My crew will enjoy them I'm just sure of it," Miho explained, embracing the General right there, whom returned the hug as his cheeks hinted of a shade of red for a moment.

"I will Miho, my Panzer Princesses," Rommel chuckled, Miho released her General and her own cheeks only redden at her old childhood nickname. "You're dismissed and allowed to return back to you crew Commander Miho, Panzer Vor!"

"Panzer Vor!"