The first chapter of Episode IV. This one is a special chapter.

It had been a week since Revan and Ahsoka had returned to the Temple after being captured during the Battle of Felucia and the young Knight had been nervous around his girlfriend the whole time. I mean how can you not be when you want to ask you're girlfriend to marry you, sure they were only fifteen, but it's not like it would be a public marriage. Plus, he'd go over anyone's head if it meant marrying the woman he loves. Revan looked at the ring and rubbed his robot thumb over the crystals softly, a blue and orange crystal were on the top with a green one in the middle, how he got it, well… that's a story for another time.

'Okay… I need to figure out how i'm gonna do this.' the Knight paced in his room for a bit then sat back on his bed as he tried to think of a way before shoving the ring into his pocket quickly as the door opened, Katie rolled in and beeped a greeting, earning a sigh in relief from her master. "Oh, it's just you, Katie. For a second there I thought you were Ahsoka." he said with a small smile. Katie gave a suspicious beep. "I would never cheat on Ahsoka!" he snapped an she replied with a questioning beep. "Alright, i'll show you." he relented, taking the ring out and showing her.

Katie beeped and whistled excitedly before he calmed her down and she asked him how he was gonna ask Ahsoka. The teen ran a hand over his head. "I don't know. I keep worrying she'll reject me, after all, she's got good reason to. We're only fifteen years old and the biggest reason, we're Jedi. It's forbidden." he said, closing his eyes and releasing a long sigh. Katie nudged him gently and gave a reassuring beep, earning a small thankful smile from her friend and master. "You're right Katie, we do love each other quite deeply. I think i'll talk to Anakin first, he probably has some ideas, seeing as how he's already married." the teen said before he walked to the door. "One more thing, do you think you could subtly distract Ahsoka for an hour, maybe two?" he asked, earning an affirmative beep.

Revan jogged down the Temple's hallways while searching of Anakin's Force-signature. 'He's gotta be somewhere around here, now where-' he was snapped out of thoughts when the object of his nervousness was seen coming out of the Mess Hall, the Knight made a beeline towards the closest pillar and hid behind it as his heart thumped against his chest loudly, he was worried his thumping heart would give away his location. "Hmm… I could've sworn I just saw Revan…" she mumbled. The Knight was glad he still hid his Force-signature.

Revan slid along the pillar and watched his girlfriend walk down the hallway, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty for avoiding her. 'I'm certain it'll all pay off in the end…' he fixed his robes before walking into the Mess and spotted Anakin eating some cereal. The younger Knight walked towards his friend before next few seconds felt like a blur, he was snapped out of it as his face felt wet and his friend was chuckling. "You know, if you wanted some cereal you could've got some of your own. Instead of diving headfirst into mine." Anakin joked. "Shut up, Skywalker." he grumbled, grabbing a napkin and cleaning his face before tossing it into the trash then sitting across from the older Knight.

"When you're done laughing at my expense, I need to talk to you seriously for a second." the teen said. Anakin's chuckling stopped immediately when he realized his friend wasn't joking. "What's on your mind?" he asked after they got two bowls of cereal. Revan looked around and noticed everyone else was a bit further away before lowering his head closer to the bowl and speaking quietly. "I want to marry Ashoka." he said, fishing a spoonful of only milk and marshmallows before eating it. The older Knight lowered his spoon and his jaw dropped. "Wow… That's quite a big step in your relationship. You sure your ready?" he asked, lowering his voice as well. "Only one way to find out." the teen replied.

"Well. If she says 'yes', don't forget to invite me." he joked slightly. "Don't worry." his friend assured with a smirk before getting serious again. "What I really wanted to ask was, how would a guy go about popping the question?" he asked, picking one of the normal cereal pieces out of his mouth and throwing it in the trash, he always hated the 'normal' pieces of cereal. "I'm afraid I don't have a frame of reference, me and Padme got married when I escorted her back to Naboo after the Battle of Geonosis. Sorry." Anakin apologized. Revan sighed. "It's fine. Probably best I do my own thing anyway, huh?" he said before standing up. "Thanks anyway." he said, waving to his friend before leaving.

'Now what do I do? Hmm… she's a girl, maybe she has an idea.' Revan brought his arm up and contacted Padme. "Padme?" he asked and instead of his friend's voice he heard, it was a familiar protocol droid's. "My apologies, Master Revan, but Miss Padme has to get ready for a meeting and cannot-" Threepio's voice was cut off when Padme shooed him away. "Sorry about that, Revan. Threepio insists I remain focused on getting ready for my meeting, which isn't for another hour!" she rose her voice during the last few words and Revan knew they were directed at the golden droid. 'Anakin and Padme are truly meant for one another, their personalties are proof.' he smiled before it dropped when he remembered what happens in the next few years. "It's fine, Padme. I was wondering if I could talk to you?" he asked. "Of course, i'm currently in my office at the Senate. See you in a bit." she replied before cutting off. The Knight lowered his arm before making his way to one of the hangers.

Revan took a speeder bike and headed towards the Senate, the teen parked the bike near the main entrance and got off before walking up to the building. Revan saluted the Senate Commandos who returned it before he walked into the building and made his way to Padme's office. "Revan! Good to see you." Padme greeted, and quickly caught him in a hug before he could stop her. "How are you?" she asked, gesturing for him to sit as she sat in her normal spot behind the desk. "I'm guessing you're not just here to talk about politics?" she joked lightly. "It's actually something serious." he said. the Senator gestured for him to continue. "I plan on asking Ahsoka to marry me." he said. Padme's eyes widened. "Are you sure? I mean, you're both only fifteen. Isn't it a little early?" she asked. "I'm sure, and I don't care about the other two. I love Ahsoka." he replied.

Revan let it sink in for her. "Well if you're sure, did you need my help with something?" she asked. "Yes. I was wondering if you knew how I should approach her." he replied. "Well I have no-" she started before he raised his hand. "Frame of reference? Anakin told me the same thing." he sighed. "I may not be able to help with you popping the question, but I can help you get married secretly." she offered. "Really? Thanks! Now I just have to find a way to ask her." he replied before standing up. "I know you'll find a way." she assured as he walked to the door. "Oh, one more thing. Don't forget to invite me to the wedding." she joked with a smile, Revan returned it before leaving.

Back at the Temple, Revan walked to his room while trying to come up with a way to propose to his girlfriend. 'I need to think of something! Maybe-' he was snapped out of his thoughts when he entered his room and saw a very angry Ahsoka sitting on his bed with folded arms and a glare aimed at him. The Knight gulped silently. "You've been avoiding me all day." she accused. It wasn't the anger that made him mentally flinch, it was the undertone of hurt in her voice. "Why?" she demanded simply. He could tell from her tone that there was no room for excuses. Her boyfriend sighed. "I can explain… Just not right now. Meet me on the Temple's roof garden, tonight." he said, hoping she'd agree. Ahsoka stood up and didn't let up on her glare as she stepped beside him. "Fine. But if you don't give me a good reason, we're through!" she snapped before storming out of his room. The Knight gulped as his nervousness increased ten-fold with the threat of her breaking up with him now looming over his head. 'Fuck me.' were the best words he could think of.

Later that night Revan had left his mask in his room seeing as how he was proposing. The Knight took a few steps back from the picnic blanket to make sure he had everything. 'Okay. I've got candles, my favourite sandwiches and Ahsoka's favourite sandwiches. And of course, the ring.' Revan turned around when he heard footsteps trailing across the grass behind him and turned around. Ahsoka had her arms folded and was giving him a small glare while she sat on the blanket. His girlfriend's glare eventually dropped when she noticed the candlelight and his outstretched hand holding her favourite sandwich. "Look, I uh… I know none of this can convince you to forgive me right away." he admitted quietly. "You did almost ignore me all week, except of a few times." she said in a soft tone. "I know, and i'm going to explain why." he said. Ahsoka finished the sandwich before shifting her body so that she was facing him as he took a deep breath.

"We've know each other for almost two years, and i've loved you since the first day, even when I dated Barriss. Which was obviously a mistake, since I tried to force myself to love her. When we tried to help Padme make nice with the Separatists, I was jealous when Lux was around, I kept thinking I might lose you to him. That's why a part of me is hoping we don't see him again. As for Mortis… well, when I saw you corrupted by the Dark Side, I couldn't bring myself to attack you, even if you had attacked me with the intent to kill I would have let you. And when the Son killed you… I froze in horror as I saw your body crumple. When the Daughter offered her life and you came back, I was so happy and I decided to finally tell that I love you, Ahsoka." he said, gently wiping the tears off her face. "As for the reason I brought you out here…" he trailed off before shifting his body so he was on one knee and taking the ring out.

Ahsoka gasped softly as he held it in front of her. "Ahsoka… I know we're young and I know we have a hard time as it is trying to keep our relationship a secret, but… I love you and i'm asking you with all my heart..." Revan took a small breath. "Ahsoka Tano, will you marry me?" he asked. Ahsoka looked at the ring before looking back at him and giving a small tearful smile. "Yes…" she replied softly. Her fiancé gently slipped the ring on and the soon-to-be married couple kissed softly. Ahsoka cuddled against him as they laid on the blanket. "I love you…" she whispered, resting her head on his shoulder. "I love you too…" he whispered back. "So… when do you want to get married?" he asked after a moment of silence. "As soon as we can." she replied. "We may not have to wait long, Padme said she'd be willing to help us get married if you said yes." he said. "Let's go talk to her tomorrow then." Ahsoka suggested. The engaged couple laid under the stars for another hour before sharing a goodnight kiss and heading to their respective rooms.

The next morning they met up for breakfast and informed Anakin and Obi-Wan about the marriage. Obi-Wan was surprised but agreed to attend. The couple then made their way to Senate. "Ahsoka, Revan. Good to see you." Padme said before noticing the ring. "I see he proposed. I'm guessing you'd like my help to get married?" she asked, smiling at them. "Yes, please." Revan replied. "Alright. How soon do you want the wedding?" she asked. The couple looked at each other with smiles before they turned back to Padme. "As soon as possible." Ahsoka answered. "Well I think I can get everything set up in about three days, unless that's too early." she said. "It's perfect." Ahsoka replied.

"In that case, I will let you know when it's time. Oh, one more thing. Even though it's a secret wedding, you'll still need witnesses." she explained. "No worries there. Anakin, Obi-Wan and my droid Katie will be there. Plus you, if you still want to come that is." he said with a slight teasing tone at the end. "And miss two of my closest friends wedding? I don't think so! I will be there." the Senator replied, smiling at them. The couple bid goodbye to Padme and headed back to the Temple before letting Anakin and Obi-Wan know that wedding would most likely be in three days.

Three days later Padme let them know everything was ready and they decided to have the wedding on Naboo just like Anakin and Padme did. Revan stood nervously near the stone railing while Anakin and Obi-Wan stood beside him and tried keeping him calm. "Relax. Everything will be fine." Anakin reassured, patting him on the shoulder. Revan's jaw dropped as he saw Ahsoka in a white wedding dress and a shy smile on her face as she and Padme walked up to them. Ahsoka stood in front of him and Padme stood beside her. "You're beautiful…" he whispered, loud enough for only his soon-to-be wife to hear. Ahsoka blushed with the shy smile still on her face. "Thank you…" she whispered.

Since they were so focused on each other the two nearly missed the officiant's words. "Do you Revan take Ahsoka to be your wife in matrimony?" he asked the younger Knight. "I do." he replied, smiling at Ahsoka. "Do you Ahsoka take Revan to be your husband in matrimony?" the officiant asked her. "I do." she replied, returning the smile. "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." the officiant said. The married couple leaned in and shared a soft kiss as their friends clapped and congratulated them while Artoo and Katie beeped happily. "I love you…" the couple whispered to each other at the same time after breaking the kiss and smiled softly at each other...

First chapter of Episode IV done.